

单词 批假

See also:

act on
tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)


false adj
fake adj
artificial adj

External sources (not reviewed)

实务部门负责人和主管对其直接或间接下属员工的缺勤管理工作具有关键 的作用,因为他们通常负批准年假 , 批 准 日 历年内前 10 天或 20 天有证明病 假、但是组织细则具体规定医务部门批准所有有证明病假的除外。
Line managers and supervisors play a key role in absence management with regard to staff under their direct or indirect supervision, as
they are usually the ones who
[...] authorize annual leave, and approve the first 10 or 20 [...]
days of certified sick leave in a calendar
year, unless the organizational rules specify that Medical Services approve all certified sick leave.
說得太長遠,便被批評為“假大空”、開空頭支票,說得務實一點,又被 人說“無嘢睇”、交不出成績,正是左右做人難。
If one talks too much about the long
[...] term, one will be criticized as being false, grandiose and empty [...]
and as issuing blank cheques;
if one is being a little bit more pragmatic, one will be described as not being able to deliver and failing to deliver, so one is really finding oneself between the devil and the deep blue sea.
通知期不包括假期,但 通知期內的假及經批核 當局在不妨礙公務的情況批出的 例假則屬例外。
Leave may not be included as part of a
period of notice, except
[...] sick leave and vacation leave taken during the notice period as permitted by the leave approving authority subject [...]
to the exigencies of the service.
缔约国没有考虑提交人批准正式休 假 的 事 实,该事实是 警务人员离开该国的唯一条件。
The State party does not take into account the fact that the author
[...] was granted official holiday leave, which is the [...]
only condition for a police officer
to be able to leave the country.
為回應劉議員對 如 何 派 員 出 任 擬設的首長級職 位的關注,庫務局副局長確 認,即使現時的建議 獲批 准,假 若 日後財 委 會 不批准開設該首長級職 位,又或者 根 本 不 再 需 要 開設擬議 的 首長級職 位,政府當局亦不會 為其他目的而尋 求 用盡已 預留的 款 項。
Addressing Miss LAU's concern about the filling of the proposed directorate post, the Deputy Secretary for the Treasury confirmed that notwithstanding approval of the present proposal, if in future, FC did not approve the creation of the directorate post or if the proposed directorate post was no longer required, the Administration would not seek to exhaust the earmarked funding for other purposes.
至於非上市公司,則有 多一個例外情況,就是公司須通過償付能力測試,以及藉特別決 議取得股東批准;而假如淨 資產會因給予資助而減少,則資助 必須從可分派利潤中撥款提供( 第 47E 條 ) 。
Unlisted companies are provided with an additional exception under which the company has to pass a solvency test and obtain approval from shareholders with a special resolution, while the assistance must be provided out of distributable profits to the extent that the net assets are reduced by the assistance (section 47E).
按於最後實際可行日期已發行股份數目455,901,260股計算,以及倘建議新一 般授權於股東特別大會上批准及假 設 本 公司從最後實際可行日期起直至股東特別 [...]
大會日期止期間將不會發行及/或購回其他股份,則根據建議新一般授權可予發行 之新股份總數為91,180,252股,相當於股東特別大會日期已發行股份455,901,260股 之 20%。
Based on the 455,901,260 Shares in issue as at the Latest
Practicable Date and, if the proposed New
[...] General Mandate is approved at the EGM and [...]
on the basis that no further Shares will
be issued and/or repurchased by the Company between the Latest Practicable Date and the date of the EGM, the total number of new Shares that may be issued under the proposed New General Mandate is 91,180,252 Shares, representing 20% of the 455,901,260 Shares in issue as at the EGM date.
有些議員促 請 政府制定法例,規 定 僱 主 須為僱 員 提 供 侍假 , 或 批准僱假 以便照顧患 病 的家人、 照顧領 養 的 子 女 等 。
Some Members have called on the Government to enact legislation to require employers to provide paternity leave, leave for taking care of sick family members, leave for taking care of adopted children and so on.
教科文组织关于批准休休养假的政 策已经符合公务员制度委员会的订正框架。
UNESCO’s policy on Rest and Recuperation on authorized absence was already in line with the revised ICSC framework.
(c) 保險業出現嚴重承保虧損的原因包括(i)與索償 代理有關的詐騙性索償個案;(ii)醫管局等機構 不願意檢討現批給病假的程序;及(iii)法律 援助署處理法律援助申請的手法較為寬鬆。
(c) The grave underwriting losses of the insurance sector were caused by (i) fraudulent claims associated with recovery agents; (ii) reluctance of bodies like the Hospital Authority to review their existing procedures of granting sick leaves; and (iii) adoption of a less stringent approach by the Legal Aid Department in processing applications for legal aid.
此外,公务员制度委员会决定向联大建 批 准 的休 养 假 时 间 为连续 5 个日历日加所批 准的旅行时间。
In addition, ICSC decided to recommend to the General Assembly that the period of authorized absence on Rest and Recuperation breaks would be five consecutive calendar days, plus approved travel time.
(iii)  倘在並無董事會特批准告假情況下缺席董事會會議連續六個月,及其 替任董事(如有)於該期間並無代其出席,且董事會通過決議案基於有 關缺席將其罷免。
(iii) If he absents himself from the meetings of the Board during a continuous period of six months without special leave of absence from the Board, and his alternate Director (if any) shall not during such period have attended in his stead, and the Board passes a resolution that he has by reason of such absence vacated his office.
当总干事因伤病无法行使其职责时,执行局 批 准 其 休 假 , 并在大会下届会议之前确定其休假的 条件和休多长时间;在此情况下,由执行局任命一名代理总干事履行总干事的职责。
1. In the event of the Director-General being incapacitated,
the Executive Board may
[...] grant him leave of absence on such conditions and for such period as the Board may decide [...]
pending the following
session of the General Conference; in such case, the duties of the Director-General shall be exercised by an Acting Director-General appointed by the Executive Board.
假如批示包 括实施羁押措施,则经嫌犯同意后,立即将所指 之批示告知其血亲、其信任之人或其指明之辩护人。
Court orders imposing pretrial detention must be, with the defendant’s consent, immediately communicated to a relative or to a trustworthy person named by the defendant, or to his/her lawyer.
除第 105.1 条(年假)规定之条件外,工作人员在作 批 准 的回 籍 假 旅 行 时,享有从其 正式工作地点到其正式认定的原籍所在国或回籍假第二国之间的往返旅程的路途期限。
Subject to the conditions specified in Rule 105.1 (Annual leave), a staff member shall be entitled to claim, in respect of authorized travel on home leave, travel time for the outward and return journeys between the official duty station and the place of home leave or alternate country of home leave.
同時假如獲批專營權的公司未能如期完成建造工程,則須負擔任何可能引起的收入 損失。
And again, if the franchisee delays the completion of the facility, then the Company must bear the loss of revenue that will result.
公務員事務司答(譯文):副主席先生,我得指出,各有關㆟員均循正常程序申請 假, 並經正批准才放假;而確保該署有足夠㆟手運作的責任,無疑落在最高管理㆟員身 ㆖,即前任署長。
The responsibility for ensuring that the department was properly manned lay quite correctly with the individual at the top of the management, that is, the outgoing Director.
假如申請獲批者是 新的營辦商,當局會根據《電訊 條例批發新的聲音廣播牌照假如 申請 獲 批 者 是現有持牌機 構,當局可以按既定程序修訂該機構現時持有的聲音廣播牌 照。
On the other hand, if the successful applicant is an existing licensee, its existing sound broadcasting licence may be amended in accordance with established procedures.
假如獲批貸款 的中小型企 業不償還貸款,根據建議增加的風險分擔比率,政府便須承擔較大 [...]
In the event of
[...] default payment by approved SME borrowers, the [...]
Government would have to meet larger claims arising from
the proposed increase risk-sharing ratio.
工商及科技局局長 工商及科技局局長 工商及科技局局長 工商及科技局局長答稱,政府當 局 就 該 計劃尋 求 財委批准 撥款時,假 設 拖欠比率為 25%。
The Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology
replied that the
[...] Administration had made an assumption of a 25% default rate when seeking the FC’s funding approval for the Scheme.
不過,這只是管理基金的㆒個穩健方法,我認 假 如 獲 得批 准將徵款率增至 0.45%的話,我們便會有頗充裕的款項,在未來數年應付基金的需要。
But if the
[...] 0.45% increase were approved, I think it would [...]
be quite comfortable for us to take care of the requirements of
the Fund for a number of years.
然而,在大多数国家, 计划的聚会必须或者作出通知,或者得 批 准 , 虽然往往不清楚是否可 假 定将 会给批准。
However, in most countries, notification of planned gatherings must
either be given or permits obtained,
[...] although it is often not clear that there is an assumption that permits will be granted.
在进行 通货膨胀调整时所根据的是:可得的最新消费价格指
[...] 数信息、专业及以上职类工作人员实际工作地点差价 调整数指数和一般事务及有关职类工作人员实际薪 金表生活费调整数与订批款所根据 假 设 相 比所 呈现的差异。
Inflation adjustments had been made on the basis of the latest available consumer price index information, and of differences in actual post adjustment indices for staff in the Professional category and above and actual cost-ofliving adjustments of salary scales
for staff in the General Service and related categories
[...] compared with the assumptions made in the revised appropriations.
在这方面,委员会重申对灵活解释一般临时人批款使用准则感到关切,因为批 款 的 目的是用于临时替补请长期 假 或 产假 的工作人员或在工作量高峰期雇用更多工作人员,而不是为具有连续性质的、事 实上的经常预算员额提供经费(除其他外,见 A/50/7/Add.2)。
In this connection, the Committee reiterates its concern about the flexible interpretation of the guidelines for the use of funds appropriated for general temporary assistance, which are intended to be used for the temporary replacement of staff on extended sick leave or maternity leave or the engagement of additional staff during peak workload periods, and not to finance de facto regular budget posts that are of a continuing nature (see, inter alia, A/50/7/Add.2).
[...] 題,還有很多其他關於沙灘等地點公共交通服務不 足的投訴,特別是每逢公假期當大 批 市 民前往這 些地方的時候,市民總要長時間等候巴士及/或 [...]
Mr Albert CHAN remarked that in addition to the parking problem, there were many complaints regarding inadequate public transport
service for places like beaches,
[...] especially during public holidays when a lot of people [...]
headed for these places and had to
wait for a long time for buses and/or public light buses.
蘇曜華先生簡介香港醫院藥劑師學會的意見書 (立法會CB(2)2271/06-07(01)號文件)。該會要求 假 如財批准由2007年 8月 1日起就若干公務員職系實施修訂 起薪點,醫管局應解決2000年 4月 1日或之後獲聘的現職 藥劑師與實施修訂起薪點之後獲聘的現職藥劑師的入職 薪酬差距。
Mr SO Yiu-wah introduced the submission of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong (LC Paper No. CB(2)2271/06-07(01)) which called upon HA to address the pay disparity of serving pharmacists at the entry level appointed on or after 1 April 2000 and serving pharmacists at the entry level appointed after the implementation of the revised starting salaries for certain civil service grades on 1 August 2007 if approved by FC.
為了進一步提供協助,黃議員詢問 假 如 獲 批 准的承擔額並未用盡,當局會否考慮給予在私人處所經營的 新鮮糧食店牌照持有人及其他受影響各方更高的貸款 額。
To improve assistance, Mr WONG enquired whether consideration would be given to granting a higher loan to fresh provision licensees operating in private premises and other affected parties if the approved commitment was not exhausted.
案 件 頇 押 後 審 理 時,主 控 官 應 知 會 裁 判 司 廉 政 公 署 是 否 反 對 給 予 保 釋,假 如 法批 准 保 釋 的 話,廉 政 公 署 是 要 求 把 被 告 人 還 押 於 警 方 、 監 獄 還 是 廉 政 公 署 。
When it is necessary for a case to be remanded the prosecuting officer will inform the magistrate whether or not the ICAC is opposed to the granting of bail and, if bail is not granted, whether ICAC requests a remand in police, jail or ICAC custody.
此外,黃議員亦擔心該項計劃會對汀角路 的交通情況造成顯著影響,特別是每 假 日 當批遊人 使用該條道路前往大美督及附近地區使用 各種休憩設施的時候。
Mr WONG also expressed concern about the significant impact of the project on the
traffic condition of Ting Kok Road,
[...] especially during holidays when a large number of visitors [...]
would use the road for access to
the amenity facilities in Tai Mei Tuk and nearby areas.




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