

单词 承保

External sources (not reviewed)

審核員通知我們有關您的上訴的當日結束時,您也會收到我們發出的書面通知,詳細說明希望終止計 劃為承保服務的原因。
By the end of the day the reviewers informed us of your appeal, and you will also get a written notice from us that explains in detail our reasons for ending our coverage for your services.
如果您自行要求快承保決定(未獲得醫生或其他開藥醫生支援),我們將判斷您的健康狀況是否需 要我們對您作出快承保決定
If you ask for a fast coverage decision on your own (without your doctor’s or other prescriber’s support), we will decide whether your health requires that we give you a fast coverage decision.
如果您也享有联邦医疗保险,您有权从您选 择的医疗服务提供者获得联邦医保 险 承保 的服务。
If you also have Medicare coverage, you have the right to seek Medicare-covered services from the Medicare provider of your choice.
所有其他工作人员都由联合国工作人员相互保险协会的联合 国日内瓦办事处保险计承保,其 运作情况载于联合国财务报表。
All other staff members are covered by the insurance scheme of the United
Nations Office at Geneva - the United Nations
[...] Staff Mutual Insurance Society (UNSMIS) [...]
- whose operations are reflected in the
United Nations financial statements.
您享有联邦医疗保险,该服务在联邦 医保险承保范围内,而且您从联邦 医 疗 保 险 医 疗 服 务 提 供 者 获 得 了 该 服务。
You have Medicare, the service is covered by Medicare, and you have gotten the service from a Medicare provider.
當支出達到該數目時,保險公司支付 所有當年餘下承保醫療 費用,包括自扣額和 共付額。
After expenses reach
[...] that amount, the insurance company pays [...]
all remaining covered medical expenses for the year including deductibles and co-payments.
(o) 作為金融家、金融代理、資本家 承保 人 ( 不包括人壽、海事或火災保險)、 特許經銷商及經紀進行業務,並從事及經營及執行所有類別的金融、商業貿 易及其他業務;接納存放款項或貴重物品並支付利息及/或授予其認為合適 的其他條款以及進行所有或任何銀行家的業務。
(o) To carry on business as financiers, financial agents, capitalists, underwriters, (but not in respect of life, marine or fire insurance), concessionaires [...]
and brokers and
to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, trading and other operations; to receive money or valuables on deposit at interest and/or upon such other terms as may be thought fit and to carry on all or any of the activities of a banker.
聯合小組委員會既認同的士及公共小巴業的關注, 承保 的士 及公共小巴的保險公司太少,可能是導致保費上升的原因,亦認同保險 業的關注,即涉及誇大傷勢和保險詐騙及包攬訴訟等其他非法活動的巨 額賠償,可能是導致保費上升的原因。
The Joint Subcommittee shares the concern of the taxi and PLB trades that the limited number of insurers underwriting taxi and PLB insurance, and the concern of the insurance industry that payment of huge compensation in claims involving exaggeration of injuries and other illegal activities, such as insurance fraud and champerty, may be contributory factors leading to the rise in insurance premium.
您也可以购买额外的第三者责保险 , 以 承保 火 灾、盗窃以及对其它车辆的损坏。
You can also pay extra
[...] to have third party insurance, which will include [...]
fire and theft as well as damage to other cars.
[...] 響,但未貼現自由盈餘價值的整體增長反映本集團有能力經濟 承保 新 業 務以及管理有效保單價值。
The overall growth in the undiscounted value of free surplus,
notwithstanding these impacts, reflects both
[...] our ability to write new business on [...]
attractive economics and to manage the inforce book for value.
聯合小組委員會察悉,的士及公共小巴業關注到,的士及公共 小巴司機被分類為從事高風險職業,而部分保險公司拒 承保 運 輸 業內 的高危工作,或收取較高保費。
The Joint Subcommittee notes the concern of the taxi and PLB trades that their drivers are classified as engaging in
high-risk occupation,
[...] and some insurance companies refuse to underwrite insurance for high risk jobs in the transport sector or charge a higher premium.
此與「服務點」計劃 不同,後者准予病人無須事前授權可取 承保 服務 ,但如用計劃網絡外的服務者,所付費用 將較高。
This contrasts with a "point-of-service" plan, which allows patients to receive covered services without prior authorization but at a higher cost outside a plan's network.
相反,这方 面的目标应是寻找途径 (包括政府直接支助承保私人 活动,妇女更有机会获得 土地和房屋产权及其他形式的资本),为妇女和目前被排除在正规银行系统之外 [...]
Rather, the goal should be to develop ways (including direct
[...] public provision or underwriting of private activity [...]
and increased access of women to
land and housing titles and other forms of capital) to provide access to credit for women and others who are currently excluded from the formal banking system.
您甚至可以购承保范围 更为全面的保单。
You may even wish to take out a
[...] more comprehensive insurance policy.
拟编列 65 240 美元差旅费,用于开展以下特派团规划/评估/协商活动:
就会计政策和财务程序向维持和平行动提供指导,审查与 2010/11 年度期间审计 结果相关的问题(46 700 美元);会见维和特派团行政事务代表,以评估维和特派
[...] 团当地工作人员医疗保险计划第三方管理办法的执行情况,审查服务质量,讨承保范围要求和其他问题(18 500 美元)。
An amount of $65,240 is proposed for travel to undertake the following mission planning/assessment/consultation activities: to provide guidance to peacekeeping operations on accounting policies and financial procedures and review issues related to the audit findings for the 2010/11 period ($46,700); and to meet with the administrative representatives of peacekeeping missions to assess the implementation of third-party administration for the medical insurance plan for local staff in
peacekeeping missions, to review the quality of services provided
[...] and to discuss coverage requirements [...]
and other issues ($18,500).
怎样才能继续获取服务: 如果您一直接受的服务或项目被缩减、 更改或停止,而且您在收到告诉您该等服 务 或 项 目 不承 保 范 围 内 的 信 件 ( 通 知)10 天内亲自递交或邮寄(以邮戳为 准)投诉信,在作出投诉决定之前,您的 服务或项目仍然有效。
If you have been receiving services or items that are being reduced, changed or stopped and you file a complaint that is hand-delivered or postmarked within 10 days of the date on the letter (notice) telling you that the services or items you have been receiving are not covered services or items for you, the service or items will continue until a decision is made.
新業 務保費反承保業務 相關的保費,包括《國際財務報告準則》為基礎的報告而指定為投資產品的合約的保費。
New business
[...] premiums reflect those premiums attaching [...]
to covered business, including premiums for contracts designed as
investment products for IFRS reporting.
他们还为控制心理病治疗费提出了建议,并建议对按 承保范 围 规定限制条件和限制某些频次高得可疑的治疗。
They also made recommendations to control costs for
psychotherapy and recommended the imposition of
[...] restrictions on the coverage for massages [...]
and to limit some questionable high frequency treatments.
由於2014年頒佈的可負擔醫療保健法案的全面政策,有既存疾病的美國人不會受到歧視和得到他們所需要的健 承保 , 家 人也不用擔心當一個家庭成員生病的時候他們的保險會被取消或到達保額上限,或由於意外或生病的醫療費用而導致破產。
Under the full range of policies in the Affordable Care Act to be enacted by 2014, Americans living with pre-existing
conditions are free from discrimination and can
[...] get the health coverage they need, and [...]
families are free from the worry of having
their insurance cancelled or capped when a family member gets sick, or going broke because of the medical costs of an accident or disease.
在宏观发展的背景下,除承保文件的架构和质量水平外,各企业特定 的风险状况日益成为其风承保能力及最终风险转移成本的主要决定性 因素。
As ever in the context of macro developments, each organization’s unique risk attributes, in addition to the structure and quality of its marketplace submission, will be prime determinants of potential capacity and the ultimate cost of risk transfer that can be secured.
澳 大 利 亞 的 建 議 也 避 免 了 ‚ 附 加 ‛ 的 法 律 開 支 保 險 有 利 益 衝 突 的 問 題 , 因 為 法 律 開 支 保 險 公 司 是 一 家 獨 立 的 專 責 保 險 公 司 ,承 保 主 要 風 險 的 保 險 公 司 互 不 關 連 。
The conflict of interest in “add-on” legal expense insurance has been avoided by the Australian proposal because LEI is a separate specialist insurance company and is independent of the insurer of the primary risk.
備 註: 就 本投標表格而言,「 豁免通 訊 」一詞指〔我 /我們/本號〕 為 準備提交本投標表格而
[...] 委 託〔 我 /我們/本號〕本身的顧問承保 人提供協助時,在絕對機密的 情況下向他 [...]
們 作出的通訊 。
Remark: In this Form of Tender, the expression “Excepted Communications” means [my/our/our company’s] Communications in strict
confidence with [my/our/our company’s] own
[...] consultants or insurers to solicit their [...]
assistance in preparation for submission of this Form of Tender.
这种方案把收成和价格保险相结合,或者换句话说,除了通常的收成 损失保险( 疾病、干旱或水灾等造成的损失) 所承保的风 险以外,还提供应对保险 期内市场价格的变动可能造成的价值损失的保险。
Such a scheme combines yield and price coverage or in other words, protects against potential loss in value due to a change in market price during the insurance period, in addition to the perils covered by the standard loss of yield coverage (e.g. due to diseases, droughts or floods, etc.).
作為世界一流的合約再保險經紀人,Aon Re Global
[...] 透過獨特的市場優勢,提供 貴公司靈活的合約再保險計畫,並使再保險計畫的結構設計及定價,能確實呼應 貴公司的目標 承保 特 性
As the world’s leading treaty reinsurance broker, Aon Re Global is uniquely positioned to provide you
with flexible treaty programs, structured and priced in ways that reflect your unique
[...] objectives and underwriting profile.
上 述 建 議 在 進 行 諮 詢 時 獲 得 普 遍 支 持 。 此 外 , 雖 然 有 兩 點 疑 難 提 出
來 , 有 待 我 們 在 下 文 進 行 探
[...] 討 , 但 我 們 在 初 步 提 出 意 見 時 已 確 認承 保 人 因 履 行 其 賠 償 被 保 險 人 損 失 的 義 務 而 [...]
支 付 的 保 險 金 不 應 附 有 法 定 利 息 。
These proposals received general support on consultation and, although two points of difficulty were raised which are considered in the next paragraph, we are confirmed in our
provisional view that money
[...] payable by insurers under an obligation to indemnify the insured against loss [...]
ought not to carry statutory interest.
[...] Re Global Fac 提供一些替代性承保選擇,有助於 貴公司在發展業務時,確保業績不受個別保單的不穩定影響。
As the world’s leading facultative broker, Aon Re Global Fac provides alternative coverage options
to help you grow your business without
[...] exposing your underwriting results to [...]
excessive volatility from individual policy coverages.
(e) 执行主任可安排电子/数字承付流程,但须规定付款分类账和相关付款 系统有适当的保障措施,保承付流程具有本细则所要求的完整性。
(e) The Executive Director may arrange for an electronic/digital committing process provided that the payments ledger and the
associated payment system have
[...] adequate safeguards to ensure the integrity of the committing process as [...]
required by this rule.
[...] 勤支持服务,以便外地行动执行经授权的任务,同时 保承 办 服 务符合联合国要 求和国际民航组织的标准与建议做法;提供战略指导与协调,确保在航空支持、 [...]
满足外地行动整个任务周期内的其他空运需求,包括开办阶段、维持阶段、过渡 阶段和清理结束阶段的需求;规划和举行培训班、讲习班及研讨会,为外地行动 和总部培养航空专家。
The Section is responsible for providing air assets, as well as all related airfield and aviation ground services and aviation ground support services, to facilitate the
execution by field operations of
[...] mandated tasks, while ensuring that contracted [...]
services comply with the requirements of
the United Nations and ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices; providing strategic guidance and coordination to ensure the provision of effective logistic capabilities in terms of air support and airfield/air terminal and air/ground support services in support of field operations; fulfilling other air transportation requirements during the life cycle of field operations, including start-up, sustainment, transition and liquidation; and planning and conducting training courses, workshops and seminars for the development of aviation specialists in field operations and at Headquarters.
此外,信興科技亦切實執行對社會、商業伙伴及員工的 保承 諾 , 推行相關的環境管理體系運作,制定符合ISO14001標準的「公司運作程序」,並於2002年5月獲得香港品質保證局頒發ISO14001證書。
By the implementation of Environmental Management System, SHTEC established "Company Operating Procedure" to
compile with the ISO14001 environment
[...] standard and assures the commitment of demonstrating [...]
environmental management to society, business partner and staff.




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