

单词 扑朔迷离

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正因如此,我们对中东局势的发 展不可能漠不关心,对以色列人民与巴勒斯坦人民之扑朔迷离的和平前景尤其如此。
That is why we cannot remain uninterested in developments in the Middle East, particularly with regard to the elusive prospects for peace between the people of Israel and the people of Palestine.
冲突地区的政治经济扑朔迷离、复 杂而高度本地 化的。
The political economy of the conflict areas is murky, complex and highly localised.
关于这次行动的描述生动离奇,洋洋洒洒数页纸 扑朔迷离 , 自 相矛盾,漏 洞百出。
The operation is described in a dramatic thriller fashion over several pages of confusing and contradictory narrative, one full of holes.
厄立特 里亚虽然此刻不想进一步详述,但仍要强调,不能孤立看待这 扑朔迷离 的 现 象, 要看明白全局,须考虑到美国的无端敌意,其立场是必须在我们地区促进它所认 为的自己的利益。
Although Eritrea does not prefer to go into greater detail at this juncture, it nonetheless wishes to underline that the whole jigsaw puzzle cannot be understood in isolation without factoring in the unprovoked hostility of the United States, which has taken the position that it has to promote its perceived interests in the region
朦胧诗是显扑朔迷离的场 地,反映了其业主之一,其不拘一格的鸡尾酒和舒适的休息室空间,在那里你可以摊开来享受您的饮料和一些小吃的五个最佳墨尔本酒吧界。
Misty is an artsy venue, reflecting the profession of one of its owners, and one of the  five best Melbourne bars for its eclectic cocktail menu and the comfy lounge space where you can spread out to enjoy your drink and some snacks.
甚至有人說,迷你債券其 實應該名為令人朔迷離的非債券。
Some people
[...] even say that minibonds should actually [...]
be called mystifying non-bonds.
由於政治上 的朔迷離,其他的事可以不做的,他們便盡量不做。
For them,
[...] politics was an intricate maze of unknowns and things [...]
that could be avoided should best be avoided.
正如有些議員所 暗示,我們不單難以撥開雲霧見青㆝,最終反會把事情弄得更為 朔迷 離。
Far from clearing the air, as some Members may suggest, we will end up muddying the waters even more.
代理主席,聽到這裏,大家也覺得有點 朔迷 離 , 很多市民其實 也越聽越憤怒,究竟發生甚麼事?
Deputy President, having heard that much, we are all somewhat puzzled. In fact, many people become increasingly angry, wondering what has actually happened.
尽管一些难民确实通过这样的移 徙成功地改善了他们的命运,然而等待那些移徙到城市的人们的情境往往是艰难 和冷漠的,而出路的寻找往扑朔迷 茫。
While some refugees indeed succeed in improving their lot by such movement, the situation awaiting those who move to cities is, however, frequently harsh and unwelcoming, and the search for solutions often elusive.
10 月份,民主变革大会党宣布,它将争取与自由党合并, 放弃它以前曾考虑的四党民主变革联盟,但该党的领导层在合并条件方面意见不 一,有关谈判的结果仍扑溯迷离。
In October, the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) announced that it would pursue a merger with the Liberty Party, abandoning the four-party Coalition for Democratic Change that it had previously
considered, but the
[...] party’s leadership fragmented over the conditions of the merger, and negotiations remained inconclusive.
Gentex产品的样本是自动离后视镜, 迷 你 全 光线控制照相机,语音识别和免提通讯麦克风,智能烟雾探测器和商业防火信号设备。
Samples of Gentex products are the automatic screening off rear-view mirror, mini cameras for full [...]
beam control, microphones
for speech recognition and for hands-free communication, intelligent smoke detector and signal equipment for commercial fire protection branches.
预算局密切监控了 2000--2001 年的人事费状况,其中还考虑到了要支付协 离 职计划中涉及的大笔补偿金,以及因要将普遍社会捐金(CSG)和社会债务偿还捐金(CRDS)* 追朔性地 偿还给巴黎的一般事务人员而增加的费用的需要。
The 2000-2001 staff costs situation was very closely monitored by the Bureau of the Budget, bearing in mind
the necessity to
[...] cover substantial indemnities concerning the Agreed Separation Scheme, as well as costs arising from the retroactive reimbursement to General Service staff in Paris [...]
of the Generalized
Social Contribution (CSG) and the Social Debt Reimbursement Contribution (CRDS).
如图画般小红木屋和散布着牛羊的草地,构 迷 人 风 光,却 离 海 洋 不远。
The picturesque red wooden houses and green meadows are never far from the sea.
通过使用多种扑、设备和管理型交换环网,减少网络 数量,从而降低设计的复杂性。
Reduce the complexity of your design with fewer networks by
[...] using multiple topologies, devices and [...]
managed switch rings.
首先通过无故障情况下的在线慢同调分析,掌握系统中发电机群的关联特性;在扰动发生后,利用平均数充分性(MIA)同调识别法获取具体的发电机摇摆分群模式;在发电机的分群模式约束下,把电网中节点间关系表达为 扑 距 离 , 并 按照该距离关系完成系统节点的K-Medoids聚类,最终得到满足孤岛功率平衡约束的解列面;为避免电网连锁解列和提前解列,对全网线路运用“激活-闭锁”的策略,使参与解列的线路在检测到可靠的失步信号后,同步速动完成解列。
The correlation among generator groups in system is obtained by the online slow coherency analysis during non-faulty period;the actual grouping pattern of generator swing is detected during faulty period by the MIA(Mean Index Adequacy) coherency identification;in the constraint of grouping
pattern,the relationship among buses is
[...] expressed as the topological distance and the [...]
K-Medoids clustering of system buses is
carried out according to the distance to obtain the split section meeting the constraint of islanding power balance;in order to avoid the cascading split and premature split,the “activation-blocking” strategy is applied to all lines in system to quickly and simultaneously split all participated power lines after the out-of-step signal of generator is detected.
在目前积极的宗教复兴是体现之间的锡克教徒本身,它的对象有一定的 离 , 以清 除 迷 信 , 社会的限制已逐渐从周围印度教过滤。
At the present time an active religious revival is manifesting itself among
the Sikhs, having for its object to
[...] purge away certain superstitions and social restrictions [...]
which have gradually filtered
in from the surrounding Hinduism.
第一,我们必须明确要求以色列结束我们这里大 多数人都认定的占领部队进行的镇压政策——它属 于镇压行为,因为这些部队已经把巴勒斯坦土地变成 由无数检查站、路障、军事包围和 离 墙 构成 的 迷 宫。
First, we must unequivocally call upon Israel to end what most here consider a repressive policy of occupying forces — repressive because those forces
have converted the
[...] Palestinian land into a maze, a myriad of checkpoints, road blocks, military siege and separation walls.
背 後 的 原 因 , 實 在 是朔迷離。
As I said, the reasons behind it are quite mysterious.
我們只是請政 府撥一些款項出來設立種子基金,然後由民間主導,一直慢慢滾存下 去,並須配合政府在發展權轉移方面的政策,而不要一如張宇人議員 剛才所說像扑傻瓜” 般,稍有異動便制訂臨時的“ 發展審批地區 圖 ”(DPA),又或好像張學明議員所說般以圈地當作保育。
We have only requested that the Government make some provisions to set up a seed fund, which will then be led by the community and gradually amassed to a larger amount, and it has to tie in with the policy of the Government on the transfer of development rights, instead of drawing up interim Development Permission Area (DPA) plans at times of some slight irregularities as in the "hit-the-dumb" game illustrated earlier on by Mr Tommy CHEUNG, or fencing off land for conservation as said by Mr CHEUNG Hok-ming.
如图画般小红木屋和散布着牛羊的草地,构 迷 人 风 光,却 离 海 洋 不远。
Picturesque red wooden houses and green meadows speckled with sheep and cows are
[...] part of a landscape that is never far from the sea.
工程科学和技术的至关重要性已经在联合国、八国集团、二十国集团、非洲联盟和非 洲发展新伙伴关系的会议和报告中,在 2002 年的约翰内斯堡可持续发展问题世界首脑会议 (WSSD)、世界工程师组织联合会(WFEO)和世界工程师大会 2000 年(汉诺威,主题为 “人类--自然--技术”)、2004 年(上海,主题为“工程朔造可持续的世界”)、2008 年 (巴西利亚,主题为“工程学:富有社会责任的创新”)和计划在 2011 年(日内瓦,主题 为“工程学赋予世界以力量”)举行的会议,包括 1999 年的世界科学大会上,都给予了突 出的强调。
The vital importance of engineering and technology has been emphasized at meetings and reports of the United Nations, G8, G20, the African Union and NEPAD, the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002, at the WFEO World Engineers Conventions in 2000 (Hanover, theme: “Humanity – Nature – Technology”), 2004 (Shanghai, theme: “Engineers Shape the Sustainable World”), 2008 (Brasilia, theme: “Engineering: Innovation with Social Responsibility”), and the forthcoming WEC in 2011 (Geneva, theme: “Engineers Power the World”) and the World Conference on Science in 1999.
朔西街 位于当地市中心,拥有1,400多年的历史,是那里最古老的街道。
Situated in the
[...] centre of Yangshuo County, West Street [...]
is the oldest street in Yangshuo with a history of more than 1,400 years.
現 在 的 事 態 發 展 瞬 息 萬 變 且 牽 涉 範 圍 甚廣 很難有清晰的脈絡可循 希望如此朔 迷離的情況在接下來的幾週內能有較明朗的發 展 本作者乃寶華綜合經濟研究院院長暨國 立清華大學科技管理學院榮譽教授 2011 年 10 月 26 日 歐洲各會員體領導人 及銀行家除針對第二次救援希臘方案敲定細節 外 也為挽救多年危機而商議一套更全面的措 施 這些措施的批准過程遭遇若干阻礙 意即 希臘總理帕潘德里歐 George Papandreou 擬 將救援方案交由公投決定 以及義大利總理貝 盧斯科尼 Silvio Berlusconi 長久以來因為債券 收益率飆升而無法贏得市場認可 兩位總理皆 於 10 月份上旬下台 隨後兩會員體即各自組成 技術官僚政府
On 26th October, European leaders and bankers finalized the details of a second Greek rescue package, and a more comprehensive set of measures to salvage the multi-annual crisis. The ratification process encountered several obstacles, namely that the Greek PM George Papandreou riddled with the idea of putting the bailout package to a referendum and that for a long time the Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi also couldn’t win market approval as bond yields rocketed.
在6点钟位置的小表盘下方装配了全新设计的实心金月相盘,精确地反映 朔 望 月 的周期,每隔122 年才出现一天的误差。
The newly designed solid-gold lunar disc beneath the subsidiary seconds dial at 6 o’clock emulates the synodic lunation so precisely that it only needs to be corrected by one day every 122 years.
该系统协助这些国家寻 找扑灭野 火,改善土地利用和农业作业,处理疾病爆发、生物多样性和气候 变化等问题,并更迅速地应对自然灾害。
SERVIR helps such countries to track and combat wildfires, improve land use and agricultural practices, address disease outbreaks, biodiversity and climate change, and respond faster to natural disasters.
采用全新的零-交叉失真电路扑结构 ,这款放大器在完全轨至轨输入共模范围内具有高线性度、出色的电源抑制比 [...]
(PSRR) 和共模抑制比 (CMRR) 性能,且不会象传统互补轨至轨输入级那样出现交越失真见。
Compatible with industry-standard nominal voltages of +3.0 V, +3.3 V, +5.0 V, and ±2.5
V. Employing a novel zero-crossover
[...] distortion circuit topology, this amplifier [...]
offers high linearity over the full rail-to-rail
input common-mode range, with excellent power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) and common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) performance without the crossover distortion seen with the traditional complementary rail-to-rail input stage.
大会第六十四届会议请科学委员会继续进行其工作,包括进行重要的活动, 以增加对一切来源之离辐射 量、影响和危险的认识;请科学委员会下届会议继 续审查离辐射领域的各项重要问题,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告; 并决心资源分配一旦确定,便在科学委员会第五十七届会议后,但不迟于大会第 六十四届会议结束前,就委员会的组成作出决定(第 64/85 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Scientific Committee to continue its work, including its important activities to increase knowledge
of the levels,
[...] effects and risks of ionizing radiation from all sources; requested the Scientific Committee to continue at its next session the review of the important questions in the field of ionizing radiation and [...]
to report thereon to the
Assembly at its sixty-fifth session; and resolved to take a decision on the membership of the Scientific Committee once a decision on resource allocation had been made and after the fifty-seventh session of the Scientific Committee but no later than the end of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly (resolution 64/85).
捷克共和国的建议涉及培训狱政人员,埃及的建议涉及刑法的适用及 其应符合国际人权标准,日本涉及难民和 离 失 所 者。
The Czech Republic had made a recommendation on the training of prison wardens, Egypt on the application of the penal code and its conformity with international human rights standards, and Japan on refugees and displaced persons.
经过二十多年的密切合作,悉尼大学(University of Sydney)的伊万•肯尼迪(Ivan Kennedy)教授和安格森•克劳森(Angus Crossan)博士与天津科技大学的朔教 授(曾在棉花合作研究中心师从肯尼迪教授)共同研发出了针对水道农药污染的快速测试方法,并为其申请了专利。
Working closely together over the past 20 years, Professor Ivan Kennedy and Dr Angus Crossan at the University of Sydney and Professor Wang Shuo (a former graduate student of Professor Kennedy under Cotton CRC) at TUST have developed and patented a rapid test for waterway pesticide contamination, which is particularly relevant to China’s prodigious rice industry.




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