

单词 扶植

See also:

help sb. up
support oneself by holding onto something
support with the hand


plant n

External sources (not reviewed)

香港能夠取得這樣的成就,以任何標準來看,也是非常卓越的;而且 亦清楚顯示出政府扶植、推廣和發展香港文化藝術的決心和承擔。
This achievement is highly remarkable by any standard and it clearly demonstrates the Government's determination and commitment to nurture, promote and develop culture and the arts in Hong Kong.
与会者同意,创 建一扶植性环 境和提供信息必须同时并进。
Participants agreed that the creation of an enabling environment and the provision of information must go together.
特派团将继续在与 巩固和平有关的所有领域积极主动地参与 扶植 最 佳 做法文化。
The Mission will continue to proactively engage in and foster a culture of best practices in all areas relating to peace consolidation.
国际基础科学计划在此方面发挥了重要作用,根据其新战略所确定的目标,该计划应重视促进科学教育 和机构能力建设,而不把重点放 扶植 单 个 项目上。
Hence, IBSP had an important role to play in this regard and, as set out in its new strategy, should focus on promoting science education and institutional capacity-building rather than supporting isolated projects.
[...] 文化創意產業的一部分,促請政府關注藝術行業所需的創作生產空間, 提供適切協扶植產業發展。
Arts industry is part of the creative cultural industry, thus it is essential for the Government to pay due
diligence to their need for creation and production space, and offer
[...] suitable assistance to nurture industry [...]
我們建議將上述增撥款項中的6千 9百萬元,注入「粵 劇發展基金」,進一步資助各類承傳、推廣和發展粵劇的計劃,包
[...] 括以9百萬元撥作「香港梨園新秀粵劇團」三年資助計劃 扶植粵 劇新秀。
We propose to inject $69 million from the above additional funding into the Cantonese Opera Development Fund to further support various Cantonese opera preservation, promotion and development projects,
including $9 million for the “Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Troupe for New Talent”
[...] Three-Year Grant Scheme to nurture new talents.
政 府必须保证创建一个更广泛、有意义参与 扶植 性 环 境,并且让个人和民间社会 拥有参与和相互增强能力的具体机会,使之能参与、监督、评估并报告可能的侵 犯人权行为。
The creation of a wider enabling environment for meaningful participation must be ensured, as well as specific opportunities for participation and reinforcement of the capacities of individuals and civil society to enable them to participate, monitor, evaluate and report on possible human rights abuses.
因此,特區政府適度介入可以為新的重建模式 創造條件,對促進業主參與重建具有關鍵性作用,具體協助包 扶植 新 的 非牟 利重建協作機構,以爭取業主的信任進行重建,及提供某種形式的財政支援等。
That  provides  room  for  an  appropriate  level  of  intervention  of  the  Government  to  have  a  new  redevelopment  model  nurtured,  ranging  from  facilitating  the  establishment  of  new  numerous  non‐profit  making  players  in  the  property  market  who  could  win  owners’  trust  to  providing  financial  assistances of some forms.
克里姆林宫一直努力制造一种扶植 起 来 的被占地区政权享有合法性的假 象,并把种族清洗、对一个主权国家领土的军事占领和强行重划边界作为确立国 际关系的工具。
The Kremlin is insistent in its efforts to create an illusion of legitimacy for the occupying regime it has set up, as well as to establish ethnic cleansing, the military occupation of a sovereign country’s territories and the forced re-drawing of borders as an instrument of international relations.
宏正自動科技總經理陳尚仲表示:「韓國在1990年之後積極推動國家資訊化及各項創新政策,不僅促進了整個科技產業的蓬勃發展、在全球ICT市場取得一席之地;同時企業產業化的發展策略,也成 扶植 許 多 大型企業、帶動整個韓國國內的經濟起飛。
Since 1990, Korea has been actively promoting the digitalization of national information and other innovative policies that has not only assisted the development of the IT industry, but has also defined Korea's position in the global ICT market," said Mr. Kevin Chen, President of ATEN International.
c) 支持新秀演出以提升水平 粵劇基金成立以來已撥款約 600 萬元支持了超過
[...] 110 項由新秀主演或由老倌與新秀合作演出的計 劃,扶植新秀演員。
c) Capacity building of budding artists though performances Since the establishment of CODF, it has approved about $6 million to sponsor over
110 productions performed by budding artists or jointly presented by master and
[...] budding artists to nurture new talents.
关于 劳动力市场,该发展司司长提到了包括以下各项的重大政策:承认劳动权利(最 低标准)和最低工资;加强工会力量和集体谈判能力;加强社会对话;提供职业 培训;简化获得正规就业的程序;正式认可技能 扶植 中 小 企业;提供失业保险; 在劳动力市场提供中介服务;推动某些群体(如青年和妇女)的就业;建立机制, 减少退休和养恤金制度中的性别不平等现象;调拨资金给最贫穷群体(特别是抚 养儿童和青少年的家庭);弱势老年人无需缴款就能获得转让的资金。
With regard to the labour market, the Director referred to vital policies that included: recognizing labour rights (basic floor) and a minimum wage; strengthening unionization and collective bargaining; strengthening social dialogue; providing occupational training; simplifying procedures to access formal employment; recognizing skills formally; providing small and medium-sized enterprises with support; introducing unemployment insurance; providing labour market intermediation services; advocating the employment of specific groups (such as young people and women); establishing mechanisms to reduce gender inequality in retirement and pension systems; making transfers to the poorest sectors (particularly families with children and adolescents); and providing non-contributory access to transfers for vulnerable older adults.
因此,必须确保从此结束从阿富汗境外对恐怖组织给 予扶植、支持和庇护。
It is therefore essential
[...] to ensure that support, sustenance and sanctuaries for terrorist organizations from outside Afghanistan are ended forthwith.
委员会重申其向缔约国提出的建议:继 扶植 各 种 文化间的对话、容忍和理 解,充分注意波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那内不同族裔群组的文化与历史。
The Committee reiterates its recommendation to the State party to continue fostering intercultural dialogue, tolerance and understanding, paying due attention to the culture and history of different ethnic groups within Bosnia and Herzegovina.
扶植和行使自主权可能需要加强一个或多个冲突方以及 [...]
民间社会和其他利益攸关方的谈判能力,使他们能有效参与进程,参与解决通常 复杂的问题。
Cultivating and exercising [...]
ownership may require strengthening the negotiating capabilities of one or more of the conflict
parties, as well as civil society and other stakeholders, to enable their effective participation in the process and ability to engage on often complex issues.
但正如 我们在报告中指出的那样,这两个机构既然决定建立 委员会,就扶植其的责任。
Nevertheless, as we point out in our report, both bodies have the nurturing responsibilities inherent in the parenting role.
反对利比亚在联合国的席位被某派别或外国干 扶植 的 非 法过渡当局 占有,就此推动联合国大会全权证书委员会深入开展辩论,在体现利比 亚人民意志的自由和主权政府形成之前,不得填补利比亚的席位,这一 政府必须是在没有外来干预的情况下合法成立的
Express its opposition to Libya’s seat in the United Nations being occupied by an illegitimate transitional faction or authority imposed by foreign interventionism and thus promote an in-depth debate in the Credentials Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations in order to prevent Libya’s seat from being filled until such time as it has a Government that has been legally constituted, without foreign intervention, and is a free and sovereign expression of the will of the Libyan people
这套标准应当借助针对国扶植个人 积极参与发展进程的义务制定的基准和 指标加以落实。
They should be operationalized in terms of benchmarks and indicators with regard to the obligations of States to empower individuals as active agents in the development process.
我相信该协议不会阻止诸如巴西和印度的发展中国家使用它们所需 要的医药,另一方面,我也坚信这些国家能 扶植 起 自 己的以研究为基础的医药行业及其它 革新行业,不过这要等它们开始保护该协议所包括的知识产权时才能实现。
I do not believe that TRIPS will prevent other developing countries like Brazil and India from obtaining access to the medicines they need.
例如,通过技术转让和南南合作 扶植 发 展 中国家当地制药行业, 提高人们对涉及公共健康、并与贸易有关的知识产权灵活性的认识和利用,改善 获得医药专利信息的情况,便利其使用,采取诸如“药品专利池”等举措,推动 创新措施,增加可负担得起的药品的生产。
For example, fostering the local pharmaceutical industry in developing countries through technology transfer and South-South cooperation, increased awareness and use of public health-related trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights flexibilities, supported by improved availability of patent information to facilitate their use and initiatives like the Medicine Patent Pools, would stimulate innovation and increase production of more affordable medicines.
此外,特 區政府亦通過“M”品牌制度扶植更 多本地大型體育活動, 讓市民有更多機會參與及欣賞高水平的體育盛事。
The SAR Government also seeks to nurture more major sports events locally through the "M" Mark System, thereby giving the public more opportunities to enjoy high quality sports events in Hong Kong.
在新的世紀,我 們要面向世界,而不扶植個別財團,因此,我們要吸收金融風暴在東南亞 國家的教訓,特權經濟必須終止,壟斷經濟必須制衡,泡沫經濟必須降溫, 令國際的資本和本地財團在香港自由競爭,發展經濟,創造更多的財富和就 業機會。
We must also curb the monopolistic economy and cool down the bubble economy to allow free competition between international capital and local consortia, thereby facilitating economic development and creating more wealth and job opportunities.
為 了 加 大 力 度 支 持 粵 劇 發 展,政 府 建 議 向 粵 劇 發 展 基 金
注 資 6 千 9 百 萬 元,以 支 持 更 多 承 傳、推 廣 和 發 展 粵 劇 的 計 劃,當 中 包 括 以 9 百 萬 元 推 行「 香 港
[...] 梨 園 新 秀 粵 劇 團 」 三 年 資 助 計 劃扶 植 粵 劇 新 秀 。
The Government proposes to inject $69 million into the CODF to further support more Cantonese opera preservation, promotion and development projects, including the provision of $9 million
for the “Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Troupe for New Talent” three-year
[...] grant scheme to nurture new Cantonese Opera [...]
联合国秘书长在其年度部长级审查的报告中就劳动力问题提出的建议包括: 设立一个高级别小组讨论创造公共职位的政策;建立联合国青年志愿者方案,突 出联合国青年就业方案的重点;推动公私伙伴关系,刺激生产、促进就业 扶植 中小 企业;鼓励在农业和农村部门投资;拟定绿色经济路线图;将就业目标纳入 国家战略政策;将“充分就业和人人有体面工作”议题纳入大会议程。
The labour proposals made by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in his report for the annual ministerial review included: creating a high-level panel to discuss public job creation policies; creating a United Nations youth volunteers programme to strengthen the focus of United Nations programmes on youth employment; promoting public-private partnerships to boost production and foster employment; supporting micro and medium-sized enterprises; encouraging investment in the agricultural and rural sector; developing green economy road maps; integrating employment objectives into national strategic policies; and placing the issue of “full employment and decent work for all” on the agenda of the General Assembly.
不過,民建聯有一整個國 家在背後大力支持扶植,其 他政黨要跟民建聯相比,我相信根本不可同日 而語。
Yet, behind the scene the DAB has the huge support and backing of the State, and I believe other political parties simply cannot compare with the DAB.
(a) 更新知识基础,改进知识共享,缩小科学与发展实践之间的差距,在国 家和全球各级尽量利用技术扶植可 持 续管理
(a) Upgrade the knowledge base, improve knowledge-sharing, and close the gap between science and development practice to make the best use of technology and foster sustainable management at the national and global levels
扶植型环境的关键内容包括:能够促成技术流动的强大的知识产 权体系、利用这类技术的吸收能力,以及有助于提高生产能力的人力资本。
(c)septies Key components of an enabling environment are strong intellectual property regimes to enable the flow of technologies, the absorption capacity to make use of such technologies, and the human capital to contribute to productive capacities.
有關 措施包括進一步支援表演藝術團體的發展,加 扶植 中 小 藝 團;推行場地夥伴計劃;加強以年青人和學生為主的藝術教 育,如舉辦學校文化日及社區文化大使計劃;2009-2010年度 推行的新高中學制課程中,會引入有關藝術發展學習經歷的 活動。
Relevant measures include further support for the development of the performing arts groups, strengthening nurturing of small and medium-sized arts groups, implementation of the "Venue Partnership Scheme", strengthening of arts education targeting mainly youngsters and students, such as organizing School Culture Day and Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme, incorporating the relevant learning experience of "Aesthetic Development" into the "New Senior Secondary" curriculum to be launched in the 2009-2010 school year.
我們提出的副都市中心策略,就是先要改變舊有以維多利亞港作 為發展中心的思維,研究透過規劃及不同的政策措施 扶植 在 維 港核 心區以外建立不同層次的都市中心及其核心區。
Under our proposed development strategies of the "Secondary City Centre", the old mentality of making the Victoria Harbour the centre of development must be altered before studying assisting the building of city centres and their core areas at different levels outside the Victoria Harbour core district through planning and various policy initiatives.
基 金 執 行 委 員 會 及 粵 劇 發 展 諮 詢 委 員 會 亦 支 持 繼 續 舉 辦 類 似「 香 港 梨 園 新 秀 粵 劇 團 」的 資 助 計 劃 , 從扶 植 更 多 具 潛 質 的 新 秀 演 員 。
The Executive Committee on CODF and the COAC also support the continued implementation of a grant scheme similar to the “Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Troupe for New Talent Scheme” in order to nurture more budding artists with good potential.




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