单词 | 打错 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 打错 —make a typoless common: err • dial a wrong number See also:错 adj—wrong adj • bad adj • complex adj 错—stagger • interlocking • polish • alternate • let slip • surname Cuo • evade • inlay with gold or silver
他们打错了算盘。 daccess-ods.un.org | They are mistaken. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,几个 国家打错算盘 ,采取出于政治动机的行动,在我们 10 月的讨论之后,立即于 [...] 2009 年 11 月在原子能机构理 事会上提出一项决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, a few [...] countries, in a miscalculated and politically [...]motivated action, tabled a resolution at the IAEA Board of [...]Governors in November 2009, immediately following the discussion that we had in October. daccess-ods.un.org |
实际上,近半受访企业每周至少发 生一次打码错误, 四分之一的受访企业表示每天至少发生一 次打 码错误。 uptime.videojet.com | In fact, nearly half the companies surveyed were having [...] trouble with coding errors at least once per week, with one-quarter reporting coding errors at least once per day. uptime.videojet.com |
答:Seagate.com [...] 一直在努力提供精确的产品和订价信息,不过,难免可能会发生订价 或 打 字 错 误。 knowledge.seagate.com | A. While Seagate.com strives to provide accurate product and pricing information, pricing [...] or typographical errors may occur. knowledge.seagate.com |
她给 3333 分机 [...] 打电话,电话被接到服务台人员那里,该人员查 询 打 印 错 误 知识库,并告诉该 名工作人员按 Ctrl+F5。 daccess-ods.un.org | She calls extension 3333 and is connected to [...] a service desk agent, who queries the knowledge [...] base for the printing error and tells the staff [...]member to press CTRL+F5. daccess-ods.un.org |
北方 10 个州和南方 4 个州的 [...] 18 个国民议会和 26 个州议会选区因选票打印 错误、 候选人死亡或法律质疑等各种原因而未在 [...]4 月份举行选举。 daccess-ods.un.org | Elections were not held in April for 18 national and 26 State Assembly constituencies in 10 [...] Northern and 4 Southern states for various reasons, [...] including ballot-printing errors, candidate deaths [...]and legal challenges. daccess-ods.un.org |
问:如果有定价错误或打字错误,会出现什么情况? knowledge.seagate.com | Q. What happens if there's a pricing or typographical error? knowledge.seagate.com |
尽管 Despatch Industries [...] 已尽力提供准确及时的信息,但仍有可能因疏忽而出现技术或事实 性 错 误 和 打 字 错 误。 cn.despatch.com | While Despatch Industries has tried to [...] provide accurate and timely information, there may be inadvertent technical or factual [...] inaccuracies and typographical errors. despatch.com |
任何利拉伐网站上的所有资料,包括但不限于文本、照片、图表和数字,有可能包含技术误差 或 打 字 错 误 或 其它类型的错误或误差。 delaval.cn | All material, including but not limited to, text, photographs, graphics and [...] figures on any DeLaval web site may contain [...] technical errors or typing inaccuracies or other types of errors or inaccuracies. delaval.com |
本网站上复制的任何前瞻性声明显示的都是载有该声明的文件原公布或报备之日的情况,且应与在表10-K中的公司年度报告(在标题"前瞻性声明"项下)、表10-Q中的公司季度报告(在标题"其他信息"项下)以及本网站或证交会Edgar数据库(http:/www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm)中可得的孩之宝向证交会报备的其他材料中所述的、可能会导致未来的实际事件或结果与预计的事件或结果显著不同的某些因素一并解读。孩之宝并无任何责任或政策更新本网站所载的任何信息或声明,因此,该等信息或声明在您访问本网站之日不应作为最新资料而加以依赖。此外,本网站上提供的资料的任何部分均可能存在技术方面的不准确性 或 打 字 错 误 。本网站上提供的资料、软件和本网站上所述的产品可不经通知而不时加以变更。 hasbro.com.cn:80 | Any forward-looking statement reproduced on this site speaks as of the original date the document containing such statement was published or filed and should be read together with certain factors set forth in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K under the heading "Forward-Looking Statements", the Company's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q under the heading "Other Information" and in other Hasbro filings with the SEC available on this site or on the SEC's Edgar Database (http:/www.sec.gov/edgarhp.htm) that could cause actual future events or results to differ materially from anticipated events or results. hasbro.com.cn:80 |
该协定规定执行下列项目:㈠ 拟订教育、文化和科学方面 的内容,以促进对话;㈡ 加强青年之间的文化交流;㈢ 突出媒体在该领域的作 用;㈣ 巩固“跨文化简报”,这是一个提高认识的视听工具,目的 是 打 击 错 误的 集体意见,促进阿拉伯-穆斯林世界与其他区域之间增进了解。 daccess-ods.un.org | That agreement provides for the implementation of projects (i) to develop educational, cultural and scientific content to enhance dialogue, (ii) to intensify cultural exchanges among youth, (iii) to highlight the role of the media in that field and (iv) to consolidate the daccess-ods.un.org |
如果青少年被拘留者之间互相斗殴,青少年被拘留者队长听取双方的 意见;双方都挨打,但过错较多 的一方 被 打 十 下,另一方被打五下 daccess-ods.un.org | If there was a fight between adolescent detainees, the chief adolescent detainee listened to them both; both were beaten, but the one deemed more culpable had ten strokes and the other five daccess-ods.un.org |
如果创建命令中 包含调试斜线 (/),程序将打印相应的错误消息。 printronix.cn | If the debug slash (/) is included in the Create command, [...] the program prints with any corresponding error messages. printronix.cn |
美国将打击恐怖主义错误地 解释为“其私人事务”,以便将其作为无理干涉的便 宜籍口,使得困扰本地区的一些潜在问题变得更为复杂和严重。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States has misconstrued the fight against terrorism [...] as “its private affair” in order to use it as a suitable [...]pretext for its unwarranted interference to confound and aggravate the latent problems besetting the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
请确认和打印机的连接(COM,LPT 端口的连接,RS-232C 的设置)是否正确.打印 机发出错误声音时,请查看部件登记的设置是否有问题。 nitto.co.jp | Check up if the printer is connected with the machine correctly (the connection of COM, LPT port or the designation of RS-232C). nitto.com |
要点 打印过程中若出现错误,请检查打印 机并采取适当措施。 ricoh.com | If an error is displayed during printing, check the printer and take [...] the appropriate action. ricoh.com |
前几年的时候,我还记得我当时住在伦敦,富勒姆那 是 打 的 相当 不 错 而 且 一度跻身积分榜前列。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | I remember, years ago, when I used to live in London, the cottagers made a serious effort to establish themselves as a credible mid to top table team. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
目前来看,速度和性能还不错,初步 的 打 算 是 将速度放在最后处理优化。 javakaiyuan.com | Now, good speed and performance , the initial intention is to speed on the final disposition of the optimization. javakaiyuan.com |
您必须将错误清除,打印机 才能继续正常运 行。 printronix.com | You must clear the error before the printer can resume normal [...] operation. printronix.de |
这使得传 感器不会将高干扰级别或标签内的预 打 印 图 像 错 误 地 认为是间隙、凹 槽、孔或黑色标记,这样的错误会导致所感应的距离值比实际标签长 度短得多。 printronix.com | This resolves problems where the sensor(s) may mistake high noise levels or preprinted images within the label as the gap, notch, hole, or black mark that could result in a sensed distance value much shorter than the actual label length. printronix.de |
使用表单的主要目的是为了便于操作员进行方便使用和无 差 错 的 标签 打印。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | The main purpose of using forms is [...] easy-to-use and error-free label printing for the operator. nicelabel.com |
在Adobe Acrobat 中打开这个出错的PDF文件,在工具栏中选中“TouchUp文本工具”按钮,然后再选中那些位置出现错乱的文本,发现文本编辑框的行高特别的高,这就是字符重叠的罪魁祸首。 oapdf.com | in Adobe [...] Acrobat to open the PDF file of this error in the tool bar [...]select the "TouchUp Text Tool" button, and then select [...]those positions be confusion in the text box found in a text editor line height exceptionally high, which the culprit is the character overlap. oapdf.com |
在将文件传送至相机时,共享用户名的不同用户可能导致不可预知的 和错 误的打印输出。 codonics.com | Different users who share a user name when transferring files to the imager may cause [...] unpredictable and erroneous printed output. codonics.com |
如果发生错误,DLL会打开一个消息框。 analog.com | If an error occurs, the DLL opens a MessageBox. analog.com |
如 果 您 通 过错误方式打开此 屏幕,单击重新检查按钮将重试该软件,并确保没有通讯问题。 wavetronix.com | If you think you have [...] reached this screen in error, clicking the Recheck [...]button will have the software retry and ensure [...]that there has not been a communication issue. wavetronix.com |
这是比较容易确定他们的计划,何时进入,当你离开的时候,损失和收益更清晰地观察,看看到底是哪出 了 错打。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | It is easier to define their plans, when to enter, when you leave, losses and gains observed more clearly and see [...] where we went wrong and where to hit. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
在每一个病人测试与QC测试记录、出 错 信 息、 与 打 印 机 输出上,均加 上了日期与时间。 protimetest.com | The date and time are appended to each patient [...] and QC test record, error, and printer output. protimetest.com |
即便人们( 错误地)53 将打击国 际恐怖主义的全球战略整体归类为“战 争”,以达到适用第三和第四《日内瓦公约》的目的,但国际人权法仍然继续适 [...] 用:《公约》也适用于武装冲突局势,国际人道主义规则也同样适用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even if one were (wrongfully)53 to classify the [...] global struggle against international terrorism in its entirety as a “war” [...]for the purpose of applying the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions, international human rights law continues to apply: the Covenant applies also in situations of armed conflict to which the rules of international humanitarian law are applicable. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过设计防止错误:防错打码流 程 制造商需要前瞻性的解决方案来解决所有这些问题 – 从难以计算 的成本,到低效的应对措施,到合作伙伴的要求 [...] – 而不是在问题 造成和成本发生之后再来被动地应对喷码问题。 uptime.videojet.com | Preventing Errors by Design: Mistake-Proofing Coding Processes [...] Manufacturers need proactive solutions to address all these [...]issues – from unaccounted costs, to inefective countermeasures, to partner mandates – instead of reacting to coding problems after they occur and their costs accrue. uptime.videojet.com |
在纵向布局能够为电子邮件,附件和网络优化的可读性,以及新的垂直滑出式键盘 – [...] 在任何的webOS手机迄今为止最广泛,规模最大的键盘 – 有助于确保快速,舒适无差错打字。 technologeeko.com | The portrait layout enables optimal readability for email, attachments and web, and the new vertical slide-out [...] keyboard – the widest and largest keyboard on any webOS phone to date – helps ensure quick [...] and comfortable error-free typing. technologeeko.com |