

单词 打富济贫

See also:


poor and rich

External sources (not reviewed)

通过基于人权的复苏,各国有机会采 富 有 雄 心的新方法减少不平等、消贫困和打造可 承受未来冲击的稳定社会和 济。
Through a human rights-based recovery, States have the chance to embrace new
and ambitious
[...] approaches to reducing inequality, eliminating poverty and creating stable societies and economies that will withstand future shocks.
疾病、饥饿贫穷和日益恶化的济 状 况 打 破 了 传统的儿童社会保障体系。
This confluence
[...] of disease, hunger, poverty and worsening economic outcomes are shattering [...]
the traditional social safety nets for children.
这些国家之间不仅 科技实力存在差别,在社会济结构 和 贫富 收 入方面也各不相同。
Not only do their scientific and technical capacities vary, but also
[...] their social and economic structures, and their inequalities of income and wealth.
然而,过渡也包括加快发展富汗在 治理、法治、 司法、济发展以及打击腐败与贫困 等 领域的领导能 力、责任及问责制(仅举几例)。
Transition, however, also encompasses
[...] accelerated Afghan leadership, responsibility and accountability in governance, the rule of law, justice, economic development and combating corruption and poverty, to name but a few.
然而,不幸的是,伴随当今高度发达的市场济 而来的是贫富之间 日益加大的差距,这要求我们对资 本主义制度和提高公共责任感进行自我反思。
However, the
[...] growing gap between rich and poor, which unfortunately accompanies today’s highly developed market economy, calls for self-reflection [...]
the capitalist system and greater public responsibility.
2030 年远景”希望看到纳米比亚:(a) 加强民主,以促进公众对政府事务 的参与;(b) 建立一个多元化、稳健富有活力的 济 以 减 少 贫 穷 ;(c) 减少失 业,从而增加经济生产;(d) 解决土地问题(这是维持国家稳定的关键),增加自 [...]
然资源的公平开发;(e) 改善公民的营养状况;(f) 积极寻求创新的解决方案,
以解决健康问题、特别是艾滋病毒/艾滋病的流行;(g) 最重要的是使妇女参与 政府对所有事务的决策。
Vision 2030 wishes to see Namibia: (a) strengthen democracy in order to facilitate public participation in the affairs of government; (b) build a
diversified, robust and dynamic economy
[...] necessary to reduce poverty; (c) reduce unemployment and thereby enhance economic production; [...]
(d) resolve the land
question which holds the key for maintaining national stability, and increase equitable exploitation of natural resources; (e) improve nutritional status of the citizens; (f) proactively seek innovative solutions to address the issues of health, in particular the HIV/AIDS pandemic; and (g) most importantly, involve women in decision-making in all affairs of Government.
尽管有第 150 款之规定,但伊斯济贫税中 央机构根据 2001 年《课税法》 第 38(A)条之规定,可能提供尽可能多的必要资金,并根据达 富 尔 地 区的贫困 线,执行服务形式多样化的扶贫方案和项目,特别是对流离失所者和难民而言, 如挖井、提供医疗器械和设备、教育和其他生产性项目。
Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph 150, the Central Zakat Chamber, under Article 38(A) of the 2001 Zakat Law may provide the maximum possible necessary funding and implement programmes and projects in favour of poor families, particularly displaced persons and refugees, in various services, such as digging wells, providing medical devices and equipment, education and other productive projects in line with the poverty level in Darfur.
所有这一切突出表明,必需改变现有的不公正的 国际济秩序,消贫富国家 之间的一切不平等现 象,提高发达世界的政治意愿,以便向世界其他国家 提供专门用于可持续发展的新的和额外的财政资源, 以及创造能力并消除在优惠获取技术方面的明显差 距。
All of these highlight the need to
transform the prevailing
[...] unjust international economic order, to eliminate all inequalities between rich and poor countries, [...]
to foster the political
will in the developed world to provide the rest of the world with new and additional financial resources devoted to sustainable development, to create capacities and to eliminate the obvious gaps in preferential access to technology.
2009 年
[...] 8 月 31 日至 9 月 2 日,独立专家参加了在日内瓦举行的理事会社会 论坛,他在论坛上就全球济和金 融危机 打 击 贫 困 的 努力的影响进行了发言。
From 31 August to 2 September 2009, the independent expert participated in the Social Forum of the
Council in Geneva, at which he spoke on the impact
[...] of the global economic and financial crises on efforts to combat poverty.
3 国家内部和国家之间贫富差距 加大。发展政策必须考虑到失业型 济 增 长 不可能持续。
Development policies must be mindful that jobless economic growth is not sustainable.
我谨特别提出,穆勒先生为协助海地人 打 破 贫穷 的 恶性循环、协助海地政府创造和平政治过渡的条 件,以及为该国在 2010 年 1 月 12 日灾难性地震后 开展社会和济恢复 工作动员国际援助和投资作出 了不懈的努力。
I wish to highlight Mr. Mulet’s tireless
efforts to help the
[...] Haitian people break the cycle of poverty, to help the Haitian Government create the conditions for a peaceful political transition, and to mobilize international assistance and investment intended for the social and economic recovery of the [...]
country following the
tragic earthquake of 12 January 2010.
吴登盛还强调,必须确保济发展 不会进一 步拉贫富差距
He stressed the need
[...] to ensure that economic development did not widen the gap between rich and poor.
[...] 员,把国际部队的责任逐步移交给阿富汗国家安全部队;阿富汗政府制定和领导 持续的和解进程;在地方和国家两级努 打 击 阿 富 汗 安 全部队中的腐败现象;提 供指导和培训的资金和专门知识。
Requirements for progress include an increase in the quality and quantity of Afghan National Police/Afghan National Army personnel and the gradual transfer of responsibility from international forces to Afghan national security forces; a sustained reconciliation process developed and led by
the Government of
[...] Afghanistan; efforts to combat corruption within the Afghanistan security forces [...]
at the local and national
levels; funding and expertise for mentoring and training.
关于决策进程的各个方面,代表们必须具备充分 的知识和了解,并富有与儿童打交 道 的经验。
Representatives must have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the various aspects of the decision-making process and experience in working with children.
欣见 欣见 欣见采取各种举措加强阿富汗与其邻国之间边境管理合作,确保制定 包括金融层面的综合性毒品管制措施,强调必须开展这类合作,特别是通过双边 安排和由集体安全条约组织、亚洲相互协作与建立信任措施会议、 济 合 作 组织、 上海合作组织、中亚禁毒四方及其他方面发起的安排开展合作,欣见 富 汗 政府 打算在边境管制方面加强与相关伙伴的国际和区域合作
initiatives to enhance border management cooperation between Afghanistan and its neighbours in ensuring comprehensive measures for drug control, including the financial dimension, emphasizes the importance of pursuing such cooperation, especially through bilateral arrangements and those launched by the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Conference on Interaction and
[...] Measures in Asia, the Economic Cooperation Organization, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Central Asian Anti-Drug Quartet and others, and welcomes the intention of the Government of Afghanistan to strengthen [...]
international and regional
cooperation with relevant partners in the field of border control
集安条约组织对派驻富汗的打击毒 品国际安 全援助部队更多的参与表示赞赏并衷心呼吁军队和 阿富汗政府之间加强合作,同时注意到,为应对这 一灾难,阿富汗需要更多更加协调的国际援助,以 及政府无保留的承诺。
CSTO welcomed the growing input of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in the fight against the [...]
Afghan drug infrastructure
and called for increased cooperation between ISAF and the Government of Afghanistan, noting that, in order to combat that scourge, Afghanistan needed increased and better coordinated international assistance and the complete commitment of its authorities.
我们相 信,在各个层次上消贫困和饥饿 打 击 不 平等现象,对于为所有人创造更加繁 荣和可持续的未来至关重要。
We believe
[...] that eradication of poverty and hunger, as well as combating inequality [...]
at all levels, is essential to create
a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.
考虑到加勒比海区有数目众多的国家和领土,其中大多数为发展中国家和小 岛屿发展中国家,它们生态脆弱,在社会和 济 上 易 受 打 击 , 而且还受到诸如能 力有限、资源基础狭窄、财政资源缺乏 贫 穷 人 口众多及由此产生的社会问题、 以及全球化和贸易自由化的挑战和机遇等因素的影响
Considering that the Caribbean Sea area includes a large number of States, countries and territories, most of which are developing countries and small island developing States that are
ecologically fragile
[...] and socially and economically vulnerable and are also affected, inter alia, by their limited capacity, narrow resource base, need for financial resources, high levels of poverty and the resulting [...]
social problems, and the
challenges and opportunities of globalization and trade liberalization
全球化的不利影响造成了公民流动程度加剧以及社会 济 方 面 的 贫富 差距 加大。
The negative impact of the globalization has resulted in an increase in movement of citizens, as
[...] well as socio-economic gap between the rich and the poor.
不允许过渡问题转移我们对长期目标的关注,必 须是我们的一项优先事项,无论它是民主化、法治和 人权,还打击贫困或支持社会济 发 展 ,概无例外。
It must also be a priority for us not to allow the transition to divert our attention from our long-term objectives, be it with regard to
democratization, the rule of law and human rights, or
[...] with regard to fighting poverty or supporting socio-economic development.
此外,来自特困户的 2 110 人参加了工
[...] 程处教育部主办的职业培训中心和教育学院培训,以获得市场需要的技能 打破 家贫穷循环。
In addition, 2,110 members of special hardship case families were enrolled in the vocational training centres and education science faculty training
administered by the Agency’s Department of Education, in an effort to obtain
[...] marketable skills and break family cycles of poverty.
一些代表指出南方对在发生严重经济和金融危机时维持全球增长势头做出 了重大贡献,并强调说,即便是快速增长的发展中国家也面临重大问题,包括贫 穷贫富不均增加以及遭受济和社会排斥的问题。
While noting the important contribution of the South in maintaining the momentum of global growth amid major economic and financial crises, a number of delegates underlined that even rapidly growing developing countries continued
to face serious problems,
[...] including persistent poverty, rising inequality and problems of economic and social exclusion.
又确认必须集中注意发展中国家的特殊需求以及当前存在的巨大的、不 断加剧的济和社 会不平等,并确认发达国家与发展中国家之间的差距以及除其 他贫富之间 、农村与城市人口之间的不平等仍然持续存在,而且情况严重,需 要加以解决
9. Also recognizes that attention must be focused on the particular needs of developing
countries and on the large
[...] and increasing economic and social inequalities that exist, and further recognizes that disparities between developed and developing countries and inequalities between the rich and the poor and between [...]
rural and urban populations,
inter alia, remain persistent and significant and need to be addressed
[...] 在教育,难民权利,反对种族主义,禁止酷刑和残忍、不人道行为, 贫 , 打击 人 口贩运,保护妇女和儿童权利以及重视少数族裔的权利方面作出的努力。
The Organization for Defending Victims of Violence stressed Slovakia’s spirit of cooperation and noted Slovakia’s efforts with regard to
education, refugees’ rights, the fight against racism, prohibition of torture and cruel and
[...] inhuman behaviours, poverty reduction, the fight [...]
against human trafficking, the
protection of women and children’s rights, and attention to the rights of ethnic minorities.
对一些政府而言,非常重要的优先事项还有国际和平和人权以及 贫 ;打 击侮 辱、不宽容、种族主义和仇外;促进民主、自由、良政、文明社会和法制;了解国际移 民和人口问题;能力建设以及重视两性平等、宗教少数群体和青年。
stigma, intolerance, racism and xenophobia; the promotion of democracy, freedom, good governance, civil society, and the rule of law; the understanding of international migration and demographic change; capacity-building, along with a focus on gender equality, religious minorities and youth.
新《宪法》引进或加强了济、社 会和文化权利和基本自由。除其他外, 这特别包括:获得足够营养富的食 物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良好 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 [...]
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include, inter [...]
alia: the right to adequate, nutritious
food and clean water; the right to adequate housing; the right to a good standard of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property.
除正在议程项目 3
[...] 下审议的共同文件之外,经社会还收到了宏观济 政策、减贫及包容性发展委员会第二届会议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/4)和可持 [...]
续农业促进减贫中心理事会第八届会议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/5)。
In addition to the common documents being considered under agenda item 3, the Commission had
before it the report of the
[...] Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty Reduction and Inclusive [...]
Development on its second
session (E/ESCAP/68/4) and the report of the Governing Council of the Centre for the Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture on its eighth session (E/ESCAP/68/5).
最后,孟加拉由于没有全国性的医疗保健报销制度,保险缴纳按照社会等级来划分 贫富 悬 殊 造成了贫困人群患病后因 济 原 因 不能得到及时救助。
Lastly, as there is no national medical insurance to cover the treatment cost and the insurance is classified according to social status, many poor patients failed to get treatment due to financial problem.
至于尚未通过的其他相关国际公约,斐济政府承认这些公约的重要性,并原 则上同意其目标,并(比照国内和国际的其他优先事项); 济打 算 考 虑通过这些 公约。
In respect of other relevant international conventions yet to be adopted, the Government of Fiji recognizes the importance of, and agrees in principle with their objectives and
(relative to other domestic and international
[...] priorities); Fiji intends giving consideration [...]
to their adoption as well.




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