

单词 批判

批判 verb ()

criticize v


不批判 adj

non-judgmental adj

See also:

act on
tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)


judge n
sentence n

obviously (different)

External sources (not reviewed)

该部门还增加了其能力建设讲习班的与会人数,以快速增加这些国家能 批判 地 理解 科学、技术及创新政策的民众。
The Division is also increasing the number of participants in its capacity-building workshops to rapidly increase the national critical mass on STI policy in these countries.
一些俄罗斯记者 获准研究刑事案件的卷宗,据称他们后来利用这些资料撰写 批判 提 交 人的文 章。
A group of Russian journalists was allowed to study the criminal case file and they allegedly used the information afterwards to prepare critical articles against the author.
若課堂能夠提供互動的機會,學生可發展潛能成為一個 批判性 思考能力的人。
Students need to develop competencies for critical thinking, and in order to develop these they need to have opportunities to think and interact with others.
以色列应当在公平和公正的基础上,接受审查和建 设性批判,它 只要求国际社会坚持自己的各项原 则。
Israel should be subject to review
[...] and constructive criticism on a fair and impartial [...]
basis and asked only that the international
community stand by its own principles.
确定的领域有:培训教师使用信 息与传播技术;媒体教育,包括对信息内容进 批判 性 分析;以及专业人员的培训,其中包括记者 和媒体专业人员、档案馆员、图书馆员以及其他信息专业人员。
The following areas were identified in this regard: teacher training in the use of ICTs; media education, including critical analysis of information contents; and training of professionals, including journalists and media professionals, archivists, librarians and other information specialists.
我 覺 得 , 正如我 剛 才 說 的,作為議員,如果對於政 府所送 交 來 的 均照單 全收, 不以一 種 懷疑的批判 性 的 態 度來分析 資 料 , 甚 至 沒 有在合理的情況下 爭 取最高的 透 明 度以確 保政府 透 過本議會或 其他的 途徑向大眾問 責 , 那 麼 , 我們究 竟 為 何 還 有需要坐 在這裏呢?
I feel that as I had just said, if I, as a Member, just accept whatever provided by the Government without adopting a critical and questioning attitude in analysing the information, or even without making attempts to obtain the highest possible transparency in a reasonable manner, so as to ensure that the Government can become accountable to the people through this Council or any other channels, then why is there still a need for us to occupy the seats here?
教师需要能够激 励学生,开发他们批判性思维,并培养道德价值观。
Teachers need to be able to motivate students, develop their critical thinking, and nurture moral values.
另一方面,从 技术层批判性地评估一个云架构的安全性也很重要。
On the other hand, it’s vital to critically evaluate, in technical terms, the security offered by any given cloud architecture.
用实践的方式教授理论知识的教学方式培养学生 批判 性 思 维和解决问题的能力,让他们为在大公司里一展身手作好充分的准备。
The teaching environment and the practical approach with the theoretical knowledge encourage students to develop skills in critical thinking and problem-solving and to prepare themselves for the corporate world,” he says.
视觉通道--对传统批判  传统庭院的问题是过分闭锁内向,我们为此在院墙上开启了各种洞口以形成视觉通道。
The Visual
[...] Channels -- A Critique of the Tradition  [...]
To avoid the complete isolation associated with traditional courtyards,
we created a variety of openings on the walls to form visual channels.
互聯網與科技可以在不同的情況下幫助學與教,例如: y 為學習艱深的概念提供視聽教具; y 從各式各樣的來源中提供搜尋資料途徑,並能處理大量資料和有助從中 抽取真確和有用的資料; y 讓學生按照自己的進度來學習,包括使用特別設計的軟件套裝; y 促使學生之間、學生與資源或教師之間產生互動; y 增加學生之間和學生與教師之間的協作; y 有助獲取資料以培批判性思考與建構知識的能力。
The Internet and technologies help learning and teaching in many different situations by: y providing audio-visual aids for the understanding of difficult concepts; y providing access to information from a wide variety of sources, handling large quantities of information, and facilitating the extraction of valid and useful information; y allowing students to work at their own pace, including the use of specially designed software packages; y promoting interaction among students, and between students and resources / teachers; y enhancing collaboration among students, and between students and teachers; y facilitating access to information for the development of critical thinking and the building of knowledge.
2002-2005年就读于英国伦敦大学歌德史密斯学院工作室实践与当 批判 , 获艺术学士学位。
BA Fine Art, Studio Practice and Contemporary Critical Studies Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK, 2002-2005.
这项倡议使所有教育部门、系统和结构发生变化,其目的是提供符合时代需 要的优质教育,使学生具批判能力 ,独立学习,传授个人掌握符合时代要求和 促进社会进步所需的谋生技能。
This initiative has brought about change in all education tracks, systems and structures, with a view to offering an outstanding education that is in step with the times, enables students to think critically and learn independently, teaches the life skills that individuals need in order to understand the demands of the times and contributes to the advancement of society.
課程也培養學生批判性思 維、合作精神和資訊 技術技能。
Pathways also develop critical thinking, collaboration and technology information skills.
非實驗有 關作業的例子,包批判性地 閱讀、分析和匯報化學對理解物料世界所作 [...]
的貢獻;設計海報或單張,嘗試說服不同人士遵守綠色化學原則;撰寫報 告,總結參觀化工廠獲取的科學知識和概念;開發多媒體製品,說明聚合 物合成的過程。
Examples of such
[...] tasks include: critical reading, analysis [...]
and reporting on the contribution of chemistry to the understanding
of the material world; designing a poster or pamphlet aimed at persuading people to follow the principles of green chemistry; writing a report to present the scientific knowledge and concepts acquired after a visit to an industrial plant; and developing a multimedia artefact to illustrate the synthesis of polymers.
该处利用这些数据衡量批判性分析影响,改变活动以增加效益(如有需要),为共享信息和组织学习的目的积 累经验教训,并通报未来项目的发展情况。
The Branch uses those data to measure and critically analyse impacts, make changes to activities in order to increase effectiveness (if required), glean lessons for the purpose of informationsharing and organizational learning and inform the development of future projects.
从教学的角度来说,该介绍者指出,气候变化教 育应以儿童为中心,应具有参与性,促 批判 性 思 考和解决问题的能力,并发展 适应能力和抗御能力。
From a pedagogical perspective, the presenter stated that climate change education needs to be child-centered and participatory, promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and develop adaptive capacities and resilience.
艺术家安东•维多克勒为该项目开办了一年的课程,在新美术馆举办每月一次的研讨会和训练营,通过艺术探讨培育公众 批判 精 神
For this project, artist Anton Vidokle organized a yearlong program of monthly seminars and workshops that used the New Museum as a site to shape a critically engaged public through art discourse.
對於 數學科來說,校本評核的主要理念是要提高整體評核的效度,並將評核延 伸至涵蓋學生批判性思 考、創意、構思、探究及數學推理的能力及與人 溝通和清晰及邏輯地表達意見的能力。
The primary rationale for SBA in Mathematics is to enhance the validity of the overall assessment and extend it to include testing candidates’ ability to think critically and creatively, conceptualise, investigate and reason mathematically, communicate with others and express their views clearly and logically in mathematical language.
[...] 表团未能支持许多针对以色列的决议,主要是因为 它们批判以色 列政府的同时,丝毫没有提及哈马 斯。
His delegation had not been able to support the many
resolutions targeting Israel, in large
[...] part because they criticized the Government of [...]
Israel while making no mention of Hamas.
框架教育法案》(立法:10 月 14 日第 46/86 号法律)从一个积极的全球公 民视角,培养学生对于精神、美学、道德和公民价值观 批判 性 和 独立思维;使 他们在身体、道德和公民层面都能够均衡、和谐地成长,即教育学生成为有责任 的公民、能够独立自主。
The Framework Education Act (Legislation: Law no. 46/86, 14th October), is informed by a global active citizenship perspective which aims at preparing students for critical and independent thought on spiritual, aesthetic, moral and civic values; and at allowing for their balanced and harmonious development, both at physical, moral and civic levels, that is, aiming at educating students to be responsible citizens, capable of autonomous attitudes.
实现该目标的办法是,向法律学生和年轻法学家提供机 会批判性对话和科学合作精神了解其他文化和法律制度,帮助法律专业学生和 年轻法学家形成国际思维和专业技能,并鼓励学生和青年法学家为社会公益努 力。
This is achieved by providing opportunities for law students and young lawyers to learn about other cultures and legal systems in a spirit of critical dialogue and scientific cooperation, assisting law students and young lawyers to be internationally minded and professionally skilled, and encouraging law students and young lawyers to act for the good of society.
这其中的原因是,这种违背行为将导致社会对所选择的政策及其结果 批判 和排 斥,并很可能会引发其他各种(甚至更严重)问题,结果将使所谓的问题解决 [...]
The reason for this is that its transgression will
[...] generate social criticism and repudiation [...]
of the chosen policy and its outcomes,
and most likely will trigger other types of problems (even more serious) that will make the alleged solution to the problem fragile and ephemeral.
It’s not enough to know that your own house is in order, you have to look critically at your suppliers and vendors to make certain that their business practices are ethical, are sustainable and meet established international standards.
该法第 2 条规定,“教育 是公共的、社会性的、免费的、高品质的、世俗的,整体的、永久的、与社会相 关的、创造性的、艺术性的、创新性的 批判 性 的 、多文化的、多民族的、跨文 化的和多语种的。
Under article 2 of the Law, “Education is public, social, free, of high quality, secular, integral, permanent, socially relevant, creative, artistic, innovative, critical, multicultural, multiethnic, intercultural, and multilingual.
Eltayeb 先生认为,宗教问批判思想 的限制范围的定义必须考虑到公民 权利和政治权利国际公约第 18 至 20 条。
According to Mr. Eltayeb, the definition of the scope of limitation of critical thinking of religious issues must take into consideration articles 18 to 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
女性 主义者反对这类用出口和投资导向的发展方向所创造出来的工作数量,这是一般人所 注意的焦点,她批判这些 工作的质量和这种就业的可持续性(Staveren,2007 [...]
年; 李, 1998 年,2007a,Pun 2005)。
Against the common focus on the quantity of jobs created by an
export- and investment- oriented development
[...] path, feminist critique questions the [...]
quality of these jobs and the sustainability
of this employment (Staveren, 2007; Lee 1998, 2007a, Pun 2005).
教育促进可持续发展是一种变革性学习过程,它促进地方和全球的责任感, 鼓励前瞻性批判性的 思维,结合传统的知识,促进全球相互依存的认识,倡导 对结合福利、生活质量以及尊重自然与尊重他人的新的生活方式的思考。
It promotes a sense of both local and global responsibility, encourages future-oriented and critical thinking, integrates traditional knowledge, builds recognition of global interdependence and promotes reflection on new lifestyles that combine well-being, quality of life and respect for nature and other people.




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