单词 | 抒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 抒—pour outExamples:抒情adj—lyricaladj 抒情n—lyricismn 抒情—lyric express emotion
包括国家元首和政府首脑在内的高级别官员、各机构负责 人、部长、大使、其他政府高官、知名专家、首席执行官和民间社会代表参加了 这些活动,使这些活动不仅成为各抒己见的论坛,更成为宣布为支持最不发达国 家实现发展目标包括最近通过的《行动纲领》所定目标交付具体成果的场所。 daccess-ods.un.org | Attended by high-level officials, including Heads of States and Governments, heads of agencies, ministers, ambassadors, other senior government officials, renowned experts, chief executive officers and civil society representatives, those events not only served as discussion forums, but also as venues to announce concrete deliverables aimed at supporting least developed countries in achieving their development goals, including those identified in the recently adopted Programme of Action. daccess-ods.un.org |
本 校 在 建 立 各 种 有 效 沟 通 渠 道 的 同 时 , 亦 会 鼓 励 家 长 、 学 生 及 员 工 善 用 有 关 渠 道 , 向 校 方 表 达 意 见和抒发感受 , 促 进 双 方 了 解 , 建 立 互 信 关 系 , 以 避 免 产 生 不 必 要 的 误 会 。 deliahw.edu.hk | While being aware of the importance of building various effective communication channels, our school will encourage parents, students and staff to make good use of these channels to express their opinions and feelings, so as to enhance mutual understanding and trust and avoid unnecessary confusing messages. deliahw.edu.hk |
我请特别委员会视个案情况在各个层面推动正式和非正式的真诚沟通,让各 个对话者都能各抒己见,其意见能得到真诚的聆听。 daccess-ods.un.org | I invite the Special Committee to promote genuine communication at all levels, formal and informal, in which interlocutors are genuinely listened to and heard, on a case-by-case-basis. daccess-ods.un.org |
在大力发展基础设施和 追求出色的专业管理的同时,西班牙还花大力气培养年轻的专业歌唱家,他们将 有幸成为在过去半个世纪中统领抒情诗世界的一代人的继承者。 daccess-ods.un.org | This development in infrastructure, and in the quest for excellence in professional management, has been accompanied by the rise of an excellent young core of professional singers, worthy heirs of the generation that reigned in the opera world in the mid-twentieth century. daccess-ods.un.org |
整张手卷的气质和姿态被赋予了现实主义的客观,同时也是抒情唯美主义的伤感。 shanghaibiennale.org | The painting adopts the objective idiom of realism, but it has an aestheticism and sadness. shanghaibiennale.org |
我一直觉得材料和审美方式是身体,而肢体语言可能可以是文学性质的,但是文学性质不见得就是抒情性 质的,所以我的身体可以走到另一边,干巴巴的走一圈,我反而就自由了。 shanghaibiennale.org | I’ve always thought that materials and aesthetic practice are a body, and the limbs may be language of a literary type, but literariness is not necessarily affective, so my body can walk the other way, walk pointlessly round in a circle, but at least I’m free. shanghaibiennale.org |
适量的咖啡可振奋精神、纾解忧郁,对生理有所助益,更是心灵抒压良方。 hwahsia.org.nz | The right amount of coffee can boost morale, relieve depression, be helpful on the physiology and help the mind to relieve stress. hwahsia.org.nz |
米歇尔 · 法努基博士 [...] 元首环境卫生研究课程,并将努力协调抒情与 研究生研究和博士 Claudiu [...]Lunguis 专攻研究与评价 的 VOC 暴露和国立倡议有关的研究项目。 lightupthelyric.com | Dr. Michelle Fanucchi heads the environmental [...] health studies curriculum and will work to [...] coordinatetheLyric project with [...]graduate student studies and Dr. Claudiu Lunguis [...]who specializes in research and studies related to evaluation of VOC exposure and NIOSH initiatives. lightupthelyric.com |
持续的转移的赠款资助 [...] 2010年龙卷风肆虐的阿拉巴马州社 区影响了其他可能的抒情站点包括更大伯明翰社区基金会 [...](GBCF)、 平视显示器,和阿拉巴马 州经济部门和社会事务 (ADECA) 的经费来源。 lightupthelyric.com | Continued diversion of grant funding to Alabama communities ravaged by the 2010 [...] tornados has impacted other potential sources of [...] funding for the Lyric site including [...]the Greater Birmingham Community Foundation [...](GBCF), HUD, and The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA). lightupthelyric.com |
推而广之,游行示威的正面回报,除了能够抒发巿民的怨气,稳定社会外,亦会鼓励更多巿民表达自己的意见,助长公民社会的发展。 hkupop.hku.hk | As an extension of this conclusion, any positive outcome of a mass protest would not only alleviate people's grievances and make society more stable, it would also encourage more people to express themselves, thereby facilitating the development of a civic society. hkupop.hku.hk |
坐在楼上,您可以阅览一下宽大的 LE QUY DON 街,街边的两排大树就散着阴凉使空间更显得抒情、富有意味。 nhatoi.vnnavi.com.vn | A seat on the upper floor provides you with a good view of Le Quy Don Street whose sidewalks are covered with some green shades bringingabout somewhat romance. nhatoi.vnnavi.com.vn |
他与着名的欧洲和亚洲乐团和歌剧院有过一系列的合作,如法国国家交响乐团,法国广播交响乐团,法国里昂国立交响乐团, 法国图鲁兹歌剧院交响乐团, 斯特拉斯堡爱乐乐团,贝藏松交响乐团,嘎纳交响乐团, 比利时国家交响乐团, 柏林交响乐团, 圣彼德堡爱乐乐团,维也纳室内乐,哥本哈根爱乐乐团, 西班牙国家广播交响乐团, 义大利圣切利亚音乐学院交响乐团 ,米兰威尔第交响乐团,托斯卡尼尼交响乐团 ,海牙交响乐团, 新加坡抒情歌剧院,台湾国立交响乐团, 台湾省立交响乐团, 台北市立交响乐团等等。 hkphil.org | Following his débuts with some of the most important European and Asian orchestras, he has made an unbroken string of return appearances with (among others) the Orchestre National de Lyon, the Orchestre Philharmonique du Strasbourg, the Orchestre National de Bordeaux-Aquitaine, the Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux, the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestra Filarmonica “Arturo Toscanini”, the Orchestre Regionale dell’Emiglia Romagna, the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, the Taipei Symphony Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan (Taiwan Philharmonic), the Singapore Lyric Opera, the Orchestre de Bretagne, the Orchestre symphonique de Nancy, the Wiener Kammerorchester and the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Philhamonic Orchestra, the RTVE Symphony Orchestra Madrid and the Orchestra della Toscana. hkphil.org |
在春天野生兰花和仙客来铺满大地,这种抒情荷马景观显然是其中最美丽的和未受破坏的地区在本岛。 maispa.estatecy.com | Carpeted in the spring with wild orchids and [...] cyclamen, this lyrical Homeric landscape [...]is clearly one of the most beautiful and unspoilt parts of the island. maispa.estatecy.com |
彼特拉克主要以拉丁文写作,曾发现多部失传已久的拉丁文手稿,然而他却以意大利文的抒情诗而着称于世,这些诗歌大多是为其理想化的爱人劳拉而作——据很多学者判定,劳拉是生活在法国阿维尼翁的劳拉·德·诺维斯(Laure de Noves,约 1308–1348 年)。 wdl.org | While he wrote mainly in Latin and personally discovered many long-lost Latin manuscripts, he is best known for his Italianlyric poetry, much of it written to Laura, the idealized subject of his love who is identified by many scholars as Laure de Noves (circa 1308–48) of Avignon, France. wdl.org |
由集体鼓乐导师Kumi Masunaga亲自带领小朋友,以双手拍出强烈节奏,提升身体协调性及抒发情绪。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Kids will be led by the drum music tutor, Kumi Masunaga, to learn the drum beat, so as to enhance the physical coordination and express personal emotion. tomleemusic.com.hk |
3月19日,在福建省残联领导陪同下,特奥会东亚区总裁顾抒航来到福建龙岩市永定县,探望赖静和母亲李雪珍,带去全球400万特奥运动员和他们父母的祈祷,以及 一封来自特奥会主席蒂姆•施莱佛的鼓励信函 ,信中提到“有时我们不得不和过去告别,甚至和生命告别,从某种程度上来说,这的确是无奈的事情。 specialolympics.org | Mary brought an inspiring letter written by Dr. Timothy P. Shriver, Chairman and CEO of Special Olympics, on behalf of 4 million athletes and their parents all over the world to Lai Jing and her mother. specialolympics.org |
1990 年建立的民主体制确保了 1993 年全国最高会议的召开,在会议期间,来 自各个政治和社会阶层的人士各抒己见,并做出了一些重大决定,最重 要的是成 立最高 过 渡 委员会作为立法机构 ,以及成 立代表最广泛的联合政府,目 的是落实 此次会议提出的各项建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The establishment of democracy in 1990 made it possible in 1993 to hold a Sovereign National Conference, in which the political protagonists and social classes were able to express themselves and made major decisions, including the establishment of the Higher Council of Transition as the legislative body, and the establishment of a Government of broad national unity to give effect to its recommendations. daccess-ods.un.org |
像所有苏菲派诗歌一样,抒情诗也包含从最基本到最深奥的多层含义。 wdl.org | As in all Sufi poetry, the ghazals are layered with meanings, from the most basic to the most esoteric. wdl.org |
瑞士高级制表基金会(Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie)研究中心的主任Dominique Fléchon解释道:“只有透过技艺精湛的巧手进行雕刻工作,才能在毫无声息的雕刻材质中淋漓尽致地抒发雕 刻大师的情感,进而使最终成品唤起观赏者的共鸣。 audemarspiguet.com | The work of the engraver makes each object unique, because each artisan has his own sensitivity, his interpretation and his personal touch,” explains Dominique Fléchon, director of the research and study center at the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie. audemarspiguet.com |
顾抒航女士还对病床上虚弱的赖静说“多希望下一届运动会上还能看到你”,赖静艰难地笑了一下,轻轻地说:“好”。 specialolympics.org | Lai Jing was very fragile, but still, she held Mary’s hand really tight and said "yes," with a sweet smile on her face. specialolympics.org |
600多位与新能源相关的国内外政府决策部门领导人、新能源行业领军企业负责人、以及行业协会、研究机构、风险投资机构负责人齐聚一堂,围绕全球新能源产业发展前景、中国新能源产业政策、技术和市场等热点话题各抒己见。 rolandberger.com.cn | Over 600 Chinese and international policy makers, leading enterprises, industry associations, research institutions and investors gathered to discuss the future of global new energy industry and China's new energy policies, technology and market prospects. rolandberger.com.cn |
他在国际艺坛的成功,带领中国後起艺术家对抽象画的追寻,足以被誉为抒情抽象的先行者。 ravenelart.com | Zao's success on the international art scene encouraged many younger Chinese artists [...] to explore the possibilities presented by abstract art, and he has come to be seen as [...] the fatherof lyrical abstract art. ravenelart.com |
克罗地亚教科文组织全国委员会要求教科文组织参加 2008 年戏剧家、抒情诗人 Marin Držić(1508--1567)诞辰 500 周年的纪念活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Croatian Commission for UNESCO requested that UNESCO should be associated with the 500th anniversary of the birth of Marin Držić, playwright and lyricist (1508-1567), in 2008. unesdoc.unesco.org |
西班牙在近几十年来将很多适于用音乐表达的抒情作品搬上了歌剧舞台, 使得西班牙歌剧达到了鼎盛时期,这就是西班牙歌剧的真实现状。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Spanish opera boom of recent decades can be termed truly phenomenal, with a proliferating number of performance venues, making it possible to see operas in many parts of the country, and under excellent conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
1954年是赵无极转向抽象绘画关键的一年,他从克利的影响中挣脱出来,从叙事性,情节性的描绘,过渡到抒发物 象之外纯粹的象徵意义,以其自由而独特的方式,投身於抽象绘画的世界。 ravenelart.com | The crucial year for Zao's switch to abstract painting was 1954, when he moved from the narrative, material and specific to the existential, non–representational and universal, from concrete objects to symbolic meanings in the highly personal form of abstract painting. ravenelart.com |
贝特朗Rascle,设计师和设计巴黎的经理,得到了超过二十多年的照明和视频设计经验,如Jane [...] Birkin的,亚拉拉皮德斯,普罗旺斯地区艾克斯国际抒情艺术节,艺术表演也无数艺术家和机构,公共和私人的事件,在法国,迪拜,香港和世界各地。 designdirectory.hk | Bertrand Rascle, designer and manager of Paris Design, has got more than twenty years of experience in lighting and video design, with artists and institutions such as [...] Jane Birkin, Yara Lapidus, Aix en Provence [...] InternationalLyric Art Festival, [...]and also numerous artistic performances, public [...]and private events, in France, Dubaï, Hong Kong and all over the world. designdirectory.hk |
我们的方案使妇女们能够在一个支助网络内,抒发自 己的无助感,治愈她们 的伤痛并消除苦难,同时,也会帮助妇女建立自信,并认识到肩负起突如其来的 新职责所需的技能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our programmes allow women to express their feelings of helplessness in a supportive network, and to heal their pain and suffering while building their confidence and recognition of the skills needed to handle the new responsibilities thrust upon them. daccess-ods.un.org |
探索英语语言上的力量及其对感知能力上的影响,掌握英语在语言上微妙与细微的差别,再加上运用正确抒发情 绪与正确的游说技巧,这样的结合将在演说与写作上发挥淋漓尽致的表现。 systematic.edu.my | Master the subtleties and nuances of the English language to convey just the right mix of emotions and persuasion in your speeches and writings. systematic.edu.my |