单词 | 打拍子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 打拍子—beat time打拍子verb—tapvSee also:打拍—beat time mark rhythm on drum or clapper boards 拍子—bat racket (sports) beat (music) 拍—pat clap take (a photo) beat (music) swat racket (sports) shoot (a film) 拍打v—slapv tapv
Joebot机器人可不是普通之物,他会唱歌、跳舞,您刚打出来的 拍子,他 就可以丝毫不差地重复出来。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Joebot robot is not your average [...] Joe -- in fact, he can beatbox and dance -- just tap out a beat andhe will [...]repeat it perfectly while grooving along. tipschina.gov.cn |
从掷手机到背着老婆跑,从泥泞足球到无形空气吉他、 拍打桌子和抛 橡皮靴…要多古怪有多古怪。 visitfinland.com | From mobile phone throwing to wife carrying, swamp football to air guitar, table drumming to rubber boot throwing… the list goes on. visitfinland.com |
Wright和拍摄组尝试许多不同的场景设置,最后决定让Chandler弄脏自己,倚靠在车 子打开的车前盖旁。 ba-repsasia.com | Wright and the crew experimented with a couple of setups before settling on Chandler dirtied up, leaning over the openhood ofthe car. ba-repsasia.com |
使用静电擦轻拍打印头通常可以敞开阻塞的喷嘴。 graphics.kodak.com | Dabbing theprint head with a Staticide [...] wipe will often open clogged jets. graphics.kodak.com |
60 年的止步不前为极端分子打开方便之 门,以后我们将向巴勒斯坦人提供一个逐步走向最终 [...] 地位的希望。 daccess-ods.un.org | After 60 years of immobility, which has paved [...] the way for extremists, wewould be [...]giving hope to the Palestinians by making [...]progress towards final status. daccess-ods.un.org |
至于电子逆向拍卖,虽然第(1)款(i)项将其列为一种单独采购方法,但也可 以将其作为一种(类似于第(2)款中提及的框架协议的)安排使用,作为第(1)款 [...] 中列出的任何采购方法中授予采购合同之前的最后阶段加以使用,以及在框架 协议下在授予采购合同时使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although listed in paragraph (1)(i) as a stand-alone [...] procurement method, electronicreverse auctions may also beused [...]as a technique (similarly to framework [...]agreements referred to in paragraph (2)), as the final phase preceding the award of the procurement contract in any method of procurement listed in paragraph (1), as well as in the award of procurement contracts under framework agreements. daccess-ods.un.org |
当Gary翻转硖尾的毯子打开,而不是看到硖,他看见他的狗,并认为,硖窗口是打开的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Gary [...] flips Kip’s blanketopen, instead of [...]seeing Kip, he sees his dog and sees that Kip’s window is open. seekcartoon.com |
出版了归还文化财产问题纲要的英语和法语版本,拍摄了一部打击非法贩运文化财产的电影和多部宣传片,组织了多次专门培训。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Particular efforts have been made to publish the compendium on issues relating to the return of cultural objects in English and French, produce an awareness-raising film and short videos on trafficking and hold specialized training courses. unesdoc.unesco.org |
所有被拘留者都报告说,在 头五个月的监禁期间遭到了酷刑,包括拳击,木制物品的殴打, 拍打脚底 ,审讯 时为了恐吓放在棺材里。 daccess-ods.un.org | All the detainees reported acts of torture during the first five months [...] of their captivity, including [...] punches and beatings with wooden objects, beatings on the soles [...]of the feet (falaqa), and being [...]placed in a coffin during interrogation as a form of intimidation. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于电子逆向拍卖的 使用日渐增多,同时考虑到协调和促进最佳做法的双 重目标,工作组商定:㈠在《示范法》修订案文中列入一项一般性授权条文, 规定使用电子逆向拍卖的主要原则,特别是电子逆向拍卖的 使用条件和使用限 制;㈡将《示范法》规定的电子逆向拍卖限定于某些类型的购买,为此使得非 价格标准可以量化、规格可予以提供、竞争性市场得以存在;㈢在《指南》中 详细论述电子逆向拍卖的 使用;㈣参照世界贸易组织多边《政府采购协定》在 使用电子逆向拍卖方面的做法(A/CN.9/575,第 60-62、66 和 67 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Taking account of the increasing use ofERAs and the twin aims of harmonization and promotion of best practice, the Working Group agreed: (i) to include in the revised Model Law a general enabling provision providing the key principles for the use of ERAs, notably the conditions for and limitations to the use of ERAs; (ii) to confine ERAs under the Model Law to some types of purchases for which non-price criteria could be quantified, specifications could be provided and a competitive market existed; (iii) to address in the Guide the use ofERAs indetail; and (iv) totake intoaccount the approach of the multilateral Government Procurement [...] Agreement of the World Trade Organization as regards the use of ERAs(A/CN.9/575, paras. 60-62, 66 and 67). daccess-ods.un.org |
他挑选了一个1980年代传奇Atari游戏的鼻祖:您还记得那个带两个 拍子和一个球的桌球游戏吗? iontime.ch | He selected an hommage to a legendary Atari game from the 1980s: Do you remember the tennis TV game with two paddles and a ball? iontime.ch |
在佩德罗胡安卡瓦列罗地区监 狱,只有那些被拘留在妇女和未成年人住的楼里的人说,监狱工作人员对他们还 不错,但未成年人住的楼的一名看守和妇女住的楼的一名女看守除外,前者在进 行惩罚时偶尔会用手或者棍子打未成年人,后者则屡次侮辱女囚犯,并用棍子威 胁恐吓她们,但到目前为止还没有用棍 子打过人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Only those detainees housed in the sections for women and minors at Pedro Juan Caballero Regional Prison said that they were generally well treated by the prison staff, with the exception of one guard in the minor’s section, who occasionally [...] struck the minors with [...] his hand or truncheon by wayof punishment, and a female guard in the women’s section, who repeatedly insulted the female inmates and threatened them with her truncheon in orderto intimidate [...]them, but had [...]so far not carried out her threats. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿嘎土是西藏建筑中常见的屋面防水材料,疏松的粘土在加水反复 拍打后板结,形成可靠的屋面防水层和保温层。 chinese-architects.com | It stiffens when tampered with water and works as another layer of waterproofing and heat insulation. chinese-architects.com |
他说,他在军营内遭到了酷刑,但是在审 讯时没有,而且说他被施以溺刑和强制体位,他还记得被带到了一间 [...] 放满了蛇的房间,蛇被关在笼子里,看守威胁他说如果不交待他在阿 富汗所做的一切就将笼子打开。daccess-ods.un.org | He said that torture took place in the barracks but not during the interrogations, and that he was subjected to drowning and stress positions, and [...] recalled a room full of caged snakes that guards [...] threatened to open if he [...]did not speak about what he had done in Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
儿童每天拍打、投掷或者踢500个球或是游泳(或奔跑)10公里有利于特定肌肉群的发育。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Children hitting, pitching or kicking [...] 500 balls a day or swimming/running 10 km a day are favoring the development of specific muscle groups over others. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
尤其是在水流中拍打洗净可倍增效果。 ficec.jp | Especially, blinking your eyes in water is very effective. ficec.jp |
悉尼有标志性的悉尼歌剧院,太平洋的海水轻轻 拍打着银光闪闪的海滩。 shangri-la.com | The city offers the instantly recognizable Sydney Opera House andsparkling beaches. shangri-la.com |
一名官员拍打他的后脑, 他提出抗议,被一组军警人员围住,打倒在地,不断拳打脚踢。 daccess-ods.un.org | An officer slapped him on the back [...] of the head and when he protested he was set upon by a group of uniformed officers, knocked [...]to the ground and repeatedly punched and kicked. daccess-ods.un.org |
它的所有功能,您需要同样重要,你的功能不无!拍子以两 种模式工作: - 选择模式:标准节拍器,为40的范围由传统的节拍器1BPM或增量至240 BPM的每分钟(拍),通过调整滑块或+ / - 按钮控制。 cn.moba-app.com | Tempi was designed by professional musicians. It has all the features you need, and just as importantly, none of the features you ... moba-app.com |
有些情况下还可能必 须加上第 3 条带子,打在中间脚的其中一侧。 optiledge.com | In some cases, a third strap, placed on either side of the center foot, may be necessary as well. optiledge.com |
用户能用此参数让琶 音的第一个音符偏离常规的拍子,从而建立一种新的节奏感觉。 midicontroller.com | With this parameter, the user can generate the first note of the arpeggio setoff by the note source, for example, in counter time to create new rhythms. midicontroller.com |
如果自 己的孩子打其他孩子,家长便可能需要走到两人中, 把受伤那个抱走。 yorkcas.org | If one child hitsanother, the parent [...] may need to step in between them and pick up the one who has been hurt. yorkcas.org |
朝着 积极、可持续和平方向迈出下一步离不开整体办法和 更具包容性的群体:在男子打仗期间维持社区的妇 女、没有参与暴力但在应当如何管理国家这一问题上 [...] 具有正当利益的政党、那些不得不逃离者,以及那些 暴力受害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | The next steps towards a positive, sustainable peace cannot be taken without a holistic approach, and a much more inclusive group [...] of people: women who sustained communities [...] while men were fighting, political parties [...]that did not engage in violence but [...]have a legitimate interest in how the country should be run, those who had to flee, and those who were victims of violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
工业领域的经营者和贸易经营者可以在IndustryStock内使用6种不同的语言非常详尽地搜索凿子、袋子、打麻的 圆木棍范畴内有益的、有价值的产品供应和服务,搜索工业、贸易范围内的150,000多种产品,以及关于制造商、贸易商、供货商和服务商的信息。 industrystock.cn | Marketing leaders use the search in 6 different international languages about IndustryStock for detailed [...] address data, contact information and [...] product categories asBag and further for over [...]150,000 products out of Industry and [...]trade as well as information on manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and service providers. industrystock.com |
无论你在使用简单的立体声伴奏音轨,还是一套独立可混音的主体音乐来完成你的声音,你所需要做的就是踩下踏板开关跳到下个提示、调整 拍子、快速地改编、或顺畅地淡出。 mammals.org | Whether you’re rounding out your sound with a simple stereo backing track or a set of separate, mixable stems, all you [...] have to do is step on a foot switch to jump to the next [...] cue, adjust the tempo, arrange on [...]the fly, or fade out smoothly. mammals.org |