

单词 打招呼的表示

See also:


give prior notice
greet sb. by word or action


say hello to
call out to
take care of
take care that one does not

招呼 v

hail v
inform v

厚的 adj

thick adj

External sources (not reviewed)

表示,候 任行政長官在午膳時間曾進 入會議室1 與出席財務委員會( 下稱" 財委會")會的委員及官打招呼。
The Chairman said that the Chief Executive-elect (CE-elect) entered Conference Room 1 during the lunch break to extend greetings to members and the officials [...]
the Finance Committee (FC) meetings.
这些雇佣军最初被 科特迪瓦政府于 2002 年 12 月招募,使用利马一表示无线电呼 号 , “L”指利比 里亚。
Those mercenaries had initially been recruited by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire in December 2002, using Lima to denote the radio call-sign “L” for Liberia.
集安条约组织对派驻阿富汗打击毒 品国际安 全援助部队更的参与表示赞赏并衷 呼 吁 军 队和 阿富汗政府之间加强合作,同时注意到,为应对这 一灾难,阿富汗需要更多更加协调的国际援助,以 及政府无保留的承诺。
CSTO welcomed the growing input of the
International Security
[...] Assistance Force (ISAF) in the fight against the Afghan drug infrastructure and called for increased cooperation [...]
between ISAF and the
Government of Afghanistan, noting that, in order to combat that scourge, Afghanistan needed increased and better coordinated international assistance and the complete commitment of its authorities.
本集团也谴责违反 有关国际法,在武装冲突招募和使用青年的做法; 对这种做法给有关青年造的负面后 果 表示 遗 憾呼吁会 员国同联合国各实体合作,采取具体措施和继 续支持有关方案,以确保复员青年切实重返社会,重 新融入经济及恢复正常生活。
The Group
[...] also condemns the recruitment and use of young people in armed conflict, in contravention of relevant international law; deplores its negative consequences on the young people concerned; and calls on Member States, [...]
in cooperation with
United Nations entities, to take concrete measures and continue to support programmes to ensure the effective social and economic reintegration and rehabilitation of demobilized young people.
这项活动是根据 该地表示需要更多本地内的节目 和资 的呼 声 而 开展的。
This was in keeping with the need articulated in the region for more programmes and materials of local content.
2012 年 4 月 14 日,安全理事会通过了第 2042(2012)号决议,其中注意到叙 利亚政府承诺执行联合国特使安南先生提 的 六 点 建议 呼 吁 立即迅速全面执行 建的所有 内容;吁请叙利亚所有各方、包括反对派,立即停止一切形式武装暴 力表示打算在 秘书长同叙利亚政府协商后,立即设立联合国叙利亚监督特派团, 监测所有各方停止一切形式武装暴力的情况。
On 14 April 2012, the Security Council adopted resolution 2042 (2012), which noted the Syrian Government’s commitment to implement the six-point proposal of the United
Nations Special Envoy,
[...] Mr. Annan; called for the urgent, comprehensive and immediate implementation of all elements of the proposal; called upon all parties in Syria, including the opposition, immediately to cease all armed violence in all its forms; and expressed its intention to establish [...]
immediately, after
consultations between the Secretary-General and the Syrian Government, a United Nations supervision mission in Syria to monitor a cessation of armed violence in all its forms by all parties.
如果完全沒有事打招呼,即局長所 的 突 擊 ,便是等上三 四個小時也未必有人招呼,他們可能會先調查你是誰。
If nobody is sounded out in advance, that is, a surprise observation as the Secretary mentioned is conducted, an Observer will not be received by anybody after he has waited for three to four hours for they may first want to find out who the Observer is.
However, had the circumstances been [...]
different, the case would have been more difficult to handle.
尽管联大决议(61/194、62/188、63/211 和 64/195)再呼吁以 色列承担起责任,及时和充分地赔偿黎巴 嫩政府及阿拉伯叙利亚共和国等受本次浮油影响的 其他国家,但以色列仍未承认其责任,秘书长已在 其有关这一问的最新 报告(A/66/297)中对这一问表示严重关切。
Despite repeated General Assembly
resolutions (61/194, 62/188,
[...] 63/211 and 64/195) calling on Israel to assume its responsibility for prompt and adequate compensation to the Government of Lebanon and other countries affected by the oil slick, such as the Syrian Arab Republic, Israel had yet to acknowledge its responsibilities, a matter regarding which the Secretary-General had expressed grave concern in [...]
his most recent report on the matter (A/66/297).
表示會同時把 易拉架等用作示招貼和海報的裝置連同招貼和海報一併移走,以作 為違反《公眾衞生及市政條例》(第 132章 )第 104A條 (“第 104A條 ”)的證 據。
The authorities indicated that paraphernalia such as easy-mount frames used for the display of bills and [...]
posters would be removed
together with the bills and posters as evidence of contravention of section 104A of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) (section 104A).
在遵守准则 5.1.3 规定的前提下,因国家合并或分离而成为条约当事国的继
[...] 承国,应视为维持在国家继承之日适用于国家继承所涉领土的对条约的任何保 留,除非该继承国在继承表示不打 算 维持被继承国提 的 一 项 或多项保留。
Subject to the provisions of guideline 5.1.3, a successor State which is a party to a treaty as the result of a uniting or separation of States shall be considered as maintaining any reservation to the treaty which was applicable at the date of the succession of States in respect of the territory to
which the succession
[...] of States relates, unless it expresses its intention not to maintain one [...]
or more reservations of the
predecessor State at the time of the succession.
安理会表示打算尽快审查的 时间 表,它将对科特迪瓦各政治行为体具有约束力,反映它们对自由、公开、公 平而透明的选举的政治承诺。
The Council also expressed its intention to examine as soon [...]
as possible this time frame, which will bind the Ivorian political
actors and reflect their level of political commitment towards free, open, fair and transparent elections.
在這過程中, 政府甚至令他們把社區的鄰里關係也破壞了,一些原本在碰面時 打招 呼的鄰居,現在也變得“面阻阻”。
In this process, the Government has even upset the relation among neighbours in the community. Some neighbours who used to greet one another when they met have now become strangers.
2013年2月12日,在华盛顿D.C.的美国国会大厦众议院会议厅,巴拉克•欧巴马总统在 表 国 情咨文前与乔•拜登副总统和约翰•博纳众议院议 打招呼。
President Barack Obama greets Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker John Boehner before delivering the State of the Union address in the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., Feb. 12, 2013.
总统对教科文组织在中期战略(34 C/4)中将非洲和性别平等作为全球优先事项进一 表示 欢 迎 ,呼 吁加强这方的行动,并强调必须支持小岛屿发展中国家、最不发达国家以及南北和南南合作计划。
The President further welcomed that in UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy (34
C/4) Africa and gender equality had been
[...] designated as the global priorities of the Organization and called for increased [...]
action in this regard
and he also emphasized the need to support SIDS, LDCs and North-South and South-South cooperation schemes.
人权观察对劳改营、公开处决和酷 的 存 在表 示关注,呼吁人 权理事会延长特别报告员的任期。
It expressed concern about the existence of labour camps, public executions and torture, and called on the Council [...]
to extend the mandate of the Special Rapporteur.
布基纳法索对古巴人民的痛苦和古巴发展目标反复遭 的 影 响 表示 关 切 ,再呼吁必须终止美国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁。
Burkina Faso expresses its deep concern over the suffering of the Cuban people and the repeated attempts to undermine the
Republic of Cuba’s right to
[...] development, and reiterates its call for the ending of the economic, [...]
commercial and financial embargo
imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.
不过,保加利亚仍然对存在种族不容忍和种族歧视现 表示关 注,呼吁国 家当局采取一切适当措施,防止基于民族属 的 歧 视行为,促进对民 族多样性的容忍与尊重。
It remained concerned
[...] about cases of ethnic intolerance and discrimination and appealed to the country’s authorities to take all appropriate [...]
measures to prevent
discrimination based on ethnic affiliation and to foster tolerance and respect for ethnic diversity.
该司注意到上述多数方案由预算外资源提供经费,并考虑到大会的要求和咨 询委员会有关不应用经常预算活动资助预算外活动、反之亦 的 观 点 , 表示打算 从各方案寻求经费(见 A/66/6(Sect.31),第 31.33 段和 A/66/85,第 18 段)。
Noting that most of those programmes are funded from extrabudgetary resources, it is indicated that the Division intends to seek funding from the respective programmes, taking into account the
request by the General
[...] Assembly and the views of the Advisory Committee regarding the need to avoid having regular budget [...]
activities subsidize
extrabudgetary activities and vice versa (see A/66/6 (Sect. 31), para. 31.33, and A/66/85, para. 18).
安全理事会欢迎秘书长关于妇女、和平与安 的 报 告(S/2002/1154)表示打算研究其中所载的建议。
The Security Council welcomes the Report of the
Secretary-General on women, peace and
[...] security (S/2002/1154) and expresses its intention to study the recommendations [...]
contained therein.
(c) 呼吁秘书长通过的特别代表加强关 于 招 募 、训练和利用儿童的信息的 交流,并更好地报告以塔利班和阿富汗境内其他武装集团招募和利用儿童为目的 对儿童进行训练的情况。
the Secretary-General,
[...] through his Special Representative, to strengthen the exchange of information on the recruitment, training and use [...]
of children and to improve
the reporting on circumstances where children are trained in order to be recruited and used by the Taliban and other armed groups in Afghanistan.
这些措施包括, 例如,增加关于导致暴力极端主义和激进化的因素的知识,发现激进化的早期信 号,地方一级的关键行动者加强合作以防止和打击反民主和促暴力运 的 蔓 延, 扩大有关暴力极端主的研究,加强国际合作,以及采取措施以防止 打 击 网上 招聘和激进化。
The measures include, for example, improved knowledge about factors leading to violence-promoting extremism and radicalization, detection of early signals of radicalization, enhanced cooperation among key actors at the local level to prevent and counter the spread of anti-democratic and
violence-promoting movements,
[...] broadened research about violent extremism, strengthened international cooperation, and measures to prevent and counter online recruitment and radicalization.
如果您不想让 Zeus 跳到邻居身打招呼,就 不要让它在您进门时跳到您身 打招呼。
If you don't want Zeus to jump on neighbors in greeting, don't let him jump on you either when you walk in the front door.
当您清晨围绕邮轮慢跑于甲板,欣赏着壮丽的海景,和迎面相 的 慢 跑 者热情 打 声 招呼 , 是 多么惬 的 一 种 享受。
Early risers will greet their fellow runners with enthusiasm as everyone enjoys an early-morning jog around our dedicated outdoor track.
安全理事会在第 1977(2011)号决议中重申,需要加强 1540 委员会、安全 理事会关于基地组织和塔利班及有关个人和实体的第 1267(1999)号决议所设委 员会以及安全理事会关于反恐怖主义的第
[...] 在进行的合作,包括酌情加强信息交流,在各自任务授权范围内协调对各国的考 察,提供技术援助以及处理与所有三个委员会都有 的 其 他 问题, 表示打 算就 共同关的领域向各委员会提供指导,以便更好地协调它们的努力。
In resolution 1977 (2011), the Security Council reiterated the need to enhance the ongoing cooperation between the 1540 Committee, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities, and the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counterterrorism, including through, as appropriate, enhanced information sharing, coordination of country visits, within their respective mandates, technical assistance and
other issues of
[...] relevance to all three Committees, and expressed its intention to provide guidance to [...]
the Committees on areas
of common interest in order to better coordinate their efforts.
的确,胡主席跟这些美国学生用汉 打招呼 , 并且这个举动起到了一个非常重 的 作 用
Yet there was President Hu exchanging greetings in Chinese with these American students, and it did a very very important thing.
最近一份关于“儿童与武装冲突的 安 全 理事会主席声明(S/PRST/2010 /1 0) 表示,安理会打算在规定或延长有关制裁委员会的任务时,考虑对违反有关武装 冲突中儿童权利和儿童保护的适用国际法的当事方做出规定。
In its last presidential statement on children and armed conflict (S/PRST/2010/10), the Security Council expressed its intention, when establishing [...]
or reviewing the
mandate of relevant Sanctions Committees, to consider provisions pertaining to parties that are in violation of applicable international law relating to the right and protection of children in armed conflict.
表示,工作人招聘中的性别 均衡和公平的地域分配虽然对本组织重 要,但不应减弱大会第 63/250 和 65/247 号决议所重申的个人之对员额和职务是 否合适的重要性。
The view was expressed that, while gender balance and equitable geographical distribution in the recruitment of staff were [...]
important to the Organization,
they should not diminish the importance of the individual’s suitability for the post or position, as reiterated in General Assembly resolutions 63/250 and 65/247.
我谨代表南苏丹共和国向表示,按 照和平与安全理事会公报第 12㈠段的决 定,我国政府决心立即停止所有敌对行动,并接受要求各方恢复谈 的呼 吁。
In accordance with paragraph 12 (i) of
the decision, I
[...] wish to convey, on behalf of the Republic of South Sudan, my Government’s commitment to an immediate cessation of all hostilities and its acceptance of the call for the resumption [...]
of negotiations between the parties.
2012年以来全球LED通用照明发展迅速,多个国家出台了相关政策以促进其应用,我国出台了一系列的LED照明应用促进措施,如“十城万盏”、国家发改委会同住房城乡建设部、交通运输部联合进行半导体照明产品应 示 范 工 程 招 标 等,业内最为关 的 L E D 照 明灯具价格补贴政策 呼 之 欲 出,LED照明灯具已经逐步进入大规模应用阶段。
Global LED general lighting has been developing rapidly since 2012, many countries introduced relevant policies to promote its application, China introduced a series of measures to promote LED lighting application, such as "ten thousands city light", the national development and reform commission jointly with the housing urban and rural construction ministry, the ministry
of transport
[...] for semiconductor lighting products application demonstration project bidding, etc., the industry's most focused on [...]
LED lighting lamps and
lanterns price subsidy policy has been raised, LED lighting lamps and lanterns has gradually entered a stage of large-scale application.




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