

单词 打麻将

See also:

feel numb
have pins and needles or tingling
generic name for hemp, flax etc
(of materials) rough or coarse
hemp or flax fiber for textile materials
surname Ma

External sources (not reviewed)

每當大雨或颱風襲港期間,㆒般居住在大廈的居民可以享受㆒㆝額外的假期,㆔、 五知打麻雀,唱卡拉 OK。
Whenever there is a rainstorm or a typhoon, those who live
in residential buildings can enjoy
[...] an extra day off by playing mahjong with friends or singing [...]
with a karaoke equipment.
此方向将打印感光乳剂上的刮伤减到 最低。
This orientation minimizes
[...] scratching of the print emulsion.
打他们是什么芭比娃娃,棒球,保龄球,高尔夫球场,迪斯尼,winx的,在距离开始,空间 麻将 , 在 内存中,发现差异,新年,维修,培训 打 扮 , 益智,搜索,跳跃,油漆,钓鱼,滑雪,舞蹈,汤姆和杰里,三连冠,足球和曲棍球游戏。
Playing them is what barbie, baseball, bowling, Winx, golf,
Disney, starting at a
[...] distance, space, Mahjong, in memory, find differences, New Year, maintenance, training, dress up, puzzle, search, [...]
jumping, paint,
fishing , snowboarding, dance, Tom and Jerry, three in a row, football and hockey games online.
最后,我们正式宣布,我们致力于并下定决将 打击各种形式与表现的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心 [...]
理和相关不容忍行为并保护其受害者作为我们各国 的优先事项。
In conclusion, we proclaim our commitment and strong
[...] determination to make the fight against allforms [...]
and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia and related intolerance, and the protection of the victims thereof, a high priority for our respective countries.
(h) 推动执行世界人权教育方案将麻风 病 患者及其家人的人权纳入每个 国家的国家人权教育方案
(h) To promote implementation of the World
[...] Programme for Human Rights Education and to incorporate the human rights of persons affected by leprosy and their [...]
family members into the
national human rights education programme of each State
麻委会在该决议中呼吁麻委会成员国和联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规 划署(艾滋病规划署)方案协调委员会成员国相互合作,促进更好地协调和统 一艾滋病毒/艾滋病对策,以逐步实现吸毒者普遍享受预防、护理、治疗和支助
综合服务的目标;请联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(毒品和犯罪问题办公室) 执行主任从第五十二届会议开始,在每年上半年举行的麻委会届会上向成员国
[...] 介绍方案协调委员会的有关决定;请毒品和犯罪问题办公室每 将麻 委 会 的相 关决议转发方案协调委员会主席。
In that resolution, the Commission called for collaboration among Member States represented both in the Commission and on the Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) towards the promotion of better coordination and alignment of the HIV/AIDS response in order to scale up towards the goal of universal access to comprehensive prevention, care, treatment and support services for drug users; requested the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to share relevant decisions of the Programme Coordinating Board with the Member States at each session of the Commission held in the first half of the year, starting with the fifty-second
session; and requested UNODC to transmit relevant
[...] resolutions of the Commission each [...]
year to the Chairman of the Programme Coordinating Board.
鑑於有公 眾報導指涉嫌的行劫案發生時,有關㆟員是在當值時間內於該會 打麻 將 ,政府當局可 否告知本局案發時該等㆟員為何身處會所之內;假如發現他們在當值時間 打麻 將 ,當 局會對他們採取何種行動?
In view of public reports alleging that the officers concerned were playing mahjong in the club at the time of the suspected robbery when they should have been on duty, will the Administration inform this Council how
the officers concerned came to be in
[...] the club at the time of the incident, and if it is found that they were playing mahjong when they should have been at work, what action will be taken against them?
套用謝偉俊議員剛才提及的打麻將”術 語,這種做法便是使很多支持政府的中小企,感到現時是被老千“過 [...]
To apply the mahjong terminology used by [...]
Mr Paul TSE just now, I would say such action has given many SMEs which have been
supportive of the Government a feeling that they have been "cheated" by a con man.
政府可将打击歧 视和仇视罪行的法律措施 与政府积极帮助少数民族以及保护表达自由和无歧 视的宗教信仰自由的有力措施结合起来。
Governments could use a combination of robust legal protections against discrimination and hate crimes, proactive government outreach to minorities and the vigorous defence of freedom of expression and religion without discrimination.
除了打 太 極打 麻 將 , 我們本地業界當然希望參加 奧 運 項目, 希望奪 得 [...]
國 際 性 金 牌 , 融 入 國 際 體 壇 。
Of course, our local industries
would also like to take part in the
[...] Olympics, apart from playing boxing and mahjong, [...]
in a bid to fetch international gold
medals and get into the international sports arena.
经济及社会理事会第 1999/30 号决议第一节决定将麻委会 的议程编为两个不同 的部分,其中包括业务职能部分,在这一职能中 麻 委 会 将 发 挥 其作为联合国 毒品和犯罪问题办公室毒品问题方案理事机构的作用,审议有关向该方案提供 政策指导的问题。
In section I of its resolution 1999/30, the
Economic and Social
[...] Council decided that the agenda of the Commission should be structured in two distinct segments, including an operational segment during which the Commission would exercise its [...]
role as the governing
body of the drug programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and consider issues related to the provision of policy guidance to the Office.
此外,在其 他风险方面,地缘政治和国内政治紧张的可能 将打 乱 石 油供应,对增加捕捞渔业 成本有影响。
In addition, among other risks, there is the possibility that geopolitical and domestic political tensions could disrupt oil supplies, which could have an impact on increasing costs of capture fisheries as well.
A new window will open to define [...]
the label dimensions manually.
将打印的材料和应急 CD/DVD 或其他应急媒体保存在安全的地方。
Keep the printed material in a [...]
safe place along with the rescue CD/DVD or another rescue media.
[...] 暴力侵害的立法和政策措施,联合国各机构在其议程 将打 击 暴 力侵害儿童行为 主流化的战略举措,以及区域性组织、政治团体和民间社会组织在研究报告建议 [...]
These include legislative and policy measures taken at the national level to protect children from violence,
strategic initiatives by United Nations agencies
[...] to mainstream countering violence against [...]
children in their agenda, and critical
strides by regional organizations and political groups, as well as civil society organizations, to institutionalize the implementation process of study recommendations.
(e) 据报告,2004 年尼日利亚召集了残疾人联合协会会议, 将麻 风 病人 排除在外。
(e) It was reported that, in 2004, Nigeria called a meeting of the Joint Association of Persons with Disabilities,
[...] excluding people affected by leprosy.
麻管局应与各国政府合作并遵照本公约规定,努 将麻 醉 品 的种植、生产、 制造和使用限于医疗和科学目的所需之足够量,保证为此类目的提供麻醉品,防 止非法种植、生产和制造、非法贩运和使用麻醉品。
The Board, in cooperation with Governments, and subject to the terms of this Convention, shall endeavour to limit the cultivation, production, manufacture and use of drugs to an adequate amount required for medical and scientific purposes, to ensure their availability for such purposes and to prevent illicit cultivation, production and manufacture of, and illicit trafficking in and use of, drugs.
但是,到這些地打麻將的,或在 這些地方工作的人,基本上都是煙民,為何政府不可以酌情處理呢?
However, people who play mahjong or work in these parlours [...]
are basically smokers, so why did the Government not exercise its discretion in this case?
根據我所得的資料,代理主席,當局於去年委託香港大學(“港大”) 做了一項調查,發現於過去 1
[...] 年,未成年的中學生中,有 32%曾參加不同形 式的博彩活動,包括賭波、賭馬、買六合彩 打麻 將。
According to the information I have acquired, Deputy President, the Administration commissioned the University of Hong Kong (HKU) to conduct a survey last year. It was revealed in the survey that, in the past year, 32% of underage secondary students had
engaged in different forms of betting activities, including soccer betting, horse race
[...] betting, Mark Six and mahjong playing.
在指标(a)㈠中将“麻醉药 品委员会及预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会扩大主 席团”改为“委员会”。
In indicator (a) (i), replace the phrase “extended bureaux of the
[...] Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the [...]
Commission on Crime Prevention of Criminal
Justice” with the word “Commissions”.
要真正幫助青少年,最有效的方法並不是透過禁制,而是教導他們如何 自律,否則即使不推行或不容許合法賭波,他們亦會買六合彩、賭馬 打麻 將,甚至賭外圍波。
Otherwise, even if football betting is not conducted or not allowed,
they will still gamble on the Mark Six, bet
[...] on horse races, play mahjong or even place bets [...]
on offshore football betting.
在世卫组织的支持下,通过协调一致的卫生 保健努力,政府还得将麻风病 发病率降至万分之一以下。
The Government, also with WHO support and
through concerted health-care efforts, was able to reduce the
[...] prevalence rate of leprosy to less than [...]
1 per 10,000 people.
即便人们( 错误地)53 将打击国 际恐怖主义的全球战略整体归类为“战 争”,以达到适用第三和第四《日内瓦公约》的目的,但国际人权法仍然继续适 用:《公约》也适用于武装冲突局势,国际人道主义规则也同样适用。
Even if one were (wrongfully)53 to classify the global struggle against international terrorism in its entirety as a “war” for the purpose of applying the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions, international human rights law continues to apply: the Covenant applies also in situations of armed conflict to which the rules of international humanitarian law are applicable.
配置是一个匹配过 程,通过该过将打印机的工作特性与主机的工作特性以及特定任务 [...]
( 如打印 标签或者在不同尺寸的纸上打印 ) 匹配。
Configuration is the process of
[...] matching the printer's operating characteristics [...]
to those of the host computer and to specific
tasks, such as printing labels or printing on different sizes of paper.
如果打印机存在故障,按该键可以清除故障信息, 同将打印机 由故障模式切换至脱机模式。
If a fault condition exists, pressing this key will clear the fault message
[...] and return the printer from fault mode [...]
to offline mode.
打印标签前,包含记录的将打开,您可以从中选择您希望打印的记录 和每条记录的标签数量。
Before printing labels, the table with the records will open and you will be able to select the records you want to print and the quantity of labels for each record.
Roach补充说:“我们相信Logica是一个正确的收购对象,收购价也很合理,收购的时机也很好,这项交 将打 造 一 家独立的全球端到端IT服务供应商。
We believe Logica is the right acquisition, at the right price and at the right time to create one of the very few independent global end-to-end technology services providers," added Mr. Roach.
那位法 官 對我說,其實 他是不 太 相 信 香港人會真 的 支 持 法 治 , 因為他 認 為大部分香港 人是不 太 懂 得 何 謂 法 治 , 即使是 在 法 官 之 間 ,華人法官 所 談 的 往往是打 麻 雀 ” , 洋 人法官 所 談 的 卻 是 打 木球( 即 cricket),大 家 沒 有甚麼溝 通 , 而大 家的文化 是 很 不同的 。
The Judge told me that he did not quite believe Hong Kong people would genuinely support the rule of law, for he thought that most Hong Kong people did not know what the rule of law was all about.
工业领域的经营者和贸易经营者可以在IndustryStock内使用6种不同的语言非常详尽地搜索凿子、袋子 打麻 的 圆 木棍范畴内有益的、有价值的产品供应和服务,搜索工业、贸易范围内的150,000多种产品,以及关于制造商、贸易商、供货商和服务商的信息。
Marketing leaders use the search in 6 different international languages about IndustryStock for detailed address data, contact information and product categories as Bag and further for over 150,000 products out of Industry and trade as well as information on manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and service providers.




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