

单词 扬言

扬言 ()

let it be known (esp. of threat or malicious story)
put about (a story, plan, threat etc)

See also:

the action of tossing or winnowing
scattering (in the wind)

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,许多非欧洲联盟国家反对这项计划, 扬言 会 采 取某种 形式的贸易报复。
However, many non-European Union countries objected to the scheme and threatened some form of trade retaliation.
她进一步指 出,只要有扬言要犯 下此类罪行,就会被作为恐怖分子起诉。
She further submits that a person need only threaten to commit such a crime to be prosecuted as a terrorist.
另一方面,再次出现政治分裂 和瘫痪的可能性则由于议会继扬言 要 传唤政府部长、迄今没有就 2008/09 年度 预算达成协议以及立法议程方面迄今进展微小的情况而加深。
On the other hand, the potential for renewed political division and paralysis were highlighted by the continued parliamentary threats to summon Government ministers, the absence so far of an agreement on the 2008/09 budget and the modest progress made to date on the legislative agenda.
伊朗继扬言要把 以色列从世界地图上 抹去,它否认大屠杀,并煽动反犹太主义。
Iran continues to threaten to wipe [...]
Israel off the map of the world while denying the Holocaust and reigniting anti-Semitism.
二审 法院认为,即便时效期限顺延的时间为原告/买方所提及的和解协商持续的时 间,原告/买方的诉讼请求仍然超过诉讼时效期限,原因是从 2002 年 5 月 24 日 (原告/买方在该日扬言,如果被告/卖方不替换所有交付的货物,将对被告/ 卖方提起诉讼)到 2006 年 7 月 11 日(原告/买方提起诉讼之日),时间已经超过 4 年。
The court of second instance held that even if the limitation period was extended by the duration of settlement negotiations referred to by the plaintiff/buyer, the claim was time-barred because more than 4 years had passed between 24 May 2002 (when the plaintiff/buyer threatened the defendant/seller with a lawsuit if the latter did not provide replacement goods for all deliveries), and 11 July 2006 (the date of filing the lawsuit).
当这项符合原子能机构规定和目标 的决议草案于 2003 年提出时,它却遭到了安全理事 会一个有影响力的拥有核武器的常任理事国的反对。 当时该常任理事扬言,如果叙利亚坚持要求将该决 议草案付诸表决,它就将行使其否决权。
When it was presented in 2003, the draft resolution, which is in accordance with the provisions and objectives of the IAEA, clashed with the opposition of an influential permanent, nuclear-weapon State in the Security Council that threatened to use its veto if Syria insisted on putting the draft resolution to a vote.
但是,面对子弹、炸弹扬言要像抓 老鼠一样追捕他们的独裁者,他们表现得英勇顽强。
But faced with bullets and bombs and a dictator who threatened to hunt them down like rats, they showed relentless bravery.
8 月 25 日在加布举行的集会 上,Djaló先扬言总统 拒绝罢免总理将导致首都出现暴力行为,包括针对总统 官邸的暴力行为。
At a rally held in Gabú on 25 August, Mr. Djaló threatened the President, saying that his refusal to dismiss the Prime Minister would entail violence in the capital, including violence targeting the residence of the President.
以色列是一个人口不到 800 万的小国,在它面对的世 界里,有一些比它大得多的国家,它们的领导 扬言 要把以色列从地图上抹掉。
Israel, a small country of less than 8 million people, looks out at a world where leaders of much larger nations threaten to wipe it off of the map.
其财政措施包括使 20 000 名政府雇员下岗;使最高法院中挤满支持立 州的人员;试图废除波多黎各律师协会 扬言 实行资产私有化;削减文化预算;对多米尼克移民和无 家可归工人的后代采取行动。
Its fiscal measures had included 20,000 lay-offs of Government employees; it had packed the Supreme Court with statehood supporters; attempted to do away with the Puerto Rico Bar Association; threatened to privatize assets; slashed cultural budgets; and moved against Dominican immigrants and the descendants of displaced workers.
国家反腐败委员会采取初步行动的同一天,泰国报刊头 条刊登了洪森的威言论,他扬言任 何泰国军民,只要 穿过边境,就会被击毙。
On the same day as the initial NACC action, Thai headlines carried Hun Sen’s alleged comments threatening to shoot any Thai, civilian or military, who crossed the border, and to tear up any Thai map used in border negotiation talks.
面对一扬言要屠 杀班加西民众的独裁者,各 区域组织,首先是阿拉伯国家联盟,同样还有非洲联 盟,呼吁安全理事会采取行动。
In the face of a dictator threatening to massacre the population of Benghazi, regional organizations, led by the League of Arab States, but also including the African Union, called on the Security Council to act.
2003年美国联手英国、澳大利亚和加拿大入侵了阿富汗,宣征找出基地组织头目本拉登。没过多久,美国、英国、澳大利亚和波兰再次发动了伊拉克战争 扬言 伊 拉 克藏有大规模杀伤性武器,最终也是一个“假警钟”。
In 2003 the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada invaded Afghanistan to find al-Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden, which followed the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Poland invading Iraq under false claims of weapons of mass destruction.
一些地方的政治候选人已经抓住了产生协议的可能性,故意煽动基督教徒的担忧 扬言 他 们 将被卷入一个并不符合他们期望的协议,并且毫无商讨余地。
Some local political candidates have seized on the possibility of a pact to deliberately fan Christian concerns that they are about to be rushed into an agreement they do not want and say they have had no opportunity to discuss.
由于使扬言 重新 开始冲突的言辞越来越激烈好战,而一旦重新开始冲突之后其规模必然扩 [...]
大,加之双方应用了从 2006 年冲突中学到的军事经验,使脆弱局势雪上加霜。
This fragility is further compounded by the use of increasingly strident
[...] and bellicose rhetoric warning of renewed [...]
conflict, the expanded nature of any
renewed confrontation, and the application of the military lessons that both sides have learned from the 2006 conflict.
显而易 见,维持巴勒斯坦问题的现状是站不住脚和无法持 续的,尤其是在国际社会的主要成 扬言 将 支 持这 个地区其他人民的民主诉求之时。
We have spoken at length of the Palestinian issue, because it lies at the very heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict and because the likelihood of a resolution, unfortunately, is currently being threatened from all sides.
同时还为教师组织培训计划,以确保学校和教室的教学环境、言、材料和其他活动不会扬暴力 ,尤其是针对妇女的暴力。
A training programme will also be organized for teachers to ensure that school and classroom
teaching and learning
[...] atmosphere, language, materials and other activities do not perpetuate violence and, [...]
in particular violence against women.
因此,该《宪法》言宣扬建立 一种以基本自由和尊重人 权为基础的政治制度。
The preamble of this Constitution hence [...]
advocates the establishment of a political regime based on fundamental freedoms and respect for human rights.
应当落实在国际社会科学与政策的联系论坛上通过的《布宜诺斯艾利斯 言 》中 弘扬的理念。
The ideas promoted by
[...] the Buenos Aires Declaration adopted at the [...]
International Forum on the Social Science – Policy Nexus should be pursued.
但另一个言人赞扬了新 的工作 战略,其中将非洲经发规划所归入次级方案 8,同时巩固其作为非洲各国政府主 [...]
Another speaker commended the new work strategy [...]
of IDEP under the subprogramme, consolidating its role as a premier capacity-development
resource for African Governments.
与会者感谢就方案 25 所作的介绍性言,并赞扬执行 和审查的报告数量 越来越多。
The introductory statement provided concerning programme 25 was acknowledged and the increase in the number of reports implemented and inspected was commended.
在这份文件中,缔约国在认 识上达成共识,认为为了促进它们的文化发展和加速它们的经济社会发展,扬非洲语言并将 之引入教育系统是至关重要的措施;为了实现这个目标,每个 国家可选择一种或几种语言(第 17 和 18 条)。
In this instrument, the States Parties recognize the imperative need to develop African languages which will ensure their cultural advancement and accelerate their economic and social development; to that end each state may choose one or more languages (Articles 17 and 18).
主席先生,我感谢你出色主持了今天的会议,同 时我也要扬在我之前言的各位发 言 者 , 特别是秘 书长几内亚比绍问题特别代表约瑟夫·穆塔博巴先生 [...]
以及几内亚比绍外交部长、代表葡萄牙语国家共同体 (葡语国家共同体)发言的安哥拉对外事务部长和建 设和平委员会几内亚比绍国别组合主席。
As I thank you, Sir, for your excellent stewardship of
today’s proceedings, I would
[...] also like to acknowledge the speakers who took the floor before me, [...]
in particular, Mr. Joseph
Mutaboba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for GuineaBissau, as well as the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Guinea-Bissau, the Minister of External Affairs of Angola, who spoke on behalf of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP), and the Chair of the Guinea-Bissau country-specific configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission.
一些会员国还对各教育机构和教育部门的工作,特别是在全民教育方面的工作和有关教 育质量方面取得的成果提出扬。
Various Member States also commended the work done by the different education institutes and the Education Sector, particularly with respect to EFA and issues relating to quality education.
如果在我结束言前不赞扬负责 儿童与武装冲 突问题的秘书长特别代表、儿童与武装冲突工作组以 [...]
及安全理事会有关制裁委员会所发挥的作用,那将是 我的失职,但是我要特别称赞维持和平行动部努力将 儿童保护纳入维和特派团的主流。
It would be remiss of me if I were to conclude my
[...] intervention without commending the roles played [...]
by the Special Representative of the
Secretary-General on Children in Armed Conflict, the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and the relevant Security Council sanctions committees — but more especially the Department of Peacekeeping Operations for its efforts in mainstreaming child protection into peacekeeping missions.
在随后展开的辩论中,包括来自观察国阿尔及利亚、黎巴嫩和加纳 的代表在内的言者赞扬委员 会由于开展了这个试验项目而提高了 [...]
效率,并赞扬惠普公司和孟买教育信托基金所做出的贡献,他们说 这是公司同公共、私营和学术部门进行合作的一个良好典范。
Speakers in the ensuing debate, including
those from observer States Algeria,
[...] Lebanon and Ghana, applauded the increased efficiency [...]
of the Committee because of the
pilot project, as well as the contributions made by Hewlett Packard and the Mumbai Educational Trust, which they characterized as a good example of cooperation between the public, private and academic sector.
若干代表团扬秘书处纪录并促进各方交流了在以下诸领域的良好做 法和国家经验:扩大公共交通运输、实行绿色建筑、采用 [...]
3R 办法(减少、 再使用、再循环)战略、进行可持续的城市规划、实行固体废物管理、注重 供水、下水处理、以及以采用参与式办法实行城市管理、推动公私营伙伴关 系和市政金融等。
Several delegations commended the secretariat [...]
for documenting and sharing good practices and country experiences in eco-city
development, promotion of public transportation, green buildings, 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) strategies, sustainable urban planning, solid waste management, water supply, sewerage, participatory approaches to urban management, promotion of public-private partnerships and municipal finance.




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