

单词 打进


(电话)打进来的 adj

incoming adj

External sources (not reviewed)

其他时间,电话将转到保安。在这两种情况下,外 线打进的电 话均转到所要求的人或分机。
In both cases, outside callers are transferred to the person or extension requested.
开放 创新也 可以缓 解 人才外流问题,降 低 进 入 壁垒, 促 进 技术转 让打 进 世 界价值链之中。
Open innovation could also alleviate brain drain, push down entry barriers, and facilitate transfer of technology and insertion in world value chains.
此外,热刺上一次战胜曼城还要追溯到2010年,当时,前前锋克劳 打进 本 场 比赛唯一的进球,热刺获胜。
Furthermore, Tottenham’s last win over Mancini’s men dates back to 2010, when then-striker Peter Crouch scored the match’s only goal to give them the win.
你的邮箱地址无效打进您的 电邮地址。
Your E-Mail Address appears to be invalid.
在这两种情况下,外线 打进的电话均转到所要求的人或分机。
In both cases, outside callers are transferred to the person or extension requested.
利物浦现在正在上升,而且最近状态非常好,得分遥遥领先,在过去的6场比赛 打进 1 6 球。
Liverpool are flying right now and recent form wise are outscoring everyone, having scored 16goals in their last 6 games.
如果在音乐播放的同时有电打进来 ,则音乐将自动停止,并且您会发现通过汽车扬声器,呼叫者的声音变得大而清晰。
If music is playing when a call comes [...]
in, it will automatically fade out and you’ll hear the caller’s voice loud and clear through your car speakers.
截至 2005 年 1 月 1 日,国家保险研究所向产后母亲支付产妇补助金,帮
[...] 助负担新生儿全套用品的费用,款项将于孩子出生后一个月左右直 打进 母 亲的 银行账户。
As of January 1, 2005, the National Insurance Institute (NII) pays a maternity grant, which is provided to post-natal new mothers in order to help
cover the cost of a layette for the newborn
[...] child, directly into the mother’s bank [...]
account, granted approximately one month after the birth date.
在发生急病及交通事故或受伤需要进行紧急抢救时,请打 119 进行通报。
If you are suddenly taken ill or require urgent treatment in cases such as a traffic accident or injury, dial 119.
在西甲第六轮比赛中,马拉加在主场以4-0大胜来访的皇家贝蒂斯,佩家军在全场比赛都占尽先机,进球立功的分别为 Joaquín, Saviola, 打进乌龙的Amaya和Isco。
Málaga CF defeated Betis in the sixth BBVA League match by four goals to nil.
很快,因为充满丰富的高能量饲料,草富含高蛋白,价格又经济,日本准备在澳大利亚和美国出售饲养和包装的神户牛肉,并将牛 打进 他 们巨大的零售市场。
It soon became evident that because of the abundance of high energy feedstuffs, grasses rich in protein, and economical prices, Japan was ready to purchase Wagyu beef raised and packed in Australia and USA, and to put the beef into their vast retail markets.
该法院是进打击腐 败和促进善治的司法机构,共和国总统和国民议会主 席把在其职权范围内的对国家有重要影响的所有问题或管理提交该法院。
As a judicial body
[...] which assists the fight against corruption [...]
and supports good governance, the Court is called upon by
the President of the Republic and the National Assembly in every case or matter judged to be of national importance that falls within the scope of its powers.
监察专员署在进打击厄 瓜多尔歧视现象方面发挥了至关重要的作用,而专 家们鼓励监察专家署积极促进制定“全国禁止种族主义和歧视计划”。
The Ombudsman’s Office has a vital
[...] role to play in advancing the fight against discrimination [...]
in Ecuador, and the experts
encourage the Office to contribute actively to the development of the National Plan against Racism and Discrimination.
请清洁打印头可能清除干的墨水,并 进打 印 质 量。
Cleaning the print head may remove the dried ink and improve print quality.
[...] 自并行端口的数据将会被一位一位地 进打 印 机缓冲区,以防止向连接到并行接口的主机发送超时 [...]
For example, if the printer is printing a job from the serial port, and then receives a second print job from the parallel port, the data
from the parallel port will “trickle” bit by
[...] bit into the printer buffer to prevent [...]
a timeout error from being sent back to
the host connected to the parallel port.
显然,两法庭的四位负责人今天在这里正确地 衡量了他们所肩负的责任的份量,这些责任不仅包 括指导向余留事项处理机制的过渡,而且他们和我 们都明确地知道,还涉及既使在两法庭关闭后仍然 坚持进打击有 罪不罚现象,强化在两法庭工作中 在判例方面所吸取的经验教训和取得的进展。
Clearly, the Tribunals’ four principals here with us today correctly gauge the weight of responsibility they bear, which involves not only steering the transition to the Mechanism but also, as they and we both know
with certainty, to
[...] press forward the fight against impunity, even after the Tribunals have shut down, and to consolidate the lessons learned and the advances in [...]
jurisprudence acquired in
the course of the Tribunals’ work.
建立法律结构及加强力量以控制科特迪瓦的钻石行业,包括加强 区域合作,都将在实施金伯利进程期间极大地 进打 击 毛 坯钻石非法贸易的活 动。
The development of legal structures and capacity to control the diamond industry in Côte d’Ivoire, including
regional cooperation, will be
[...] essential in combating the illegal trade in rough diamonds during the implementation of the Kimberley Process.
这将极大地进打击索 马里沿海的海盗行为,而且起诉的嫌犯人数将多于 迄今为止全球起诉的总数(见上文第 [...]
10 段中的表)。
This would be a very significant
[...] contribution to combating piracy off the [...]
coast of Somalia, and would be greater than the
total number of suspects prosecuted globally to date (see the table in paragraph 10 above).
吁请所有国家依照各国在《德班行动纲领》1 第 147
段中所作的承诺, 采取一切必要措施打击包括通过滥用印刷、音像和电子媒体及新的通信技术等手 段煽动出于种族仇恨动机的暴力行为,并与服务提供商协作推动按言论自由国际
[...] 标准使用此种技术,包括因特网,以 进打 击 种族主义,此外采取一切必要措施 [...]
Calls upon all States, in accordance with the commitments undertaken in paragraph 147 of the Durban Programme of Action,1 to take all measures necessary to combat incitement to violence motivated by racial hatred, including through the misuse of print, audio-visual and electronic media and new communication technologies, and, in collaboration with service providers, to promote the use of such
technologies, including the Internet, to
[...] contribute to the fight against racism, [...]
in conformity with international standards
of freedom of expression and taking all measures necessary to guarantee that right
此外,审查认为,需要在安圭拉增加用于打击金融犯罪的技术资源和人力资 源,以切实遵守为了制定和进打击 洗 钱和资助恐怖主义的政策而建立的政府间 机构反洗钱金融行动特别工作组的建议。
Moreover, the review concluded that the technical and human resources devoted to the fight against financial crime in Anguilla needed to be boosted to achieve compliance with recommendations made by the Financial Action Task Force, an intergovernmental body established to develop and promote policies to combat money-laundering and terrorist financing.
我们请回了曾经在《觉》诗歌大满贯活动上大放异彩的Omar Musa (2011)和Luka Lesson (2012), 并迎来来自英格兰、进打入“ 诗歌大满贯世界杯”决赛的强势新人Bohdan Piasecki, 他们将进行精彩激烈的即兴英文诗歌大比拼。
We welcome back JUE alumni Omar Musa (2011) and Luka Lesson (2012) along with newcomer Bohdan Piasecki, a former Poetry Slam World Cup finalist currently living in England.
在区域一级,禁毒办的全球集装箱方案还通过在北非和西非提供立法援助、 培训和能力建设来进打击海 上偷运移民活动。
At the regional level, the UNODC Global Container Programme also contributes to combating the smuggling of migrants at sea by providing legislative assistance, training and capacity-building in North and West Africa.
和其他区域进打击犯 罪和努力加强刑事司法管理的机构一样,非洲预防犯罪 [...]
和罪犯待遇研究所利用其与非洲成员国、非洲联盟委员会及毒品和犯罪问题办 公室的独特关系,正作为解决非洲大陆一切形式和表现的犯罪问题的关键部 分,努力巩固其影响和知名度。
Like institutions in other regions that have
[...] contributed to the fight against crime [...]
and efforts to strengthen criminal justice
administration, the United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, with its unique relationship with African Member States, with the African Union Commission and with UNODC, is working to consolidate its impact and visibility as a vital component in tackling the problem of crime in the continent in all its forms and manifestations.
他询问特别报告员认为妇女署应如何 更好地在行动中进打击对 妇女的暴力行为,为更好 地协调打击对妇女的暴力行为的各个机构所开展的 [...]
工作应做出哪些努力,从而提高联合国行动的效率, 最后特别报告员打算如何在立法和实践中与新成立 的打击对妇女歧视工作组开展合作。
He asked the Special Rapporteur how, in her opinion, UN-Women could best
contribute in operational terms to
[...] efforts to combat violence against women and what could be done to [...]
strengthen the coordination
of the work by the different entities involved in combating violence against women in order to improve the effectiveness of United Nations activities, and finally, how she envisaged her cooperation with the new Working Group on Discrimination against Women in Law and Practice.
工作组感到高兴的是,为了在第三十周年之际 进打 击 被 强迫失踪行为, 并且联合国应其请求,将全球民间社会已经举行纪念活动的 [...]
8 月 30 日宣布为国 际被强迫失踪受害者日。
The Working Group is
[...] gratified that to further combat the practice of [...]
enforced disappearances in its 30th anniversary year,
and at its request, the United Nations is taking steps to declare 30 August, the day already commemorated by civil society around the world, as International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances.
关于该账户目前状况的信息载于本说明附件一(毒品和 犯罪问题办公室项目
[...] GLOT60),而附件二载有关于毒品和犯罪问题办公室为进打击跨 国有组织犯罪和贩运活动而实施的所有项目的情况。
Information on the current status of the account (UNODC Project GLOT60) is contained in Annex I to the present note, while Annex II presents
information on all the projects implemented by UNODC that
[...] contribute to countering transnational [...]
organized crime and trafficking.
我国代表团认为,任何新办事处的设立均应考 虑其进打击恐 怖主义国际努力的潜力,而非复制已 有机构或给会员国特别是发展中世界的会员国增添 [...]
My delegation is of the view that the creation of any new office should be measured
against its potential
[...] contribution to facilitating international efforts to combat terrorism, [...]
rather than duplicating existing
structures or placing an additional burden on Member States, especially those of the developing world.
(iii) 实施教科文组织反对种族主义、歧视、仇外心理及相关的不宽容行为的综合战 略,主要途径是通过进打击反 犹太主义方面的主动行动,在反对种族主义和歧 [...]
视的研究与政策之间建立有机联系,加强反对种族主义和歧视的地区性城市联 盟,打击与艾滋病相关的歧视行为
(iii) pursue the implementation of UNESCO’s
[...] Integrated Strategy to Combat Racism, Discrimination, [...]
Xenophobia and Related Intolerance,
in particular through the development of research-policy linkages on fighting racism and discrimination, encouraging initiatives to combat anti-Semitism, reinforcing regional coalitions of cities against racism and discrimination and combating HIV/AIDS-related discrimination
还在努力保证在执行机构使用关于下个档期的数据之 前完成所有概况表,以便纳入更新后的秘书处数据库, 进打 印 的 格式和设计汇总数据的 搜索功能。
Work was also ongoing to ensure that all tables were completed before data for subsequent tranches were used by
implementing agencies
[...] so as to allow importation of updated Secretariat databases, improve the print-out format and [...]
to design search functions for aggregated data.




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