单词 | 扭歪的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 扭歪的 adjective—distorted adj歪歪扭扭 adjective —crooked adj歪歪扭扭 —staggering from side side • not straight See also:扭—twist • sprain • wring • swing one's hips 歪—askew • noxious • devious • at a crooked angle
基本上,我對於 釋法後,官員對港人 ─ 特別是民主派 ─ 的言論所作的批評,覺得是 扭曲事實,以及歪曲民主派的意圖的 說 法。 legco.gov.hk | I think the criticisms against the views of Hong Kong people, especially the democratic camp, which officials made after the interpretation, are a distortion of the facts. legco.gov.hk |
冈萨雷斯.丽圭尔洛先生说,“危地马拉已经意识到抵制罪犯逍遥法 外 的 必 要 性,联合国儿童基金会支持公共检察 官 扭 转 这 种 歪 风。 unicef.org | Guatemala has seen the need to fight against impunity and UNICEF supports the public attorney’s office to change the way of this negative trend. unicef.org |
可是扭歪舌頭, 以致連事實也歪曲了,卻是完全不同 的 另 ㆒ 回事。 legco.gov.hk | But to twist our tongue and therefore to twist facts is an entirely different matter. legco.gov.hk |
但是,我们一眼就可以看出,实际上往往都是对所有改革问 题的 系统对抗和歪曲事实的情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | But what we have seen, without becoming involved, are in many cases systematic confrontation and disinformation about virtually all reform issues. unesdoc.unesco.org |
咨询委员会指出,特别政治任务所需资 源 的 规 模及 其波动性,扭曲了 整个经常预算在各个两年期之 间 的 趋 势 ,并使经常预 算其他部分的动态难以分析。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee points out that the scale of the [...] resource requirements [...] for special political missions, and their volatility, distort the picture of trends in the regular budget as a whole [...]from biennium to [...]biennium and render analysis of developments in the rest of the regular budget difficult. daccess-ods.un.org |
在过去几个月中,在整个前线对阿塞拜疆平民和民用设施的攻击加强了。阿 塞拜疆领导人的敌对言论空前增多,对战争根源以及解决冲突进程充满了弄虚作 假和扭曲事实的歪曲, 这证实了人们对亚美尼亚政策具有颠覆性影响的严重担 忧,给该地区的和平、安全和稳定构成了直接威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Intensified attacks over the last months on Azerbaijani civilians and civilian objects across the front line and an unprecedented increase of hostile statements by Armenian leadership, full of historical falsifications and factual distortions as to the root causes of the war and conflict settlement process, confirm the validity of serious concern over the destabilizing effect of Armenia’s policy and represent a direct threat to peace, security and stability in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,很不幸地,就第 58 條提出的修正本希望可以糾正或扭正 政 府 的歪 曲, 以及政府完全偏離保障少數族裔,讓他們可以獲得平等待遇的機會的做法, 似乎會完全失敗了。 legco.gov.hk | The amendment to clause 58, seeks to rectify or correct the Government's distortion and total departure from protecting ethnic minorities so that they can have opportunities to equal treatment. legco.gov.hk |
在实施这些措施的同时,还刮起了一股有偏 见 的 媒 体宣 传 歪 风 , 扭 曲 有 关叙 利亚问题的真相。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those measures are accompanied by a tendentious [...] media campaign that is distorting the truth about Syria. daccess-ods.un.org |
如 何 表 彰 正氣、扭 轉 歪 風 , 讓 所有為 人 父母者都能夠 由 衷 感到香港是一個培育 孩 子 的 好 地方,這是一個關係 到香港未 來的重 要 課 題,值 得 我們深 思,更 值 得 我們為此努 力。 legco.gov.hk | How then should we turn the tide, inculcate correct values, and make Hong Kong a good place for parents to bring up their children? legco.gov.hk |
政府建議興建附設於瑪嘉烈醫院的新 傳染病醫療中心, 本文件旨在徵詢委員對這項建議的意 見。 legco.gov.hk | new infectious disease centre attached to the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). legco.gov.hk |
布尔什维克和他们的反对 者都参与进了这 些 歪 曲 中 ,隐瞒 、 扭 曲 以及捏造事实和情况,不管是对斯大林或托洛斯基在革命中所扮演的真实角色还是农民和哥萨克的行为都是如此。 project-syndicate.org | Both the Bolsheviks and their opponents [...] were involved in these falsifications, concealing, distorting, and concocting facts and [...]circumstances, whether [...]they referred to the real role of Stalin or Trotsky in the revolution or to the behavior of peasants and Cossacks. project-syndicate.org |
他拒绝将他的 刑事犯罪记录说成是严重持续的暴力犯罪历史,因为那是对他的纪录,尤其是过 去十年状况的歪曲。 daccess-ods.un.org | He rejects the characterization of his criminal record as a significant and sustained history of violent crime, which misrepresents his record, and in particular the position over the past ten years. daccess-ods.un.org |
1998年 5月,競諮會頒布《競爭政策綱領》,闡明政府競爭政策的目的 是提高經濟效益,促進自由貿易,從而惠及消費者;此外,只有 在市場不健全或歪變,限制了進入市 場 的 機 會或在市場內競 逐的 機會 ,損害經濟效益或自由貿易,使香港的整體利益受損時,政 府才會採取行動。 legco.gov.hk | In May 1998, COMPAG promulgated a Statement on Competition Policy, articulating the objective of the Government's competition policy as to enhance economic efficiency and free flow of trade, thereby [...] benefiting consumer [...] welfare, with the Government taking action only when market imperfections or distortions limited market accessibility or market contestability, and impaired economic efficiency or free trade, to the detriment [...]of the overall interest of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
該 公共運輸交匯處將可應 付堅尼地城區 內 以及鄰近地 區 的需求 ,包括摩星嶺、 沙灣和 遠至薄扶林的瑪麗醫院。 legco.gov.hk | The PTI will serve both the local needs in the Kennedy Town [...] area, and those from neighbouring [...] areas including Mount Davis, Sandy Bay and as far as Queen Mary Hospital at Pok Fu Lam. legco.gov.hk |
由於鄭海泉議員希望兩局有更佳的聯繫,而我亦敬重他為㆒個 表現出色,但有點古怪的銀行家(眾笑) ― 他的才幹毋庸置疑,本身亦具有成為 部長的潛質 ― 我會支持有關建議,即行政局及立法局所有議員每月㆒起舉行閉門 會議,在自然的情況㆘,大家暢所欲言,事後亦不會有投訴、誤解 、 歪 曲 事 實或洩漏 消息的事情。 legco.gov.hk | Since Mr Vincent CHENG wants a better connection and since I respect him as a brilliant and eccentric banker (Laughter), a man of undoubted talent and a potential minister himself, I can support the proposal to have a monthly closed-door meeting between all of the Executive Council and all of the [...] Legislative Council, no [...] holds barred and no subsequent complaints or misunderstandings or misrepresentations or leaking, which is a natural phenomenon. legco.gov.hk |
用规定的扭 力拧紧;有关扭力,请参见下表。 graco.com | Torque to specified torque; refer to the following table. graco.com |
主席,行 政長官 董 建 [...] 華先生在 施 政 報告中曾 經 說 過 , “ 要 為香港的青少 年 締 [...] 造 優 良 的成長環境” , 要認識 紙醉金 迷 的 社 會 風 氣 , “ 每每扭 曲 青 少 年 的 價 值 觀”, 要 “ 表 彰 正 氣 , 扭 轉 歪 風 ” 。 legco.gov.hk | He said that we must recognize that young people [...] growing up in a [...] materialistic society "may have their values distorted", and that we should "turn the tide and [...]inculcate correct values". legco.gov.hk |
福伊特 独家使用的扭矩变 换器可提供极短的水轮机和水泵操作切换时间。 voith.com | The torque converter provides extremely [...] short switching times between turbine and pump operation. voith.com |
如果我們的 社 會 缺乏合 理 、 公開的機 制 , 我們便會 不 斷 看 到 地 產 商聯合壓 價 , 迫 政 府 賤 賣 土 地,亦 會 不 斷 看 到 土 地批給 單 一 財 團或大財 團 運 用 , 例如最 近 西 九龍的發展 便 成 為 了 一個很 大 的 爭 論 , 導 致 市 場被歪曲、 扭曲。 legco.gov.hk | As long as a reasonable and open mechanism is not put in place in our society, we are bound to see the continuation of property developers' cartel to suppress land prices, to force the Government to sell lands cheaply. legco.gov.hk |
就此,政府可否告知本會,是否 知悉自醫管局推行《藥物名冊》以來,主診醫生最經常為病人處方但須由病 人自費購買的 30 種藥物名稱、當中每種藥物主要治療 的 病 症 、醫生通常處 方的劑量 、零售價,以及病人可否就有 關 的 藥 物 治療費用向撒瑪利亞基金申 請資助? legco.gov.hk | In this connection, will the Government inform this Council whether it knows the names of the 30 drugs which are most often prescribed to patients by attending doctors but have to be purchased by patients at their own expenses since the implementation of the Formulary by the HA, the diseases treated principally by each of these drugs, the dosages normally prescribed by doctors, their retail prices and whether patients may apply to the Samaritan Fund for assistance in meeting the expenses on the drug treatments concerned? legco.gov.hk |
同时,我们通过配备精确的扭矩荷 载感应仪器,始终将驱动 机与现代化的程序控制机整合在一起。 dbsmfg.com | In addition, our drive products have always been engineered to integrate into modern process controls by providing accurate torque load sensing [...] instrumentation. dbsmfg.com |
继续以该 模式,按照下表中规定的扭力将 螺栓扭紧。 graco.com | Continue tightening the bolts in [...] pattern to the torque specified in [...]the following table. graco.com |
聯合小組委員會關注,詐騙保險的歪 風 可 能導致的士及公共小 巴的保費上升。 legco.gov.hk | The Joint Subcommittee is concerned that the undesirable trend of insurance fraud may lead to the rise in premium for taxis and PLBs. legco.gov.hk |
为了扭转这 一局面,医疗保险基金处理报销 单 的 管 理 信息软件应考虑以下因素:(i) 东 道国和世界的医业变得日益复杂,(ii) 一个管理为数有限受保者(仅约 8000 人)的保险基金 很难适应许多改革和在这方面的预期变化,尤其是行政和医学信息的交流借助因特网而变得 越来越虚拟化,(iii) 在东道国社会保险制度中,医疗保险基金的报销额约占 80%,东道国的 社会保险制度已进行深入改革,一项最重要的改动主要涉及处方的医学术语,最终这些术语 将会有数千个“处方编码”,而不是现在的二十几个。 unesdoc.unesco.org | To redress the situation, the Medical Benefits Fund’s reimbursement management software must take account of the following factors: (i) medical treatment in the host country and worldwide is becoming more and more complex; (ii) a Fund managing a small number of insured persons (about 8,000 persons only) will have great difficulty in adapting to the many foreseeable changes and developments in this field, especially as exchanges of administrative and medical information will increasingly take a non-tangible form owing to the use of the Internet; and (iii) the social security system of the host country, in which about 80% of the expenditure reimbursed by the Medical Benefits Fund is incurred, is undergoing in-depth reform entailing, in particular, a major change in the nomenclature of medical treatment, which will eventually consist of several thousand codes for medical services instead of the score at present used. unesdoc.unesco.org |
鉴于安全理事会延长法庭任务的决定、以往记 录的准备金和基金结余赤字的扭转情 况以及大会第 64/240 号决议认可的关于为 退休后福利供资的决定,审计委员会将在下一个两年期审计过程中再次讨论这一 事项。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the light of the Security Council’s decision to extend the Tribunal’s mandate, the reversal of deficit in reserves and fund balances previously recorded, and the decision in respect of the funding of post-retirement benefits endorsed in General Assembly resolution 64/240, the Board will revert to this matter in the next biennial audit. daccess-ods.un.org |
同時為避免 底座彎曲或歪扭,斜 墊下應放有墊塊,且 應放置於支撐重量之 電動機腳部,軸承 座,負載腳部,以及基礎螺絲之兩側,相 隔約 400~500mm 使能平均承擔載重為原則。 teco.com.sg | Stiff pads should also be installed beneath the wedges which are welded together at various spots about 400-500mm (15-20inches) apart etc., to enable foundation to carry evenly the weight of the whole motor. teco.com.tw |
然而,当今的人权问题受到少数大国有计 划的歪曲, 他们根据政治标准给国际社会成员打高分 或打低分,此举违背审议该问题必须秉持的积极精神 和普及公正原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | That machinery worked on the basis of close international cooperation, yet the issue of human rights was routinely dominated by an all-powerful minority that applied a double standard to members of the international community based on political criteria, which was contrary to the positive spirit and the principles of universality and impartiality that should characterize the examination of the issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
重建的瑪麗醫院將會採 用以病人為本的設計 原則,以提升其運作效率,提高服務水 平,增進成本效益,令醫院具備足夠 的 能 力和效能,以滿足 社會的長期需求。 legco.gov.hk | The new Queen Mary Hospital will adopt a patient-oriented design to enhance the operational efficiency, service level and cost-effectiveness so as to equip the hospital with adequate capacity and capability to meet the long-term needs of the community. legco.gov.hk |
安全理事会日益僭越联合国其他主要实体的 作用和责任,是对《宪章》原则和宗 旨 的歪 曲 、侵犯 了它们的权力,并且削弱了联合国全体会员的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ever-increasing encroachment by the Security Council on the roles and responsibilities of other principal entities of the United Nations represents a distortion of the principles and purposes of the Charter, infringes on their authority and compromises the rights of the general membership of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |