单词 | 抄手 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 抄手—fold one's armsless common: (dialect) wonton copyist See also:抄—raid plagiarize grab take a shortcut make a copy search and seize fold one's arms make a turning move go off with
这本手抄本出自斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发大学图书馆馆藏的贝萨吉克伊斯兰手稿收藏集,该藏品于1997年入选联合国教科文组织的世界记忆名录。 wdl.org | The manuscriptis fromthe Bašagić Collection of Islamic Manuscripts [...] in the University Library of Bratislava, Slovakia, [...]which was inscribed on the UNESCO Memory of the World register in 1997. wdl.org |
该手抄本汇集了五份年代(日期从 13 世纪末到大约 1521 年)和来源不同的手稿,手稿的布局、图形样式和格式也各不相同。 wdl.org | Themanuscript is boundin a composite codex that gathers [...] together five manuscripts of different age (dating from the end [...]of the 13th century to circa 1521) and provenance, and which are also dissimilar in layout, graphic style, and format. wdl.org |
建立一个包含 60 000 多份图像的数字化 数据库,以便于制作泥金装饰手抄本和微 型法典的电子复原图。 unesdoc.unesco.org | establishing a digitized database of over 60,000 images which would allow the electronic restoration [...] of illuminated manuscripts and miniaturecodices. unesdoc.unesco.org |
几个世纪以来,在发明印刷术之前就存在的手稿,证明是一种强有力的交流手段:用 拉丁文、希腊文和阿拉伯文写在纸莎草纸、羊皮纸和牛皮纸上的手稿;泥金装饰 手抄本;萨 拉戈萨的手稿;以及写有《伊利亚特》诗句的 Elephantine 手稿和 Philemon 手稿。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Through the centuries, manuscripts, generally pre-dating the invention of printing, have proved to be a powerful vehicle of communication: written on papyrus, parchment and vellum, in Latin, Greek and Arabic; illuminated manuscripts; Jan Potocki’s manuscript found in Saragossa and the manuscripts of Elephantine and of Philemon, containing verses of the Iliad. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在维努斯死后,该手抄本被约翰·雅各布·富格尔收购,并随其图书馆一起,于1571年进入巴伐利亚公爵的慕尼黑法院图书馆。 wdl.org | Following the death of Corvinus, it was acquired by Johann Jakob Fugger, with whose library it came to the Munich court library of the dukes of Bavaria in 1571. wdl.org |
佛罗伦萨手抄本》按照很多欧洲百科全书式作品常用的传统知识分类,介绍了“新西班牙一切神圣的(或者说崇拜偶像的)事务、人和自然”。 wdl.org | Following the traditional division of knowledge [...] common to many European encyclopedic works, [...] the Florentine Codex dealswith “all [...]things divine (or rather idolatrous), human and natural of New Spain. wdl.org |
此手抄本最初保存在科维努斯图书馆,现保存在佛罗伦萨劳伦森医学图书馆,其成书时间可追溯到 [...] 15 世纪 80 年代末。 wdl.org | This codex, originally in [...] the Corvinus Library and now preserved in the Medicea Laurenziana Library in Florence, dates from the late 1480s. wdl.org |
它是表现在提申多夫,这是世纪的手抄本写在第四,因此,食品法典委员会关于梵蒂冈同年龄的,但后者则希望更多的杂叶的一部分,马修和在这里和那里此外,西奈抄本是只复制新的字符约在uncial手稿是完整的。 mb-soft.com | It is shown by Tischendorf that this codex was written in the fourth century, and is thus of about the same age as the Vatican codex; but while the latter wants the greater part of Matthew and sundry leaves here and there besides, the Sinaiticus is the only copy of the New Testament in uncial characters which is complete. mb-soft.com |
该手抄本是 原本在科维努斯图书馆和目前在巴伐利亚州立图书馆保存的八份手稿之一,包含Aeschines和Demosthenes的数份演讲稿和信件,其中有Demosthenes最着名的演讲《On [...] the Crown》。 wdl.org | This codex, one of eight manuscripts originally inthe Corvinus [...] Library and now preserved in the Bavarian State Library, [...]contains several speeches and letters by Aeschines and Demosthenes, among which is Demosthenes' most brilliant speech, “On the Crown,” in the translation by the humanist Leonardo Bruni from Arezzo (1370?–1444), who also contributed a preface addressed to Niccolò Medici. wdl.org |
通过这一长期被指定,或安排团体几本 手抄本和古抄本的希伯来圣经作为一个整体按照一定的顺序(见圣经佳能),或单一的图书。 mb-soft.com | By this term [...] are designated handwrittencopies andcodices of the Hebrew [...]Bible as a whole, or of several books arranged [...]in groups according to a certain order (see Bible Canon), or of single books. mb-soft.com |
尤其是Sahidic版本的septuagint研究的重要性,因为它是,它似乎从Hexapla影响希腊文 手抄本。 mb-soft.com | The Sahidic version is especially of [...] importance for the study of the Septuagint, as it was made, it [...] seemsfrom Greek manuscriptsfree from Hexapla influence. mb-soft.com |
这本托瓦尔手抄本被认为是 16 世纪墨西哥耶稣会士胡安·德·托瓦尔 (Juan de Tovar) 所作,其中包含关于阿兹特克(也称墨西卡)礼仪和仪式的详细信息。 wdl.org | The Tovar Codex, attributed to the 16th-century Mexican Jesuit Juan de Tovar, contains detailed information about the rites and ceremonies of the Aztecs (also known as Mexica). wdl.org |
考虑到在世界各地,特别是在亚洲、中东乃至欧洲,有十分珍贵的波斯语 手抄本文献需 要鉴别和保护 unesdoc.unesco.org | Taking account of the fact that there exists a most precious [...] treasuryof Persian manuscripts in various parts [...]of the world, especially in Asia, the [...]Middle East and even Europe, requiring identification and preservation unesdoc.unesco.org |
这本手抄本保存在那不勒斯国家图书馆,其中只包含草药的内容,在 [...] 170 页带插图的内容中,涵盖了当时已知的所有药用植物,并有注释介绍了每一种植物、其产地及治疗用途。 wdl.org | The codex at the National [...] Library of Naples includes only the herbal, which, in its 170 illustrated pages, covers all the [...]known medicinal plants with a commentary that describes each plant, its habitat, and its therapeutic uses. wdl.org |
其作品在12世纪被译成拉丁文,以手抄本的形式广泛流传,对西方学者产生了很大的影响。 wdl.org | His works were translated into [...] Latin in the 12th century and, through their [...] wide circulation inmanuscript form, had a great [...]influence on Western scholars. wdl.org |
手抄本最后一页为一篇以容易记住的方式描述重量平衡原理的韵文。 wdl.org | The last page of themanuscript contains a sheet of [...] verses that describe the basics of using a weighing balance, in a form that is easy to remember. wdl.org |
这份制作于 14 世纪上半叶,附有大量插图的手稿,是该故事集中非常罕见的 手抄本。 wdl.org | This highly illustrated manuscript, created in the first half of the 14th [...] century, is arare manuscriptcopy of the cycle. wdl.org |
重要的是文本的评论家 - Oxyrhyncus巴氏新约只有一个莎草纸上的 手抄本。 mb-soft.com | Only one papyrus manuscriptof theNew Testament [...] is important to the text-critic -- Oxyrhyncus Pap. mb-soft.com |
这份手稿一般称为《佛罗伦萨手抄本》 ,包括 12 册,分别阐述不同的主题。 wdl.org | Commonly referred to as the [...] Florentine Codex,the manuscript consists of [...]12 books devoted to different topics. wdl.org |
例如,“按条目类型浏览”页面列出了 WDL 按格式分类的条目:书籍、日志、手抄本、地图动画、版画与照片以及录音。 wdl.org | For example, the “Browse by Type of [...] Item” page lists WDL items by format: [...] books,journals,manuscripts,maps motion pictures, [...]prints and photographs, sound recordings. wdl.org |
此手抄本可能曾被美国传教士伊莱·史密斯(Eli Smith,1801-1857 [...] 年)使用,他是将《圣经》翻译成阿拉伯文的新教翻译家之一,曾于 19 世纪初期至中叶在贝鲁特工作。 wdl.org | Thecodex appearsto have [...] been used by Eli Smith (1801–57), an American missionary and one of the Protestant translators [...]of the Bible into Arabic, who worked in Beirut in the early to mid-19th century. wdl.org |