

单词 把...弄清楚

See also:


fully understand

清楚 adj

clear adj
aware adj
explicit adj

清楚 adv

clearly adv
well adv
definitely adv


understand thoroughly
be clear about

External sources (not reviewed)

正正因為這樣,所以議會便把情況弄清楚,以 確保所有批發商都知道有關的情況,並且願意作出承擔。
Precisely because of this reason, the TIC has to sort things out to ensure that all consolidators know about the situation and are willing to make the undertaking.
這 樣 一 來 , 被 告 便 要 在 獄 中 多 留 幾 天 , 以把 事 情 弄 清 楚 , 而 屆 時 將 會 再 行 聆 訊 他 的 保 釋 申 請 。
That, of course, means that the accused has to remain in prison a few more days until the matter can be sorted out, when his bail application will be heard again.
[...] 快幫助苦主取得賠償,得到應有的回報,這是同意的,但這不等於不要 對事件進行徹底調查把事情弄個 清楚 明 白
But this does not mean that it is unnecessary to conduct a thorough investigation into the
[...] matter with a view to making everything clear.
但是,在试弄清楚 AIDS 到底 是怎么产生的这一过程中,有个潜在的危险,即人们 把 这 个 疾病的责任归咎于某特定人群、个人或者特定的生活 方式。
However, in trying to identify where AIDS originated, there is a danger that people may try and use the debate to attribute blame [...]
for the disease to
particular groups of individuals or certain lifestyles.
如果議員自己都弄清楚哪個 才是首要目標,恐怕只會誤導市民,製造不必要 的社會矛盾。
If Members themselves are uncertain as to what the prime objective is, citizens will probably be misled and unnecessary social contradictions will arise.
不過,我們首先弄清楚基本 科技是否可行,然 後我們便會節能。
However, we must first ascertain the feasibility of the basic technologies and then we will proceed to work for energy conservation.
与会者一致认为,为弄清楚战略 与计划之间的联系,应当认真评估预期结果,以衡 量有关计划是否实现了《中期战略》规定的目标。
Participants unanimously agreed, that in order to ascertain the linkage between strategy and programme, expected results should be carefully evaluated to assess whether the programme has achieved the objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy.
因此,弄清楚与性 别相关的杀戮,就必须审视凶案所发生的政治、社会 和经济环境,包括男性对赋予妇女权能的反应;针对此杀戮的政治、法律和社会 反应;长久持续暴力的主因;和继续构成妇女生活现实组成部分的结构性歧视和 不平等的形态。
Thus an understanding of gender-related killings requires taking into account the political, social and economic contexts within which it takes place, including the responses of men to women‘s empowerment; the political, legal and societal reaction to such killings; the principle of the continuum of violence; and patterns of structural discrimination and inequality that continue to form part of the reality of women‘s lives.
不過,他說的一點我弄不清楚,他說有 數條題目,我們作為老師沒有教過,他的孩子沒有讀過,所以考試不 合格。
He said that his child failed in the examination because there were several examination questions which had not been taught by us as teachers and studied by his child.
但是,似乎可清楚地看 出,由于这些技巧产生的 效力几乎与保留所产生的效力相同,应该在专门载列保留定义的《实践指南》的 那一章中予以提及,至少能够更加明确地鉴别这个概念的关键内容 把 它 们 同保 留区别开来,并且在可适用的情况下,针对保留的法律制度得出适当的结论。
As they produce effects almost identical to those produced by reservations, these techniques nevertheless deserve to be mentioned in the part of the Guide to Practice devoted to the definition of reservations, if only so as to identify more clearly the key elements of the [...]
concept, distinguish them from
reservations and, where applicable, draw appropriate conclusions with regard to the legal regime of reservations.
但是,我覺得泛民主派卻連這個道理 弄 不 清楚 , 把 “ 派 錢”與長遠政 策放在一個對立面上,這完全是一種邏輯上的混亂。
However, the pan-democrats cannot
[...] even make that point clear and they pitch the cash [...]
handout in direct confrontation with long-term policies.
在劝告达不到预期结果和儿童继续与父 母生活在一起有生命或健康危险的情况下,儿童保护工作者会着 把 儿 童 从父母 身弄走或剥夺父母的权利。
In cases where counselling does not yield expected results and the life or health of a child are in danger if they
continue to live with parents, a
[...] child protection worker may initiate removal of a child from [...]
a parent or deprivation of parental rights.
考虑到本次审计提出的意见,我 们开始进行调查,向当时出版部门负责人(现已退休)了解情况,以 便 弄清楚 他 们 为何作此决定 而没有考虑采取审计员上面提到的其它办法。
In view of the observations of this audit, we have launched an inquiry, consulting the publications officers of the period, now retired, in order to discover the reasons which led them to take this decision and not to consider other options such as those mentioned by the auditors.
李永達議員的議案清楚,“積極研 把 香 港 電台轉型為‘香港公共廣 播公司’的可行性,並就有關檢討及研究的結果進行公眾諮詢”。
Mr LEE Wing-tat's motion has explicitly pointed out the need to "actively study the feasibility of transforming RTHK to become the Hong Kong Public Broadcasting Corporation, and conduct public consultation on the results of the review and the study".
只要我們清楚把握這 一點,兩方面的發展均會有非常樂觀的前 景。
If only we clearly grasp this point, [...]
there is a very optimistic outlook for development on both sides.
這能糾 正建議邀請書的城市規劃程序一個主要問題,就是城規會所擔 當的角色並清楚界定,而把西九文化區用地由不同的用途地 段改劃為"其他指定用途"一事,從未呈交行政長官會同行政會 議批准。
This has rectified the major problem with the IFP town planning process where the role of TPB is not well defined and the rezoning of the WKCD site from various zones to "OU" had never been put to CE-in-Council for approval.
香港啤酒聯盟向法案委員會發出聲明 清楚 說 明 會 把 省 下的稅款全數回 饋顧客,這亦將會是一項持續性的措施。
The Hong Kong Beer Coalition issued a statement to the Bills
[...] Committee, stating clearly that it will pass all [...]
the savings in duty onto their customers
and it will be a continuous measure.
我覺得我們要告訴酒商或其他將來因任何間接稅而 來到立法會游說的人,當政府通過了減稅,但這些人卻把本應回饋消費者的
稅款,放進自己的口袋,對於這些所謂奸商,我認為須有一些阻嚇的作用, 所以,我支持單仲偕議員修正案的意義,並非在於認為這項修正案或所謂
[...] “日落條款”是否具有效用或是否表示支持,而是在於我們 把 一 個 很 清楚 的信 息告訴奸商,不要以為減稅後他們可以為所欲為,中飽私囊。
I think that we have to tell the alcoholic beverage trade or other people who come to the Legislative Council to carry out lobbying in relation to any indirect tax that after the Government has approved a duty reduction, if these people pocket the savings in duty that should have been passed onto consumers, there will definitely be some sort of deterrent for such crooked businesses. Therefore, the significance of my support for Mr SIN Chung-kai's amendment does not lie in whether this amendment or so-called "sunset clause" will be effective or whether I will lend my support, rather, the
significance lies in
[...] the delivery of a very clear signal to crooked businessmen, [...]
telling them that they must not think that they can do
as they wish after the duty has been reduced and line their own pockets.
不过需要提出的是:报告正文和某些建议中频繁使用“教育”这一笼统的名 称没把意思表达清楚。
It is to be noted, however, that the frequent use of the
generic term “education” in the body of the report and in some of the recommendations
[...] does not serve the purpose of clarity.
反之,如果我們通過法把清楚界定 的權力 交給警方,法官的工作便會變得容易得多;檢控㆟員亦能夠更準確㆞判斷應該何時提 [...]
If, on the other hand, we pass a
[...] law that hands clearly defined powers [...]
to the police, judges' jobs become easier, and prosecutors
can better determine when to press charges in court; and the public is also better informed about the laws that govern them.
由于弄清楚可以 从粮农组织合理预期些什么,又为了澄清粮农组织 本身应当关注些什么,因此编写了这份报告,并筹备了有关的对话。
The desire to clarify what can reasonably [...]
be expected from FAO, but also what the Organization itself should be aware of,
has prompted the preparation of this report and the accompanying dialogue.
泡沫被蜇在喉咙里的蜜蜂,她在她的脖子上戴圆锥形领看过医生后,和她是唯一一个谁可 弄清楚 是 怎 么回事。
Bubbles gets stung in the throat by a bee and that made her wear a conical collar around her neck after visiting the doctor, and she is the only one who can figure out what is going on.
(32) 弄清楚保留在保留方对接受保留的缔约方的条约关系中实际更改了哪些内 容,就可以轻松确定哪些必须从双方关系中排除。
(32) In principle, what should be excluded from relations between the two parties can be determined by asking what the reservation actually modifies in the treaty relations of its author vis-à-vis a contracting party that has accepted it.
[...] 增可卡因走私路线的报告对毒品使用产生了同样的影响,这种情况可能要求及 时进行监测,在问题规模扩大之 弄清楚 其 潜 在状况
Recent reports of new cocaine smuggling routes in Asia can potentially have the same impact on drug use,
a situation which may require timely monitoring in order to detect a
[...] potential problem before it increases in magnitude
(a) 开展定期查访并找到彻底检查的技巧―― 重点是与被拘留者进行个人接 触和直接查看拘留场所,以便弄清楚 被 剥 夺自由者的生活条件和待遇
(a) Carry out periodic visits and develop techniques for thorough inspections — with the emphasis on personal contact with detainees and direct viewing of places of detention — so as to ascertain the living conditions and treatment of those deprived of their liberty
很多時候,我不知當局為何花了那麼多時間 也不把事情弄妥。
Very often, we cannot understand why the matter can still not be properly settled after such a long time.
因此,較佳的做 法是協助場地管理人加強能力,要求吸煙 把 燃 着的香煙、雪茄或煙弄熄;如該人沒有遵辦,則要求該人提供其姓名和地址,以及出示 身份證明文件,或要求該人離開禁煙區。
Hence, a better approach would be to help venue managers build up their capacity in requesting a smoker to extinguish a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe or where the person fails to do so, requiring him to give his name and address and to produce proof of identity or leave the no-smoking area.
遇有故障特别是重大故障时,一定要 弄清楚 相 关 情况后再决 定下一步的工作,切忌盲目处理。
In case of faults, especially major faults, take caution that no action is performed until all necessary information is collected.
对我们来说清楚的是,必把健康 这个事关所 有人的问题纳入我们担任主席国期间的优先目标之 中,对波兰来说,这是一个介绍其各项倡议和取得的 [...]
It was clear to us that health — an issue that concerns [...]
everyone — had to be included in the list of priority objectives
for our presidency, which constitutes an opportunity for Poland to present its initiatives and achievements, as well as its ongoing and planned activities.
如果我是群眾之一,我也必然不許這人作聲,因為不 但要看「好戲」,我的思想是 弄清楚 究 竟 耶穌是誰,我 的心也是擔心那些祭司和文士會怎樣害祂的。
If I were in the crowd, I would have silenced this blind beggar too, because my mind would be totally absorbed by my intense desire to know who Jesus is, and my heart would be totally occupied with what might the leaders do to Him, knowing too well how wicked and hypocritical they were.




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