单词 | 扫瞄机 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 扫瞄机 noun —scanner nSee also:扫瞄 v—scan v 扫—broom 瞄—aim
若是,将“扫瞄高速缓存”移到本机 驱 动 器,例如C:³(默认),然后查看速度是否有提高。 graphics.kodak.com | If it is, move the Scan Cache to a local drive, such as C:³ (the [...] default) to see if the speed increases. graphics.kodak.com |
(b) Douala 和 Nsimaien 国际机场也配备了检查药物和其它危险物质 的 扫瞄 仪,符合关于机场安 全的所有国际准则。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The Douala and Nsimaien international airports are [...] also well equipped with scanners to check for drugs and [...]other dangerous substances and respect [...]all the international norms on airport safety. daccess-ods.un.org |
我将Kodak Capture Pro Software与柯达i830型扫瞄仪配合使用,传输影像到计 算 机 时 出 现巨大的延迟时间。 graphics.kodak.com | I am using Kodak Capture Pro Software with a [...] Kodak i830 Scanner and am experiencing HUGE image lag time from the scanner to the computer. graphics.kodak.com |
青年党和其他民兵团体越来越多地把目 标 瞄 准 学 校、教 育 机 构 、教师和学 生,开展招募活动且在冲突时利用被招募者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Increasingly, schools, educational establishments, teachers and students are being targeted by Al-Shabaab and other militia groups for recruitment and use in the conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
扫瞄分辨 率(解像力)为取样率,或为原底片被数字(位) [...] 化的信息。 motion.kodak.com | Scan resolution is the sampling [...] rate, or how much information from the original camera negative will be digitized. motion.kodak.com |
对于教师来说,他们不仅要有机会进行“计 算 机扫 盲 ” ,更重要的是,他们还得会 利用新技术创造教具和设计教学方法,这也是应当迎接的挑战之一。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Teachers, for their part, must not only have the possibility of [...] acquiring “computer literacy”, but they must [...]also be in a position to become creators [...]of educational objects and methods, with the help of the new technologies: this is one of the challenges that will also have to be taken up. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在首次 安装后,将不再需要连接共享的打印 机 , 扫 描 站 将可以直接与网络打 印机通信。 graphics.kodak.com | After the initial installation, the shared [...] printer connection is no longer required and the Scan Station will be [...]able to communicate directly with the network printer. graphics.kodak.com |
在当前影像处理速度下,扫瞄仪和 软件无法发挥作用;它需要6到10秒的时间在Capture [...] Pro Software中显示影像。 graphics.kodak.com | At the current image [...] processing speed, the scanner and software are [...]useless; it is taking 6 to 10 seconds to display the [...]images in Capture Pro Software. graphics.kodak.com |
巡逻队一成员故意操起安装在悍马吉普车的 MAG 机枪并瞄准上 述检查站的人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | A member of the patrol [...] loaded and then aimed a MAG machine gun mounted on [...]a Hummer vehicle in the direction of personnel [...]at the aforementioned checkpoint. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年 12 月 5日 14 时 30 分 [...] 敌军以色列巡逻队成员用一把 12.7 毫米机关枪 瞄准 Dahirah 阵地的一名黎巴嫩军队士兵,并进 [...]行辱骂。 daccess-ods.un.org | 5 December 2010 1430 Members of an Israeli enemy patrol pointed a [...] 12.7 mm machine gun and directed profanities [...]towards a soldier at the Lebanese Army position at Dahirah. daccess-ods.un.org |
芯片切割、黏晶粒、金/铜/铝线的焊接、焊线推/拉力测试、快速封装 、 扫瞄 式 电 子显微镜(SEM)/X-RAY检查、电性验证等等。 ma-tek.com | Total solutions : die saw, die mount, Al/Copper/Au wire-bonding, pull/shear test, fast packaging, SAT / X-ray inspection, electrical verification, etc. ma-tek.com |
除上述活动外,该组织通过具体倡议和出版 物 瞄 准 目标,特别是通过区域层 面上的倡议和出版物,包括通过非正规教育进 行 扫 盲 培 训、国际志愿服务以及一 种出版物,支持各组织制定具体行动,鼓励志愿者及其社区反映可持续发展问题, 并深化对这个问题的认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the above-mentioned activities, the organization targeted the Goals through [...] specific initiatives [...] and publications, in particular at the regional level, including literacy training through non-formal education and international voluntary [...]service and a publication [...]to support organizations in developing concrete actions that stimulate reflection and deepen understanding of sustainable development issues among volunteers and their communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
其形成原因常是由于扫瞄的分辨率或采样频率太低。 motion.kodak.com | This is often [...] caused by too low a scan resolution or sampling rate. motion.kodak.com |
警告:携书团不适合光出一张嘴的运动员和懒散的人!需要一定程度的体能和力量才能拖著装满圣经和其他基督教书籍的沉重行李到处走;把它们放到火车上,再拿下来,同时还要让旁观者以为这些行李十分轻省!神带领我们的方式令我们十分惊奇和谦卑: 让 机 场 官员的眼睛盲目, 使 扫瞄 器 无 法正 确 扫瞄 , 还 有一度差遣天使(我相信是)来帮助我脱离紧张局面,否则我的行李可能会遭到检查。 amccsm.org | It requires a certain level of fitness and strength to lug around heavy bags filled with Bibles and other Christian literature; to load them onto trains and unload them again, all the while giving the appearance to onlookers that the baggage is much lighter in weight! amccsm.org |
为获得最佳效果,在系统启动期间,建议断开外围设备,例如 USB 存储设备、打印机、扫描仪等等。 knowledge.seagate.com | For best results during system startup, it is recommended to disconnect peripherals such as USB [...] storage devices, printers, scanners, etc. knowledge.seagate.com |
影像缓冲区是扫瞄仪上 存储影像的地方。 graphics.kodak.com | The image buffer is where [...] images are stored on the scanner. graphics.kodak.com |
检查“扫瞄高速 缓存”是否为网络地址。 graphics.kodak.com | See if the Scan Cache is a network [...] address. graphics.kodak.com |
您可以使用鼠标右键拖曳将目标点绕着摄 影 机 旋 转 , 瞄 准 一 个物件,然后以 Shift + Ctrl + 鼠标右键拖曳将摄影机绕着目标物件旋转。 rhinoceros.helpmax.net | You can use the [...] right-mouse-button drag to rotate the target around the camera, aim at an object, [...]and then press Shift + Ctrl [...]and click and drag the right-mouse-button to rotate the camera around the object. rhinoceros.helpmax.net |
该坦克的指挥官和枪 手从炮塔出来,将其机枪瞄向上 述阵地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The tank’s commander and gunner emerged from the turret and [...] pointed their machine guns towards the aforementioned [...]position. daccess-ods.un.org |
文化市场服务平台移动应用系统安装方式 [...] [...] 广州市文化市场管理工作领导小组办公室在推出文化市场服务平台移动应用的同时,亦提供不同下载点予市民选择下载安装,包括手机输入网址http://gzwgb.talentvalley.cn:8080/apkdownload/index.html 点击下载,手机扫描二 维条形码下载、及于“安卓市场”、“苹果商城”、“广东电信掌上营业厅”、“天翼空间”搜索“广州文化市场服务平台””下载以及手机蓝牙相互传输等途径。 timeless.com.hk | Installing the “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications In parallel with the launch of “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications, GZCMMO provided various ways for the Public to choose and download from, which include : input the link [...] http://gzwgb.talentvalley.cn:8080/apkdownload/index.html on your [...] phone and click, or scanning the QR code, or [...]search in various online stores such as [...] “Android Market”, “App Store”, “廣東電信掌上營業廳”、“天翼空間”搜索“廣州文化市場服務平臺”. timeless.com.hk |
USB提供可扩展、可热插拔的即插即用串行接口,可以确保实现与存储设备、键盘、打 印 机 、 扫 描 仪 及数码相机等外设的标准及低成本连接。 analog.com | USB provides an expandable, hot-pluggable Plug and Play serial interface that ensures a standard, [...] low-cost connection for peripheral devices such as storage devices, [...] keyboards, printers, scanners, and digital cameras. analog.com |
制裁委员会同意中 央银行和外国银行的除名请求,为解除流动资金的危 机扫清了道路,但是国家和当地机构尚且刚刚开始感 受到这一点,更不用提广大公众了。 daccess-ods.un.org | The agreement of the Sanctions Committee to the request for the delisting of the [...] Central Bank and the Foreign Bank has [...] cleared the way to overcoming the crisis of liquidity, but [...]this is barely beginning [...]to be experienced by national and local institutions, let alone by the public at large. daccess-ods.un.org |
我确认这不是扫瞄仪的 问题,而是软件的问题。 graphics.kodak.com | I have verified this is not a [...] problem with the scanner, but is an issue [...]with the software. graphics.kodak.com |
座谈会讨论的重点集中在终端RFID解决方案的应用,如仓库管理系统(WMS),医疗保健,自 动 扫瞄 系 统 ,资产追踪管理,生产监控,RFID帮助遵守行业法规及维护调度,质量控制,安全生产和风险管理等各个方面。 xerafy.com | The day focused on end-to-end RFID solutions including [...] warehouse management systems (WMS), [...] healthcare, automated scanning systems, asset [...]tracking and management, production monitoring, [...]compliance and maintenance scheduling, and quality, safety and risk management. xerafy.com |
这包括在中部非洲 主要海港 Douala 港安装扫瞄仪。 daccess-ods.un.org | This includes the scanners at Douala seaport [...] which is the main seaport in Central Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
在人口集中地区使用重型武器、过度使用武 力,包括用直升机扫射, 以及不尊重医疗服务和拒 绝人道主义援助,令人严重关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | The use of heavy weapons in population centres, the [...] excessive use of force, including firing [...] from helicopters, the lack of respect [...]for medical services and the denial of humanitarian access are of grave concern. daccess-ods.un.org |
24 时,在检查来自黎巴嫩的一辆在黎巴嫩登记的车辆时,发现 11 枚火箭榴 弹、11 个榴弹推进剂包、1 具榴弹发射器、8 座迫击炮、1 支狙击步枪、1 个狙击 步枪瞄准镜、3 挺短筒机枪、4 支军用手枪、6 个卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪空弹夹、6 个狙击步枪空弹夹、63 个遥控起爆器和大量弹药。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 2400 hours, during the inspection of a Lebanese-registered vehicle coming from Lebanon, 11 rocket-propelled grenades, 11 grenade-propellant charges, 1 grenade launcher, 8 mortars, 1 sniper rifle, 1 sniper-rifle scope, 3 short-barrel machine-guns, 4 military pistols, 6 empty Kalashnikov magazines, 6 empty sniperrifle magazines, 63 remote detonators and a large quantity of ammunition were found. daccess-ods.un.org |
不管是光伏 (PV) 还是聚光太阳能 (CSP),对于关键的性能指标都必须进行实时监测,而且,诸如逆变器、跟踪 电 机 或 定日 镜 瞄 准 系 统等设备的健康状况对于保持发电厂的恒定正常运行时间是至关紧要。 linear.com.cn | Whether photovoltaic (PV) or concentrating solar power (CSP), critical performance metrics must be monitored in real-time, and the health of equipment such as inverters, tracker motors, or heliostat targeting systems, are critical to maintaining constant uptime of the plant. linear.com |
教科文组织也通过将识数认字与生计、谋生手 [...] 段、未来学习相结合的方式(如与巴基斯坦私营部门合作开展的“用 手 机扫 盲 ” 项目),以 及确定和交流成功经验的方式(如新的“扫盲知识与创新网络” [KINL ]),强调了所提供教 [...]育的质量问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Organization also enhances the quality of provision by linking literacy and numeracy to [...] livelihoods, life skills and further [...] learning (e.g. the “Literacy by mobile phone” [...]project in partnership with the private [...]sector in Pakistan), and by identifying and sharing effective practices (e.g. through the new “Knowledge and Innovations Network on Literacy” (KINL)). unesdoc.unesco.org |