

单词 执政

执政 ()

in office
hold power


执政党 n

governing party n
ruling parties pl


the party in power



External sources (not reviewed)

此外,自从一年半前上执政以来 ,马蒂内利总统的政府 一直在审查巴拿马担负的人权领域国际义务。
Moreover, since it took office, a year a
[...] half ago, the Administration of President [...]
Martinelli had been reviewing Panama’s
international obligations in the area of human rights.
宗教间国际 吁请埃塞俄比亚查清这些严重侵犯示威者人权的情况,并鼓励埃塞俄比亚展开调 查,以期追查在上政府执政期间 所有应对所犯罪行负责的人和严重侵犯人权的 情况。
Interfaith International called upon Ethiopia to shed light on the grave violation of human rights committed against demonstrators, and encouraged it to conduct an investigation with a view to prosecuting all those responsible for crimes and grave violations of human rights during the prior administration.
显而易见的是,亚美尼亚总统承认他自 1988 年以来一直积极参与“卡拉巴 赫运动”,亚美尼执政党共 和党副主席 Razmik Zohrabyan 在谢尔日·萨尔基相 接受采访几天前告诉民众,所谓的“卡拉巴赫运动”是苏维埃社会主义共和国联 盟国家安全委员会(克格勃)的杰作。
It is notable that, while the President of Armenia acknowledged his active involvement in the “Garabagh movement” since 1988, the Vice-Chairman of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia, Razmik Zohrabyan, informed the public several days before the interview of Serzh Sargsyan that the so-called “Garabagh movement” had been a product of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
本报告中财务问题 一节表明,在上届政当局执政期间 ,相当多的石油收入由总统府直接控制并被 [...]
As illustrated in the finance section of the present report,
[...] during the previous administration, considerable [...]
amounts of oil revenue were directly handled
by the Presidency and used to purchase arms.
这 些改革将对根深蒂固的商业精英——裙带商人、军 队以及执政党有 关系的前重量级政治人物产生极 大影响,这些商业精英将不得不在一个更公平的环 境中与其他人进行竞争,甚至要开始纳税。
These changes will have a big impact on the entrenched economic elite –
crony businessmen, the
[...] military and former political heavyweights linked to the government party – [...]
who will have to compete
on a more level playing field and even start paying tax.
由于北京和苏丹的 关系之前几乎完全通过喀土穆及 执政 党 全 国大会 党(NCP)的政治渠道维系,所以中国政府不得不 从头开始建设与南苏丹的关系,特别是与南苏执 政党苏 丹人民解放运动(SPLM)的关系,同时还 要让喀土穆消除疑虑,表明自己无意与老朋友分道 扬镳。
Because Beijing’s relationship with Sudan was previously channelled almost exclusively through Khartoum and its ruling National Congress Party (NCP), it has had to build a relationship in the South, particularly with the ruling Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement (SPLM), from the ground up, while reassuring Khartoum that it has no intention of leaving old friends behind.
有鉴政府执政六个 月来取得的进展,今年 7 月 20 日在圣萨尔瓦多举行、 旨在重新启动中美洲一体化进程的中美洲一体化系统国家元首和政府首脑特别 [...]
峰会,发表了《关于洪都拉斯的特别声明》,强调并承认洛沃·索萨总统在重建 洪都拉斯宪法秩序方面取得的进展,并表示支持洪都拉斯重新全面融入中美洲一 体化系统。
In recognition of the
[...] progress made in the Government’s first six months in [...]
office, the recent Extraordinary Summit of Heads
of State and Government of the countries of the Central American Integration System (SICA) for the relaunch of the process of Central American integration, which was held on 20 July this year in San Salvador, El Salvador, issued a special declaration on Honduras, which highlights and recognizes the progress made by President Lobo Sosa towards re-establishment of the constitutional order in Honduras and expresses support for the country’s full re-entry into SICA.
现任总理 Ewart Brown 博士阁下在当选执政的进步劳工 党领导人后,于 2006 年 10 月 30 日就任,接替 Alexander Scott 的两项职务。
The current Premier, the Honourable Dr. Ewart Brown, took office on 30 October 2006, following his election as the leader of the governing PLP, replacing Alexander Scott in each capacity.
为了使对遗产有敏感认识或以遗产为中心的方法成为城市发展的主流方法,NDL/CLT 积极参执政专题 中的城市小组,其中特别关注拉贾斯坦邦和中央邦(七个联发援框架优先 发展州中的两个)。
NDL/CLT participates actively in the urban group under the governance cluster, with a view to mainstreaming heritage-sensitive/centric approach to urban development, with particular focus on Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, two of the seven UNDAF priority states.
她是国家平等权利行动联 盟的缔造者和协调人,这是一个民间社会组织的网络,致力于采用平等权利行动 作为增执政中妇女人数的有效战略。
She is the founder and Coordinator of NCAA, a network of civil society organizations committed to the adoption of affirmative action as an effective strategy for increasing the numbers of women in governance.
该国还有其他令人不安的迹象,例如去年 9 月发 生了袭击反对派总统候选人的事件,随后反对派成员 损害执政党的 财产,有关方面以备受争议的方式实 施为期三个月禁止政党集会的法令,反对派在弗里敦 市议会议员补选中获胜一事引发了暴力,最近有人闯 入一家批评政府的报社。
There are other worrying signs, such as the attack on the opposition presidential candidate in September of last year, which was followed by an attack by members of the opposition on property of the governing party, the questionable imposition of a threemonth ban on all political party rallies, violence surrounding a win by the opposition in by-elections for the Freetown City Council and the recent break-in into a newspaper critical of the Government.
这些不合法的金融做法执政党支 持者和境外一些国家的直接财政捐 助以及对海外的厄立特里亚人和厄立特里亚籍外国人征收的“侨民税”,有 [...]
助于说明像厄立特里亚这样穷的国家是如何不断支持该区域各地的武装反 对派团体的。
Such irregular
[...] financial practices, combined with direct [...]
financial contributions from ruling party supporters and some foreign
States, as well as the imposition of a “diaspora tax” on Eritreans and foreign nationals of Eritrean origin living abroad, help to explain how a country as poor as Eritrea manages to sustain support for a variety of armed opposition groups across the region.
这一系列的活动都是以人权问题 为基础的--使执政者认 识到尊重这些被剥夺了权利的移民的人格的义务,确保他们享有平 等、尊严、利用个人和集体发展的各种机会。
The range of activities is based on a set of human rights issues – impressing upon those in power that they have a duty to recognize the inherent rights of these deprived migrants by ensuring them equity, dignity and access to opportunities for individual and collective development.
不动产执 政国王管理的皇室财产。
Real estate is the royal property under the management of the ruling king.
2006 年,该奖项曾颁给活动家 Su Su Nway 女士,她 是缅甸公民,于 2006 年执政的军政府逮捕,此后 一直被单独囚禁,而且其心脏疾病得不到妥当治疗。
In 2006, the award had been presented to the activist Ms. Su Su Nway, a Burmese national who had since been arrested by the governing junta and placed in solitary confinement without adequate medical care for her heart condition.
国家人权事务专员办公室表示,在总统塞拉 执政 时 期 曾对《警察和社会 治安法》进行过改革,剥夺了国内安全委员会的基本职权;但却加强了警察机关 [...]
的执法权,而先前至少有两个司局级领导可以由非警察专业人员担任的规定也就 化为泡影;而且来自警方以外的监督职能也被削弱了。
CONADEH stated that the reform of the Police [...]
Act during President Zelaya’s term of office divested the National Commission
for Internal Security (CONASIN) of its basic responsibilities, consolidated the absolute institutional power of the police by removing any possibility of at least two of the General Directorates being run by officials not members of the police force, and reduced external oversight.
但是,即便是在今天,我们依然还远远没有理解在1917年以及苏维 执政 的 最 初几年中所发生的许多重要的因素、关联事件、动机、原因和后果。
But, even today, we are still far from understanding many important factors, connections, motives, reasons, and consequences in what happened in 1917 and during the first years of Soviet power.
这可以作为衡量政府主管当局在执行公共政策、监测政策效力以及政策对公 民的影响方面执政水平的一项指标。
These examples provide an indication of the level of responsibility borne by the Government, which has the task of implementing public policies and monitoring their impact, and by civil society.
因此执政党组 建一个不包括塞尔维亚族党派独 立社会民主人士联盟、克族民主联盟和 1990 克罗地 [...]
亚民主联盟的联合政府——这正是波什尼亚克族领 导人正试图做的——可能会导致触犯波斯尼亚和黑 塞哥维那的塞族和克族的利益。
Accordingly, the formation by the ruling party of a [...]
coalition that does not include the Serb party the Alliance of Independent
Social Democrats, the Croatian Democratic Union and the Croat Democratic Union 1990, which is what the Bosniak leaders are trying to achieve, could lead to a violation of the interests of the Serb and Croat peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2.5 申诉人说,他与2005 年的选举运动有关的活动和他在 执政 党 官员的讨论 中公开发表政治见解的事实以及他是一位受过教育的专业人员的事实使他受到埃 [...]
2.5 The complainant submits that his activities relating to the election
campaign in 2005 and the fact that he openly
[...] expressed his political opinion in discussions [...]
with governing party officials,
as well as the fact that he was an educated professional resulted in him being noticed and targeted by the Government in Ethiopia.
在弗朗西执政期间 ,巴拉圭封锁边境,避免与外 界接触而受外国影响。
During that period Paraguay closed its borders to contacts and influence from the outside.
[...] 称,对资产原所有人设置的这项条件违反了第二十六条,而且《公约》为缔约国 规定的义务不仅延用执政机构 ,而且适用于国家当局的三个分支机构,包括立 [...]
On the argument that the nationality requirement is justified by the approval given by the Constitutional Court, the author submits that this condition imposed upon the original owner also violated article 26, and that the
State’s obligation under the Covenant not
[...] only extends to the executive branch but to all [...]
three branches of State authority, including
the legislature and the judiciary.
在这项研究中,提出建议,限制对一方政党的支持金额(随后关于一方政党最高支持金额39.000的修正法案应运而生);对政党给予大量金钱支持的个人也被建议 执政 人 员 一样公开个人信息,并建议对个人隐私法做相应调整。
In this study, proposals were presented to limit the sum of support allowed for one subject (later a law amendment limiting one subject’s amount of support to 39.000 Litas came into being); natural persons that support political parties by significant amounts of money are suggested to be equated to legal entities whose personal information may be disseminated publicly, and appropriate amendments of Personal data protection laws are suggested to be made
在 审查 Howland v. Resteiner
[...] 国家元首豁免权适用于前国家元首,那么可通过米切尔博士目前以格林纳达国家元首身份或通 过米切尔博士任期结束执政的任 何政府随时放弃豁免”(此案涉及对包括格林纳达总理基 [...]
, the United States Federal District Court notes that “even if head-of-state immunity does apply to former heads of state, that immunity may be waived at any time either by Dr. Mitchell in his present
capacity as the head of state of Grenada
[...] or by any subsequent administration that should come [...]
into power after Dr. Mitchell’s
tenure has ended” (the case dealt with the filing of a civil suit against three defendants, including Keith Mitchell, the Prime Minister of Grenada, and his wife, Marietta Mitchell; the court recognized the immunity of these two individuals on the basis of the claim of immunity made by the United States Department of State and the absence of a waiver of immunity, but without prejudice to the possibility of refiling the suit).
现任总理 Ewart Brown 阁下在当选执政的进 步劳工党领导人后,于 2006 年 10 月 30 日就任,并在最近于 2007 年 12 月 18 日举行的大选中再一次当选为 百慕大总理,进步劳工党在众议院 36 个席位中保持多数,共占 22 席。
The current Premier, Ewart Brown, took office on 30 October 2006, following his election as the leader of the governing Progressive Labour Party, and was re-elected in the latest general election, held on 18 December 2007, with the Progressive Labour Party retaining its majority of 22 of the 36 seats in the House of Assembly.
会议对该计划的执 行情况进行了全面总结,评估结果表明,截至2009年11 月,国家人权行动计划在
[...] 政治、经济、文化和社会建设各个领域,在立法、执法、司法 执政 、 行 政 各 个 环 节的实践中得到较好落实,各项任务和指标落实情况良好,大部分量化指标的落实 [...]
程度达到50% 左右,有的高达65%
The meeting thoroughly reviewed the Plan’s implementation, evaluating its outcomes through November 2009; in practice, implementation of the National Human Rights Action Plan in the political, economic, cultural and “social construction” spheres by legislative and
law enforcement bodies, the justice
[...] system, and executive and administrative entities was [...]
relatively satisfactory: performance
relating to all tasks and indicators was excellent, with achievement rates of roughly 50 per cent for most targets and some rates as high as 65 per cent; these results are being disseminated nationwide.
乌兹别克斯坦行政改革的进程中,在管理协商实践民主化方面正在采取实 际步骤:作执政机关 与民间社会组织协商的有效形式,组建包含民间组织的工 作组;民间组织的代表被列执政机 关的协商机构成员;成立监督执行特殊方案 的社会委员会;深入审查允许非商业性社会组织进入资金使用具体程序的问题 等。
In the context of Uzbekistan’s administrative reforms,
practical steps are
[...] being taken to make governmental consultations more democratic. Joint working groups are being set up as an effective means of fostering consultations and cooperation between agencies of the Executive and civil society [...]
organizations; representatives
of the latter are being included in consultative bodies for the former; public commissions are being established to monitor the implementation of specialized programmes; and ways of involving non-profit organizations in certain aspects of the budget allocation process are being explored.
如果 2010
[...] 年选举结果没有受到质疑,应开展政治对话,实现所有行为体的 明确目标:承认政府的努力执政党 行 事温和的必要性以及在各机构中没有代表 [...]
Without calling in question the results of the 2010 elections, pursue political
dialogue with a clear objective for all actors:
[...] recognize the Government’s efforts and [...]
the need for moderation on the part of
the party in power and for a constructive approach by those who are not represented in the institutions.
柬埔寨王国政府是一个多党 制政府,获 胜 政 党 联执政,铭 记 1991 年 10 月 23 日《巴黎和平协定》所述的独立、完整、中立和民族团结原则,奉行自由 民主和多元主义政策。
The Royal Government of Kingdom of Cambodia
[...] is a mixed-component government joining with other winning parties and has been adopting a policy of Liberal [...]
Democracy and Pluralism
in conscience of independence, integrity, neutrality, and national unity as mentioned in Paris Peace Agreement on 23 October 1991.




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