

单词 把守

See also:

keep watch
abide by the law
observe (rules or ritual)

External sources (not reviewed)

该大 院外面筑有水泥反车辆障碍物以及沙袋堆成的机关枪掩体,有装备精良的新生力 量部把守。
The compound is protected by concrete anti-vehicle obstacles and sandbagged machine gun nests manned by well-equipped Forces nouvelles troops.
但是,在重新部署海关官员方面没有取得任何进展,所有北 部过境点仍由“新生力量”人把守。
However, no progress was made with regard to the redeployment of customs officials, and all border crossing points in the north remain staffed by Forces nouvelles elements.
我們把守則上載我們的網頁, 他們可以很方便找尋得到。
The Code of Practice has been [...]
uploaded onto our website for their easy reference.
今天 , 即 使 李柱銘議員的議案 不獲通 過  
─   我 相信結果也 會 是這樣 的,因為行 政 署 長 今 次 十 分 落 力
[...] , 好 像 外 面 各入口 均 有把 守 ,即是沒有人 能“無端端” 走 [...]
脫 ,致令 李柱銘議員的議案 獲得通 過而不幸 輸的  ─   然而,對於我剛才提
到 的 各 點 , 我 仍 希望可在其他場 合 或 其他委 員會上 跟 進。
Even if Mr Martin LEE's motion is not passed today — I believe this will be the outcome because the Director of
Administration has worked very hard, for
[...] instance, people are guarding every entrance, [...]
so nobody can get away "unnoticed" because
the motion of Mr Martin LEE will then be passed and the Government will unfortunately lose — but regarding the points made by me just now, I still hope that we can follow them up on other occasions or at other committees.
如果今天這 項 條 例 獲 得 通 過 的 話 , 我們便是 自 廢 武 功 , 要 完全靠 局長為 我把守 龍 門 了 。
If this Bill is passed today, we would be crippling ourselves and we could only look to the Secretary to keep the goal for us.
夜里,所有人又被转往位于同一街区有哨 把守 的 另 一处地点。
At night, the whole group was moved to another site within the jail quarters, where a guard was stationed.
當然,當務之急,食物安全中心 應為香港把守最後的安全防線,當遇到一切涉及人為的食物安全問題時, 考慮即時向市民及商戶傳達明確的信息,不要拖拖拉拉地發布一些不清晰的 信息,甚至可以禁止銷售某些食品,保障市民的食用安全。
On encountering any man-induced food safety issues, it should consider promptly delivering a clear message to the public and traders, instead of acting indecisively in publishing some unclear messages.
勞工處除把守則廣 泛寄發有關僱主團體 及職工會外,巿民亦可於勞工處及各區民政事務處索取守 則。
Copies are also available at the LD's various offices and the District Offices of the Home Affairs Department.
然 而,这 些联络官对由私人承包把守的以 色列检查站的影响力非常有限或完全没 [...]
有影响力,在数个检查站,尤其是在那些控制进入东耶路撒冷道路或通过西岸隔 离墙的检查站,工作人员的行动仍然受到限制,很难预测他们是否会被放行。
However, these officers had limited or no
influence over Israeli checkpoints staffed by
[...] private contractors and staff movement [...]
continued to be restricted and unpredictable
at several checkpoints, notably those controlling access to East Jerusalem or through the West Bank barrier.
由于安全部队现在正把守 赫尔 曼德和坎大哈等省以前的安全区,因此,即使罂粟产量仍然很高,鸦片贸易 受到的压力可能会高于任何其他年份。
With security forces now holding previous safe-haven areas in provinces such as Helmand and Kandahar, the opium trade may be more heavily pressured than in any other year, even if poppy production remains high.
該協議又規定,體育總會必把守則 和 指引的任 何修訂通知政府,而體育總會的審計師亦須在其周年 [...]
審計報告內,就體育總會有否恪守資助協議及其守則 和指引表述意見。
The Agreement further required NSAs to inform the Government of any
[...] amendments to their Code and Guidelines, [...]
and their auditors to include in their annual
audit reports an opinion as to NSAs' compliance with the Subvention Agreement, their Code and Guidelines.
甘議員的修訂,主要來說把守則內的字眼簡單化地搬 到法例當中。
With respect to the amendment from Mr
KAM, it can be said that this is mainly an attempt to simplify
[...] the words in the Code of Conduct and [...]
put them into the law.
其他东正教宗教场所由科索沃警 把守 , 在 本报告所述期间 记录有几起故意破坏和盗窃行为;在科索沃警察部队接管并负责保护的场所,这 类事件一般有所减少。
Other Orthodox patrimonial sites are guarded by the Kosovo police, and while several acts of vandalism and theft were recorded during the reporting period, sites where protection duties have been taken over by the Kosovo police have generally recorded a drop in such incidents.
这些事态发展,加之计划中的美国军事缩减,突显出有必要审查联合安全机 制,其设立的初衷是让伊拉克政府和库尔德地区政府安全部队在美国主持下沿迪 亚拉、尼尼微和基尔库克各省的阿拉伯-库尔德边界进行联合巡逻 把守 检 查 站。
These developments, together with the planned drawdown of the United States military, underscore the need to review the combined security mechanism, which was established to allow Government of Iraq and KRG security forces to conduct joint patrols and operate checkpoints under United States auspices along ArabKurdish lines in the governorates of Diyala, Ninewa and Kirkuk.
门口由一个身穿绿色制服的男性囚 把守。
The door was guarded by a male detainee guard in a green uniform.
積金局可因應運作經驗修改本守則或 增訂條文,並將在適當時候考慮須否修訂《條例》或《規例》, 藉把守則的內容納入其㆗。
The Authority will also give consideration to the need, in due course, to impose relevant obligations by way of legislative amendment to the Ordinance or Regulation.
在這個問題上 ,我很希望保安局能好把 守 打 擊毒品的大 門 , 做 一個現代的 林則徐,我是 百 分之一百 支持政 府的。
I therefore very much hope that the Security Bureau will put in the best efforts it can to stop drugs and be a modern-day LIN Zexu.
[...] 49 个做出答复的国家表示,它们把《 守 则 》 原则 纳入其法律文书中,有 48 [...]
个国家把相同原则作为制定国家法律法规或制定确保 可持续和负责任的旅游发展计划的依据。
In fact, 49 responding States have
indicated that they had incorporated the
[...] principles of the Code into their legislative [...]
texts, while 48 countries had used
the same principles as a basis for establishing national laws and regulations or for designing policies and master plans for assuring the sustainable and responsible development of tourism.
Mugisha 少校叛逃时,恩塔甘达将军在 Katabi 的一个主要武器库几乎无把守。
Ntaganda’s main arms caches in Katabi was left almost unprotected.
另外,2011 年 1 月 20 日,来自杰宁以北 Al-Yamoun 镇的 Salem Mohammed Samoudi 被把守附近 以色列检查站的占领军杀害,另有 3 名平民(包括 1 名儿童)在袭击中 受伤。
Also, on 20 January 2011, Salem Mohammed Samoudi, from the town of Al-Yamoun, north of Jenin, was killed by occupying forces manning an Israeli checkpoint nearby, and three other civilians, including a child, were injured in the attack.
其 中包括 69 个有把守的常 设检查站,一半以上沿隔离墙设立,用来使以色列人 能够来往于以色列和定居点之间,控制为数不多的持有特别许可证的巴勒斯坦人 进入耶路撒冷,以及控制人员进出被隔离墙与外界隔开的巴勒斯坦小社区。
These include 69 permanently staffed checkpoints, of which more than half are located along the barrier and are used to enable Israelis to commute between Israel and the settlements, to control access to East Jerusalem and to Israel of limited numbers of Palestinians holding special permits and to control access to and from small Palestinian communities isolated by the barrier.
在北米特罗维 察和科索沃北部的交通要道仍设有若干路障,通常有抗议 把守 , 对 欧盟驻科法 治团进出工作地点造成限制,包括 1 号门和 31 号门的正式过境点。
Several roadblocks, usually manned by protesters, are still in place in northern Mitrovica and on the main thoroughfares in the north of Kosovo, restricting access for EULEX to duty stations, including the official crossing points at gates 1 and 31.
此 外 , 我 們把 《 守 則 》 擬 稿 上 載 於 公 務 員 事 [...]
務 局 網 頁 , 歡 迎 所 有 公 務 員 向 我 們 提 出 意 見 。
We have also posted the draft Code on CSB’s homepage.
截至 2011 年 8 月,阻碍流动的障碍数目约为 523 个,其中 62 个有常设人把守,相比之下,2010 年 8 月,障碍数目为 509 个,其中 64 个有常设人把守。
As of August 2011, the number of obstacles to movement was approximately 523, of which 62 were permanently staffed, compared to 509 in August 2010, of which 64 were permanently staffed.
传播《守则》的重要相关行动有,有 43 个国把《守则》翻译成本国或当 地语言,这有助于旅游业中的利益攸关方在各区域和地区中予以传播。
One of the most significant actions
[...] related to the Code’s dissemination has been its translation by 43 countries into their [...]
national or local languages,
which has facilitated its distribution among various tourism stakeholders in their respective regions and territories.
1 051 200 个部队流动和徒步巡逻人日,查明游牧移徙路线,并确保沿这些路线的安全移徙,为把守固定/流动检查站,设立和巡逻沿人道主义物品供应路线的非军事地带,并设立和巡逻激 烈冲突区内各部队之间的隔离区和缓冲区(40 个队部、每个队部 1 个巡逻队、每个巡逻队 72 人, 365 日)
1,051,200 troop mobile and foot patrol days to identify nomadic migration routes and ensure the safety of migration along such routes by securing fixed/mobile checkpoints, to establish and patrol demilitarized zones along humanitarian supply routes, and to establish and patrol areas of separation and buffer zones between forces in areas of intense conflict (72 troops per patrol for 1 patrol each of 40 team sites for 365 days)
涂謹申議員和吳靄儀議員已經多次盡了努力,提議由私隱專 把守 這 一 關又 不行,那麼這一關還可有誰把守呢?
Mr James TO and Ms Margaret NG have already done their utmost a number of times and their proposal to let the Privacy Commissioner to guard this gate was not approved, so, who else can guard this gate?
當然 , 我 本 人的理解 是 除了商業投 標 及商業利益 外 , 他 們對於其他所 有 關 乎 公眾利 益 的事情 , 都 應在未 來 的會議席上 , 向 立法會披露和作出交代 , 在 這 方 面 , 我們希望能把守 第 二 關 。
Of course, my understanding is that in future meetings, both the Chairman and the CEO should make disclosures and provide explanations to the Legislative Council about all matters relating to public interest, with the exception of matters related to commercial tenders and commercial interests.
正泰太阳能秉承着“诚信守法”的价值观,不断的完善公司的各项管理制度 把守 法 合 规作为公司经营管理的重 中之重,致力于遵守所有适用的国际、国家以及地区法律法规以及道德守则和普遍接受的做法,包括促进公平竞争、 提供客户产品及服务的安全性、符合劳动法规、环境健康安全、反歧视 & 贿赂行为、人权宣言、知识产权等各个方面。
Astronergy constantly improves all management systems of the company with the value of “integrity and law-abiding”, takes law-abiding as the priority among priorities of corporate management, and dedicated to observing universal practices applicable to international, national and local laws and regulations and moralities, including boosting fair competition, offering customer products and safety of services, complying with labor stipulations, environmental and health safety, discrimination and bribery, declaration of human rights and intellectual property and so on.




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