

单词 打尖

See also:


sharp adj
pointed adj

point (of needle)

External sources (not reviewed)

所以,當我聽到有些㆟或 者甚至總督說,如果安置㆝台木屋居民,他們就是 打尖 」 ,我就非常氣憤。
Therefore, I invariably feel very indignant when I hear someone, or even the Governor, say that if rooftop occupants are to be rehoused, they would be jumping the queue.
如果真是關心民生法案,怎麼可能會 支持讓架構重組的決議案打尖”的 呢?
If they are really concerned about those bills related to people's livelihood, how can they possibly give support to allowing the reorganization resolution to "jump the queue"?
這樣做將會被 指責為打尖」,對已在房屋署輪候公屋總登記冊㆖的合資格家庭來說,殊不公平。
We had been told that to do so will lead to accusations of "queue jumping", which is unfair to those eligible household already on the General Waiting List of the Housing Department.
主席,加上接下來有 很多民生法案和議案,政府處處聲稱以民生為先,建制派處處聲稱民 生比政治重要,既然有例如強積金條例、《建築物條例》及肺塵埃沉 着病補償等多項與民生息息相關的重要法案,你仍要 打尖 ” , 為了擴 大問責團隊這個具爭議性的議題,不惜要立法會“打茅波”,不惜迫立 法會與你一起做這件傻事。
Given that there are a number of important bills with great bearing on people's livelihood, such as the legislation relating to Mandatory Provident Fund, the Buildings Ordinance and the compensation for pneumoconiosis, you still want to jump the queue and for the sake of this controversial issue of expanding the accountability team, you have gone to such lengths as to ask the Legislative Council to commit fouls and force the Legislative Council to do such a foolish thing together with you.
而政府為逃避責任,推出打尖」的 概念,企圖將㆝台屋居民 與輪候冊家庭的利益對立起來,製造矛盾,藉此令㆟忘記為低㆘階層提供足夠的公屋, 是政府的責任。
To evade responsibility, the Government uses the pretext of "queue-jumping" to polarize the interests of rooftop structure occupants and the families on the Waiting List, thus creating conflicts between the two.
唯㆒我認為不應該做的,就是令任何㆝台寮屋居民以為他們藉著入住這 種居所便能夠名正言順㆞插打尖, 因 為我認為這樣會向他們發出錯誤的訊息。
The one thing which I do not think we should do is to give anybody who lives in these structures the impression that the right way to queue jump is to acquire this sort of accommodation, because I think that would send the wrong signals.
(二) 過去 3 年,警方每年接獲在香港國際機場的士站發生涉及三合會 活動的投訴個案數目及相關的被檢控人數,並按所涉罪行或不當 行為(例如恐嚇司機、在候客車隊 打尖 及 向 排隊的士勒索金錢 等)列出分項數字,以及有沒有措施懲罰作出上述不當行為(例打尖)的 的士司機(包括採取類似以往啟德機場的措施,將該 等司機納入“不受歡迎名單”,並禁止他們進入機場的士站); 若有,這些措施的詳情是甚麼;如果沒有,原因是甚麼?
(b) in each of the past three years, of the number of complaints, received by the police, involving triad activities at the taxi stands in the Hong Kong International Airport and the number
of persons prosecuted as
[...] a result, broken down by offences or misbehaviour involved (such as intimidating drivers, cutting in line (commonly known as "queue jumping") and extorting money from taxis waiting in line, and so on), and whether there are measures to punish those taxi drivers engaging [...]
in the above
misbehaviour (such as queue jumping) (including adopting a similar measure implemented in the former Kai Tak Airport to put such drivers on a "list of undesirable drivers", and prohibiting them from entering the Airport's taxi stands); if so, of the details of such measures; if not, the reasons for that?
為何會 容許行政當局這般打尖”的呢?
Why would you allow the Administration to "jump the queue" in this manner?
而政府最終必須 負起這個責任,以全港的利益作為考慮,在符合公平原則之㆘,落實照顧有需要的居
[...] 民,但又要避免無需要的㆟藉此變相 打尖 」 , 或者有經濟條件的㆟士佔用短缺的公共 [...]
But ultimately it is the Government which is responsible for taking the overall interests of Hong Kong into account, for taking care of the residents who are in need under the principle of equity, and for keeping away those who
are not in need but are doing what is, in
[...] effect, queue-jumping or keeping those [...]
economically better-off people from getting
a share of the already scanty resources.
事實上,除了這項爭議性較大的決議案  我們的秘書處曾經 預計這項決議案需要辯論30小時  其他的決議案理論上都是一 些大家希望可以盡快處理,甚至我相信絕大部分同事也不介意 打尖” 處理的決議案。
In fact, apart from this resolution which presents much controversy ― our Secretariat has predicted that 30 hours would be required to debate this motion ― the other resolutions are in theory those that we hope can be dealt with as soon as possible.
為了讓當局打尖”,我們很多 事情都要遷就。
To allow the Administration to "jump the queue", a lot of things have to give way.
你們支持讓它打尖”,是否你 們根本對那些民生法案漠不關心,覺得不用理會,最重要的是,這個 架構重組的決議案得以打尖”, 是因為主子梁振英要求 打尖 ”?
Now that
[...] they support allowing the resolution to "jump the queue", does it mean that they are simply indifferent to those livelihood bills because they think that there is no need to pay attention to those bills and, most importantly, because their master, LEUNG Chun-ying, has requested that the resolution [...]
"jump the queue"?
主席,有些同事認為我們不應該 打尖 ” , 應該先經財務委員會(“財 委會”)批准撥款建議後,才正式回到這裏讓我們審議決議案,不應該 希望可以打尖”通過決議案。
President, there are some Honourable colleagues who insist that we should not jump the queue, so to speak, and we should wait until the Finance Committee has approved of the funding application to come back here to deliberate on that resolution.
第二個問題,在整件事上,未來行政長官純粹是為了拍攝一幀照 片,為了他的面子,除了強行踐踏立法會的尊嚴外,更要把現有22 項法案及議案排後,讓這項議案 打尖 ” , 那22項怎麼辦呢?
Secondly, insofar as the whole issue is concerned, the future Chief Executive has not only trampled upon the dignity of this Council, but also sought to move the existing 22 bills and motions backward to allow this motion to "jump the queue" purely for the sake of taking a photograph and saving face.
但是,港區人大這樣低調,仍有8個人不願聯署,仍有人說冷血 的話,其中一個便是曹宏威,他接受商台查詢時說︰人大代表每天都 接獲不少求助個案,難道趙連海便可以 打尖 ”?
Nonetheless, even though Hong Kong NPC deputies are so discreet, there are still eight deputies who refuse to sign the joint letter and some even make cold-hearted remarks.
第㆓,我們都希望防止周梁淑怡議員所謂的「無需要的 打尖 」 ,「有條件的就濫 用資源」,但其實土發現時已有這種制度,適當的審查入息、居所等等,並將租金和入 [...]
息掛 ,不過將租金定在可以負擔的程度,諒可解決周梁淑怡議員擔心的問題。
Secondly, we all intend to prevent the [...]
phenomenon mentioned by Mrs CHOW from happening, that is, we want to prevent people
who have means from abusing resources and those who do not have real needs from jumping the queue.
在近期的拆樓事件㆗,時常聽到政府、官員、甚至總督,亦有㆒個講法,說㆝台 居民不應打尖」,這個講法並不公平,因為香港的種種原因,長年出現房屋短缺,引 致這個問題。
Such a remark is unfair to the occupants because this problem results from the long-term housing shortage in Hong Kong which in turn has been caused by different factors.
[...] 暫停執行《議事規執》第18(1)條的議案,簡單點說,便是應否讓政府打尖”,把我們先前在辯論有關MPF的條例草案先抽起,插進政府這 [...]
After glancing through the RoP and listening to the matters mentioned by the President today, I find that we should actually be discussing a motion on whether or not Rule 18(1) of the RoP
should be suspended, or simply put, whether the
[...] Government should be allowed to "jump [...]
the queue" by temporarily removing the
bill related to MPF, which was being debated previously, to make way for this resolution proposed by the Government.
但我們要記住,每年有幾百個公屋單位預留給受清拆影響的居民,其實是用不完 的,所以總督所謂打尖」,我覺得其實不很講得通,因為每年只是幾百個單位,政府 可以將其分開作另㆒類別,可以不用 打尖 」 這概念,而是撥出作為加快推行政策, 拆卸㆒些有結構安全問題的㆝台屋,既不會引致糾紛,還可平息受影響居民的情緒, 作出妥協。
Therefore, to label it as "queue-jumping", as the Governor put it, would be rather inappropriate, for it is only a couple of hundred public housing flats per annum that we are talking about, and the Administration may allocate them under a different category, thus discarding the concept of "queue-jumping".
轻轻的用异丙醇酒精擦或打印头清洁笔的 尖 在 打 印 头淡棕色的加热元件 区域摩擦以清洁打印头。
Clean the printhead by gently rubbing an Isopropyl Alcohol Wipe or the felt tip of a Printhead Cleaning Pen across the printheads light brown heating elements area.
伯爵的创作团队和Anita Porchet合打造顶尖作品 ,研发出更加新颖别致的技法;在追求创新的道路上,伯爵永不止步。
Hand in hand, the Manufacture Piaget’s creative [...]
teams and Anita Porchet work together to explore new techniques of enamelling
in order to produce innovative special effects in a spirit of constantly renewed creativity.
这对于创办警察学院尤其重要,为 此将需要国际合作,以使其能成为一个杰出的机构和 重要的法治工具,并且使海地能打 击 最 尖 端 的 现代 犯罪。
This is particularly important with regard to the creation of a police academy, which will require international cooperation so that it can become an institution of excellence and be an
important instrument in the rule of law as well as in
[...] enabling Haiti to fight the most sophisticated types of modern crime.
Biltmore 拥有广阔的高尔夫球场、著名 的游泳池和世界级的康乐设施,为客 打 造了 两个尖级的 世界:迈阿密的刺激和欧式度假 胜地的奢华。
With an extensive golf course, famous pool, and worldclass amenities, the hotel offers its guests the best of both worlds – the excitement of Miami in a European-style luxury resort.
片尾,厄尼的闹钟的声音被听到, 打 了 个 哈欠 尖 叫 了一声,砰的一声 - 他已经陷入了火山口。
As the end credits run, the sound of Ernie’s alarm clock is
[...] heard, followed by his yawn, a scream, and a thud – he [...]
has fallen into the crater.
打磨機設計用打磨轉撤器尖 軌 ,轍岔岔心和護軌頂面及側面飛邊,也可以打磨交叉渡線和標準軌道的鋼軌飛邊。
The grinding machine is designed for shearing through grinding of all rail check rails in frogs and switch points, in any switching, crossing or stand.
获得在阿森纳的官方应用尖所有 最新 打 破 阿 森纳的消息。
Get all the latest, breaking
[...] Arsenal news at your fingertips with the Official Arsenal App.
去发现这些梦想中的旅行,来了解地中海邮 尖 端 科 技为 打 造 的每一艘邮轮吧。
A replica of the dressing table Ms Loren uses in her room has been fitted, allowing guests to get ready like a film star.
從1998年開始、任何音樂會會場中均使用的線陣列類型的揚聲器以來、MSI JAPAN有幸被選為亞洲第一間可引入此系統的公司、對於公司將來能持續跑在時代的 尖 端 發 展無 打 了 強 心針。
Nowadays, line array speakers systems are very common in all concert venues but MSI Japan was the first company to introduce line array type of speakers in Asia in 1998.




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