单词 | 打千 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 打千 —genuflection, a form of salutation in Qing times performed |
收录阿伊莎,Ummul [...] Mu'minin:当我们来到麦地那,妇女来找我,当 我 打 秋 千 上 , 我的头发,我的耳朵。 mb-soft.com | Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: When we came to Medina, the women came [...] to me when I was playing on the swing, and [...]my hair were up to my ears. mb-soft.com |
以色列打死打伤数千人, 而且此刻仍在继续胡作 非为,进而彻底破坏国际法制、国际法和国际人道主 义法的概念。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has killed and wounded thousands and is continuing [...] to do so at this very moment, thus completely undermining the concepts [...]of international legitimacy, international law and international humanitarian law. daccess-ods.un.org |
范徐麗泰在是次調查中首次獨佔鰲頭 , 打 破 劉 千 石 和陳婉嫻的壟斷局面,可能因為近期非典型肺炎事件分散了巿民對勞工問題的關注。 hkupop.hku.hk | In our latest survey, Rita Fan topped the list for the first time, and broke the monopoly [...] shared between Lau Chin-shek and Chan Yuen-han. hkupop.hku.hk |
定居者对巴勒斯坦人的暴力行为增加,在定居者对巴勒斯坦人及其财产进行的 366 次攻击中,他们打死 3 人,打伤 182 人,数千棵橄榄树被连根拔起。 daccess-ods.un.org | Settler violence against Palestinians increased, killing 3 and injuring 182 during 366 settler attacks on Palestinians and [...] their property, including the uprooting of thousands of olive trees. daccess-ods.un.org |
我 们还要对数百名被打死和数千名受 伤的阿拉伯利比 亚人表示深切的同情。 daccess-ods.un.org | We also express our deep condolences for the [...] hundreds killed and thousands injured among the [...]Arab Libyan people. daccess-ods.un.org |
生福利局局長:主席女士,政府沒有打 算 找 出 那 千 多二千人,因為這是 沒 有可能的 。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR HEALTH AND WELFARE (in Cantonese): Madam President, the Government has no intention to locate the 2 000 or so persons because this is simply impossible. legco.gov.hk |
以色列政府再次宣布打算再建造数千 个 非法定居单元,大多建在被占领的西 岸纵深地区以及被占领的东耶路撒冷内部和周围地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli Government has once again [...] declared its intention to construct thousands more illegal settlement [...]units, most deep inside [...]the Occupied West Bank, and in areas in and around Occupied East Jerusalem. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些在线报 告可以下载为 pdf 和 excel [...] 格式。这样常驻代表团就可以快速方便地获取经常向 人力厅索求的报告,并减少打印数千 页 报 告的需求,例如现在只有《人力资源深 入观察》有联合国工作人员的在线名单。 daccess-ods.un.org | These online reports can be downloaded, allowing permanent missions convenient instant access to often requested reports from the Office of [...] Human Resources Management and reducing [...] the need to print thousands of report pages (for [...]example, the list of staff of the [...]United Nations Secretariat is now only available online on HR Insight). daccess-ods.un.org |
打工仔”的二千多元收入加上所有社會福利,總數是五 千多元,他們會說“發達”了,但情況是否這樣呢? legco.gov.hk | Wage earners who have an income of some $2,000, together with all other social welfare benefit, can receive some $5,000 in total. legco.gov.hk |
他們也習慣了每天早上,如果感到有東西要抒發, 便 打 電 話到 “ 千 禧年 代”、“在晴朗的一天出發”等 talkshow 節目,發表不同的意見,包括批評 政府。 legco.gov.hk | When members of the public wish to air their feelings or views, they are accustomed to calling in to such "talkshow" programmes as the "Talkabout" and "On a Clear Day" to express different views, including making criticisms of the Government. legco.gov.hk |
近期,多間酒樓因為受 SARS [...] 打擊而結業,結果由大型飲食集 團接手,類似的併購無疑會減少市場競爭,卻可令 數 千 名 “ 打 工 仔 "不致失 去生計。 legco.gov.hk | Similar mergers and acquisitions will [...] undoubtedly reduce competition in the market, but this [...] could save several thousands "wage earners" from becoming [...]unemployed. legco.gov.hk |
然而, 以色列一方非但没有作出积极回应,反而采取了变本 [...] 加厉的做法,于上星期作出了一项极为严重的决定, 宣布它打算将成千上万 巴勒斯坦人驱逐出西岸,从而 把他们当作其自己土地上的外来人,并宣布他们在自 [...]己土地上的存在为非法。 daccess-ods.un.org | But instead of responding positively, the Israeli side chose a policy of escalation and took an extremely [...] grave decision last week, declaring its [...] intention to deport tens of thousands of Palestinians [...]from the West Bank, thus labelling [...]them foreigners in their own land and declaring their presence there illegitimate. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們是否想數以千計渴望打高爾夫球㆟士,買了昂貴的用具 及經過專業㆟士的指導後,卻要在高爾夫球會輪候名單㆖苦候,因而甚為掃興? legco.gov.hk | Do we want thousands of frustrated would be [...] golfers, who, after they have been expensively kitted out and professionally [...]taught, find themselves caught up in the golf club waiting list? legco.gov.hk |
上月,工聯會收到領 匯員工的投訴,指領匯旗下百多個停車場在7月份簽署新保安服務合約 時,將會把保安員原來的三更制更改為兩更,有關變動等同增加工時, 還會裁撤富餘人手,打破過千員工的飯碗,即使是留下來的工友,亦要 變相減薪,時薪由28元減至23.3元。 legco.gov.hk | Last month, the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (FTU) received a complaint from staff of The Link, saying that upon the signing of the new contract for the security service for a hundred or so carparks of The Link in July, the original three-shift system of security guards would be changed to a two-shift system. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 向几内亚当局尽快提供适当的援助,促进尊重人权,包括实 现 千 年发 展目标,打击有 罪不罚现象并改革安全与司法部门 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) To provide the Guinean authorities with appropriate assistance to promote respect for human [...] rights, including the [...] achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, combating impunity, and [...]reform of the security and justice sectors daccess-ods.un.org |
的军事侵略,打死打伤数以千计陷 于围困之中的非武 装的巴勒斯坦平民,包括儿童,并对财产、基础设施 和农田造成大面积破坏。 daccess-ods.un.org | One year ago, the international community witnessed with horror the Israeli military aggression against the Gaza Strip that killed and injured thousands of besieged unarmed Palestinian civilians, including children, and caused vast destruction to property, infrastructure and agricultural land. daccess-ods.un.org |
擦完後,將假髮平放或者扣在某個支架上面,放置於陰涼通風的地方,自然風乾.千萬不可以日曬或者熱吹哦1—盡量不要接近高溫,因為材料 的關係假髮是不耐任何高溫的2—如果假髮用久 了 打 結 不 好梳 時 千 萬 不要用力拉扯,應該噴上假髮專用的非油性保養液,然後慢慢小心地理開3—使用假髮專用 的非油性保養液使用方法也很簡單:帶上之前輕輕噴幾下在假髮上即可)可使假髮變得柔順光亮並可防止靜電,讓假髮一直保持滋潤狀態就像剛剛買回來的時候 一樣! 4—比較長的假髮梳的時候要將假髮分長幾段,從下往上梳,一定要輕,要有耐心5—在整理佩戴過程中有少量得掉髮屬於正常現象。 tw.taobaowig.com | Cawan the wig flat or buckle in a bracket above, placed in a cool ventilated place to dry naturally. should never be the sun or a hot blow Oh - try not to close to the high temperature, because the material relationship wig is intolerant of any high temperature - If the wig with long knotted bad comb Do not pull hard, it should be sprayed on the wig dedicated non-oily maintenance solution, and then slowly and carefully geographic open - the use of wigs dedicated The use of non-oily maintenance solution is simple: to bring before the wig lightly spray a few can) make a wig to become compliant light and prevent static electricity, so wigs has maintained the moisture status as just bought the same! taobaowig.com |
千萬不要打 着民 主的旗號而反民主,這是最惡劣的行為,他們是真正最惡劣的政客。 legco.gov.hk | This is the worst kind of behavior, and they are genuinely the worst politicians. legco.gov.hk |
16 年前,就在這個日子,在立法會大樓外的 遮 打 花 園, 有數千名大學生為紀念五四運動 70 周年舉行集會,他們是 響應國內學生爭 取民主而在香港集會,那個情景,我至今依然記得。 legco.gov.hk | Sixteen years [...] ago today, in Chater Garden outside the Legislative Council Building, several thousand university students [...]assembled to commemorate [...]the 70th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement and to show their support for the pro-democracy movement of students in the Mainland. legco.gov.hk |
住宅产业化现代化正在提速,作为智能小区和智能家居安防及通讯产品的供应商,博世致力于 为 千 万 中 国家 庭 打 造 智 能科技带来的高品质生活。 life.bosch.com.cn | Over the past decade, the accelerating rate of technological change has transformed China. life.bosch.com.cn |
据我了解,这主要有三个原因,我们包了一个可能的上升趋势的成分,证实早在与 瓦解 [...] 一个重要的力量,我也遵循以来2011,这是我们的主要股票指数(IBOVESPA) 的 6 0 千 分 点 ,轻松 地 打 破 了 一个漂亮的上升三角形形成的图形技术分析股票的屏障。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | I understand that, with these three main reasons, our bag had the ingredients for a possible uptrend, confirmed early in the breakup of an important strength that I had followed [...] since 2011, which [...] was the barrier of 60 thousand points in Ibovespa (our [...]main stock index), easily broken in a beautiful ascending [...]triangle (forming graphic technical analysis shares). en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
主席,如果在這個階段否決這項條例,我認為不單是對眾多曾為 這項條例付出很大努力的人士作出不公平的對待,亦會令 成 千 上 萬的 “打工仔”感到非常失望。 legco.gov.hk | President, if this piece of legislation is negatived at this stage, I think it will not only be unfair [...] to many people who have made great efforts for this but also cause great [...] disappointment to hundreds of thousand workers. legco.gov.hk |
讓 我們看看一 些數字 ,香港 大學(“ 港 大 ” ) 在今年 [...] 4 月進行 一項研究, 訪 問了過千 名 “打工 仔 女 ” ,發現 他們過 去 平 [...]均每星 期 的 工時是 49.6 小 時,差 不 多 50 小 時 。 legco.gov.hk | Let us look at some figures. The [...] University of Hong Kong (HKU) conducted a survey in April [...] this year, in which thousands of wage earners [...]were interviewed. legco.gov.hk |
5、在盛蛋白的盆里加白醋1/2茶匙或者1/4茶匙塔塔粉,用干净无水的打蛋器(handheld mixer)高速打2-3分钟(图8),然后边打边加入3大匙糖,继续高速打1-3分钟至浓稠(图9),盆倾斜时蛋白能缓慢移动 , 千 万 不 要 打 的 过 硬。 maomaomom.com | 4: Add white vinegar or cream of tartar to the egg whites and beat with a handheld mixer (make sure it is clean and dry) on high speed until foamy (Picture 8). maomaomom.com |
此外,另有一種情況,是很多消費者因某一商家的不良營 商行為而受損,而每名消費者的損失其實相當輕微,為了追回 一 千數 百元而打官司並不值得,更可能會得不償失,這樣便間接助長了不良 經營行為,使騙案到處湧現。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, in some situations, a large number of consumers have suffered losses due to the unfair trade practices of a business but the loss suffered by each of them is actually quite small, so it is not worthwhile to take legal action just for the sake of recovering several hundred dollars or one thousand dollars. legco.gov.hk |
此外,三腳貓戲工夫 ─ 1,000 萬元,“濕濕碎”,人家“Big Four Companies”的公司就所做的帳目,要打 起 官 司來,隨時可放下 數 千 萬 元跟 你打官司打到底 ,不過,我覺得,儘管如此,有條例存在來“撐着”,總聊 勝於無,所以民主黨會支持立法規管。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, there is this lame-duck attempt of doing things ― the sum of $10 million is so trivial that it is almost nothing compared to the sum which the Big Four Companies have at their disposal when there is a need to take the accounts they have worked with to the Court, and tens of million dollars can be paid to pursue an action to the very end. legco.gov.hk |
因此, 關 鍵 是 港府必須作出承擔,主動 地 千 方百計推出更多有效刺激本 地消費、 振 興 [...] 經 濟的措 施 , 以 求 拯救各 行 各 業千萬 “打工 仔 ” 於 水 深火熱 之 中 。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, the key lies in that Hong Kong Government must make commitment and proactively employ every possible means to launch initiatives that are effective in [...] stimulating local consumption and revitalizing the economy so as to [...] save the wage earners of all trades from their dire [...]straits. legco.gov.hk |
起来支持实现千年发展目标运动:各联合国信息中心在支持千年运动及其伙 [...] 伴领导的“起来采取行动”倡议发挥了关键作用,在三天期间内动员了 11 600 万人,真真正正地“起来”反贫穷,支持实 现 千 年 发 展目标 , 打 破 了 记录。 daccess-ods.un.org | Stand Up for the Millennium Development Goals campaign:United Nations information centres played a key role in supporting the “Stand Up and Take Action” initiative led by the Millennium Campaign and its partners, mobilizing a record-breaking 116 [...] million people, to literally “stand up” against [...] poverty and for the Millennium Development Goals over a three-day period. daccess-ods.un.org |