

单词 把...打成圈

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External sources (not reviewed)

其三,部份報章已經成醜聞打手 ,並 且 把打 擊 對 像擴展到政策智囊、民調組織和學術機構。
Thirdly, some news medias have become dirty news collectors, and their target range has expanded to public policy think tank, opinion survey units and academic organizations.
新系把成本效 益、強化網絡安全性及環保效益集於一身,複印 打 印 速度分別達到每分鐘45 / 55頁(ppm),有助提高辦公室員工的工作效率。
The new series combines cost efficiency, enhanced network security and environmental benefits with copy and print speeds of [...]
45 / 55 pages per minute
(ppm) respectively to help increase office worker productivity.
5.我们重申必须加倍努力,大幅度减少高得令人无法接受的文盲人 口,特别要关注妇女,包括进一步执行《联合国扫盲十年国际行动计划》, 推动终身学习,最终目标是防止打 破 文 化水平低所 成 的 怪 圈 , 创 造一个 没有文盲的世界。
5. We reaffirm the need to redouble efforts to drastically reduce the intolerably high number of the non-literate population, with a special focus on women, including the further implementation of the International Plan of Action for the United Nations Literacy Decade, and promote lifelong learning with the ultimate goal of preventing and breaking the cycle of low literacy and creating a fully literate world.
第二個問題是政策一直有欠清晰,究竟政府有否單方 把 土 地圈 出,變成發展、審批或規限用地?
Has the Government actually earmarked land unilaterally for the purposes of development, land grant or restricted land?
为实现“促进自然资源的可持续利用,改进人与生物圈的地区网和专题网的运作,以把某些生物圈保留地发成为可 持续生计的示范地”这一预期结果,生物圈资源咨询委员 会(2004 年 6 月)审查了 27 项新提名和修订的生物圈资源,其中有两项与跨边界合作有 关,还审定了 10 年前制定的 12 个资源定期报告。
With regard to expected results on the sustainable use of natural resources, operation of regional and thematic MAB networks and developing selected biosphere reserves as demonstration sites for sustainable living, the Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves (June 2004) examined 27 new nominations or revisions for biosphere reserves, including two cases concerned with transborder cooperation, and reviewed 12 periodic reports of reserves designated more than 10 years ago.
这种苦修式的艺术实践在其他亚洲艺术家身上也曾发生:旅居美国的台湾艺术家谢德庆在上世纪七十年代末和八十年代初在纽约实施了一系列为期一年的行为艺术,例如生活于一个笼子内一年,每小 打 卡 一年,生活于户外一年等等;中国艺术家何云昌在2006年9月24日至2007年1月14日间,从英格兰北部Northumberland海岸边一个叫Boulmer的小地方拿了一块石头,围绕英国海岸线走了 圈 , 回到Boulm er 后 把 石 头 放回原处。
This penance-like artistic practice has also been undertaken by other Asian artists: The US-based Taiwan artist Teh-ching Hsieh carried out a series of one-year performances in New York in the seventies and the eighties, for instance, living in a
cage for one year,
[...] punching a time clock every hour for one year, living outdoors for one year, etc. Chinese artist He Yunchang picked up a rock in a small town called Boulmer on the Northumberland coast in northern England, and carried it all the way around the coast of Great Britain and finally went back to Boulmer to put the rock back in the same place.
插画亲手绘制,由公司logo组成—— 水彩 圈把 产 品 和品牌特征系在一起。
The illustrations were created by hand using the
[...] company logo – a watercolor circle tying the campaign both [...]
with the product and the brand identity.
最后,我们认为,禁毒办和政治成 立 联 合国系 统跨国有组织和贩毒问题工作队是良好的第一步,目 的是把打击贩 毒和有组织犯罪作为更大范围的联 合国安全与发展议程的一项重要工作。
[...] we believe that the establishment by the UNODC and the Department of Political Affairs of the United Nations system task force on transnational organized crime and drug trafficking is a good first step towards mainstreaming responses to drug trafficking and [...]
organized crime into
the broader United Nations security and development agenda.
我希望 局長不要有這種想法,否則他又會墮進上次堆填區 圈 套 ,以 為 把全 港市民的利益與個別地區的利益成 對 立 面,便可能較為容易。
Otherwise, he will again fall into the previous landfill trap, thinking it might be easier for him to put the interest of all the people in Hong Kong and the interest of an individual district in direct confrontation.
[...] 目内从事的主要活动做出了贡献,该项目与教科文组织指定的地点有关,这些指定地点包括 在世界旅游组织实施的项目成部分 (与世界遗产地和生 圈 保 护 区有关的旅游)选定的地 区之内。
UNESCO Venice Office contributed to the identification of the key activities to be carried out within the MDG-F joint programme “Sustainable Tourism and Rural Development”, in relation with the UNESCO designated sites included in the areas
selected by the project component to be implemented by
[...] UNWTO (tourism related to World Heritage Sites and biosphere reserves).
如用於暗瘡印或雀斑等點狀色素,只須用掃尖端沾少量遮瑕膏,以輕印手法點於色素上,再用掃頭弧 把 遮 瑕 產品的邊 打圈 式 暈
For acne scars, freckles or small blemishes, use the tip of the concealer brush with a small amount of product / concealer, lightly dap and tab on problem area and then blend the edge of the product via circular motions.
教育元素也成打击家 庭暴力和对妇女的暴力的立法的重要组成部分。
Educational components also form an important part of
[...] legislation on combating domestic violence [...]
and violence against women.
环境规划署答复说,所提交行动计划考虑到了这一点,把同这些邻国、特别是同印度和中国的双边讨论以 打成 有 利 于所有相关国家的协定确定 为其重点事项,见项目 8“同印度和中国的双边合作”。
UNEP replied that the submitted plan takes this into account by prioritizing bilateral discussions with these neighbouring countries particularly India and China, and getting agreements that will be beneficial to all countries concerned, see item 8 “Bilateral Cooperation with India and China”.
把 O 型圈密封 连接旋入内螺纹端直到已用手指拧紧。
Turn the O-seal connector into the female end until it is finger-tight.
因此,我要代表職工盟在二讀及三讀時作反對表 決,因為我們要的是真正的選舉制度,要完全否定 圈 子 選 舉,否 把 死人成活人的欺騙市民的做法。
As such, I will vote against the Second and Third Readings of the Bill on behalf of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions. Since what we want is a genuine electoral
system, we will negate
[...] all coterie elections and pulling wool over the eyes of the public by putting make-up on a dead body to make it look a living person.
[...] 惊人的:德国F1方程式赛车手,世界冠军 Sebastian Vettel 不仅赢得了首届大奖赛,而且以圈1 分 27 秒的 速打破了单圈记录
And the result really was record-breaking: the German Formula 1 world
champion Sebastian Vettel not only won the first race, but also
[...] broke the first course record with a lap time of 1:27 mins.
培训和分析助理将继续支助能力发展干事,并负责各项行政安排、证书、培 训材料及用品和表格的准备、处理和后续工作;维持和更新与差旅方案、培训评价 和委员会成员有关的数据库;更新与同业交 圈 中 委员 会 成 员 有 关的信息;编制与 培训有关的统计报告并提供行政和维护服务,支持关于合同委员会的新在线资源。
The Training and Analysis Assistant would continue to support the Capacity Development Officer and would be responsible for preparing, processing and following up on administrative arrangements, certificates, training materials and supplies and forms; maintaining and updating the database related to the travel programme, training evaluations and membership of the committees; updating the information related to the membership of committees in the community of practice; as well as producing statistical reports related to training and providing administrative and maintenance services to support the new online resource on committees on contracts.
提高泊 車 費 可 遏 止 長 期 霸 佔 泊 車 位 的行為 , 增加空 出 的 泊 車 位 , 因 而可減少在街打 圈 盤 旋 找尋 車 位 的 汽 車 。
A fee rise will deter prolonged occupation, increase the availability of meter car parks and hence reduce the number of wandering vehicles in search of car parks.
RMS software allows printers to be grouped to a virtual topology, monitors printer status, creates [...]
packages to update printers,
and remotely initiates the update process for a single or an entire population of printers within an enterprise network.
附加之去黑圈打底霜 ,蘊含綠茶、甘草及粟米花抗氧 成 份 ,能自然隱藏黑眼圈於無形,特別對浮腫眼袋、長期眼部疲勞及夜睡人士尤其適合。
It will make the skin surrounding the eyes recover regenerating ability as young eyes, keep the eye’s area remain delicate and youth.
机会总是青睐有准备的人,因此,从现在开始,我们要花大力气,依靠知识产权的保护和投入来拉动公司发展,力争在若干关键领域和关键技术上确立公司的知识产权优势地位,并 把打 赢 与欧司朗的专利官司这一胜势转化为独特的市场优势,宏源已经扫清了阻碍公司发展的拦路虎和绊脚石,迈开了全速前进的步伐:一个现代化的江苏立德照明产业基地已经崛起,国际国内销售模式的改革创新,宏源将逐步完善 成 集 先 进制造业、现代服务业、资本运作为一体的完整的产业链,充分发挥科学技术作为第一要务的重要作用,注重依靠科技进步来改善运营增长。
In order to successfully cope with competition and challenges, our company starts a patent oriented layout in the early period of research and development, which establishes the foundation for victory.
在部长一级作把打击资助扩散活动增列为任务组任务的决定,是认识到任 务组具有通过全球金融系统处理其他类型非法金融活动的业经证明的专门知识 (特别是洗钱和资助恐怖主义方面的专门知识),认识到任务组有可能为国际社会 的更广泛努力增加价值并与联合国安全理事会确定的需要相一致。
The decision to extend the mandate of the Task Force to include proliferation financing was taken at the Ministerial level, in recognition of the proven expertise of the Task Force in addressing other types of illicit finance activity through the global financial system (specifically money-laundering and terrorist financing), and the value that the Task Force could add to the wider efforts of the international community and consistent with the needs identified by the United Nations Security Council.
法 国 还指出,把 打 击 有 罪 不 罚 斗争放在 优 先地位, [...]
请 哥伦比亚重新 考虑其 拒 绝 接 受 国际刑 事 法 院 对 战争罪的 管 辖 权的立 场 。
It also noted that the fight against impunity [...]
should be prioritized and invited Colombia to reconsider its refusal to accept
the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court for war crimes.
走棒材工艺线:直棒用 350 吨的冷剪
[...] 切割后运到打捆站和打包站,在六台 打捆机同步打小捆的同时,二台大的 打捆把打好的小捆打成大捆
On the bar route, after commercial cut by a 350 t cold shear, straight bars are conveyed to bundling and tying
stations where six simultaneous tying machines
[...] handle the sub-bundles and two larger units apply ties [...]
on the master bundle.
如果要在香港機場實施所謂“一地兩檢” ─ 其實是“兩地兩檢” ─ 的情況,情況則會更為複雜,因為深港西部通道很明顯是兩個不同區 域,但如果將來要在機場以正如深港西部通道般的同一方法來劃分,是不可 行的,因為沒有一個可以由機場連接到內地的狀況,除非在我們的機場內興 建一度橋連接內地,否則,只可以在我們整個司法管轄區內劃定某一個位置 或一個圈,在概念把該範圍變成 內 地的司法管轄區。
If we were to put into force this so-called co-location of customs and immigration clearance at the Hong Kong airport ― actually it should be co-location at two places ― then the situation would become more complicated.
世界生圈保护区网成长壮 大,批准了 18 个新的 生圈保护 区,一个跨国界生物圈保护区,和对两个现有生物圈保护区的四项扩展计划。
The development of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves was achieved with the approval of 18 new biosphere reserves, one transboundary biosphere reserve, and four extensions to two existing biosphere reserves.
与会者驳斥了任何把恐怖主义与某一特定文化、宗教或国籍挂钩或归因于其 的恶意企图,对 某圈子企图把不容 忍、极端主义、恐怖主义和暴力行为与宗教、 [...]
特别是与伊斯兰教相挂钩的企图表示关切,并谴责对神圣价值观和宗教圣所的一 切冒犯或挑衅行为。
The participants rejected any vicious attempt to associate or attribute terrorism to a particular culture,
religion or nationality and expressed their
[...] concern over certain circles’ attempts to associate [...]
intolerance, extremism, terrorism
and violence with religions, particularly Islam, and condemned any offensive or provocative act against divine values and religious sanctities.
2002 年的经济和金融危机减少了家庭实际收入, 打 击 了人们享受合适住房 的权利 ,在过去四年中为改 善 住房主要采取了以下三 方面的措施: 建 立 国家公共 体 系作为住房公共政策的指 向 标 ;改善 房 屋 质量, 从 以 前 把 房 屋 作为解决穷 人问 题的最 基本产品而 不 考 虑 房 屋 位 置 ,成 把 房 屋 作为满足家 庭 需 要,并且在城市 中合理选 址 的 产品;扩大房屋 在中低收入人 群 的 覆盖率 及 降 低 中 低收入人 群 的 入 住门槛。
Activities over the last four years have taken three main forms: creation of a public system, with the State directing public housing policies; improvement of quality, with a change from a product conceived as a minimum solution for poor segments of society without regard to location, to a product conceived as a response to family needs, with due regard to adequate siting in urban areas; and expansion of coverage and accessibility for medium- and low-income segments of the population.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家; (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面 成 效 ,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的願景。
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.




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