单词 | 打工 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 打工 —(of students) have a job outside of class time, or during |
其中有些活动以有特殊需要的 儿童为对象,另有一些活动则以流落街头儿童 和 打工 儿 童以及难民营中贫穷青年为对象。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some of these activities targeted children with special needs and others targeted street/working children, as well as deprived youth in refugee camps. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我們覺得只要製造出 良好的經濟環境,令每名“打工仔” 都有一份好的工作,便必定能提高他們 的生活水平。 legco.gov.hk | We believe that as long as we can create a favourable economic environment where every employee will have a decent job, they will certainly enjoy improved standards of living. legco.gov.hk |
城市工作的話,除了到餐廳打工,接 著便是靠紐西蘭的工作中介,讓他們介紹散工給你。 4tern.com | If you are going to the city to work, besides working in a restaurant, you can go through job agencies. 4tern.com |
在紐西蘭打工渡假的生涯裡,大家都會住在同一個屋簷下、在同個地方工作、結伴到同一個地方玩。 4tern.com | During the working holidays, you will need to stay together in a group, work in a same place, travel together. 4tern.com |
赴澳留学的优势之一是您可以获得工作许可,可以边学习 边 打工 ( 每 周最多可工作20个小时)。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | One of the advantages of being an international student in Australia is that you can receive permission to work part time (up to 40 hours per fortnight) while you study. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
而且在控制大量频繁流动的跨境打工 人 员 方面也存在困难,这些人 往往没有身份证明文件。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are also difficulties with the control of the massive and frequent movement of cross-border workers, who often do not possess identification documents. daccess-ods.un.org |
從筆者的觀察,這兩項勞工界的遊行,除了反 映 打工 仔 的訴求,亦暗示著香港工會的發展。 hkupop.hku.hk | From the author's observations, these two rallies in the labour sector reflect not only the demands of the workers, but also the development of labour groups in Hong Kong. hkupop.hku.hk |
其他的 我們不談,只談工聯會向政府提出的3點︰第一,我們認為政府注資 強積金戶口,這種“蛋家雞見水不能飲”的做法,無法幫助市民應對當 前的高通脹;第二,很多沒有強積金戶口的 “ 打工 仔 ” ,尤其是公務員、 教師,他們對此均很有意見;再者,“N無 ”人士經濟有困難,政府如 何幫助他們呢? legco.gov.hk | I will only mention the three points that the FTU raised: first, we opined that if the Government were to inject money into the MPF accounts, it would not be immediately accessible and could not help people fight the current high inflation; second, many employees who do not have MPF accounts, in particular civil servants and teachers, had strong objections to this measure; third, how would the Government help the so-called "n have-nots" who are in financial difficulties? legco.gov.hk |
这些马 里人是最近才来该地区打工的移徙工人,他们在关押的当天被释放。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Malians, migrant workers who had just recently arrived in the area, were released from custody on the same day. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论您是经营一盘生意、拥有 自己的房屋财产,甚至只是打工一族 ,假以时日,您也有潜 能累积百万财富。 www2.prudential.com.my | Whether you own a business, a property or even if you are an employee; in time, you have the potential to accumulate millions. www2.prudential.com.my |
在对打工及销 售人员进行教育指导的同时,还要想方设法 提高店铺商业利润。 jasso.go.jp | While educating and instructing part-time workers and sales staff, they are also required to find ways to increase profitability. jasso.go.jp |
缔约国应采取专门针对老年妇女身心、情感和健康需要的特别方案,要特别 关注属于少数群体的妇女和残疾妇女,以及因年轻成年人出 外 打工 而 承担照料孙 辈和家庭其他受抚养的幼小成员的妇女,或照料受艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染或影响 的家庭成员的妇女。 daccess-ods.un.org | States parties should adopt special programmes tailored to the physical, mental, emotional and health needs of older women, paying special attention to women belonging to minorities, women with disabilities and women tasked with caring for grandchildren and other young family dependants because of the migration of young adults, or caring for family members living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,贫穷家庭往往需要获得 [...] 紧急(然而数量不多的)财政激励措施,促使他们送子女上学而不是外 出 打工。 daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, poor families often need immediate (if modest) financial incentives to send their children to school [...] rather than out to work. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 尊重打工儿童的权利,在所有影响到他们的决定、政策和方案中听取 [...] 他们的意见 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Respect [...] the right of working children to [...]be heard in all decisions, policies and programmes affecting them daccess-ods.un.org |
过去一整年,15岁尼亚克在刚果(金)Lupatapata的一个钻石矿 里 打工 , 他 的任务是清洗砾石。 unicef.org | For the past year, 15-year-old Niak has been washing gravel as part of a diamond mining operation in Lupatapata, Democratic Republic of the Congo. unicef.org |
最 近的统计数据显示,帕劳人口35% 是外籍工人,而他们几乎得不到确保其享有基 本权利的保护,而且外籍工人的许多权利遭到了侵犯。19 例如,国家法律禁止移 徙工人从一个雇主“转到”另一雇主手 下 打工 , 除 非移徙工人先返回本国七年之 后,再受聘于别的雇主返回帕劳打工。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most recent nationwide statistics shows that 35 per cent of the Palau population are foreign workers and there is little protection available to ensure they enjoy their basic rights, and many of their rights are violated.19 For example, national law prohibits “transfers” of migrant workers [...] from one employer to [...] another, unless they return to their home country for seven years and then returns to Palau to a different employer. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 加强对农村地区儿童的教育政策和方案,为曾 经 打工 的 儿 童提供适当 的恢复、教育和职业培训机会 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Strengthen its education policies and programmes for children living in rural areas, and provide former child workers with appropriate recovery, education and vocational training opportunities daccess-ods.un.org |
由于长期的 债务和入不敷出,打击了种植咖啡的积极性,前往发达国家外 出 打工 的人正在不断增加。 itochu.co.jp | As farmers’ debts pile up and they are unable to turn a profit, more of them are giving up coffee farming, and migrating to industrialized countries to work. itochu.co.jp |
制订政策将促进青年体面工作作为国家发展框架和就业政策的优先事项,采 [...] 取有针对性的措施,促进弱势男女青年体面就业,包括关于首次就业、见习、实 习和打工学生 合同的政策,促进青年创业、技能和就业的方案,以及促进青年从 [...] 非正规过渡到正规就业和从临时过渡到稳定工作的方案和措施 daccess-ods.un.org | Make policies to advance decent work for young people a priority of national development frameworks and employment policies, and adopt targeted measures to promote decent employment among disadvantaged young women and men, including policies for first-time [...] employment, apprenticeships, internships, [...] contracts for working students, programmes [...]to promote youth entrepreneurship, [...]skills and employment programmes and measures to facilitate the transition of young workers from informal to formal employment and from temporary to stable jobs; 17. daccess-ods.un.org |
对一些用水户来 说,节水所引发的“费用”可能会超过节水本身带来的收益,比如,一些农民可能发 现投入劳动力来开展节水还不如将同等劳动力用于去其他工业企 业 打工 获 得 的收益 高,这些用户可能就会停止这种节水行为。 wrdmap.org | For some users, the ‘cost’ of saving may exceed the benefit so they may discontinue the use at a higher level – for example some farmers may find that the labour cost of water saving is less than the value of their labour in other industries, whereas others will find it worthwhile to use less water and grow some higher value crops. wrdmap.org |
这些地方 的 富 裕 阶 层 拉 高 了 当 地 的 收 入 水 平 ,但 是 他 们 多 倾 向 于 线 下 购 物( 车 、房 和 奢 侈 品 ),而 当 地 的 普 通 工 薪 阶 层 和 外 来 打 工 族 则 更 专 注 于 储 蓄 。 mckinseychina.com | The affluent owners in these locations drive up overall income levels but tend to consume offline (purchasing cars, apartments, and luxury products), while employees coming to these cities tend to focus on saving. mckinseychina.com |
我们提供最新的教育、设备和软件,追求技术极致,努力为 员 工打 造 最好的工作环境。 digikey.cn | We work in an environment that offers the latest in education, equipment, and software, and supports extreme achievements. digikey.com.mx |
在结构、设计、色彩等方面与传统手 工打 结 地 毯有着不同的对比度,Ankar地毯具有丝绸般的光泽、质朴的外观,就像是15世纪织工传统的再现。 jaipurrugsco.com | A contrast in construction, design, [...] and color to other [...] traditional hand-knotted rug types, the Ankar rugs have a silky sheen and hand, shorter pile, and [...]almost rustic appearance [...]indicative of the nomadic tradition of 15th-Century weavers. jaipurrugsco.com |
在Sno:la,所有的碗具都可以被自然分解、工作台是用回收的电脑芯片 手 工打 造 的。 labbrand.com | At Sno:la, all containers are biodegradable and their countertops are crafted from recycled computer chips. labbrand.com |
这一创新设计令该公司名声大振,开创了家庭经营式 手 工打 火 机的先河,并创造出深受收藏家青睐的典藏精品。 hk.ashford.com | This new innovation propelled the company’s popularity and created a cottage [...] industry of lighters as collectors’ items. ashford.com |
我们提出愿景的目标是让所有员工打开 心 扉,在整个公司范围内分享大家的创意想法。 glenraven.com | Our goal with the vision is to open up the minds of all associates and to share innovative ideas from all across the company. glenraven.com |
自加入 Blackstone 以来,Mulrow 先生一直负责为 Blackstone 的私募投资基金融资,并为 Blackstone 旗下与公共部门及工会劳工打交道 的各个实体机构工作。 china.blackstone.com | Since joining Blackstone, Mr. Mulrow has been involved in raising capital for Blackstone’s private investment funds, as well as working with Blackstone entities that intersect with the public sector and organized labor. blackstone.com |
在农村地区人们出行的主要目的是购买日用 [...] 品、出售作物/产品、上学、农产品加 工 、 打 水 、 收集柴火、看病、探亲访友、 往返工作场所和获取官方证件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main purpose of people taking trips in rural areas is to buy provisions, sell [...] crops/products, pursue education, process [...] agricultural products, fetch water, collect [...]fuel wood, access medical care, visit family [...]and friends, commute to places of work and obtain official documentation. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如每一台兰博基尼的制造工艺一样,这些标识也同样别具匠心,融合先进的创新技术与精湛的 手 工 艺 打 造 而 成,不仅采用了兰博基尼专利的碳纤维材料——Forged Composite(锻造型复合材料), 更值得一提的是,50周年标识均专门由经验丰富的兰博基尼技师们 手 工打 造 而 成。 lamborghini.com | Like every Lamborghini, it is made using a combination of hi-tech and artisanal craftsmanship – the emblem is produced in Forged Composite, a carbon-fiber material patented by Lamborghini. lamborghini.com |
四年前,要從一個市場前往另一個市場,得沿著河岸往前走很長一段,跨越里郎威橋,再走很長一段才會抵達,今日已有橋樑直接連結兩地,而且與眾不同,是使用本地木材 手 工打 造。 thisbigcity.net | Four years ago, going from one market to the other meant taking a circuitous path along the riverbank, crossing the Lilongwe Bridge, and then walking back on the other side. thisbigcity.net |