单词 | 托付 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 托付—entrust托付verb—trustv托付noun—consignn付托—entrust toSee also:托—entrust thanks to give commit prop be entrusted with support in one's palm act as trustee hold in one's hand Torr (unit of pressure) rest (e.g. arm rest) support (for weight)
我们有义务也有责任以透明和负责的方式管理好托付给我们的财务资金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | We have the obligation and responsibility to manage [...] financial resourcesentrusted to usin a transparent [...]and accountable manner. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们将第二个 支柱,即外部支柱,托付给国际法,尤其是集体安全 体系和国际法庭。 daccess-ods.un.org | Wehaveentrusted the second, external, [...] pillar to international law, in particular to collective security systems and international tribunals. daccess-ods.un.org |
分析该条款可以得出,被托付照看已故职员孩子的人领取社会保障金,不 管其婚姻状态如何。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, the person to whom the child of a deceased female [...] wage-earneris entrustedreceives the [...]social security benefit in question regardless [...]of that person's marital status. daccess-ods.un.org |
只有及时无条件全额缴纳分摊会 费,才能让本组织能够以可信的方式应对挑战和威 胁,执行会员国托付的项目和方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | Only the payment of assessed contributions in full, on time and without conditions would enable the Organization to [...] react credibly to challenges and threats and to undertake the [...] projects andprogrammes entrustedto it by the Member States. daccess-ods.un.org |
2006 年期间,社会事务部将 28 个被遗弃的儿童托付给雅温得恩科莫困难 儿童救助中心(CAED),在该中心接受情感心理方面的护理和相应的培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2006, MINAS assigned 28 abandoned children to the Shelter for Children in Distress (CAED) in Nkomo, Yaoundé, where they received psychological care and appropriate training. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别代表在发言中首先感谢安理会接受对他的提名,并给予他就托付给他的 任务发表看法的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | In his statement, the Special Representative first thanked the Council [...] for having accepted his nomination and for giving him the opportunity to voice his [...] views on the mission entrustedtohim. daccess-ods.un.org |
本文件所载的执行现状报告分为两个主要部分:第一部分介绍托付给秘书 处和全球机制处理并由双方共同承担的任务(第6/COP.9 号决定第1、第2和第7 段) 的执行情况,第二部分重点介绍托付给全球机制处理的任务(第6/COP.9号决 定第 3、第5、第6和第8段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The current report on implementation, contained in the present document, is organized in two main sections, one presenting implementation status in tasks that are addressed to and undertaken jointly by the secretariat and the GM (paragraphs 1, 2 and 7 of decision 6/COP.9), and the second focusing on those tasks that are addressed to the GM (paragraphs 3, 5, 6 and 8 of decision 6/COP.9). daccess-ods.un.org |
如果没有看到安理会保护平民 [...] 以及如果无辜的儿童和男女继续受到磨难,那我们 就没有完成托付给我们的任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the Council is not seen to be protecting civilians [...] and if innocent children, women and men continue to suffer on our watch, then we have [...] failed themandateentrusted to us. daccess-ods.un.org |
(j) 履行经社会托付给它的任何其他任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | (j) To carry out any [...] othertasksentrusted to it by the [...]Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2010/11 年度期间,联合国系统行政首长协调理事会(行政首长理事会)加 紧努力,以整合各成员组织的优势和知识专长,以协调和有成效的方式处理成员国托付的任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | During 2010/11, the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) intensified its efforts to align the strengths and expertise of its member organizations to respond to the mandates of Member States in a coordinated and effective manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果财产托付人未作出适用法律的有效选择,信托应受与之关系最密 切的法律管辖[第 7 条 daccess-ods.un.org | If settlor does not make an effective choice of applicable law, a trust is governed by the law with which it is most closely connected [Article 7 daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,就是确定谁应该承担私营实体 代表国家进入冲突地区侵犯人权的责任,国家可以 [...] 在多大程度上控制其外包活动,以及如果国家没有 对它们托付给这些实体的活动进行足够的控制,那 [...]么战争的完全私营化会有什么危险。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was a matter of knowing who must assume responsibility for human rights violations committed by private entities acting in conflict zones on behalf of a State, the extent to which States could control the activities which they outsourced and [...] what dangers total privatization of war could [...] pose if States did not exercise sufficient [...]control over the activities which [...]they entrusted to those entities. daccess-ods.un.org |
问题的关键在于管家的忠心,而不是他所被托付的东西的数量。 sallee.info | The key issue was the steward’s faithfulness and not the amount of things that he was given. sallee.info |
承担此种法律责任的人应当声誉良好,掌握儿童问题的相关知识,能够直 接从事儿童工作,并了解托付给他们的儿童的任何特殊需求和文化需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Persons exercising such legal responsibility should be reputable individuals with relevant knowledge of children’s issues, an ability to [...] work directly with children and an understanding of any special and cultural needs of the [...] childrento be entrusted tothem. daccess-ods.un.org |
信托受财产托付人所选择的法律管辖[第 6 条 daccess-ods.un.org | Trust is governed by the law chosen by the settlor [Article 6 daccess-ods.un.org |
本导则应适用于所有公私实体,以及所有参与安排儿童去其惯常居住地国 以外的国家接受照料的人,不论是出于治疗、临时托付、临时照料或其他任何原 因。 daccess-ods.un.org | The present Guidelines should apply to all public and private entities and all persons involved in arrangements for a child to be sent for care to a country other than his/her country of habitual residence, whether for medical treatment, temporary hosting, respite care or any other reason. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们赞赏联合国秘书长遵照安全理事会的托付进行斡旋,赞赏秘书长为找到 双方同意的解决塞浦路斯问题办法而作出的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | We express our appreciation to the United [...] Nations Secretary-General for his mission of [...] good offices entrusted to him by the [...]Security Council and for his efforts aimed [...]at finding a mutually agreed solution of the Cyprus problem. daccess-ods.un.org |
托付给我们的资源可能包括人 员、资金、声誉、他人的安全以及自然或环境资源。 pmi.org | Resourcesentrusted to us may include people, money, reputation, [...] the safety of others, and natural or environmental resources. pmi.org |
米奇尔莱恩.伊诺森特(Mitchialine Innocent)(前排)被父亲遗弃,母亲在弥留之际将她托付给一个“孤儿院”。 unicef.org | Mitchialine Innocent (front), who was abandoned by her father and left at an 'orphanage' by her dying mother, has been reunited with her aunt, Vanille Onezaire, shown here with her young son. unicef.org |
社会科学及人文科学部门坚信非政府组织在其计划的开展方面可以发挥无法替代的作 用,因此,打算在本双年度期间制定与非政府组织进行合作的政策,主要目的是加强现有关 系和确定使其能够托付更多当地任务的新合作伙伴。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It plans, during the biennium, to develop its policy for cooperation with NGOs which will aim at strengthening existing links and identifying new partners to help it expand its work in the field. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其它条款和条件适用于第三方委托付款服务。 moneybookers.com | Additional terms and conditions apply to the use of the Escrow Service. moneybookers.com |
他们不仅把生命托付给了赛船与船长,并接受饥饿和疲劳的考验。 iwc.com | Each sailor is only allowed one change of clothing. Crewstrust their lives to the strength of their boat and the skill of their skipper and will often experience hunger and sleep deprivation. iwc.com |
在别人,自嘲代表幻灭,因为,我托付的艺术的过程显得微不足道。 luxe-immo.com | In the others, self-deprecation makes reference to disillusionment because the artistic processes that I subject myself to seem trivial. luxe-immo.com |
安拉的使者(愿平安他)有在早上,我托付给他。 mb-soft.com | Allah's Messenger (, may peace be upon him) came there in the [...] morning, and I was entrustedtohim. mb-soft.com |
由于立体印刷对网线、网点、套印等各方面的要求都比一般的平面印刷要高所以除了加强印前设计的水平之外,制版环节的重任应托付给先进的CTP直接制版技术,再配合色彩管理、传统及数码打样技术 [...] 完全能够满足立体印刷对加网线数 网点还原 套印精度等要求 全部的印刷生产都采用CTP制版 取得良好的效果。 psdto3d.com | Due to the three-dimensional printing on the cable, outlets, overprint and so on various aspects requirements are higher than the average print so in addition to [...] strengthening the prepress design level, the [...] task shouldbe entrustedto the advanced [...]CTP plate making links direct plate-making [...]technology, combined with color management, traditional and digital proofing technology can completely satisfy the three-dimensional printing number to add cable network reduction accuracy for all printing production use the CTP plate making in good effect. psdto3d.com |
在培训的托 付阶段,允许新的带领人在你的事工的有限领域里负责任,而你对他进行评价和引导。 sallee.info | Duringthe delegation stage of training, [...] you allowed the new leader to have responsibility of a limited area of your ministry [...]while you evaluated and guided him. sallee.info |
现在就加入T-Systems LAN解决方案受益者行列,利用您可以托付所有业务过程的安全、稳定和可靠网络的优势。 t-systems.cn | Join the others who are using T-Systems' LAN solutions and take advantage of a secure, stable network on which you can rely for all your business processes, well into the future. t-systems.be |
哥伦比亚刑法》将侵吞罪 定为“公职人员实施的、为自己或第三方谋利而挪用属于国家或国家拥有利益的 [...] 企业或机构的资产、或辅税资产或基金、或属于个人但其管理或监管已经托付有关主管官员的资产”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Peculation (peculado) is defined in the Criminal Code of Colombia as an offence committed by a “public official who appropriates for his own profit or that of a third party assets belonging to the State or to enterprises or institutions in which the State maintains an interest, or parafiscal assets or funds, or assets belonging to [...] individuals the administration or custody of [...] which have been entrustedtothe official [...]concerned by virtue of his functions”. daccess-ods.un.org |
根 据 香 港 法 例 第 132 章 《 公 众 卫 生 及 市 政 条 例 》 , 任 何 人 均 不 得 出 售 , 或 为 将 食 物 出 售 而 管 有 , 或 为 将 食 物 出 售 而 将 其交付某人托 付的任何 一 种 情 况 下 , 出 售 状 况 欠 妥 、 经 过 搀 杂 或 不 适 宜 供 人 食 用 的 食 物 。 cfs.gov.hk | The Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, Cap. 132 stipulates that no person shall sell or possess or consignfor the purpose of selling any food that are unwholesome, adulterated or unfit for human consumption. cfs.gov.hk |
联合国宪章》规定,秘书长是联合国的“首席行政长官”,他履行行政长官的职务,以及安理会、联合国大会、经济社会理事会和其他联合国组织“所托付之其他职务”。 un.org | The Charter describes the Secretary-General as "chief administrative officer" of the Organization, who shall act in that capacity and perform "such other functions as are entrusted" to him or her by the Security Council, General Assembly, Economic and Social Council and other United Nations organs. un.org |