

单词 打击社会财富

See also:

打击 v

counter v
attack v
strike v


a blow
crack down on sth
a setback
percussion (music)

社会 adj

social adj

External sources (not reviewed)

根据打击极端 主义活动法》(2002 年 4 月 18 日第 985-XV),极端主义活 动是某些非政府组织或宗教组织、大众媒体实体或任何其他组织或自然人所从事 的一种活动,其目的是策划、组织、筹备或实施旨在达到下列目的的行动:出于 种族、民族或宗教仇恨挑起或煽动暴力;损害国家尊严;挑动群众闹事、引起流 氓行动或基于意识形态、政治、种族、民族或宗教仇恨或敌意以及基于某个社会 群体的仇恨或敌意的破坏行动;宣扬基于公民的宗教理念标准或基于种族、国 籍、民族血统、语言、宗教、性别、见解、政治背景 财富 或 社会 背 景 的排他 性、优越性或劣等性。
According to the Law on fight against extremist activities, No. 985-XV from 18.04.2002, extremist activity is an activity of non-governmental or religious organisation, of a mass media entity or of any other organisation or physical person directed towards the planning, organisation, preparation or implementation of actions oriented towards the following: provoking racial, national or religious hatred, linked with violence or call for violence; humiliation of national dignity; provoking mass disorders, cause actions of hooliganism or actions of vandalism based on ideological, political, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, as well as based on hatred or enmity for a social group; convey exclusiveness, superiority or inferiority of citizens based on the criteria of their attitude towards religion or based on race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political affiliation, wealth or social origin.
(a) 现有国际法律框架的有效性,考虑到这些框架的力度可能不足以打击非 法贩运文化财产和将文化财产归还其原主国,对非法挖掘和掠夺考古和古生物遗 址而得来的考古和古生物文物尤其如此; (b) 关于保护文财产和打击非法贩运活动的其他法律文书的贡献和补充 作用;(c) 审议关于归还和返还文物的基本原则,这些原则可以 富 委 员 会 的 工
(a) The effectiveness of the current international legal framework, taking into account that it might be insufficient in the fight against illicit trafficking in cultural property and restitution of cultural property to its countries of origin, in particular that related to archaeological and paleontological objects coming from illicit excavations and looting of archaeological and paleontological sites
大会第六十五届会议吁请会员国制订适当的国家法律和(或)措施,以符合国 际法的方式,防止和打击常规武器和可能导致大规模毁灭性武器及其运载工具扩 散的材料、设备和技术的非法中介活动;确认区域和次区域两级防止和打击非法 中介活动的努力可以加强各国在这方面作出的努力;强调国际合作和援助、能力 建设和信息共享对于防止打击非法 中介活动至关重要;并且鼓励会员国酌情借 助民社会的相关专门知识,制定有效措施来防止 打击 非 法 中介活动(第 65/75 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly called upon Member States to establish appropriate national laws and/or measures to prevent and combat the illicit brokering of conventional arms and of materials, equipment and technology that could contribute to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, in a manner consistent with international law; acknowledged that national efforts to prevent and combat illicit brokering activities can be reinforced by such efforts at the regional and subregional levels; emphasized the importance of international cooperation and assistance, capacity-building and
information-sharing in
[...] preventing and combating illicit brokering activities; and encouraged Member States to draw, where appropriate, on the relevant expertise of civil society in developing effective measures to prevent and combat illicit brokering [...]
activities (resolution 65/75).
危地马拉从 2006 年的报告开始指出,危地马拉加速实行速度的关键是起码 要适当结合以下三个因素:(a) 有利于加速和包容性经济增长的政策;(b) 人口 之间分财富方面 的更佳模式,以减少城市与农村种族和男女之间历来存在的显 著不平等和排斥;(c) 加速深化和扩大有关政策,以便:㈠ 普及提供基本服务; ㈡ 普社会保护 ;㈢ 拟订有利于赋予妇女权利的政策和立法;㈣ 拟订防止种 族主义和歧视的政策。
As was indicated in the 2006 report, for Guatemala to accelerate the pace of implementation, it will be key to find the right combination of three elements: (a) policies that promote accelerated and inclusive
economic growth; (b) a
[...] better pattern of wealth distribution among the population, which reduces the marked historical inequities and exclusions between urban and rural areas, ethnic groups, and men and women; and (c) accelerated pursuit and expansion of policies aimed at (i) universal provision of basic services; (ii) universal social protection; (iii) [...]
empowerment of women;
and (iv) combating racism and discrimination.
摩尔多瓦共和国的最高法律(《宪法》)确保所有公民在法庭和公共当局面 前的平等权利,不分种族、国籍、民族血统、语言、宗教、性别、见解、政治背 景社会出身或财富(第 16(2)条)。
The supreme law of the Republic of Moldova (the Constitution) ensures all its citizens equal rights before a court of law and public authorities, without discrimination based on race,
nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion,
[...] political affiliation, social origin or wealth (Art. 16 (2)).
宗教间国际鼓励塞浦路斯为取消限制性措施而创造有利条件,因为 这将使得信徒能够行使其宗教信仰自由并且每年前往朝圣,同时通过建立一项机打击贩卖 妇女的现象,帮助受害者重新融 社会 和 经 济生活。
Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive measures, which would make it possible for the faithful to exercise their religious freedom and to visit
places of pilgrimage
[...] annually, and to combat trafficking in women by setting up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life.
这将涉及到:(1) 制订和 执行一打击和防 止海盗行为的索马里内陆行动计划;(2) 鼓励该区域各国在国社会的财政和 技术支持下起诉海盗;(3) 加强该区域各国确保其海区安全的能 力。
This would involve: (1) the development and implementation
of a Somalia inland
[...] action plan to counter and prevent piracy; (2) encouraging States in the region to prosecute pirates with the financial and technical support of the international community; and (3) strengthening [...]
regional States’
capacities to secure their maritime zones.
a) 目前国际法律框架的效率在打击非法贩运文化财产以及将文化财产送 回原有国方面可能有所不足,尤其是涉及到非法挖掘的考古文物或古 生物文物以及对这些文物的劫掠时; b) 其他保护文财产和打击非法 贩运的法律文书的贡献和补充; c) 审议送回和归还文化财产方面的基本原则,这些原则可 会 丰 富 委员会的工作以及《1970 年教科文组织公约》的功能; d) 加大政府间委员会作用的机会,以便促进文化财产送回原有国或归还 非法占有的文化财产,特别是为指导规划并落实教科文组织关于文化 财产归还和送回原有国的行动方案。
a) the effectiveness of the current international legal framework, taking into account that it might be insufficient in the fight against illicit trafficking in cultural property and restitution of cultural property to its countries of origin, in particular that related to archaeological and paleontological objects coming from illicit excavations and looting of archaeological and paleontological sites
各位部长认识到,贩运人口和走私移徙者仍对人类构成严重挑战,需要国社会在合 作与信息共享的基础上做出协调一致的回应,并敦促所有国家为此 制定、实行和加强有效措施,防止 打击 和 消 除各种形式的贩运人口行为,打 压对被贩运受害者的需求和保护受害者,特别是被强迫劳动、受到性剥削或商 业剥削、暴力和性虐待的妇女和儿童。
The Ministers recognised that trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants continue to pose a serious challenge to humanity and
require concerted
[...] international response, based on cooperation and sharing of information, as appropriate and urged to that end, all States to devise, enforce and strengthen effective measures to prevent, combat and eliminate all forms of trafficking in persons to counter the demand [...]
for trafficked victims
and to protect the victims, in particular women and children subjected to forced labour, or sexual or commercial exploitation, violence and sexual abuse.
在这方面缺乏透明度可能会导致:(a) 破坏对个 别公共当局及政府和国家机构总体的信任和政治支持,从而危及到公共干预措施 的有效性,并可能带来政治不稳定的危险;(b) 引发大幅度财富再分 配,其方 式不仅不公平,而且可能在某些情况下还是非法的;它会助长寻租行为,不利于 公平竞争,并且会为总体的效率、创新和竞争力提供错误的激励;(c) 延续不合 时宜的做法和政治机构,包括拉拢收买、腐败和任由特定的行业或集团绑架公共 政策,从而延迟国家机构的现代化,从长远来看会阻碍整体的经济 社会 和 政治 发展。
A lack of transparency in that respect might (a) undermine trust and political support for individual public authorities and Government and State institutions in general, thus endangering the efficacy of public interventions and risking political instability; (b)
provoke significant
[...] redistributions of wealth in ways that not only are unfair and, in some cases, possibly illegal, but also favour rent-seeking behaviour, act against fair competition and provide the wrong incentives for efficiency, innovation and competitiveness in general; and (c) prolong outdated practices and political institutions, including co-optation, corruption and the capture of public policies by specific industries or groups, delaying the modernization of State institutions and impeding overall economic, social and political development [...]
over the longer term.
安理会还敦促国社会,包 括建设和平委员会 以及非洲联盟、欧洲联盟和西非经共体等区域组织, 增加对西非海岸倡议的政治财政支 持, 打击 威胁几内亚比绍和次区域和平与安全的跨国有组织犯罪 和贩毒活动。
The Council also urged
[...] the international community, including the Peacebuilding Commission and regional organizations such as the African Union, the European Union and ECOWAS, to increase political and financial support to the West Africa Coast Initiative to fight transnational [...]
organized crime and drug
trafficking, which threaten peace and security in Guinea-Bissau and in the subregion.
(d) 如果目的是为公众利益服务和增 社会财富 , 国 家可根据特许权制度 将国有财产的开发利用交给合作社和其他法人。
of State property by means of concessions if it is in the common
[...] interest and will increase social wealth.
[...] 普遍的繁荣,将要求对全球经济管理进行重大改革,并要求对全球经济发展进行 新的思维;必须强调可持续发展,在改善物 财富 与 保 护自然环境之间实现平衡, 并确社会公平 和正义,而不是单方面强调经济增长和在市场刺激的基础上实现 个人财富。
Sustained and widespread future prosperity will require major reforms in global economic governance and new thinking about global economic development with the need for a focus on sustainable development — entailing
an approach that would
[...] balance material wealth improvements with protection of the natural environment and ensure social equity and justice [...]
— rather than a focus
narrowly concentrated on economic growth and private wealth generation based on market incentives.
第 4 条规定,国家建立在罗马尼亚民族的统一和全体公民的团结之上,罗马尼亚
[...] 是所有公民共同的、不可分割的祖国,而不论其种族、民族、民族血统、语言、 宗教、性别、政治观点或派别财富 或 社会 出 身 如何。
Article 4 indicates that the State foundation is laid on the unity of the Romanian people and the solidarity of its citizens, while Romania is the common and indivisible homeland of all its citizens, without any
discrimination, including on account of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion,
[...] political adherence, property or social origin.
所以《最高法》反对任何基于个人 公民范畴财富水平或社会文化 状况的歧视。
Consequently, it prohibits all discrimination based on an
[...] individual’s civil status, wealth or social and cultural status.
制裁委员会会 积极地看待这类活动,继续以个案为基础对待所有除名提议,并要寻找明确证据
[...] 以证明,与阿富汗政府接触的任何被列名的塔利班成员不是一个机会主义者,若 是机会主义者就会打算长期遵守 富 汗 政府制定并得到国 社会 赞 同 的三条 红线,即放下武器、断绝与基地组织的关系和遵守《阿富汗宪法》。
The Committee is likely to look favourably on such activity, and it will continue to regard all de-listing proposals on a case-by-case basis, searching for clear evidence that any listed Taliban who engages with the Afghan Government is not simply an
opportunist who has little long-term intention of observing the three red lines
[...] set by the Afghan Government and endorsed by the international community concerning laying down [...]
arms, severing links
with Al-Qaida and observing the Afghan Constitution.
计划考虑了 131 项措施,这些措施可以分为下列 10 个主题:待 遇平等社会融合,打击种族 主义和仇外心理;消除性别暴力;西班牙人在国外 的权利;宗教自由;有效司法保护(扩展二级刑事审判及其他);对恐怖主义活动 [...]
制,保障被拘押者的权利,对国家安全力量和部队进行人权方面的培训和教育 等);庇护权利和对不驱回原则的尊重;社会权利(教育、住房、健康、就业范 畴、残疾人、个人自主权、儿童);为个人发展而享有良好环境的权利。
Domestic policy measures: A total of 131 measures are planned,
under 10 main themes:
[...] equality of treatment, integration and combating racism and xenophobia; combating gender-based [...]
violence; the rights
of Spaniards abroad; religious freedom; effective judicial protection (including the generalization of the right to a second hearing); care for victims (of terrorism, for example); personal freedom and the State security forces (national mechanism for the prevention of torture, guarantees for persons held incommunicado, and human rights training for those forces, inter alia); the right of asylum and respect for the principle of non-refoulement; social rights (education, housing, health care, employment, persons with disabilities, personal autonomy, childhood); and the right to an environment conducive to personal development.
对于最不发达国家而言,大量的青年人口是一笔重要 财富 , 他 们应 有会充分参与经济社会和政 治生活。
Large youth populations are an asset for
least developed countries, and
[...] should have the opportunity to participate fully in economic, social and political life.
各位部长强调,必须在国家、区域和国际各级采取举措,保护文化遗产, 特别是联合国教育、科学及文化组织及其促使文化遗产送回原有国或归还非法 占有文化财产政府间委会开展 的工作,并强调必须促进国际执法合作 打击 贩卖文化财产的 行为,特别需要交流信息和经验,以更为有效地开展运作。
The Ministers underlined the importance of national, regional and international initiatives for the protection of cultural property, in particular the work of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and its Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation, and Stressed the importance
of fostering
[...] international law enforcement cooperation to combat trafficking in cultural property and in particular the need to exchange [...]
information and experiences
in order to operate in a more effective way.
它为非正 式教育社会包容和打击种族主义和歧视提供了工具。
It has provided a vehicle for
[...] informal education, social inclusion and the fight against racism [...]
and discrimination.
各国元首对实施上海合作组织成员国和 富 汗 打击 恐 怖 主义、非法贩毒和有 组织犯罪的行动计划交流了意见;这一行动计划是 2009 年 3 月 28 日在莫斯科举 行的、由上海合作组织主持的阿富汗问题特 会 议 所 通过的。
The Heads of State exchanged views on the implementation of the Plan of Action of the SCO member States and Afghanistan on combating terrorism, illicit drug trafficking and organized crime, adopted at the Special Conference on Afghanistan held [...]
under the aegis of SCO in Moscow on 27 March 2009.
还是在第 51/1 号决议中,麻会回顾在定向打击贩运活动区域通信、专门 知识和培训举措框架内,2007 年 5 月 29 日和 30 日在维也纳举行的管制用于制 造海洛因的前体《巴黎公约》专家圆桌会议核准的行动计划;还回顾其第 50/1 号决议,其中麻委会欢迎为推进《巴黎公约》举措,俄罗斯联邦政府同毒品和 犯罪问题办公室合作于 2006 年 6 月 26 日至 28 日在莫斯科举行的阿富汗毒品贩 运路线问题第二次部长会议取 得的成果;并吁请《巴黎公约》合作伙伴促进 关打击阿富汗产 阿片剂贩运活动的各项国际和区域举措,并加强同该区域正 在进行的行动如通道行动、遏制行动和 Elena 行动的合作。
Also in its resolution 51/1, the Commission recalled the action plan approved at the Paris Pact expert round table on the control of precursors used in the manufacture of heroin, held in Vienna on 29 and 30 May 2007 within the framework of the Targeted Anti-trafficking
Regional Communication, Expertise and
[...] Training (TARCET) initiative; also recalled its resolution 50/1, in which it welcomed the outcome of the Second Ministerial Conference on Drug Trafficking Routes from Afghanistan, organized by the Government of the Russian Federation in cooperation with UNODC and held in Moscow from 26 to 28 June 2006, in continuation of the Paris Pact initiative; and called upon Paris Pact partners to promote international and regional initiatives against trafficking in opiates from Afghanistan and to strengthen cooperation with ongoing operations in the region, such as Operation Channel, Operation Containment and Operation Elena.
国际社会全体纪念这一天将证明国社会有决心打击这一 严重的危害人类罪行。
Observance of that day by the
[...] international community as a whole would be evidence of its will to combat a grave crime [...]
against humanity.
会议主 席请发言者在发言时重点讨论与文化财产定罪有关的以下具体问 题:(a)国家一级提供统计数据的情况;(b)在贩运文化财产方面的专门立法情况 以及在拟订具体法律上所可能遇到的挑战;(c)对贩运文化财产实施强有力的惩 处;(d)针对具体利害攸关者或部门的惩处;(e)举证责任倒置的问题;(f)对非法 文化财产请求人和购买人加以定罪的刑法措施;以及( g) 在 打击 贩 运文 化 财 产行为上使用新的技术以及对为非法目的使用这类技术加以定罪的问题。
The Chair of the meeting invited speakers to focus their contributions on the following specific issues regarding the criminalization of cultural property: (a) the availability of statistical data at the national level; (b) the existence of specific legislation on trafficking in cultural property and potential challenges in developing specific legislation; (c) the imposition of strong penalties for trafficking in cultural property; (d) the existence of penalties directed at specific stakeholders or sectors; (e) the question of reversing the burden of proof; (f) criminal law measures criminalizing those requesting and purchasing illicit cultural property; and (g) the use of new technologies in the fight against trafficking in cultural property and the criminalization [...]
of such use
when done for illicit purposes.
不歧 视儿童的条款有着重要意义,根据该条款所有儿童均享有平等的权利,不论出 身、种族、民族和国籍社会地位和 财富 、 性 别、语言、教育、宗教、居住地、 健康状况和涉及儿童及其父母的其他情况。
The provisions on non-discrimination against children are of great significance in that they lay down that all children have equal rights irrespective of their or
their parents’ origin, race,
[...] ethnicity, nationality, social status, means, gender, [...]
language, education, attitude to religion,
place of residence, state of health or other circumstances.
指出文化多样性是人类的共财产 ,信 息 社会 应 立 足于并鼓励尊重文化特 性、文化和语言多样性、各种传统和宗教,并促进不同文化和文明之间的对话, 并指出,正如各方已商定的联合国相关文件,包括联合国教育、科学及文化组织 《世界文化多样性宣言》1 所反映,促进、肯定和维护各种不同文化特性和语言, 将进一步富信息社会
Noting that cultural diversity is the common
heritage of humankind and
[...] that the information society should be founded on and stimulate respect for cultural identity, cultural and linguistic diversity, traditions and religions and foster dialogue among cultures and civilizations, and noting also that the promotion, affirmation and preservation of diverse cultural identities and languages as reflected in relevant agreed United Nations documents, including the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,1 will further enrich the information society
[...] 公正的方式解决冲突根源——例如,族裔歧视财富和社会服务分配严重悬殊、滥用权力以及剥 夺财产权利或公民权利等根源——才能实现和 [...]
Peace and stability can prevail only if the causes of conflict are addressed in a legitimate
and fair manner — causes such as
[...] ethnic discrimination, gross disparities in the [...]
distribution of wealth and social services,
abuse of power, and the denial of the right to property or citizenship.
参与塞尔维亚政府和欧洲安全与合作组织开展的题为“校警——儿童的朋友 和保护者”的项目,目的在于制定和实施预防措施、以防在校学生滥用药物(2002 年);出席了国际发展法组织组办的“通过打击洗钱来加强善治”会议(2004 年); 参加欧洲联盟和欧洲理会针对打击 有 组织犯罪文书的第一模块组织的国 际 (社 区援 助)方案 CARDS(2006 年);与塞尔维亚教育部合作开展的题为“防止在校学 生滥用药物”的项目的专家小组成员;担任警察学院在欧洲警察学院协会的代表; 国际刑事专家协会会员。
Participated in a project conducted by the Serbian Government and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe entitled “School police officer-children’s friend and protector”, directed at creating and implementing preventive measures in the field of drug abuse in school populations (2002); attended a meeting on strengthening good governance through curbing money-laundering organized by the International Development Law Organization (2004); participated in the international CARDS (community assistance) programme, organized by the European Union and the European Council, on the first module of the instrument for fighting organized crime (2006); member of the expert team conducting the project entitled “Prevention of drug abuse in school populations” in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of Serbia; Academy representative at the Association of European Police Colleges; member of the international association of criminalists.
打击整个国际社会关注 的严重犯罪的行为人有罪不罚的现象是一项根本政 策,可通过两种途径实现:其一是设立国际刑事法庭,另一是国家法院行使管辖 权。
The fight against impunity for the perpetrators of serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole was a fundamental [...]
policy achievable
on the one hand through the establishment of international criminal tribunals and on the other the exercise of jurisdiction by national courts.
开展调查研究,以便确定残疾妇女的状况和具体要求,以期在教育、 就业、卫生和社会保障等领域制定和采取战略、政策和方案,促进她们的自主权 和充分参社会活动,并打击对妇 女的暴力。
(c) Undertake studies and research in order to identify the situation and specific requirements of women with disabilities, with a view to elaborating and adopting strategies, policies and programmes, especially in the fields of
[...] employment, health and social protection, to promote their autonomy and full participation in society, and to combat violence against women.




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