

单词 把...引向

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External sources (not reviewed)

他的本性总把他引向雕塑 , 在80年代,他遇到Niki de Saint Phalle,他转折点到来,他开始和与他合作多年。
His natural instincts have always led him to sculpture, [...]
and his defining moment came when he met Niki de Saint Phalle in
the 80s who got him started and with whom he collaborated for many years.
传播和大众宣传:我们需要用印刷品和电子版的宣 把 大 众 引向 我 们 网站。
Dissemination and public outreach: Print and electronic
[...] publicity are needed to direct traffic to the site.
如果输出端口短路至地,则 HGATE 引脚首先把正向电流 调节至电流限值,然后在故 障超时的情况下关断 [...]
If the output port is shorted to ground, the HGATE pin
[...] first regulates the forward current to the current [...]
limit and then turns off MOSFET M1 if the fault times out.
对于这种情况,LTC4364 做出的响应把 DGATE 引脚拉至低电平,从而切断了向电 流通路,输出电压于是得以保持。
The LTC4364 responds to this condition by pulling the DGATE pin low, cutting off the reverse current path so the output voltage is held up.
安全理事会今天是在一个历史性时刻的前夕召 开会议,它必把我们引向一个 无可辩驳的现实,即 成立一个得到承认、完全为本组织所接纳的巴勒斯坦 国,从而最终落实大会第 181(II)号决议的所有规定, 其中特别要求在巴勒斯坦土地上建立两个国家—— 一个是阿拉伯国家,另一个是犹太国家。
The Security Council is meeting on the eve of a historic moment, which must lead us to make an incontrovertible reality of a Palestinian State that is recognized and fully welcomed into the fold of this Organization, thereby finally implementing all the provisions of General Assembly resolution 181 (II), which calls specifically for the creation of two States in Palestinian land — one Arab, the other Jewish.
不到一个月前,当我们参加大会第六十五届会议 时,主席深信迫切需要重申联合国在全球治理中的核 心作用,因此,他召开了一次政府间谈判问题非正式
[...] 不公开全体会议,以便征求成员国在如下方面的意 见:改革进程目前状况,把我们 引向 何 方 以及我们 如何推进这一进程。
Less than a month ago, convinced of the urgent need to reaffirm the centrality of the United Nations in global governance as we entered into the Assembly’s sixty-fifth session, the President convened a closed informal plenary on the intergovernmental negotiations in order to sound the
views of the membership on where the reform process is, where it is leading
[...] us and how we can move the process forward.
[...] 是通过国际结构来协调人道主义援助,但正在努 把 它 逐 步 引向 由 政 府主导的协 调工作,并将其与政府正在编制的国家发展计划(2012-2015 [...]
While humanitarian aid continues to be coordinated mainly
by an international structure, efforts are under
[...] way to progressively move it to Government-led [...]
coordination and to align
it with a national development plan for 2012 to 2015, which is being prepared by the Government.
我前面那位发言 者的措辞不过是在转移人们对以色列恐怖主义的注 意力,以色列恐怖主义行径的唯一目的就是破坏在西 岸和加沙地带建立巴勒斯坦国的可能性 把 人 们 的注 意引向除国 家恐怖主义之外的问题上,而联合国在 纽约和日内瓦分发的数以千计的文件正是国家恐怖 主义这种恐怖主义形式的铁证。
The words that you heard from the speaker who spoke before me were merely a distraction to divert attention from Israeli terrorism, the sole purpose of which is to undermine the possibility of establishing a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza and to focus attention on issues other than State terrorism, a form of terrorism that is well-evidenced in thousands of documents issued by the United Nations in New York and Geneva.
為了 配合上文第 9 段有關評審資助的建議,我們建 把向 評 估 機構提供評 審資助的範圍,擴大至包括其後的質素保證工作。
In line with the recommendation for accreditation grant at paragraph 9, we propose extending the grant to cover subsequent quality assurance exercises for the assessment agencies.
筆者認為,如果本地的專業新聞工作團體,如報業公會、新聞行政人員協會、新聞工作者聯會、記者協會、報業評議會、以至個別傳媒及調查機構,能夠共同推介上述的 引 , 然 後 把 內 容 逐步完善,最後成為業界具約束力的守則,則香港的媒體,肯定能夠在華人社會中手執牛耳,帶領整個華語傳媒體 向 前 發 展。
In the author's view, if the local professional media practitioners, such as the Newspaper Society, the Hong Kong News Executives' Association, the Hong Kong Federation of Journalists, the Hong Kong Journalists Association, the Press Council and even individual media and
survey bodies can
[...] recommend the above guidelines together, and gradually improve the content, so as to form a set of binding regulation within the profession, then the media in Hong Kong can definitely take a leading role and guide the whole Chinese media to move forward.
他們建把引用這 兩個理由的 門檻,提高至有合理理由懷疑出現嚴重違反《建築物條例》的 情況。
They have suggested that the threshold for these two grounds be raised to having reasonable suspicion of serious contravention of BO.
把游戏理解为一种倾向意味着儿童会寻找或导向环 境中与他们个人有关的刺激物;游戏提供了支持幸福成长和促进恢复力的儿童自发经验;这 种引“向游戏 ”的能力内在于文化和空间内;它涉及在儿童的社区里的日常常规和行为中 寻找(商谈)时-空。
This ability to navigate ‘to play’ will be culturally and spatially embedded; it involves finding (negotiating) time–space in the everyday routines and practices within children’s communities.
饒教授認為,1998年引把 財政儲備水平訂 為 12個 月的政府開支及 [...]
M1定 義 的港元供應的總和 , 是可以 接 受 的。
Professor JAO considered
[...] that the 1998 guidelines, which set the [...]
level of fiscal reserves at the sum of 12 months' government
expenditure and Hong Kong dollar money supply under the M1 definition, were acceptable.
為方便食物業了解和遵從新制度,中心亦採取了多項便利業界的措施, 包括派發營養標籤及營養聲稱技術 引 ; 把 常 見問題上載至中心網頁;設立 專為業界而設的電話查詢服務;製作網上營養標籤計算器及為本港業界舉辦 工作坊。
To facilitate the food trade to understand and comply with the new scheme, the CFS has also conducted a number of trade facilitation measures, including the
distribution of Technical
[...] Guidance Notes on Nutrition Labelling and Nutrition Claims, uploaded frequently asked questions (FAQs) onto [...]
the CFS website, set
up telephone enquiry service for the trade, developed a web-based nutrition label calculator and organised workshops for the local trade.
根据这一外部评估报告, 同样,通过在各会员国开展的活动,CSI
[...] 也能够提请各国政府集中注重沿海的重大问题,推 动开展广泛的辩论,团结所有的息息相关者和 引 资 金 ,用 把 实 地 活动和沿海良策纳入主 要管理系统。
Through its activities in Member States, CSI has also been able – according to the external evaluation – to focus government attention on significant coastal issues,
facilitate a broader debate, bring
[...] together stakeholders and attract funding towards the [...]
integration of field activities and
wise coastal practices into mainstream management systems.
更具体地说,培 训和指导将工作人引向了更 加注重成果而不是产出的报告方式,进一步强调了拟定反映受 [...]
益群体技能、态度和行为转变的成果;以及确定适当的业绩指标及相关基准,这些指标和基 准能够以更加注重成果而不是产出/过程的方式衡量在实现成果方面取得的进展。
More specifically, training and coaching
[...] have been guiding staff towards more results-based [...]
rather than output-based reporting,
putting further emphasis on the formulation of results that reflect the change in skills, attitudes and behaviours of the beneficiary groups; and the identification of the appropriate performance indicators and associated benchmarks that allow the measurement of progress towards the achievement of the result in a more results rather than output/process oriented manner.
[...] 避那些难以盈利的线路,挑选最有盈利潜力的航运线路, 把 其 他 吸 引 力不 大的航运业务交给他人。
In some cases, these challenges lead to unprofitable
routes or ―cherry-picking‖ of the most lucrative or profitable shipments,
[...] leaving the less attractive shipments to others.
(a) 請確定,在該條例下,是否訂有向影視處處長提出上訴或 要求影視處處長進行覆核的法定權利;及 (b) 若答案為否定,請解釋有何法律依據在決議案提出第 (2)(d)(iv)及 (v)段 (即把向影視 處處長提出上訴的權利及要 求影視處處長覆核某事情的權利,視為向創意香港總監提 出上訴的權利及要求創意香港總監覆核該事情的權利)。
(a) confirm whether there is any statutory right of appeal or review to CTEL under the Ordinance; and (b) if the answer is negative, explain the legal basis for proposing paragraph (2)(d)(iv) and (v) (i.e. to treat a right of appeal to CTEL and a right to have anything reviewed by CTEL as being a right of appeal to the Head of CreateHK and a right to have that thing reviewed by the Head of CreateHK) in the proposed resolution.
[...] 近邻敌对,它应该为外交对话创造机制,使外交对话能够治疗以往的创伤 引向 更有成果的未来。
Timor-Leste stressed that it cannot and should not antagonize its closest neighbour, and that it
had created mechanisms for diplomatic dialogue which would
[...] permit past wounds to heal, leading to [...]
a more promising future.
这归功于自东向西经大西洋吹到美洲大陆的季风,以及从赤道流向挪威海的暖流, 挪威海岸线的角度以及北冰洋的开阔路径将温和的气流和水 引向 更 高 纬度。
This is due to the trade winds that blow east-west across the Atlantic to the American continent and the warm currents flowing from the Equator to the Norwegian Sea, where the angle of the
Norwegian coastline and the open path to
[...] the Arctic Ocean guides the temperate air [...]
and waters to more northerly latitudes.
缔约方还敦促佛得角(及其它第 5
[...] 条国家)与相关执行机构(如开发计划署和环境规划 署)通力合作把向臭氧 秘书处申报所需数据当作一项紧要任务,并请求履约委员会在下 [...]
次会议上审查佛得角(及其它第 5 条国家)的数据申报情况(第 XV/18 号决定)。
The Parties also urged Cape Verde (among other Article 5 countries) to work closely with the implementing agencies
concerned (i.e., UNDP and UNEP) to report the
[...] required data to the Ozone Secretariat [...]
as a matter of urgency, and to request the
Implementation Committee to review the situation of Cape Verde (and other Article 5 countries) with respect to data reporting at its next meeting (Decision XV/18).
磋商之后对新闻界发表了谈话,安理会成员在谈话中表示支 把向 高 级 别协 调员提供活动经费的期限再延长六个月。
Following the consultations a statement to the press was issued, in which the members of the
Council expressed
[...] their support for the extension of the financing of the activities of the High-level [...]
Coordinator for a further period of six months.
[...] 一个期望是,它们应最终接手管理国家臭氧机构的责任,并考虑逐 把向 国 家 臭氧机构提 供资金和支助的责任从多边基金转向本国政府,以使其能够在今后主持这些机构。
One Member observed that, in approving such IS support, governments had to be reminded that there was an expectation that they would eventually have to take over responsibility for managing the National
Ozone Unit (NOU) and that they should
[...] consider the gradual transfer of the funding [...]
and support of the NOUs from the Multilateral
Fund to the relevant national government to allow it to take ownership of those NOUs in the future.
此外,漁護署定期舉辦座談會和即場示範及派發 單張及引,向養魚 戶提供有關良好水產養殖管理方法和魚病預 [...]
Besides, the AFCD organizes regular training and
on-farm demonstrations for, and distributes
[...] leaflets and guidelines to the fish farmers [...]
on good mariculture practices and disease prevention.
这样就提供了一个非常低的热阻路径,因 此性能远优于向引线器件,这对满足复合体 飞机多次冲击和多次猝发事件的保护要求是至 [...]
This provides a very low resistance thermal path, which is
[...] much superior to axial leaded devices [...]
and is critical in meeting the expanding requirements
for multi-stoke and multi-burst event protection in composite body aircraft.
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到,在工作组确定是否应当有一个供登记处 工作人员内部查询的有关有担保债权人的 引 之 前 将 把第 28 条置于方括号内 (见第 15 条的注)。
Note to the Working Group: The Working Group may wish to note that article 28 appears within square brackets pending determination by the Working Group of whether there should be a secured creditor index for internal searches by the registry staff (see note to article 15).
此外,我们还可能会从您访问我们网站所使用的浏览器收集某些信息,例如Internet协议(IP)地址、浏览器类型和语言、访问时间、将 引向 我 们网站的其他网站的统一资源定位器(URL),以及当您点击我们网站上的某个链接后从我们网站转到的URL。
We may also collect certain information from the browser you used to access our website, such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type and language, access times, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the website that referred you to our website and to which URL you navigate from our site if you click on a link on our site.
我们还希 望,监察员作出的积极贡献的示范效应 引 领 我 们把 这一机制引入所有其它制裁制度中,以确保适当法律 程序和工作中的透明度。
We also expect that the demonstration effect of the Ombudsperson’s positive contribution will lead us to introduce this institution into all other sanctions regimes in order to ensure due process and transparency in their work.
在“世界土著人民国际十年“(1994-2004 年)框架内,教科文组织赋予文化间对话以 极其重要的地位,把这种对话引伸 到 社区内、各代人之间和社区之间,土著人民和其他文 化参与者之间这一层面。
In the context of the International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People (1994-2004), UNESCO gave pride of place to intercultural dialogue, in the intracommunity, intergenerational and intercommunity senses, among indigenous peoples and stakeholders from other cultures.
宣传法律文书:应请求向会员国、联合国实体和其他方面提供关于执行发展权的专家 咨询;从发展权角向把发展 权纳入全球发展伙伴关系工作组提供支持(1)。
(ii) Promotion of legal instruments: provision of expert advice to Member States, at their request, United Nations entities and others on the implementation of the right to development; support to the Working Group on integrating the right to development in global development partnerships from the perspective of the right to development (1).




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