

单词 执政党

执政党 ()

the party in power

See also:

执政 n

ruling n
ruling party n


in office
hold power

政党 n

political parties pl


party policy
(Communist) Party and government administration

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 文件不可靠、属非官方,厄立特里亚大使馆 执政党 官 员可能会监测厄立特里 亚侨民社区的活动,评估他们的收入和配合程度。
In cases where host country documentation is
considered to be unreliable, unofficial
[...] Eritrean embassy or party officials may monitor [...]
the activities of the Eritrean diaspora
communities in order to assess their income and degree of compliance.
以 前的三个主要经济权力中心是军事政权的商业同伴 (裙带商人),军队本身,以执政党 USDP
In the past, the three main economic power
centres were the business associates of the military regime (the cronies), the military
[...] itself and the ruling party, the USDP.
显而易见的是,亚美尼亚总统承认他自 1988
[...] 年以来一直积极参与“卡拉巴 赫运动”,亚美尼执政党共和 党副主席 Razmik Zohrabyan 在谢尔日·萨尔基相 [...]
接受采访几天前告诉民众,所谓的“卡拉巴赫运动”是苏维埃社会主义共和国联 盟国家安全委员会(克格勃)的杰作。
It is notable that, while the President of Armenia acknowledged his active involvement in the “Garabagh movement”
since 1988, the Vice-Chairman of the ruling
[...] Republican Party of Armenia, Razmik Zohrabyan, [...]
informed the public several days
before the interview of Serzh Sargsyan that the so-called “Garabagh movement” had been a product of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
在厄 立特里亚未设立外交或领事代表的地点,这一税款往往 执政党 代 理 人或社会 活动分子非正式收取,一些管辖区域会将这些人员的行为视为敲诈。
In locations where Eritrea lacks diplomatic or consular
representation, the tax is often collected
[...] informally by party agents or community activists whose [...]
activities may, in some jurisdictions,
be considered a form of extortion.
这 些改革将对根深蒂固的商业精英——裙带商人、军 队以及执政党有关 系的前重量级政治人物产生极 大影响,这些商业精英将不得不在一个更公平的环 [...]
These changes will have a big impact on the entrenched economic elite – crony
businessmen, the military and
[...] former political heavyweights linked to the government party – who will [...]
have to compete on a more
level playing field and even start paying tax.
我呼执政党和反 对党表现灵活和善意,尽早商定选 举方式,建立公众对选举机制和机构的信心。
I appeal to the
[...] ruling and opposition parties to exercise flexibility [...]
and goodwill in order to arrive at an early consensus
on modalities for the holding of the elections and for building public confidence in the electoral mechanisms and institutions.
该国还有其他令人不安的迹象,例如去年 9 月发
[...] 生了袭击反对派总统候选人的事件,随后反对派成员 损害执政党的财产,有关方面以备受争议的方式实 [...]
施为期三个月禁止政党集会的法令,反对派在弗里敦 市议会议员补选中获胜一事引发了暴力,最近有人闯
There are other worrying signs, such as the attack on the opposition presidential candidate in September of last year, which was followed by an attack
by members of the opposition on property
[...] of the governing party, the questionable [...]
imposition of a threemonth ban on all political
party rallies, violence surrounding a win by the opposition in by-elections for the Freetown City Council and the recent break-in into a newspaper critical of the Government.
2004 年 3 月 举行了立法选举,原来执政党(几 内亚和佛得角非洲独立党)赢得了这次选举。
Legislative elections, held in March 2004, were won by the party previously in power, the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC).
这些不合法的金融做法执政党支持 者和境外一些国家的直接财政捐 助以及对海外的厄立特里亚人和厄立特里亚籍外国人征收的“侨民税”,有 助于说明像厄立特里亚这样穷的国家是如何不断支持该区域各地的武装反 [...]
Such irregular financial
[...] practices, combined with direct financial contributions from ruling party supporters and some [...]
foreign States, as
well as the imposition of a “diaspora tax” on Eritreans and foreign nationals of Eritrean origin living abroad, help to explain how a country as poor as Eritrea manages to sustain support for a variety of armed opposition groups across the region.
[...] 的沮丧感,他说,如果目前的事态继续下去 执政党 将 永 远赢得选举,而其他政 党则没有任何希望。
Expressing frustration with the existing electoral process, a Cambodian citizen wrote in an individual petition to the Special Rapporteur that, if the current state of
affairs continued, the ruling party would win the elections forever and that there was
[...] no hope for other political parties.
尽管执政党、现 为主要在野党的塞拉利昂人民党(塞人民党) 与当执政党全国 人民大会党(大会党)之间存在不信任气氛,但这两个主要政党 之间的整体互动在很大程度上继续以建设性和友好的方式进行。
Despite a climate of distrust between the former ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), now the major opposition party, and the All Peoples’ Congress (APC), which is currently in power, the overall interaction between the two major parties continues to evolve in a largely constructive and cordial manner.
执政党还呼吁重 组它指责参与舞弊的 415 个地方选举委员会,并认为必须在选举前举行解除武装 [...]
It also called for the reconstitution
[...] of the 415 local electoral [...]
commissions, which it accused of involvement in the fraud,
and maintained that disarmament and all aspects of the reunification of the country must be accomplished before the elections.
由于北京和苏丹的 关系之前几乎完全通过喀土穆及 执政党 全 国 大会 党(NCP)的政治渠道维系,所以中国政府不得不 从头开始建设与南苏丹的关系,特别是与南苏执 政党苏丹 人民解放运动(SPLM)的关系,同时还 要让喀土穆消除疑虑,表明自己无意与老朋友分道 扬镳。
Because Beijing’s relationship with Sudan was previously
channelled almost exclusively
[...] through Khartoum and its ruling National Congress Party (NCP), it has had to build a relationship in the South, particularly with the ruling Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement (SPLM), from [...]
the ground up, while
reassuring Khartoum that it has no intention of leaving old friends behind.
[...] 和国际利益攸关方的意见,其中包括:政府成员;国家安全机构和武装力量领导 人;独角兽部队;对话、真相与和解委员会的代表;国际和区域合作伙伴;包括执政党科人 阵党在内的各政党;民间社会和非政府组织。
The assessment mission received detailed briefings from UNOCI and the United Nations country team and consulted a wide range of national and international stakeholders, including members of the Government; the leadership of the national security agencies and armed forces; the Licorne forces; representatives of the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission;
international and regional
[...] partners; political parties, including the former ruling FPI party; civil society; [...]
and non-governmental organizations.
执政党几 佛 独立党的代表和其他政府官员也向联几建和办指控军方的恐吓行为,但“军事 指挥部”否认这些指控。
Representatives of the
[...] ruling PAIGC and other Government officials have [...]
also complained to UNIOGBIS of acts of intimidation
by the military, but the “Military Command” has denied these claims.
虽然这阻止执政党完全左右决定,但仍然是一个高度政治化的做法,尽管目前的首席 信息专员,W·哈比布拉,已证明了他立场上的独立性。
Although this does
[...] prevent the governing party from totally dominating the decision, it is still a highly political approach, although [...]
the current Chief
Information Commissioner, Wajahat Habibullah, has demonstrated independence in his approach to the position.
执政党在选举中不断和广泛利用国家资源,各媒体广泛 报道了据称候选人和政党官员分发金钱和礼物的情况。
The campaign was marked by consistent and widespread use of State resources by the governing party, and the alleged distribution of money and gifts by candidates and party officials belonging to various political parties was widely reported.
重 要的是,非政府组织若要被视为是行动出于公心,就不应与任何政党有过于密切 的关系,无论执政党还是反对党。
For NGOs to be seen as acting in the general interest, it
was important that they should not be too closely
[...] associated with any political party, whether in [...]
power or in opposition.
[...] 到,负责组织和监督选举的喀麦隆选举事务局(ELECAM)的中立性受到一些质疑, 有些人可能认为该机构是执政党服 务 的,但已对这部分人做了劝慰工作。
While there seems to be some lingering scepticism surrounding the neutrality of Elections Cameroon (ELECAM), which is responsible for organizing and
supervising the elections, efforts have been made to reassure those who think that
[...] ELECAM is in the pay of the ruling party.
厄立特里执政党,人民民主和正义阵线,是 1994 年从 厄立特里亚人民解放阵线(解阵)演变而来,重新成为军事阵线,事实上控制通 [...]
Eritrea’s ruling party, the People’s Front [...]
for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ), which evolved out of the Eritrean People’s
Liberation Front (EPLF) in 1994, resumed its posture as a fighting front, retaining de facto control over functions that would normally be discharged by the State.
但是人民党认为,这些任命执政党 精 心 策划的举动,目的是在 2012 年选 举中在其政治根据地赢得选票。
However, these appointments were
[...] viewed by SLPP as a calculated move by the ruling party to win votes in its political strongholds [...]
in the 2012 elections.
因此执政党组建 一个不包括塞尔维亚族党派独 立社会民主人士联盟、克族民主联盟和 1990 克罗地 亚民主联盟的联合政府——这正是波什尼亚克族领 [...]
导人正试图做的——可能会导致触犯波斯尼亚和黑 塞哥维那的塞族和克族的利益。
Accordingly, the formation by the ruling party of a coalition [...]
that does not include the Serb party the Alliance of Independent
Social Democrats, the Croatian Democratic Union and the Croat Democratic Union 1990, which is what the Bosniak leaders are trying to achieve, could lead to a violation of the interests of the Serb and Croat peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
他们呼吁安理会执政党中据 他们所称应对阻碍和平进程负责的高级官员以及 那些参与严重侵犯人权和煽动暴力行为的人实施定向制裁。
They called on the Council to impose
its targeted sanctions on senior
[...] officials of the ruling party who they said are [...]
responsible for impeding the peace process,
and on those involved in serious violations of human rights and in inciting violence.
2.5 申诉人说,他与2005 年的选举运动有关的活动和他在 执政党 官 员的讨论 中公开发表政治见解的事实以及他是一位受过教育的专业人员的事实使他受到埃 塞俄比亚政府的注意并成为其目标。
2.5 The complainant submits that his activities relating to the election campaign in 2005 and
the fact that he openly
[...] expressed his political opinion in discussions with governing party officials, as well [...]
as the fact that he
was an educated professional resulted in him being noticed and targeted by the Government in Ethiopia.
根据在本任务期间获得的信息,监察组能够得出结论认为,支持违反 武器禁运活动的秘密资金主要来自情报、军事 执政党 官 员 控制和操作的这一 广泛的、境外、大多是非法金融机制,其中许多人以“非官方”身份开展这一 活动。
On the basis of information obtained in the course of the current mandate, the Monitoring Group is able to conclude that covert financial activities in support of armed embargo violations are financed principally through this extensive, offshore and largely illicit financial apparatus, controlled and operated by intelligence, military and party officials, many of them operating in an “unofficial” capacity.
秘书长特别代表通过定期会议为国家和政府领导人政党(执政党 和 反对党)、其他政治行为体 和包括妇女组织的民间社会提供斡旋,以期通过包容性和协作性方式,并在该国面临的重大问 [...]
题上和在制定立法的过程中,将两性平等观点和与青年有关的议题纳入国家政策辩论的主流, 借此解决重大问题
Provision of good offices by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, through regular
meetings, to State and Government
[...] leaders, political parties, both ruling and opposition parties, other political [...]
actors and civil
society, including women’s organizations, to address critical issues through inclusive and collaborative approaches and mainstreaming of gender and youth-related issues in national policy debates on critical issues facing the country and in the formulation of legislation
就在上星期一,即 4 月 16 日,国家元首和政府
[...] 首脑机构主席第二次派西非经共体代表团访问几内 亚比绍,并在比绍与军政府执政党 几 内 亚和佛得角 非洲独立党、五名反对党候选人、西非经共体国家大 [...]
Only last Monday, 16 April, the Chairman of the Authority dispatched a second ECOWAS mission to Guinea-Bissau, where the
delegation held intensive discussions
[...] with the junta; the ruling African Party for the Independence [...]
of Guinea and Cape Verde;
the five opposition candidates; ECOWAS ambassadors and the representatives of the African Union and the United Nations in Bissau.
本报告所审查期间的特点执政党和 反 对党之间的政治关系日益紧张,该国 的政治领导层与军事领导层之间的不信任加剧,2012 年 1 月 9 日马拉姆·巴卡 伊·萨尼亚总统去世后提前举行总统选举的准备工作,以及 [...]
2012 年 4 月 12 日发 生政变及其造成的影响。
The period under review
[...] was marked by mounting political tensions between the ruling party and the opposition, [...]
increased distrust
between the political and military leadership in the country, preparations for early presidential elections following the death of President Malam Bacai Sanha on 9 January 2012, and the 12 April 2012 coup d’état and its aftermath.




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