单词 | 扔掉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 扔掉 —throw awayless common: throw out See also:扔 v—throw v • litter v • cast v 掉 v—turn v • drop v • lose v • fall v • reduce v 掉—swap • swing • go missing • wag • show off • lose (value, weight etc) • lag behind • fall (in prices) • shed (hair) 扔—throw away
因此,他的计划失败了,因为他不小心驱动先生Her ri m a n 扔掉 所 有的装饰和礼品。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Thus, his plan fails as he accidentally drives Mr. [...] Herriman to throw away all the decorations [...]and gifts. seekcartoon.com |
因此,守法的市民便會拆開1包煙,取出1支 來 扔掉 , 因為 邊境是不能吸煙的,而扔掉卻會 造成垃圾的問題。 legco.gov.hk | As a result, a [...] law-abiding person will open the packet and throw away one stick because smoking is prohibited [...]in the boundary areas. legco.gov.hk |
如 果 您 的 雪 櫃 被 水 淹 , 請 將 所 有 的 東 西 都 扔掉,包括肉、新鮮水果和蔬菜。 essa.ca | If your fridge was exposed to [...] floodwaters, throw out the entire contents, including [...]all meats, fresh fruit and vegetables. essa.ca |
简而言之,这个世界必 [...] 须寻找各种办法使产品更经久耐用、更易于修理:如果我们继续那种动辄 就 扔掉 的文化,我们就只会在原地打转。 daccess-ods.un.org | Put very plainly, the world has to find [...] ways to make products more durable and repairable: if we [...] continue the throw-away culture we [...]are just spinning in place. daccess-ods.un.org |
2012 年 3 月,部分以前被关押的人在 Zwedru 接受约谈 时告诉小组说,利比里亚国家警察在 2012 [...] 年 1 月 24 日和 25 日没收并扔掉了他 们的身份证件,包括难民证。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some of the former detainees told the Panel in March 2012 during interviews in Zwedru that the LNP had confiscated [...] their identification documents on 24 and 25 January 2012, including their refugee cards, [...] which the LNP reportedly discarded. daccess-ods.un.org |
不要给必输者投票,那等于把你的票 扔掉 accuratedemocracy.com | Don’t vote for a sure loser—that [...] would be throwing your vote away accuratedemocracy.com |
然后,向反方向再扔 掉碳,象征失去和苦难, 并说赶紧走吧别再回来。 stranieriincampania.it | Then turning around in the opposite [...] direction, throws away the charcoal [...](a symbol of loss and suffering) telling it to leave and not return. stranieriincampania.it |
在雕塑《pelom1》(2012)中,潘切尔仔细观察一块 被 扔掉 的 绿色大理石,发现这宝石般的绿色调不是石头本来的颜色,而是用布料蘸墨水染在天然石头上的。 shanghaibiennale.org | In the sculpture pelom 1 (2012), Panchal examines a piece of discarded green marble, revealing that the jewel-like green tone is not the stone’s actual color, but rather an ink stain applied with cloth to the natural stone. shanghaibiennale.org |
虽然他们吃早餐,他们注意到本森和持久性有机污染 物 扔掉 了 椅子上,末底改和里格比立即既想。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | While they are eating breakfast, they notice Benson [...] and Pops throwing away a chair that [...]Mordecai and Rigby immediately both want. seekcartoon.com |
在Aria Resort and Casino的拍摄展现了神采奕奕、 剃须干净的男士们享受夜生活,而在Monte Carlo停车场顶的拍摄则展示了一个男 士 扔掉 他 胡 须拉碴的邋遢样子。 ba-repsasia.com | The shots in the Aria Resort and Casino show the fresh, clean-shaven men enjoying the nightlife while the shot of the rooftop parking lot at the Monte Carlo shows a man shedding his unshaven, rough look. ba-repsasia.com |
她害怕这种人命关天的事情要株连亲眷,因此顾不得打听儿子的下落,急 忙 扔掉 手 中 的梭子,关紧院门,端起梯子,越墙从僻静的地方逃走了。 chinesestoryonline.com | Zeng Shen's mother [...] became afraid, threw her shuttle, climbed [...]over the wall of the back yard and fled. chinesestoryonline.com |
衹 要 稍 為 將 句 子 更 動 一 下 , 便 不 難 看 到 這 個 說 [...] 法 的 弱 點 所 在 : ——‚ 啊 ! 詴 想 想 要 是 我 的 妻 子 被 [...] 迫 作 證 , 〔 證 明 我 扔 掉 一 些 商 業 檔 案 〕 , [...]透 露 一 項 事 實 , 〔 檢 察 官 可 用 以 錯 誤 引 導 陪 審 團 相 [...]信 我 逃 稅 〕, 因 而 置 我 於 死 地 , 她 會 多 麼 難 受 。 hkreform.gov.hk | but think what must be the suffering of my wife, if compelled by her [...] testimony [that I had thrown out some business [...]records] to bring destruction on my head, [...]by disclosing [a fact which the prosecutor was able to use to convince the jury, wrongly, that I was evading taxes]". hkreform.gov.hk |
当捕食者的威胁,它可以在一个懒惰刷卡在试图吓唬 它 扔掉 它 的爪子,并能够为每分钟约十五英尺(4.5米),只有一点点快于平常的速度。 zh.northrup.org | When threatened by a predator, a sloth [...] may swipe at it with its claws in an [...] attempt to scare it away, and can move [...]about fifteen feet (4.5 meters) per minute, [...]only a bit faster than its usual speed. northrup.org |
所生产的粮食的三分之一被害虫吃掉、由于储存 不善被损坏或作为厨房废物被扔掉(富 裕 国家的消费者每年浪费的粮食——2.22 [...] 亿吨与撒哈拉以南非洲地区整个粮食净产量——2.3 亿吨相当)。 daccess-ods.un.org | About one third of the food that is produced is either [...] eaten by pests, destroyed owing to bad [...] storage or just thrown away as kitchen [...]waste (annually, consumers in rich countries [...]waste almost as much food — 222 million tons — as the entire net food production of sub-Saharan Africa: 230 million tons). daccess-ods.un.org |
为改善广大非正式废物收集者的生活,任何制度都需要考虑到这样一个重要问题,即全世界的 穷人是如何发展起利用他人扔掉的东西谋生的艺术的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In moving forward to improve the lives of informal waste collectors at large, any system would need to factor in the critical aspect of how poor [...] people all over the world have developed the art of [...] making a livelihood out of the materials o ther s throw away. unesdoc.unesco.org |
比如说,在改造丰特努瓦办公楼使其达到规定要求的过渡 [...] 阶段所购买的火灾探测装置到了过渡阶段末就不符合新的要求,因此必 须 扔掉。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For example, the fire detection equipment purchased during the transition phase of bringing the Fontenoy [...] offices up to standard was found to fail to meet the new requirements at the end of that [...] period, and had to be thrown away. unesdoc.unesco.org |
各位,香港制度的腐敗,已經由曾蔭權當權時說的“進步發展觀” ⎯⎯ 然後把“進步發展觀”扔掉 ⎯⎯ 演變為今天一手推動地產和金 融霸權,為香港的有錢人服務,再為來自中國的資本服務。 legco.gov.hk | Members, the system in Hong Kong is rotten, and it has evolved from the concept of "progressive development" mentioned by Donald TSANG when he came to power ― this concept of "progressive development" was subsequently dropped ― to the hegemony of the property and finance sectors created by him single-handedly these days to serve the rich in Hong Kong, then to serve the capitalists from China. legco.gov.hk |
在中国传统中,情侣把挂锁挂在标志性地点,然后把钥 匙 扔掉 代 表着永久的爱,这一习俗在亚洲各地也普遍存在。 labbrand.com | The tradition of couples affixing a padlock to landmark locations and then throwing the key away to symbolize their eternal love originated in China and is ubiquitous throughout Asia. labbrand.com |
在扔掉烟头 之前,应先将烟灰浸入水中。 cn.lubrizol.com | Always soak the residual ashes in [...] water before throwing them away. lubrizol.com |
不会游泳却带着救生圈的孩子在泳池里或许会误以为自己泳技绝佳,从而跃跃欲试地想 要 扔掉 救 生 圈独立游泳。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | An unskilled child with a floatie in the pool may feel invincible and be tempted to swim without it. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
标识了该图标或相关文句的产品,表示在使用寿命结束时不可和其它家庭用的废 弃物一起扔掉。 bixolon.com | The product marked with this symbol or relevant text indicates that the product cannot be discarded with other family wastes at the end of its life. bixolon.com |
發揮創意,從事園藝時可添加個人特質,多數居家用品均可改造為充滿藝術及風格的植栽容器,例如將舊嬰兒澡盆做為花盆,與 其 扔掉 花 生 醬空罐或果汁盒,不如拿來種小植物,賓客也會覺得你的園藝技術充滿創意。 thisbigcity.net | Most household items can be turned into artistic, stylish looking plant containers and pots. thisbigcity.net |
很多人像随手扔掉不用 的纸张和废电池一样抛弃猫咪, 他们很少会考虑猫咪们在流浪生活中的处境以及由此而引发 [...] 的一些社会问题。 animalsasia.org | Many people abandon cats as [...] thoughtlessly as they throw away waste paper [...]or old batteries, without considering the harsh [...]condition these cats will be confronted with and the social problems it can cause. animalsasia.org |
请注意 或用白纸绳捆扎,或和旧衣服一起捆扎 后 扔掉。 city.yaizu.lg.jp | Bundles of old clothing can be tied with paper string or a piece of old clothing. city.yaizu.lg.jp |
荷兰包裹递送巨头TNT(Amsterdam: TNTE)计划出售中国业务,作为全球重组的一部分,但我认为这一举措就像在备受恶性竞争折磨的市场 上 扔掉 亏 损 资产。 youngchinabiz.com | Dutch parcel delivery giant TNT Express (Amsterdam: TNTE) is calling the planned sale of its China business part of a newly announced global restructuring, but this move looks to me like a bid to dump a money-losing asset in a market plagued by cutthroat competition. youngchinabiz.com |
委员会在赞赏减量化、再使用、再循环(循环经 [...] 济三原则)推广活动以及绿色新政的同时,也指出,环保包装一词反映了当 某件物品尚可使用却并未使用或被 扔掉 时 的 遗憾心情。 daccess-ods.un.org | While commending the promotion of reduction, reuse and recycling (3Rs), as well as the Green New Deal, the Committee also noted that the [...] Japanese word mottainai captured the regret felt when something that could still be [...] used was not used or was thrown away. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 將任何扔棄物放置或拋棄在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛,或鐵路處所的任 何部分,但如將扔棄物 放進為此目的而設置的容器內則除外。 legco.gov.hk | (a) spit in or on any bus or on any vehicle of [...] the [...] North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises; or (b) deposit or throw any litter on any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or on [...]any part of [...]the railway premises except into receptacles provided for that purpose. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 將 扔棄物 放置或拋棄在吊車系統上或吊車系統區內, 但 將 扔棄物 放置或拋棄在為此目的而設置的容 器內則 除外。 legco.gov.hk | (b) place or throw any litter on the Cable Car System or in the Cable Car System area, except into receptacles [...] provided for that purpose. legco.gov.hk |
在一个许 [...] 多国家还在努力养活自己的人民的世界上,我们认为 没有任何理由将适合人类食用的食物 扔 到 海 里。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a world where many countries [...] strive to feed their populations, we can see no [...] justification for throwing overboard food [...]that is fit for human consumption. daccess-ods.un.org |
同一天,伊朗革命卫队的空军司令阿米尔·阿里·哈吉扎德威胁说,伊朗将 采取行动毁灭以色列,他说“这个伪政权将从地图上 抹 掉 , 被永 远 扔 进 了 历史的 垃圾箱”。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the same day, General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, Commander of the Aero-Space Forces of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, threatened that Iran would take action [...] to destroy Israel, saying “the forged regime [...] will be wiped off the map and thrown into the trash [...]bin of history forever”. daccess-ods.un.org |