单词 | 托勒密王 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 托勒密王—Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the |
它源于埃及,它的名字从流行的概念,即72雇用笔译它由方向,托勒密梅花王天完成,这是在72,为国家使用,在犹太人居住。 mb-soft.com | It derives its name from the popular notion that seventy-two [...] translators were employed on it by the [...] directionof PtolemyPhiladelphus, kingof Egypt,and that [...]it was accomplished in seventy-two [...]days, for the use of the Jews residing in that country. mb-soft.com |
据Aristeas的,是梅花的五经折算的时间,第二托勒密(公元前285-247),该翻译是国王鼓舞和亚历山大的犹太人欢迎。 mb-soft.com | According to Aristeas, the Pentateuch was translated at [...] the time of [...] Philadelphus, the second Ptolemy(285-247 BC), which translation was encouraged by theking andwelcomedby the [...]Jews of Alexandria. mb-soft.com |
托勒密二世时,埃及国王(公元前287-47)最近成立了一个宝贵的图书馆。 mb-soft.com | PtolemyII Philadelphus, King of Egypt (287-47 [...] BC) had recently established a valuable library at Alexandria. mb-soft.com |
小组委员会一直与布里斯托大学( 联合王国) 《任择议定书》项目保持密切联系,并就一些对小组委员会工作非常重要的问题交换看法和意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee [...] has remainedin closecontact with theBristol University (UnitedKingdom)OPCATProject and [...]has exchanged ideas [...]and views on a number of issues central to the Subcommittee’s work. daccess-ods.un.org |
1751年,他获得了在那不勒斯北面的卡塞塔为那不勒斯和西西里的波旁王查理七世兴建一个新王宫的委托。 wdl.org | He received a commission in 1751 to build a new royal palace [...] at Caserta, just north of Naples for Charles VII, theBourbonking of NaplesandSicily. wdl.org |
该地图使用的是托勒密曾使用的部落和城镇名称。 wdl.org | The tribal and town names [...] on the map are those used byPtolemy. wdl.org |
阿里斯铁阿斯谈到了州的翻译法(),法例(nomothesia),对立法者的书籍,现在这些表情特别是近两年,当然指的是摩西五,书籍独家其他旧约:和圣杰罗姆(Comment.在密歇根州)说:“约瑟夫写道,和希伯来人告诉我们,只有摩西五书的分别为(翻译了他们72),并考虑到国王托勒密。 mb-soft.com | Aristeas speaks of the translation of the law (nomos), of the legislation (nomothesia), of the books of the legislator; now these expressions especially the last two, certainly mean the Pentateuch, exclusive of the other Old Testament books: and St. Jerome (Comment. in Mich.) says: "Josephus writes, and [...] the Hebrews inform us, that only the five books of Moses were translated by them [...] (seventy-two), and given to King Ptolemy. mb-soft.com |
在该着作中,al-Sufi 描述了托勒密所断 定的 48 个星座,并添加了自己的评论和修正意见。 wdl.org | In this work, al-Sufi describes the 48 constellations that were [...] established by Ptolemyand adds criticisms [...]and corrections of his own. wdl.org |
与所有融合了早期出版的托勒密地图 的现代巴勒斯坦地图一样,这幅地图也是 Petrus Vesconte(活跃于 1310-1330 年)和马里努·萨努图(约 [...] 1260-1338 年)的巴勒斯坦地图(首次出版于 1320 年左右的威尼斯)的翻版。 wdl.org | As with all the modern maps [...] of Palestine added to the early printed editionsof Ptolemy, thismap was [...]copied from the map of [...]Palestine by Petrus Vesconte (flourished 1310-1330) and Marino Sanuto (circa 1260-1338), first published in Venice around 1320. wdl.org |
五名当选法官分别来自巴西(安东 尼奥·奥古斯托·坎卡多·特林达德)、法国(龙尼·亚伯拉罕)、约旦(奥恩·肖 卡特·哈苏奈)、索马里(阿布杜勒卡维 ·艾哈迈德·优素福)及联合王国 (克里斯托弗·格林伍德)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The five elected judges came from Brazil (Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade), France (Ronny [...] Abraham), Jordan (Awn Shawkat [...] Al-Khasawneh), Somalia (Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf) and the United Kingdom (Christopher Greenwood). daccess-ods.un.org |
来自巴勒斯坦和联合王国的青年,在接受视频制作技能培训后,围绕与和平相关的问 题,共同制作了一个在线辩论节目“我们的日常生活”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Youth from Palestine and United Kingdom, trainedin video [...] production skills, jointly produced an online debate programme [...]“Our everyday lives” on issues related to peace. unesdoc.unesco.org |
塔索出生于那不勒斯王国的索伦托,1558 年奥斯曼土耳其帝国对索伦托的劫掠,以及穆斯林与基督徒之间为控制地中海不停的斗争,可能激发了诗人对十字军东征的兴趣。 wdl.org | Tasso was born [...] in Sorrento, inthe Kingdom of Naples, and his interest [...]in the Crusades probably was kindled by the sacking [...]of Sorrento in 1558 by the Turkish Ottomans and the ongoing struggle between Muslim and Christian powers for control of the Mediterranean. wdl.org |
如今,它们仍然沉睡在埃及亚历山大沿海六至八米深的水下。一支考古队为保 护这个遗迹,在亚历山大研究中心(CEAlex)的支持下,于 [...] 1994 年开始工作,迄今已对法老、托勒密和古罗马等各时期相互重叠的 3,000 [...]多件文物(雕像、狮身人面像、柱石和块石)进行了分类。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An archaeological mission to save the ruins, begun in 1994 under the aegis of the Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines (CEAlex), has so far classified over [...] 3,000 objects (statuary, sphinxes, columns and blocks) superposed from different [...] periods – Pharaonic,Ptolemaic and Roman. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,它有可能托勒密曾是与编写或翻译出版的,但如何和为什么现在不能确定。 mb-soft.com | Moreover, it is [...] possiblethatPtolemy had something [...]to dowith the preparation or publishing of the translation, though [...]how and why cannot be determined now. mb-soft.com |
这似乎也是如此,它的日期从梅花时间托勒密,并认为因此从第三中间的常用世纪因为,如果,正如,阿里斯铁阿斯的信函200份约公元前50年之后,梅花死亡,并与以提高法律的权威在希腊的版本,它会这么容易被接受和传播广播,如果它已被虚构的,如果组成的时间不符合现实? mb-soft.com | It seems true also that it dates [...] from the time of PtolemyPhiladelphus, and [...]therefore from the middle of the third century [...]BC For if, as is commonly believed, Aristeas's letter was written about 200 BC, fifty years after the death of Philadelphus, and with a view to increase the authority of the Greek version of the Law, would it have been accepted so easily and spread broadcast, if it had been fictitious, and if the time of the composition did not correspond with the reality? mb-soft.com |
Berlinghieri 是一位意大利学者兼外交家,是首位对托勒密这位2 世纪希腊天文学家和地理学家的作品进行解读、扩充和重新出版的现代欧洲人。 wdl.org | Berlinghieri, an Italian scholar and diplomat, was the first modern European to interpret, expand upon, and republish the works of the second-century Greek astronomer and geographer. wdl.org |
这幅巴勒斯坦和圣地的地图是 1480 年左右在佛罗伦萨出版的,被收录进 Francesco [...] Berlinghieri 的扩充版托勒密《Geographia》 (地理学指南)内。 wdl.org | This map of Palestine and the Holy Land was published in [...] Florence around 1480 and was included in Francesco Berlinghieri’s [...] expanded edition of Ptolemy’s Geographia [...](Geography). wdl.org |
他在伊斯法罕和巴格达工作过,因将古代天文学家托勒密所着的《至大论》(Almagest) 从希腊语翻译成阿拉伯语而闻名。 wdl.org | He worked in Isfahan and in Baghdad, and is known for his translation from Greek into Arabic of the [...] Almagest by the ancient astronomer Ptolemy. wdl.org |
目前咨询委 员会成员如下:澳大利亚、比利时、加拿大、丹麦、埃及、芬兰、法国、德国、 [...] [...] 爱尔兰、意大利、日本、约旦、黎巴嫩、荷兰、挪威、沙特阿拉伯、西班牙、瑞 典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、土耳其、联合王国和美国;邀请巴勒斯坦作为 观察员出席并全面参与咨询委员会会议;邀请欧洲共同体出席咨询委员会的会 [...]议;邀请阿拉伯国家联盟作为观察员出席咨询委员会的会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The membership of the Advisory Commission is currently as follows: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, [...] Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, [...] Turkey,United KingdomandUnited States; to invite Palestine toattend [...]and fully participate in [...]its meetings as an observer; to invite the European Community to attend its meetings; and to invite the League of Arab States to attend its meetings as an observer. daccess-ods.un.org |
与之前的托勒密版地图相比,该地图在刻版上要精细得多。 wdl.org | It is much more finely engraved than [...] maps in previousPtolemy editions. wdl.org |
委员会建议大会任命或重新任命亚洲国家集团 的朴海润先生(大韩民国)和吴钢先生(中国)、东欧国 家集团的洛古托夫先生(俄罗斯联邦)、拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团的威廉斯先生(牙买加)、西欧和其他国 家集团的穆恩先生(联合王国)和托马先生(德国)担 任会费委员会成员,自 2009 年 1 月 1 日起任期三年。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Park Hae-yun (Republic of Korea) and Mr. Wu Gang (China), in the case of the Group of Asian States, Mr. Logutov (Russian Federation), in the case of the Group of Eastern European States, Mr. [...] Williams (Jamaica), in the [...] case of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States, and Mr. Moon (United Kingdom) and Mr.Thomma (Germany), in the case of the Group of [...]Western European and [...]Other States, were recommended for appointment or reappointment to the Committee on Contributions for a three-year term beginning on 1 January 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国代表团表示,我们深为关切以色列挑战国际 社会的侵略性政策,以色列拒绝接受包括第 242(1967) [...] 号和第 338(1973)号决议在内的所有安全理事会相关 [...] 决议,无视世界各国的一切呼吁和要求,消极回应国 际倡议,其中包括姐妹般的沙特阿拉伯的国王阿卜杜 拉·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹·阿勒沙特国王提交的《阿 拉伯和平倡议》,该倡议为实现该地区和平提供了一 个政治框架。 daccess-ods.un.org | My delegation expresses its deep concern at the aggressive policies with which Israel is challenging the international community, at its rejection of all relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), at its disregard of all appeals and calls by the countries of the world, and at its negative response to international initiatives, [...] including the Arab Peace [...] Initiative submittedby King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud,King of sisterly Saudi Arabia — [...]the initiative that [...]provided a political framework for peace in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
一词源于拉丁文septuaginta(“70”,因此,习惯LXX的缩写),它指的是70(或72)提供笔译谁曾经被认为是要被任命当时的犹太大祭司的到希腊希伯来文圣经在第二遗志的希腊托勒密皇帝。 mb-soft.com | The term is derived from the Latin word septuaginta ("seventy"; hence, the customary abbreviation LXX), which refers to the 70 (or 72) translators who were once believed to have been appointed by the [...] Jewish high priest of the time to render the Hebrew Bible into Greek at the behest of the [...] Hellenistic emperorPtolemy II. mb-soft.com |
2.1 本奖项的名称为“联合国教科文组织哈马德-本-伊萨-阿勒哈 利法国王利用教育信息和 传播技术奖”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 2.1 The Prize shall [...] be entitled“UNESCOKing Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa [...]Prize for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
副董事长雷凡培先生 因工作原因未能出席,委托副董事长谢伟良先生行使表决权;董事张俊超先生因工 作原因未能出席,委托董事王占臣 先生行使表决权;独立董事曲晓辉女士因工作原 因未能出席,委托独立董事谈振辉先生行使表决权;独立董事魏炜先生因工作原因 未能出席,委托独立董事陈乃蔚先生行使表决权;独立董事石义德先生因工作原因 未能出席,委托独立董事陈乃蔚先生行使表决权。 zte.com.cn | Mr. Timothy Alexander Steinert, Independent Director, was unable to attend the meeting due to work reasons, and had authorised Mr. Chen Naiwei, Independent Director, to vote on his behalf. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
此外,由大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国外交大臣及加共体外交和社区关系 理事会主席共同主持的、于 2012 年 1 月 21 日和 22 日在格林纳达举行的第七次 联合王国-加勒比部 长级论坛除其他外还确定“支持所有人民、包括福克兰群岛 岛民的自决原则和权利”(另见 A/65/850 和下文第十节)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further, the Seventh Ministerial UK-Caribbean Forum, co-chaired by the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom and the Chair of the CARICOM Council for Foreign and Community Relations, held in Grenada on 21 and 22 January 2012, agreed, inter alia, “to support the principle and the right to selfdetermination for all peoples, including the Falkland Islanders” (see also A/65/850 and section X below). daccess-ods.un.org |
下列在委员会享有常设观察员地位的非政府组织也派观察员出席了会议: [...] 欧洲国际空间年组织、欧洲空间政策研究所、国际宇宙航行科学院、国际空间 安全促进协会、国际宇宙航行联合会、国际天文学联盟、国际应用系统分析研 [...] 究所、国际空间法学会、国际摄影测量和遥感学会、苏丹⋅本⋅阿卜杜勒⋅ 阿齐兹王储国际水奖机构、世界安全基金会、航天新一代咨询理事会和世界空间周协 会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The session was also attended by observers for the following non-governmental organizations with permanent observer status with the Committee: EURISY, the European Space Policy Institute, the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety, the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), the International Astronomical Union, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, the International Institute of Space Law, the [...] International Society for Photogrammetry and [...] Remote Sensing, thePrince Sultan bin Abdulaziz [...]International Prize for Water, the Secure [...]World Foundation, the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) and the World Space Week Association. daccess-ods.un.org |