

单词 打情骂俏

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External sources (not reviewed)

警官或医务人员等工作人员常常不认真对待受害者; (g) 据报告,与受害打交道的医务或执法人员有时会对受害者进行口头骂。
(g) There are reported instances of verbal abuse of victims by medical or law enforcement professionals dealing with them.
[...] 年年中,在阿富汗的某监 狱,他认为就是巴格拉姆监狱,“向我们提问的翻译对我们 打 又 骂。
One of the four was Hassan Raba’i, also known as Mohamed Ahmad Mohamed al-Shoroeiya, who stated that, in mid-2003, in a place he
believed was Bagram prison in Afghanistan, “the interpreters who directed the
[...] questions to us did it with beatings and insults.
A zest of wit, a dose of fancy and a hint of mischief have transformed this ring into a playful cocktail glass!
他遭受了酷刑,包括使用枪托、掌掴、 打 、 辱 骂 和 威 胁等方 式。
He was subjected to torture, including using
[...] rifle butts, slaps, hits, insults and threats.
特别报告员在 2010 年 4 月至 2011 年 5 月发给各国政府的信件中,对若干指 控侵犯移徙工人人权情况表 示关切,其中包括:(a) 任意逮捕、性暴力、酷刑 和其他残忍、有辱人格和不人道的待遇或处罚;过度使用武力;强迫劳动;(b) 大 规模驱逐和强迫回返;(c) 生活标准不令人满意,包括不能获取适足的食品和住 房;(d) 包括出于经济剥削目的买卖儿童;(e) 边境当局的杀戮;(f) 为性剥削 和经济剥削目的贩运人口;(g) 移民当局的骂和体 罚;(h) 虐待和剥削国内移 徙工人,包括剥夺基本的劳动权,例如,不支付工资;(i) 限制国民的自由移动; (j) 针对移徙者的种族主义和仇外主义宣传。
In his communications to Governments sent from April 2010 to May 2011, the Special Rapporteur expressed concern at a number of situations of alleged violations of the human rights of migrant workers, including (a) arbitrary arrest, sexual violence, torture and other forms of cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment or punishment; excessive use of force; and forced labour; (b) mass expulsions and forcible return; (c) inadequate standard of living, including lack of access [...]
to adequate food and housing; (d) sale of
children, including for purposes of economic exploitation; (e) killings by border authorities; (f) trafficking for sexual and economic exploitation; (g) verbal and physical abuse by immigration authorities; (h) abuse and exploitation of domestic migrant workers, including denial of basic labour rights, such as non-payment of wages; (i) restrictions on freedom of movement of nationals; and (j) racist and xenophobic propaganda against migrants.
公约》中提到的“精神暴力”往往被描述为心理虐待、精神 凌辱、骂、情感凌 辱或忽视,它可包括
Mental violence”, as referred to in the Convention, is often
described as psychological maltreatment, mental abuse,
[...] verbal abuse and emotional abuse or neglect [...]
and this can include
埃德加吹嘘敏明和Bob不死的鱼,在恐慌中失去了即将到来的科学公平,激励他们的火箭出的碳酸饮料瓶,这将导致鲍 打 破 他 的胳膊,Rzykruski先生被指责由于发射对他的指控影响和 骂 的 乡亲质疑他的方法时,他为自卫。
Edgar brags about the undead fish to Toshiaki and Bob, which, in panic of losing the upcoming science
fair, inspires them to
[...] make a rocket out of soda bottles, which causes Bob to break his arm and Mr. Rzykruski to be blamed and fired due to his accused influencing and reviling the [...]
townsfolk for questioning
his methods when he steps up for self-defence.
[...] 有机棉产业正在欧洲蓬勃发展,服装公司到处透过此一环保纤维为时尚动态秀增加看 头,同时货架上以有机棉产品作为装饰,未来有机棉的 情 看 俏 , 德国柏林时尚周亦 点亮了性感而多彩的“有机生活”。
The organic cotton market seems to have a great future and potential.
青少年的违法行为,大都比较轻微,例如乘车逃 票或无证驾驶、骂他人、打架斗 殴、购买大麻、偷窃、损坏他人财物或是入室盗窃等。
The offences that young people commit are primarily trifling ones such as travelling without a ticket, slandering, brawling, buying hashish, theft, vandalism or minor break-ins.
[...] 里被秘密拘留。这些人说,他们被单独关押,剥光衣服,不许睡觉、 打 受 骂、 吃不着饭、并被拍照。
The men say that they were held in solitary
confinement, stripped naked, forcibly kept
[...] awake, repeatedly beaten, verbally harassed, [...]
deprived of food and photographed.216 127.
如 果㆒些器官因為會導致他㆟性衝動而要被禁制的話,那麼,有些溫文 俏 、 風 華絕代 的男、女容貌也引起他㆟性衝動的話,這些㆟的容貌是否也要被禁制刊登?
If we accept that the exhibition of certain parts of the human body should be banned on the ground that they arouse sexual desire, should we equally ban the pictures of the handsome faces of men and women which are considered to be capable of provoking sexual desire?
例如,在哈利斯科州,代表团成员听所会见的 许多妇女说,警察最常实施的虐待包括掌掴、 打 、 殴 打 和 辱 骂。
In Jalisco, for example, members of the delegation heard from many of the women
interviewed that the most common types of abuse inflicted by the
[...] police included slapping, kicking, hitting and verbal abuse.
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资料 中说,合规检查团的一条经验教训是,无论合规督察干事的个人专业才干如何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主打交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇情况 时 ,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实地经验都不足以取信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional competence of the individual compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
很显然,内部安全机构的拘留和调查中心里,践踏人的尊严,包括逮捕过 程中的虐待、打、辱骂和羞 辱,以及使被捕者遭受酷刑或身体和心理上的压力, [...]
It is clear that violations of human dignity, including
[...] treatment during arrest, beating, abuse, humiliation [...]
and the subjection of arrested persons
to torture or to physical or psychological pressure in order to obtain information or confessions were not isolated cases of individual conduct in the detention and investigation centres of the Internal Security Service.
在 本任期期间,专家打算酌情同人 道主义机构和地方当局密切协商,根据第 1857(2008)号决议第 [...]
During the current
[...] mandate, the Group intends to revisit this [...]
question, in close consultation with humanitarian agencies
and local authorities, as appropriate, and pursuant to paragraph 4 (f) of resolution 1857 (2008).
聲明稿指出 六大央行建立臨時雙邊換匯 機制提供流動性 新的貨幣換匯額度將持續到 2013 年 2 月 1 日 上述措施的目的在於緩解金 融市場資金俏情況 進 而緩和對家庭及企業 信貸供給所產生的壓抑作用 有助於提振經濟 此外 六大央行團認為無須提供美元以外的非 本國貨幣流動性 認為新的換匯安排是審慎的 緊急措施 全球央行採取聯合行動 為歐洲銀 行業提供較低廉融資 激勵全球股市大幅走揚 但是許多分析師指出 這波漲勢不太可能持續 因為此次行動僅能為歐洲爭取到一些時間 [...] [...]
卻 無法解決歐元區根本的債務問題
The US Federal Reserves, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of Canada, UK, Japan and Switzerland agreed to cut the existing temporary dollar swap lines by 50 basis points (henceforth, bps) to 0.5%, effective on 5th December.
最后,我祝愿巴基斯坦迅速从大自然的这次情 打击中 复原,并祝愿巴基斯坦人民繁荣和发展。
In concluding, I wish for Pakistan’s speedy
[...] recovery from this merciless blow of nature [...]
and for the prosperity and development of its people.
因合適的店鋪比較俏,如 路程較遠的城市也可以用數碼相機拍下門面、內部各結構、兩邊店鋪和整條街道遠景等照片(越詳細越好)然後附上簡要說明通過郵件或 QQ 等方式傳至公司審核,以縮短審核時間,公司將在收到審核資料的一個工作日內給予評估並答覆。
Due to suitable of shop comparison tight, as distance more far of city also can with digital camera took Xia facade, and internal the structure, and on both sides of shop and whole article Street vision, photos (more detailed more good) then attached summary description through message or QQ, way pass to company audit, to shortened audit time, company will in received audit information of a a days within giving assessment and replies.
在最近一次Cool Hunting的采访中,Gary Baseman谈起了这个他最爱猫咪背后的品牌:“Sanrio因为它的卡通人物们,而似有自然地力量保持年轻 俏 皮 , 拥抱当下时尚、产品设计和艺术的潮流。
In a recent interview with Cool Hunting, Gary Baseman said this about the brand behind the favorite feline: “Sanrio seems to have a natural ability to remain young and playful as its own characters, embracing fully current trends in fashion, product design, and art.
办事处领导和项目负责人意识到了这 情 况, 并打算予以纠正。
The management team of the Office and the project managers
[...] are aware of this situation and would like to [...]
rectify it.
此外,委员会还听到指控对被拘留者采用以下做法:不许 睡觉;打,包括殴打头部;辱骂国 籍及家庭成员;剥夺事奉宗教的能力;多达 30 天不让洗澡;不让律师探视;被迫长时间保持尴尬姿势;往牢房里放各种昆虫; [...]
裸体检查,包括使劲抓睾丸以及企图将物件放入肛门;泼溅滚烫的液体,包括泼 油。
Furthermore, the Committee heard allegations of treatment of detainees that involved such
practices as
[...] deprivation of sleep; beatings, including on the head; insults regarding nationality and [...]
family members; denial
of ability to observe religious practices; prevention of bathing for periods of up to 30 days; denial of visits from lawyers; being forced to remain in awkward positions for long periods of time; filling cells with insects; naked inspections, including the aggressive grabbing of testicles and attempts to force objects into the anus; and the spilling of hot liquids, including oil.
她提到,该国政府由于与民间社会的对话脱轨,在制定国家人权行动计划方 面遇到困难;该国最高当局最近发表了承认维护者在该国合法工作的令人鼓舞的
[...] 声明;该国政府为维护者采取的不完善的措施;早期预警系统的不足之处;应对 当前有罪不罚现象的不足之处;以及 打 击 非 法 情 报 活 动所采取的初步行动。
She presents: the difficulties faced by the Government in adopting a national human rights action plan owing to a derailed dialogue with civil society; recent encouraging statements by the highest authorities in the country in recognizing the legitimate work of defenders; the imperfect protective measures taken by the Government for defenders; the deficiencies in the early warning system; the
insufficient response to the prevailing impunity; and the preliminary action taken
[...] against the illegal intelligence activities.
通 過分析新街區與現在商鋪所有街區的人口結構 關係,他預測到能夠在新街區俏的 商 品系 列,因而新鋪一開張就獲得高額銷售和利潤。
They were thus able to predict which lines would sell well, and achieved a high level of sales and margin on opening.
[...] 作注重权利,宣传特派团的工作,并在任务规定内履行具体的监测和报告职责, 监测基准和指标的实情况,包括打 击 贩 卖儿童现象,和安全理事会第 1325(2000) [...]
号、第 1820(2008)号和第 1888(2009)号决议执行情况。
Existing MINUSTAH advisers will continue to ensure that a rights-based approach in these areas informs the work of the Mission and, where mandated, will fulfil specific monitoring and reporting
responsibilities against clear benchmarks and
[...] indicators, including in respect of child trafficking [...]
and progress made in implementing
Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008) and 1888 (2009).
例如,如果负责出口管制的中央当局得 情 报 , 表明有 打 算 或 很可能任何 没有出现在管制清单上的产品将在最终使用国被用来发展、生产、储藏、试验、 [...]
修理、维修、修改、更新、操作管理、储存、发现或确定大规模毁灭性武器以及 运载工具,或将用于扩散这类武器,有关当局必须通知国家出口管制局,该局则
As an example, if the central authorities responsible
for export control receive
[...] information that there is an intention or likelihood that goods [...]
of any kind not appearing on the
control lists will be used, in their country of end use, in developing, manufacturing, stockpiling, testing, repairing, servicing, modifying, modernizing, operating, managing, storing, detecting or identifying weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, or in their proliferation, those authorities have to notify the State Export Control Service, which may apply State export control procedures to the goods in question.
委员会关切地注意到,欧洲2007 年防止酷刑和不人道或有辱人格的待遇 或处罚委员会的报告称,逮捕时存在滥用武力、手铐太紧和警方 骂 的 情 况。
(26) The Committee notes with concern that some allegations of excessive use of force, tight-fitting handcuffs and verbal abuse by police at the time of apprehension were reported in 2007 by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of the Council of Europe.
总干打算一旦情况允 许,就重新安排派遣考察团的计划,以便 教科文组织能够像第 175 EX/INF.14 号文件中呼吁的那样,制定一份援助黎巴嫩的综合计 划。
The Director-General intends to reschedule the mission as soon as circumstances permit, so that [...]
UNESCO can draw up a comprehensive
programme of assistance to Lebanon as called for in document 175 EX/INF.14.
不管用户是在上网冲浪、网络聊天或撰写论文,Chatterbot配件将通过滑稽事实 俏 皮 话 和肢体反应对他/她的虚拟生活进行评论,好像是用户潜意识的表现。
Whether surfing the web, chatting online, or typing a term paper, the Chatterbot accessories will comment on the user's virtual life with comical facts, quips, and physical reactions, serving as an outlet to the subliminal.
作为艺术家及影视名人的珠宝供应商,FRED为第七届艺术节设计了多款珠宝,其中包括Julia Roberts在《风俏佳人 》(Pretty Woman)中所配戴的华贵的镶钻石红宝石项链。
Jeweler of the artists and the cinema, FRED achieves many ornaments for the 7th Art, among which the superb ruby necklace set with diamonds, worn by Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman".
除了大师之做,伦敦设计节中的五大交易展还展示最新的设计产品,其中最大的一个展是“百分百设计”在伯爵宫的展览,而2012韩国设计展上还能看到不少独特的照明设计,其中“Design to do”推出的“Rong”是桦木做的,既可以用作挂灯,也可以当作边桌使用,而YOO Mars Hwasung推出的“帽灯”外俏皮,也很实用,将时尚与功用性巧妙结合。
London Design Festival now hosts five major trade exhibitions, showcasing new products from international designers and craftspeople. 100% Design in the vast Earls Court stadium is the largest of these and this year the Korea Design 2012 section presented some particularly strong lighting concepts. The Korean furniture producers ‘Design To Do’ launched their ‘Rong’ lamp, an eco-friendly birch structure that can be used as either a side table or a hanging lamp.




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