

单词 打开天窗说亮话

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External sources (not reviewed)

Open File(打开文件)命令允许用户查看 亮 显 示 会 话 的 下 一级别详情, 如下方“传感器会话”数据所示(图 17)。
The “Open File” command allows the software user to view the next level of detail for [...]
a highlighted session, as shown below
in the Sensor Session data (Figure 17).
如果 压力显窗亮,说明发动机控制板有 问题。
If pressure display illuminates, motor control board is causing problem.
如果 温度显窗亮,说明加热器控制板有 问题。
If temperature display illuminates, heater control board is causing problem.
如果接受,就打开一个私人天窗 口 , 您的操作员和游客即可通过文本消息实时进行交流。
If you do, a private chat window opens up, and your operator [...]
and visitor communicate with each other real-time via text messaging.
在浏览器窗口中,单击与所需文件版本相关的行,即 打开 含 有 以下两个选项的小型 话窗口 :查看和恢复。
Clicking in the browser window on a line
[...] related to the desired file version opens a small dialog with just two options: View [...]
and Recover.
中位数,平方平均数 点击打开文档”图标,会 弹出一个话窗口,在此窗口中 会显示所有已存储的文件夹,文 件以及相应的存储时间和日期。
Median and RMS (Root mean square) By pressing
[...] this icon you will open the (stored) Measurements screen enabling viewing or indeed [...]
deleting of stored
projects and measurements as follows
有时候我们只要保存整个幻灯片中的部分内容,那可以用Power Po i n t 打开 要 制作网页的幻灯片文件,接着点击菜单“文件-另存为网页”,在弹出的“另存为 窗 口 中 点击“发布”按钮,弹出“发布为网页 窗 口 ,选中“幻灯片编号”,在后面的选择框内输入幻灯片的起始编号和结束编号,如果需要显示备注 话 , 还 要把“显示演讲者备注”选中,然后设置一下支持的浏览器版本,一般都是选择第一个“Microsoft Internet Explorer4.0或更高”,最后选择网页保存的目录,可以点击浏览按钮来选择,全部设置好后点击“发布”按钮就可以了(如图2)。
Sometimes we just save the parts of the slide, then you can use PowerPoint to create web page slide open the file, then click the menu "File - Save as Web Page" in the pop-up "Save As" window, click " release "button, pop-up" Publish to Web "window, select the" slide number "input box in the back of the choice of the starting number and ending slide [...]
numbers show notes if you need it, but also
to" show the speaker Notes "is selected, then set about to support the browser version, generally choose the first" Microsoft Internet Explorer4.0 or higher, "and finally select the saved web page directory, you can click the Browse button to select, all set up and click "Publish" button on it (Figure 2).
说,漂亮的海 百合源自土耳其沿海地区, 天 在 欧 洲各地的沙滩上都可以发现它的踪影。
Probably originating from Asia Minor, the beautiful Sea Lily can today be found on the sandy shores of Europe.
的确,如说此前 《宣言》内容的普适性适合于宣言式的 文件话,那么今天人们 所要求教科文组织的已经不再是指明一个需要达到的目标,而是制 定一个参考框架和一系列规则;通过制定一个针对具体文化领域的新的强制性文件,使框架 和规则能够为最大多数的国家所接受。
While the general nature of the Declaration was appropriate to a declaration as such, UNESCO is no longer being asked to lay down a timetable but rather to indicate a frame of reference and a set of rules acceptable to the greatest number of States in the form of a new binding instrument governing specific cultural domains.
要熟悉 Project
[...] Manager 工具栏,请使用该工具 栏上的显示会话文件夹图标 ,按该图标打开会话窗口。
To become familiar with the Project Manager toolbar, use the Show Session Folder icon on
[...] the toolbar, which opens the Session window.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼 打开 , 爱被仇恨;无法 天 [ 见 匪 徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets
[pseudo-Messiahs] and
[...] corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, [...]
causing men to hate,
persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
一些代表团还提到,正如我们以前在类似的辩论 会上听到的那样,非对称战争以及调和保护平民工作 与这种战争——换话说,打击常常利用在平民百姓开展行 动的非国家武装团体——的困难之处。
Some delegations have also referred, as we have heard before in similar debates, to the difficulties of asymmetric warfare and of reconciling the protection of
civilians with this
[...] kind of warfare — in other words, fighting non-State armed groups that often take [...]
advantage of operating
from within the civilian population.
冲突刚结束时期为提供基本安全,交付和 平红利,支撑和建立对政治进程的信心,以及加 强国家领导建设和平工作的核心能 打开 了一 扇机会窗。
a window of opportunity to provide basic
security, deliver peace
[...] dividends, shore up and build confidence in the political process, and strengthen [...]
core national capacity
to lead peacebuilding efforts.
四)“多久人们必须住在一个城市能与它的公民的平等权利十二个月”;一个冲突baraita这三 天说话 ; 拉 巴 的这一矛盾的解决方案,而约哈难调和之间的十二个月内差异而在另一baraita给出。
Twelve months"; a conflicting baraita which
[...] speaks of thirty days; Rabbah's solution [...]
of this contradiction, while Johanan reconciles
the discrepancy between the period of twelve months and that given in another baraita.
对我个人说今天的亮点是 发现了这款美丽的,全新的,来自Le Sentier工厂的2011特别版的Jaeger-LeCoultre积家Atmos [...]
Marqueterie Paille 麦秆镶嵌空气钟。
My personal highlight for today is the discovery [...]
of this beautiful, new Jaeger-LeCoultre Atmos Marqueterie Paille – a special
edition 2011 from the manufactory in Le Sentier.
大家不要只想到毒販,讓打開天窗 說 亮 話 , 如果廉 政公署要跟進一些商業罪案的調查,說到現在有頭有臉的上市公司董事、財 務顧問等,他們所牽涉的人其實是多得不得了,大家可以想像一下,如果是 上市公司的財務顧問被懷疑收賄,當然便要對他進行竊聽,這是很正確的, 但會竊聽到多少資料呢?
Members can just imagine: if the financial consultant of a listed company is suspected of taking bribes, of course, it will be necessary to carry out wiretapping on him and this is a correct thing to do.
如果以色列确实致力于和平,而不仅仅 说 几句 漂亮话,它 就必须根据国际法和安全理事会相关决议 停止在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土建 造、扩大和规划定居点的所有活动,并且拆除已经在 那里建造的定居点。
If Israel has a genuine commitment to peace, not mere propaganda statements, it must stop all settlement construction, expansion and planning in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and dismantle the settlements built there, in compliance with international law and the relevant Security Council resolutions.
您可以查看邮件发送出去以后,邮件的打开数量随时间的变化率,也可以查看某 天 哪 些 收件打 开了您的邮件。
The "Overall Responses and Results by Date" report shows you how many emails
were opened by the
[...] recipients each day, and shows you that daily number as a percentage of the total number of emails opened to date.
若要确保您的每次有效购买均可获得积分,您必须在同一浏览窗口和会话下完成您的购买活动,且该窗口和会话是当您从“HHonors积分网店商城”点击进入该商家 打开 的 窗 口 或 会 话。
To make sure you receive your points for every eligible purchase, you must complete your purchase within the same browser window and session that was launched when you clicked from the HHonors Shop-to-Earn Mall to that merchant.
选取函数后打开“函数参数输入” 话 框 ,然后单击“折叠对话框”按钮(即Number1右边的按钮),此时对话框消失,接着选取单元格区域,选取方法(单击C4拖曳至G4或单击C4按Shift键同时单击G4),最后必须按“回车键”加以确认,“函数参数输入”对话框再次出现,单击对话框中的“确定”按钮退出后即可得到第一名学生总分。
Select function after open "function parameters" dialog box, and [...]
then click "fold dialog" button (that is, the right button
Number1), when the dialog box disappears, and then select the range, select the method (click to drag C4 C4 by G4 or click Shift key while clicking the G4), the last must press the "Enter" to confirm that the "function parameters" dialog box appears again, click the dialog box "OK" button can be obtained from the following Total students first.
说:“去年我们第一次见面时,韦 打开话 闸 子 并分享他的经验,他成功地建立了一个无需忌讳且友好的分享环境。
Stephen started the first conversation and shared his experiences when we [...]
first met last year,” says Xu. “He has successfully
managed to create a taboo-free, friendly environment.
值得一提的是,教科文组织为制订联合国降低紧急事件和危机 风险计划做出了重要贡献,领导拟订了对联合 开 发 计 划署--西班牙联合国千年发展目标 (MDG)成就基金文化与发展主窗口 和青年、就业与移 窗 口 的概 念 说 明。
Its contribution to the preparation of the United Nations Emergency and Crisis Risk Reduction Plan and its
[...] in the elaboration of the concept notes for the Culture and Development Thematic Window and the Youth, Employment and Migration Window of the UNDP-Spain MDG Achievement [...]
Fund are noteworthy.
所以,如果扫描站护盖打开,“ 显示 窗 口 将 会轮流显 示数字 “6”和 “E”,而指示灯也会呈红色闪烁六次。
Therefore, if the
[...] Scan Station cover is open, the number “6” and an “E” will alternate in the Display window and the indicator will [...]
flash red and blink six times.
从政治角度上讲,美国的能源政策是一块烫手山芋,一方只提倡尽全 开 发 现 有的石油 天 然 气 能源,他 说 “ 打 井 ,伙计,打井!”;而另一方则依赖政策对于可再生能源的补贴支持,以助力可再生能源更快发展。
Politically, the US energy policy is a hot potato, with one extreme
advocating merely a
[...] “drill baby, drill” approach (for oil and gas) and the other looking for a heavily subsidized [...]
renewable energy
policy to help force a faster transition to renewables.
现在,联合国及其所有机关应当捍卫《宪章》为 其规定的职责。以一个亮的声音 说话 , 迫 使以色列 停止侵略和镇压手无寸铁的巴勒斯坦民众。
It is time for the United Nations and all its organs to uphold their responsibilities under the Charter and to speak with one loud voice to compel Israel to halt this aggression and to end the oppression of the unarmed Palestinian population.
在早期的哲学家阿那克萨哥拉有助于一个纯粹的精神灵魂的概念,但更直接的贡献是由宗教的Eleusinian和奥尔弗斯奥秘,在道 说 教 的 亮 化 和 未来生活的希望,我们有并发见证到了影响哲学家,诗人,历史学家。
Among early philosophers Anaxagoras contributes to the notion of a purely spiritual soul; but a more directly religious contribution is made by the Eleusinian
and Orphic mysteries, to the
[...] influence of which in brightening and moralizing [...]
the hope of a future life we have the concurrent
witness of philosophers, poets, and historians.
ShadowSense技术具有非常强大的环境光抑制能力,可以在 亮 的 环境中使用TeamBoard白板,无需担忧 窗 户 或 天窗 进 来 的阳光干扰,而这种干扰却是其他竞争产品特别提示需要避免的使用条件。
ShadowSense technology features extremely robust ambient light rejection, allowing
TeamBoard whiteboards to be
[...] deployed in brighter environments without concern about sunlight interference from windows or skylights, a constraint [...]
other competitive units specifically warn against.
在副总干事的鼓励下,工作人员代表和行政管理部门代表最近在曼谷 开 的 国 际公务 员制度委员会上用同一个声说话, 特别是在涉及巴黎一般事务类职员工资调查的结果方 面,我们为此感到高兴。
We are also gratified that, at the DDG’s instigation, representatives of the staff and the Administration spoke with the same voice at the recent meeting of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) in Bangkok concerning, inter alia, the findings of the salary survey for the GS category in Paris.
比如离线消息可以转短信;用户可以自行设置短信历史的保存路径,保护用户的隐私,该文件不能直 打开 ; 增加按联系人进行短信历史记录浏览的功能;短信 话窗 口 中 增加了显示最近的短信记录;用户可以在和联系人的会话中发送或接收语音剪辑、图片和其他文件,接收到对方的语音剪辑后可选择立即播放等等。
For example, offline messages can be delivered as SMS; users can set the directory to save message history; to protect
users’ privacy,
[...] those files cannot be opened directly; New features had been added to browser message history by contacts; recent history message display had been added to conversation windows; users can send [...]
or receive voice clips,
images, and other files, receivers can play the voice clips after receiving the file, etc.




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