

单词 执政的

See also:


in office
hold power

的政 n

existing policy n

External sources (not reviewed)

厄立特里亚政府执政的人阵 对居住在国外的厄立特里亚公民和厄立特里 亚裔外国国民实行各种域外征税规定。
The Government of Eritrea and the ruling [...]
PFDJ impose a variety of extraterritorial taxation requirements on Eritrean citizens
resident abroad and foreign nationals of Eritrean descent.
但是,即便是在今天,我们依然还远远没有理解在1917年以及苏维 执政的 最 初几年中所发生的许多重要的因素、关联事件、动机、原因和后果。
But, even today, we are still far from understanding many important factors, connections, motives, reasons, and consequences in what happened in 1917 and during the first years of Soviet power.
确凿的证据表明,卡 扎菲政权在冲突期间,包括他在的黎波 执政的 最后阶段蓄意杀害囚犯,而革命卫队战斗人员也犯下了某 些虐待行为。
The evidence has mounted of deliberate killings of prisoners by the Al-Qadhafi regime during the conflict, including in its last days in Tripoli, as well as some abuses by the revolutionary fighters.
安理会第 2023(2011)号决议还要求各会员国追究在其境内代表厄立特里亚政府 执政的 人民 民主和正义阵线从事这些活动的人的责任。
In resolution 2023 (2011), the Council also requested Member States to hold accountable individuals in their territory who were engaged in those activities on behalf of the Government of Eritrea or the ruling People’s Front for Democracy and Justice.
反对党为解除总理的职务而游说, 试图利执政的几内 亚和佛得角非洲独立党(几佛独立党)内的意见分歧。
The opposition lobbied for the dismissal of the Prime Minister, and tried to exploit the dissensions within the ruling African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC).
布隆迪实现千年发展目标的进展情况表明,由于 2005 年选举执政的政府所 采取的积极政策,一些目 标领域已有所改观。
The situation in Burundi with regard to progress made in achieving the MDGs shows that some target areas have seen improvement as a result of the proactive policies adopted by the Government that took power following the 2005 elections.
现任总理 Ewart Brown 阁下在当选执政的进步 劳工党领导人后,于 2006 年 10 月 30 日就任,并在最近于 2007 年 12 月 18 日举行的大选中再一次当选为 百慕大总理,进步劳工党在众议院 36 个席位中保持多数,共占 22 席。
The current Premier, Ewart Brown, took office on 30 October 2006, following his election as the leader of the governing Progressive Labour Party, and was re-elected in the latest general election, held on 18 December 2007, with the Progressive Labour Party retaining its majority of 22 of the 36 seats in the House of Assembly.
在立法方面执政的爱国 拯救运动获得国民议会 188 个席位中 133 个,得到 绝对多数。
Concerning the legislative vote, the ruling party, the Mouvement patriotique pour le salut (MPS) obtained an absolute majority with 133 of the 188 seats in the National Assembly.
最后一起案子在政治上特别重要, 因为被起诉的渔业部长执政的全国 人民大会党中 有许多追随者,而且在确保总统 [...]
2007 年选举期间获 得党内提名方面发挥了关键作用。
The last case, in
[...] particular, is of great political significance, [...]
as the indicted Minister of Fisheries has a strong following
within the governing party, the All People’s Congress, and played a crucial role in securing the President’s party nomination for the 2007 elections.
[...] 些媒体的人对其后果负责”。13 因此,执政的政治精英成员采用种族主义或 民族主义意识形态时,如果政府机构垄断提供信息的手段且少数公开场合允许自 [...]
Those who control such media are accountable for its consequences”.13 As such, when
racist or nationalist ideology is resorted to
[...] by members of the political elite in power, [...]
it is more likely for a conflict to
erupt in cases where government institutions monopolize the means of provision of information and where few public forums allow for the free and constructive exchange of ideas.
我们不能、也不应姑息那些出于一己私利改变国 家宪法以便让自己能继执政的领导 人。
We cannot and must not condone leaders who, for
their own selfish interests, change the constitutions of their countries in order to
[...] ensure their continued stay in power.
税款往往由非官方的代理人或 执政的 人 民 民 主和正义阵线(人阵)的活动分子收取,对居住在国外的厄立特里亚国民和具有厄 立特里亚血统的外籍国民不做任何区分。
Taxes are often collected by unofficial agents or activists from the ruling People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ), and no distinction is made between Eritrean nationals living abroad and foreign nationals of Eritrean descent.
两个主要政党塞拉利昂人民党和现 执政的 全 国 人民大会党支持者之间的 暴力和不容忍,促成对公民权利和政治权利的侵犯。
Violence and intolerance between the supporters of
[...] the two main political parties, the [...]
Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and the
incumbent All People Congress (APC), contributed to violations of civil and political rights.
我们将继续与联合国各机构合 作,以确保把总体的人权特别是儿童的权利作为伊拉 克政执政的优先事项。
We will continue to cooperate with United Nations
bodies to ensure human rights in general and the rights of children in particular
[...] as priorities of the Iraqi Government.
现任总理 Ewart Brown 博士阁下在当选执政的进步劳工 党领导人后,于 2006 年 10 月 30 日就任,接替 Alexander Scott 的两项职务。
The current Premier, the Honourable Dr. Ewart Brown, took office on 30 October 2006, following his election as the leader of the governing PLP, replacing Alexander Scott in each capacity.
执政的几内亚和佛得角非洲独立党 (几佛独立党)和在议会的新民主党之外,其他所有政党坚持按宪法在 [...]
60 天内举 行选举,尽管全国选举委员会对此有顾虑,表示需要更多时间做准备,包括进行 全面的选民登记以更新选民名册。
With the exception of the ruling African Party [...]
for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) and the parliamentary
New Democracy Party, the remaining political parties insisted on holding the elections within 60 days in compliance with the Constitution, despite concerns raised by the National Electoral Commission that more preparatory time was needed, including for the conduct of a comprehensive voter registration process aimed at updating the voter register.
2006 年,该奖项曾颁给活动家 Su Su Nway 女士,她 是缅甸公民,于 2006 年执政的军政府逮捕,此后 一直被单独囚禁,而且其心脏疾病得不到妥当治疗。
In 2006, the award had been presented to the activist Ms. Su Su Nway, a Burmese national who had since been arrested by the governing junta and placed in solitary confinement without adequate medical care for her heart condition.
为 什么努力在
[...] 某些国家,如也门,建立政治进程和进行全国对话, 而在其他国家,当反对派准备好对抗时,却 执政的 政府实行制裁?
Why are efforts undertaken with regard to some countries to establish a political process and a national dialogue — for
example, in Yemen — while sanctions are
[...] imposed on the incumbent Governments of other States [...]
whose opposition is primed for confrontation?
在共计 45 名成员中,除主席和副主席以外,25 人执政的苏丹 人民解放运动(苏人解)成员,16 人为其他政党成员,1 人代表 1 个民间社会伞式 组织,1 人代表信仰组织。
Of the total 45 members, in addition to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, 25 are members of the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and 16 of other political parties, 1 represents a civil society umbrella organization and 1 represents faith-based organizations.
这可以作为衡量政府主管当局在执行公共政策、监测政策效力以及政策对公 民的影响方的执政水平的一项指标。
These examples provide an indication of the level of responsibility borne by the Government, which has the task of implementing public policies and monitoring their impact, and by civil society.
关于后者,应该忆及,反对派一再呼吁他辞职或被替 代,理由是他作执政的“Kw a na Kwa”党的总书记,这一角色与他作为负责选 举的部长角色之间职能是对抗的。
With regard to the latter, it should be recalled that the opposition had made repeated calls for his resignation or replacement on the grounds that there was an incompatibility of functions between his role as Secretary-General of the ruling Kwa na Kwa party and that of Minister in charge of elections.
在 审查 Howland v. Resteiner
[...] 国家元首豁免权适用于前国家元首,那么可通过米切尔博士目前以格林纳达国家元首身份或通 过米切尔博士任期结束执政的任何 政府随时放弃豁免”(此案涉及对包括格林纳达总理基 [...]
, the United States Federal District Court notes that “even if head-of-state immunity does apply to former heads of state, that immunity may be waived at any time either by Dr. Mitchell in his present
capacity as the head of state of Grenada
[...] or by any subsequent administration that should come [...]
into power after Dr. Mitchell’s
tenure has ended” (the case dealt with the filing of a civil suit against three defendants, including Keith Mitchell, the Prime Minister of Grenada, and his wife, Marietta Mitchell; the court recognized the immunity of these two individuals on the basis of the claim of immunity made by the United States Department of State and the absence of a waiver of immunity, but without prejudice to the possibility of refiling the suit).
在国家一级,4 月 27 日临时总统雷蒙多·佩雷拉 和总理卡洛斯·戈梅斯获得释放,从而满足 执政的 几内 亚和佛得角非洲独立党(几佛独立党)参加任何 会谈的一个重要前提。
At the national level, the release of Interim President Raimundo Pereira and Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Júnior on 27 April met a key precondition of the ruling African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) for participation in any talks.
29 据当时在阿斯马拉并参加了这些活动的索再解放联盟官员介绍,政府
[...] 高级官员——特别是新闻部长Ali Abdou、执政的人民 民主和正义阵线政治事务 负责人Yemane [...]
Ghebreab和一名叫做Te’ame30 的高级军事情报官——在关于索再 解放联盟重要任命的决定中发挥了直接作用。
During the course of 2007, the Government of Eritrea sponsored the establishment of ARS as an opposition movement.29 According to ARS officials present in Asmara at the time, and who
participated in these
[...] events, senior government officials — [...]
notably the Minister of Information, Ali Abdou, the head of political affairs for
the ruling People’s Front for Democracy and Justice, Yemane Ghebreab, and a senior military intelligence officer known as Te’ame30 — played a direct role in decisions concerning key ARS appointments.
为 此,巴拿马设立了两个政府机构,专门负责就解决营养不良和极端贫困问题制定 计划并做出决策,这两个机构就是社会事务内阁技术秘书处和粮食安全和营养计 划国家秘书处(SENAPAN)27 ,其中,粮食安全和营养计划国家秘书处还制定了 《2009-2015 年度国家粮食和营养安全计划》,未 的执政 者 将 按照该计划的战 略指导方针,着力推动执行国家所制定的各项扶贫计划,通过采取多部门联合行 动,达到优化人力资源、技术资源以及财力资源的目的,最终减少营养不良现象 并进一步实现国家农牧业、贸易、社会以及环境政策的相互联系。
Two bodies are responsible for planning and decision-making in the fight against malnutrition and extreme poverty: the Technical Secretariat of the Social Cabinet and the National Secretariat for the Food and Nutrition Plan (SENAPAN).27 The latter prepared the 2009–2015 national food and nutrition security plan, which sets out strategic guidelines that are intended to ensure that the programmes now in effect will be pursued by future Administrations with as much or even more vigour than ever.
此外,2 月 20 日在科霍戈,包括执政党发言 人和巴博总统办公室主任在的执政 党 高 级官员的住宅在暴力抗议中遭到袭击。
In Korhogo, also on 20 February, the residences of senior officials of the ruling party, including those of the party’s spokesman and the Director of President Gbagbo’s Cabinet, were attacked during violent protests.
该国还有其他令人不安的迹象,例如去年 9 月发 生了袭击反对派总统候选人的事件,随后反对派成员 损害执政党的财产 ,有关方面以备受争议的方式实 施为期三个月禁止政党集会的法令,反对派在弗里敦 市议会议员补选中获胜一事引发了暴力,最近有人闯 入一家批评政府的报社。
There are other worrying signs, such as the attack on the opposition presidential candidate in September of last year, which was followed by an attack by members of the opposition on property of the governing party, the questionable imposition of a threemonth ban on all political party rallies, violence surrounding a win by the opposition in by-elections for the Freetown City Council and the recent break-in into a newspaper critical of the Government.
为了使对遗产有敏感认识或以遗产为中心的方法成为城市发展的主流方法,NDL/CLT 积极参执政专题中的城市 小组,其中特别关注拉贾斯坦邦和中央邦(七个联发援框架优先 发展州中的两个)。
NDL/CLT participates actively in the urban group under the governance cluster, with a view to mainstreaming heritage-sensitive/centric approach to urban development, with particular focus on Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, two of the seven UNDAF priority states.




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