

单词 执照

执照 noun, plural ()

licenses pl



driver's license

External sources (not reviewed)

记者们实行严格的自审,以求 生存,否则将如许多记者和杂志所遭遇的那样而有可能被吊 执照。
Journalists exercise a high level of
self-censorship in order to survive or otherwise
[...] risk seeing their licences revoked as has [...]
happened to many journals and magazines.
如在六周以后办理,您需要提供更多身份证明,如护照、出生证明或带有照片的国际驾 执照 等。
After six weeks most banks require you to provide more identification, such as a passport, a birth certificate or an international driving licence with photo.
缅 甸开始实行有管理的浮动汇率制,打破旧的体制, 取消垄断以及获执照、许 可证和合同的特权。
It has begun a managed float of the currency, and is dismantling the old system of monopolies and privileged access to licenses, permits and contracts.
此外,指定的律师 没有法律执业执照,不能与他沟通。
Furthermore, the assigned lawyer was not licensed for law practice and he was not able to communicate with him.
当企业经营者满足了法律 的相关规定,就可以向相关政府部门申请经 营活动执照或许可。
When the entrepreneur fulfils the statutory requirements stated by law, they may apply for an administrative
[...] decision (e.g. a permit or license).
最不发达国家要制订鼓励国内储蓄和投资的适当框架, 包括可限制资本外逃的稳定宏观经济政策、有关市场状况的可靠政府数据、健全
[...] 的信息披露方法、以及清晰有效的从商监管框架,以减少在申请商 执照 、 招 聘 工人、获取许可和交缴税赋等方面的非正规做法。
LDCs need to set the right framework to encourage domestic savings and investment, including stable macroeconomic policies that limit capital flight, reliable government data on market conditions, sound information disclosure practices and clear and efficient regulatory frameworks for doing
business that reduce informality, including
[...] getting a business licence, hiring workers, [...]
obtaining permits and paying taxes.
这项法律草案共 45 条,正在等 待完成宪法规定的程序,它取代 1980 年的法律,并在第 2 条中特别提到言论和意 见 自由,不论其形 式 是 书 面 、 口 头还是
[...] 其他,第 3 条提到 ,对于领执照 的 媒 体,事先 不 做 任 何 [...]
检 查 。
The 45-article draft law, which is awaiting constitutional clearance, replaces the 1980 law and specifically refers in Article 2 to the freedom of expression and opinion,
whether written, verbal or by other means and, in Article 3, to the fact that there is no
[...] prior censorship of licensed media.
But there would be no rights to protect subsequent use or sale of the seed, as long as it was not sold under the certificate.
毛里求斯指出,所有从事 捕鱼业和相关活动的船只都需要 执照 , 而 对于从事非法、无管制和未报告的捕 捞活动的船只不发执照。
Mauritius stated that all vessels engaged
[...] in fishing and related activities required a licence, and licences were not issued to vessels involved in illegal, [...]
and unregulated fishing activities.
这些努力使雇主面临以下一种或 多种后果执照不予续期;拒绝发 执照 ; 有 条件地颁发 执照 ; 更 多地以财政 担保作为颁执照的前提条件;没收担保品;为现 执照 增 设 条件;吊 执照; 由 代理机构偿还亏欠雇员的欠款;指定一名会计核实代表机构遵守特定财务条件 的情况,可根据核实结果要求该代理机构增加财务担保;提起刑事诉讼,主要是 强制执行禁止无照经营的禁令。
These efforts
[...] have resulted in one or more of the following towards employers: non renewal of licenses; refusal to grant licenses; conditioning the issuance of new licenses; increased use of financial guarantee as precondition for issuing a license; confiscation of the guarantee; insertion of conditions to an existing license; licensing cancellation; reimbursement [...]
by the agency of sums
due to its employees; appointment of an accountant to verify compliance by an agency of certain fiscal conditions – as a result of the verification an agency may be requested to increase the financial guarantee; penal indictment, mainly to enforce the prohibition against operating an agency without a permit.
关于备选案文 B,有与会者建议,它应当:(a)还述及外国公民 的身份确定;及(b)考虑到一国可能颁发的是护照,而另一国颁发的可能 执照 之类文件。
With respect to option B, it was suggested that it should: (a) address also the identification of foreign
citizens; and (b) take into account that one
[...] State might issue a passport and another State a document such as a licence.
这项权利比商标或种执照高, 但它并不限制后来以任何形式对所收获作 物的再使用行为。
This right would be superior to a trademark or seed certificate, but would not restrict subsequent reuse of harvested material in any way.
[...] 格即便与基伍的价格相比都很低,因为出口行要么要支付转让税,把矿物从一 省运往另一省再出口,要么另外要有马涅马省出口行 执照。
Stock owners further explained to the Group that the price export houses pay per kilo is very low even compared to the Kivus because export houses are either required to pay transfer taxes to move minerals from one
province to another before export, or, when exporting directly, need to obtain a
[...] separate export house licence for Maniema.
在匈牙利,只有获执照的保 安人员可以在必要时拘押人员,而 非营利性组织公民巡逻队没有这种权力。
In Hungary, only licensed security guards were allowed to take a person into custody if necessary, while Citizens on Patrol, a non-profit organization, did not have the authority to do so.
(g) 对不属于本款(a)至(f)项范围内的情况,设保人的身份识别特征即为颁 布国签发给设保人的身份证、驾 执照 或 护照之类任何两份官方文件中所载姓 名。
(g) In a case not falling within subparagraphs (a) to (f) of this paragraph, the grantor identifier
is the name as stated
[...] in any two official documents, such as an identification card, driver’s licence or passport, issued to [...]
the grantor by the enacting State.
[...] 合作提供指导,包括确保中介具备相应 执照 和 许 可,对中介的招聘行为进行定期审核,以及 [...]
将违规行为上报给 Apple 和当地政府。
We also offer guidance on working with other
agents, including ensuring that the agent has
[...] the appropriate licences and permits, conducting [...]
regular audits of the agent’s
recruitment practices, and reporting violations to Apple and the local government.
必须对教育部门实行专业管理,为 执照 的 在 校教师和校长制定特别标 准,从而提高教师和校长的素质。
A professional approach must be developed towards the education sector and the quality of teachers and principals improved by developing specific criteria for licensing school teachers and principals.
自从提交现在摆在安理会面前的报告以来,科索沃 电讯管理局已采取措施,拆除和销毁科索沃境内 执照 的电 信服务供应商的发射器和其他设备,导致少数族裔 地区电信服务,包括应急服务大规模中断。
Since the submission of the report before the Council, measures taken by the Kosovo Telecommunications Regulatory Authority to dismantle and destroy transmitters and other equipment of unlicensed telecommunications service providers in Kosovo led to widespread disruption in the communication infrastructure in minority areas, including for emergency services.
支柱 A 的能力水平为 9 项指标(财务报告;公共部门;审计;环境、社会和治理报告;监 督、强制执行及遵守;向审计员发 执照 ; 公 司治理;道德;以及调查、惩戒和上诉)之 和除以 9。
The level of capacity for pillar A will be a sum of 9 indicators (financial reporting; public sector; audit; environmental, social and governance reporting; monitoring, enforcement and compliance; licensing of auditors; corporate governance; ethics; and investigation, discipline and appeals) divided by 9.
对于为开展空间活动的运营人颁执照和审 批具体项目和方案,各国可以采用分别的程序。
States might employ separate procedures for the licensing of operators conducting space activities and for the authorization of specific projects and programmes.
提交人称,该法院曾驳回类似的案件,且法院在他 执照 被 收回之前修订该项规 定的可能性不大。
The author argues that similar cases had already been rejected by that Court and that there was no real chance of obtaining a correction of the provision by this court in time before the revocation of his licence.
他们失去了收入的关键来源,包括对垄断 行业的控制以及获得许可证执照和 重 要政府合同 的特权。
Their key sources of revenue are being removed, including control of monopolies as well as privileged access to permits, licenses, and major government contracts.
(d) 就民间私营保安服务拟订适当执照 发 放 条例,包括酌情就各 执照 作出 规定,条例尤其可涵盖确保向民间私营保安服务人员颁发有时间限制的适执照的需 要,其中至少包含一张照片和其他相关身份信息。
(d) Provide for appropriate licensing regulations for civilian private
security services,
[...] including provisions for various categories of licence where appropriate. In particular, the regulations may cover the need to ensure that adequate licence documentation is issued to personnel of [...]
civilian private security
services and that the documentation is time-limited and contains at least a photograph and other relevant identification information.
在建筑业,聘用外籍劳工的获执照 的 人 力公司有责任将建筑部门的特别 “宣传册”分发到其雇用的每名外籍劳工手中,公司主管还必须向工贸和劳工部的 外籍劳工司提供一份宣誓书,声明他们履行了向每位劳工发放“宣传册”的个人职 责。
The Licensed Manpower Companies employing foreign workers in the construction field are obligated to [...]
distribute the special
“Zchuton” for the construction branch to each foreign worker they employ, and the directors of the companies must provide the Foreign Workers Department in the Ministry of ITL with an affidavit stating that they take personal responsibility for the distribution of this “Zchuton” to each worker.
5) 造成电影盗版的经济原因在于:不是所有的产品都能通过中国的审查制度,也 就是说,盗版电影的种类比正版电影丰富、使消费者有更多的选择;盗版可以 逃避税收,又没有质量保证,从而给经销商带来巨额利润;盗版电影的销售商 一般都没有营执照,因 而盗版光盘的销售体系远比正版光盘的销售体系发 达。
5) Economically, the reasons enterprises are attracted to movie piracy include: China’s censorship process means that legitimate titles are a subset of all titles produced, i.e. producing pirated titles allows distributors to offer customers much wider choice; with no royalties and taxes to pay, and no quality control requirements to meet, pirated movies provide distributors with significantly higher profits; because sellers of pirated movies are generally unlicensed, the distribution network for pirated movies is far more developed than that for legally licensed movies.
支柱A 的能力水平为9 项指标( 财务报告和披露;公共部门财务报告、 披露和审计;审计;环境、社会和治理报告;公司报告要求:强制执
[...] 行、执行情况监督及遵守;向审计员发 执照 ; 公司治理;道德;以 及调查、惩戒和上诉
The level of capacity for pillar A will be a sum of 9 indicators (financial reporting and disclosure; public sector financial reporting, disclosure and auditing; audit; environmental, social and governance reporting;
corporate reporting requirements: enforcement,
[...] monitoring of implementation and compliance; [...]
licensing of auditors; corporate governance;
ethics; and investigation, discipline and appeals) divided by 9.
如果执行局核准的方案建议中的活动需视其他资 源有无着落而定,但对经常资源供资的方案活动具有重要的加强作用,则执行主 任在必要时可在执行局休会期间, 照执 行 局 规定的条件和限制,利用经常资源 开展这一活动,并向执行局下一届会议报告。
Where an activity specified in a programme recommendation approved by the Executive Board subject to the availability of Other Resources has an important reinforcing role for Programme Activities financed from Regular Resources, the Executive Director may, if necessary between Executive Board sessions and under the conditions and limits set by the Executive Board, implement such activity by using Regular Resources and report to the Executive Board at a following session.
作为筹备和安排执行局会议的一部分, 照执 行 局 的工作计划,主席团 除其它外可审议与会议议程、文件以及会议结构有关的问题,并应协助突出需要 [...]
As part of the preparation and
[...] organization of Executive Board meetings [...]
and in accordance with the workplan of the Board,
the Bureau may, inter alia, consider issues related to the agenda of the meetings, documentation and the structure of meetings, and should help to highlight the issues and recommendations that require consideration and action by the Board.
理事机构秘书处正在努力设法进一步实现合理化和节约,重点放在两个领域:(i) 依照 执行局第一八九届会议的决定,致函所有会员国,请它们自愿放弃其依然有资格领取的差旅 费和日补贴并为语言费用捐款;在 2013 年大会的筹备期间,还将向所有会员国发出一封类 似信函,请会员国提供援助,为最不发达国家代表参加会议以及语言服务捐款;(ii) 加大了 对文件编制的限制,按照联合国的做法逐步引入文件(甚至是报告)的绝对最长篇幅为¬1215 页的规定。
GBS is working on further attempts at rationalization and economy, focusing on two main areas: (i) in line with the Board’s decision at its 189th session, a letter has been sent to all Members requesting them to forego on a voluntary basis travel and DSA payments to which they are still entitled, as well as to contribute to language expenses; a similar letter will be sent to all Member States in the run-up to the General Conference in 2013 requesting Member States’ assistance to contribute to the cost of participation by LDC representatives in the Conference and to language services; (ii) documentation restrictions have been tightened, with a gradual introduction of an absolute document maximum length, even for reports, of 12-15 pages, as practiced in the United Nations.
在执行局第一七一届会议上,委员会提请注意保密的原则,这一原则应始终支配第 104 EX/3.3 号决定所规定的程序,同时决定, 照执 行 局 议事规则第 29 条第 4 段之规定, 二十年后公布委员会的秘密文件或让公众查阅,以便让人们更好地了解委员会的成果。
At the 171st session of the Executive Board, the Committee decided, while recalling the principle of confidentiality which dominated the entire 104 EX/Decision 3.3 procedure, that the private documents of the Committee should be published or made accessible to the public after a period of 20 years, as provided for by Rule 29, paragraph 4, of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board, in order to give a higher profile to the Committee’s achievements.




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