单词 | 打把势 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 打把势 —demonstrate gymnastic skillsless common: solicit financial help (in an indirect way) • thrash around • drill (in sword play) • show off See also:势 n—trend n • situation n • power n 势—momentum • tendency • gesture • potential • influence • conditions • male genitals • outward appearance
法 国 还指出,应 把 打 击 有 罪 不 罚 斗争放在 优 先地位, [...] 请 哥伦比亚重新 考虑其 拒 绝 接 受 国际刑 事 法 院 对 战争罪的 管 辖 权的立 场 。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also noted that the fight against impunity [...] should be prioritized and invited Colombia to reconsider its refusal to accept [...]the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court for war crimes. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些答复强调,应更加关注冲突后和灾后 形 势 , 把 在 紧 急和过渡阶段提供教育指导和 支持放在更加重点的地位。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some respondents stressed the importance of [...] according more attention to post-conflict [...] and post-disaster situations, together with a stronger [...]focus on the provision of educational [...]guidance and support in response to emergencies and transitional phases. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2012 年 5 月 20 日 16 时 30 [...] 分 正在修筑基拉村隔离墙的以色列敌方人员朝黎 巴嫩陆军人员打出挑衅性手势。 daccess-ods.un.org | 20 May 2012 1630 Israeli enemy men who were working on the barrier in Kafr Killa [...] directed offensive gestures towards Lebanese [...]Army personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于比激光和针式打印机等寿命较短的产品有一系列的环保 优 势 , N7 000 行式打印机系列的寿命可长达数年。 news.printronix.com | With key ecological benefits over shorter life cycle products such [...] as laser and serial dot matrix printers, the N7000 Cartridge [...] Series of Line Matrix printers is built to last for years. news.printronix.com |
(c) 这将使发展中国家的中小型企业有更多机会进入外国市场,并在产生 争议时,减少它们在与其他国家可得到更多法律和司法资源并且商业上更老练 的当事人打交道时的劣势。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) It would enable greater access to foreign markets for small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries and, in the event of a dispute, mitigate their disadvantage when dealing with more commercially sophisticated parties in other countries that had access to greater legal and judicial resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
其三,部份報章已經變成醜聞打手,並 且 把打 擊 對 像擴展到政策智囊、民調組織和學術機構。 hkupop.hku.hk | Thirdly, some news medias have become dirty news collectors, and their target range has expanded to public policy think tank, opinion survey units and academic organizations. hkupop.hku.hk |
因此该区域的货物贸易平衡又回到 了原来的下降趋势,危机曾打断这一 趋 势。 daccess-ods.un.org | The region’s goods trade balance has therefore returned to the downward trend that was interrupted by the crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
机会总是青睐有准备的人,因此,从现在开始,我们要花大力气,依靠知识产权的保护和投入来拉动公司发展,力争在若干关键领域和关键技术上确立公司的知识产权 优 势 地 位 ,并 且 把打 赢 与 欧司朗的专利官司这一胜势转化为独特的市场优势,宏源已经扫清了阻碍公司发展的拦路虎和绊脚石,迈开了全速前进的步伐:一个现代化的江苏立德照明产业基地已经崛起,国际国内销售模式的改革创新,宏源将逐步完善形成集先进制造业、现代服务业、资本运作为一体的完整的产业链,充分发挥科学技术作为第一要务的重要作用,注重依靠科技进步来改善运营增长。 cn.lvd.cc | In order to successfully cope with competition and challenges, our company starts a patent oriented layout in the early period of research and development, which establishes the foundation for victory. en.lvd.cc |
会议还再次强调了提交报告的目的,即督促缔约国认真落实这一重要公约并 把打击非 法贩卖的工作作为国家、地区和国际行动的重点,而且还要使缔约国自己和教科文 [...] 组织评价国家措施是否充分和有效,以便找到弱点并予以改正/改进。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The purpose of reporting was also re-emphasized, namely to encourage States Parties to remain diligent in their [...] implementation of this important [...] Convention and keep the fight against illicit [...]trafficking in the forefront of national [...]as well as regional and international initiatives, and also to have States themselves and UNESCO assess the adequacy and effectiveness of national measures undertaken so that areas of weakness may be identified and appropriate adjustments/improvements made. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在部长一级作出把打击资助扩散活动增列为任务组任务的决定,是认识到任 务组具有通过全球金融系统处理其他类型非法金融活动的业经证明的专门知识 (特别是洗钱和资助恐怖主义方面的专门知识),认识到任务组有可能为国际社会 的更广泛努力增加价值并与联合国安全理事会确定的需要相一致。 daccess-ods.un.org | The decision to extend the mandate of the Task Force to include proliferation financing was taken at the Ministerial level, in recognition of the proven expertise of the Task Force in addressing other types of illicit finance activity through the global financial system (specifically money-laundering and terrorist financing), and the value that the Task Force could add to the wider efforts of the international community and consistent with the needs identified by the United Nations Security Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,喀麦隆没有脱离从 1970 年代开始的国际趋势,并把妇女 解放作为 可持续发展的重要条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, Cameroon has not remained unaffected by the international tendency, which began in the 1970s, to regard women's emancipation as an essential prerequisite for sustainable development. daccess-ods.un.org |
Ÿ 请秘书长在其国别局势报告中把性暴力问题列为报告的一个具体内容, 包括尽可能提供关于受害者性别与年龄的分列数据;要求制订针对特定 [...] 任务的防止和应对性暴力的战略和行动计划,作为一项更广泛保护平民 战略的一个部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ÿ Request that reports of the Secretary-General on [...] country-specific situations include sexual violence [...]as a specific aspect of the report, [...]including to the extent possible, disaggregated data as to gender and age of victims; and request the development of mission-specific strategies and plans of action for preventing and responding to sexual violence, as part of a broader protection of civilians strategy. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,我赞同秘书长关于成功的过渡的各项要求 [...] 的看法,即:承认发展、治理和法治至关重要;需要 把握住势头和加快可持续发展活动;评估发展项目的 [...]业务和支助费用;长期的国际支持和私人部门投资。 daccess-ods.un.org | I conclude by sharing the Secretary-General’s view of the requirements for a successful transition: the recognition that development, governance [...] and the rule of law are crucial; the [...] need for capturing momentum and accelerating [...]sustainable development activities; assessing [...]operational and support costs for development projects; and long-term international support and private sector investment. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,调节就业供求关系并促进在企业和培训中心的实习安置,以及收 集、制定、监测并发布与这三个领域相关的统计数据,这些为减少失业采取的主 要行动有利于打击对弱势群体 (青年男女毕业生或无资质人员、女性)的排斥并减 缓其贫困。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, the main actions undertaken to reduce unemployment help to combat exclusion and poverty in vulnerable groups (young girls/boys with or without qualifications, and women) by bringing labour supply and demand closer together, by encouraging internships in companies and in training centres, and by collecting, compiling, monitoring and disseminating statistics on these three areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,面对从项目成立之初就 直接与获得教席的专家直接打交道的 强 势 赞 助 商,联合国教科文组织北京办事处是否有能力 [...] 充分发挥其作用遭到质疑。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, there must be doubts [...] about the ability of the Office to play its role fully [...]vis-à-vis a powerful donor that has [...]dealt directly with the holder of the Chair from the outset. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(c) 为同精神并发症患者、未成年人和妇女(包括孕妇)等 弱 势 群 体 打交 道的人提供专门培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Provide specialized training for those who work with vulnerable groups, such as patients with psychiatric co-morbidities, minors and women, including pregnant women. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了彻底消除非法药物滥用并改善该领域的 局 势 , 20 04 年底通过了《打击 药 物滥用和药物非法流通战略》和《2010 年前打击毒品和药物非法流通的国家 [...] 方案》。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to eradicate the illegal spread of narcotic [...] drugs and to improve the situation in this area, in late 2004 [...]a strategy was adopted to stem [...]the spread of drug addiction in the country and illegal drug trafficking, and a national programme was introduced to combat drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking during the period until 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
上合组 织在最近举行的首脑会议通过了 2011 年至 2016 [...] 年的 禁毒战略和战略实施行动纲领,把打 击 阿 富汗鸦片方 面的合作作为优先事项。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its recent summit, the SCO adopted a counter-narcotics strategy for the period 2011 to 2016, [...] including a programme of action for its implementation that gives priority to [...] cooperation on combating opiates from [...]Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年 1 月 24 日,11 时 35 分,一支由两辆悍马吉普组成的以色列敌巡逻 队在巡查技术屏障时,从 Tell al-Ghabayin [...] (Dhahira)的黎巴嫩武装部队阵地对 面经过,7 个人从车上下来,摆出战斗架势,把 枪 朝 向该阵地。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 24 January 2010, at 1135 hours, as an Israeli enemy patrol comprising two Hummer jeeps that was inspecting the technical fence passed opposite the Lebanese Armed Forces position at Tell al-Ghabayin (Dhahira), [...] seven men got out of the vehicles and assumed battle [...] stances, directing their weapons towards [...]the aforementioned position. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们必须保持近年来在安全理事会第 [...] 1540(2004)号决议基础上所开展的国际合作 的 势 头, 以及打击核 恐怖主义全球倡议和国际出口管制制度 [...]等国际机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must maintain the momentum of recent years in international cooperation based on Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) and of [...] such international mechanisms as the [...] Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and [...]international export control regimes. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府应与国际社会和中非建和办合作, 以确保安全部门改革战略把打造一支训练有素、尊 重人权且兼顾族裔平衡的军队作为重点。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government should work with the international community and BINUCA to ensure that the security sector reform strategy focused on developing a well-trained, ethnically balanced military force that respected human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
Enwave在将可持续发展能源项目推向市场方面有良好的声誉,而且在多伦多拥有强大稳固的财力基础,凭借这些 优 势 , 公 司有能 力 把 握 住多伦多市以及整个北美地区的众多潜在发展机遇。 tipschina.gov.cn | Leveraging its proven reputation of bringing sustainable energy projects to market and drawing on its strong and stable financial base in Toronto, Enwave is well [...] positioned to capitalize on many [...] prospective growth opportunities both within the City of Toronto [...]and throughout North America. tipschina.gov.cn |
在高级别会议的开幕全体会议上,世界各国领导人一致通过一项政治宣言,“共同宣布我们怀抱坚定的决心 , 把打 击 种 族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为以及保护其受害人作为我们各国的高度优先事项”。 un.org | At the opening plenary of the High-Level Meeting, world leaders adopted by consensus a political [...] declaration proclaiming their "strong [...] determination to make the fight against racism, [...]racial discrimination, xenophobia and related [...]intolerance, and the protection of the victims thereof, a high priority for [their] countries. un.org |
联合国人员的 驻留还帮助把打击基 于性别的暴力的规定纳入东帝汶、斯里兰卡、科索沃等国家 的刑法典和司法程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations presence has [...] also helped to incorporate provisions to combat gender-based [...]violence into national penal codes [...]and judicial processes, including in Timor-Leste, Sierra Leone and Kosovo. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了解 决这一严峻局势,我打算同 国家当局和区域合作伙伴一道,探讨加强几内亚比绍 文职领导人安全的途径,包括通过在我们支持国防和安全部门改革范围内的特定 [...] 举措。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to [...] address this critical situation, it is my intention to engage [...]national authorities and regional partners to [...]explore ways of enhancing the security of the civilian leadership of Guinea-Bissau, including through specific initiatives in the context of our support to the reform of the defence and security sector. daccess-ods.un.org |
参会者来源广泛,这表明会议已把打 击 非法贩卖问题纳入地区层面(通过阿拉伯联盟和海 [...] 湾合作理事会(CCG))。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As shown by the diversity of the [...] participants, the objective was to integrate [...] the issue of combating trafficking [...]regionally (through the League of Arab States [...]and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)). unesdoc.unesco.org |
鉴于这些地区目前的紧张局势, 以及需要将军事资源用于处理在南达尔富尔州可能出现的紧张 局 势 , 特派 团 打算 通 过使用特派团航空资产,包括战术直升机和安全部队,加强对人道主义机构的 [...] 援助,使其进入需要救助的地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The manpower necessary for these patrols had to be redirected to address the fighting in Khor Abeche, Shangil [...] Tobaya and Shaeria. Given ongoing tensions in these areas, and the need to address military resources towards [...] possible tensions in Southern Darfur, the mission intends to strengthen [...]its assistance to humanitarian [...]agencies to reach areas in need by use of mission air assets, including tactical helicopters and security elements. daccess-ods.un.org |
BIOTRONIK的CRT设备组合包括ProMRI(R)和BIOTRONIK心衰监测器等尖端技术,从而使医生可以根据不同患者及病症选择最佳组合,BIOTRONIK投资的EchoCRT试验等里程碑式的试验可以确定和解决心衰患者群中尚未解决的问题,并为持续保持其临床卓越 优 势打 下 基 础。 tipschina.gov.cn | BIOTRONIK's CRT portfolio includes cutting-edge technologies such as ProMRI(R) and the BIOTRONIK Heart Failure Monitor that enable physicians to choose the optimum combination for each patient and indication, and BIOTRONIK invests in [...] landmark trials such as the EchoCRT trial to [...] identify and answer open questions in [...]the heart failure population and pave the way [...]for continued clinical excellence. tipschina.gov.cn |
Ÿ 请秘书长在国别局势报告中把保护平民作为报告中的具体内容;要求在 与联合国国家工作队协商情况下,拟订针对具体特派团的促进保护平民 [...] 战略和行动计划,并且考虑到境内流离失所者和难民、妇女、儿童、老 年人和残疾人等不同人口群体的需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ÿ Request that reports of the Secretary-General on [...] country specific situations include the protection [...]of civilians as a specific aspect [...]of the report; and request the development of mission-specific strategies and plans of action, in consultation with United Nations country teams, for enhancing the protection of civilians and that takes into account the needs of different population groups, including internally displaced persons and refugees, women, children, older persons and persons with disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 雖然金融監管機構(即金管局、證監會 及保險業監督)發出的現行指引已訂明 現時適用於金融機構的客戶查證及備 存紀錄規定,但負責為打擊清洗黑錢 制訂國際標準的打擊清洗黑錢財務行 動特別組織( 下稱" 特別組織")發表了 相互評核報告,當中特別指出香港必 須改善的主要範疇,包括香港尚未把 打擊清洗黑錢的規定納入法例和就此 制訂適當的罰則,亦沒有制訂適用於 匯款代理人和貨幣兌換商的打擊清洗 黑錢監管制度。 legco.gov.hk | (a) While the existing CDD and record-keeping requirements for financial institutions were now provided for in guidelines issued by the financial regulators, i.e. HKMA, SFC and the Insurance Authority (IA), the lack of statutory backing and appropriate sanctions for such requirements and the absence of an AML regulatory regime for RAMCs in Hong Kong were highlighted in the mutual evaluation report published by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the international AML standard setter, as major areas that require improvement. legco.gov.hk |