

单词 扎啤

See also:


beer n

External sources (not reviewed)

对低度酒精饮料啤酒和 软饮料包装,还推出了包装保证金制度。
A packaging deposit system is in place for the packaging of
[...] low-alcohol beverages, beer and soft drinks.
南乳的氨基甲酸乙酯含量最高,但即使攝入 量高的市民,消費量也很低;至啤 酒 ∕ 麥酒,雖然消費量最高,但氨 基甲酸乙酯含量卻很低。
The former had the highest level of EC contamination but very low consumption value even for the high consumers, while the latter had the highest consumption value but very low level of EC contamination.
鉴于混合行动活动的规模和复杂性,考虑到现有架构,拟议向办公室主任办 公室改派 1 个副办公室主任(D-1)员额以支持办公室主任确保混合行动总体管理 的整合,并扎林盖改派 1 个办公室主管(P-5)员额,因扎林盖 分区对关于西 达尔富尔冲突问题的总计划具有战略和安全重要性。
In addition to the existing structure and given the size and complexity of the Operation’s activities, it is proposed to reassign to the Office of the Chief of Staff a Deputy Chief of Staff (D-1) post to support the Chief of Staff in ensuring integration of the overall management of the Operation, and a Head of Office (P-5) post in Zalingei, owing to the strategic and security importance of the subsector in the overall scheme of the conflict in Western Darfur.
可隨意喝原裝的罐裝或瓶裝飲料—包括水、 含二氧化碳的飲料啤酒或酒—只要是您自己打開 容器的封條即可。
Feel free to drink canned or bottled drinks in their
original containers—including water,
[...] carbonated beverages, beer or wine—as long [...]
as you break the seals on the containers yourself.
此外,根据从当地人 那里得到的信息,据称儿童兵仍然与人民民主阵线有关联,其部队有武装,并扎在中 非共和国-乍得-苏丹边境三角地带;中沙里 Korbol 山地区的和平、重建 和发展运动中也有儿童。
Furthermore, according to information received from the local population, children allegedly remain associated with FDP, whose forces are armed and stationed in the Central African Republic/Chad/Sudan border triangle; and MPRD in the hills of Korbol in Moyen-Chari.
啤酒的 最大国外市场是在美国,还有什么比和NBA合作更聪明的方法呢?
And as its biggest foreign market is indeed in the USA, what could have been smarter for Tsingtao than closing a partnership with NBA?
及时将冷啤酒大麦或农作物种 子冷却到约10至12 °C的保护温度, 可明显延长可能的贮藏时间并缩 短种子休眠期。
By punctually cooling the barley and/or seed to a protective temperature of around 10–12 °C, the possible storage period is extended considerably, thus shortening the germinating time.
全球可获得商业数量的只有源自酵母的产品,包括啤酒酵 母和发酵酵母提取的产品,但全球总产量和可获得性的信息有限。
The only such sources available in commercial quantities globally are yeast-derived products, including brewer’s yeast and extracted fermented yeast products, but with limited information concerning their total global production and availability.
[...] 5.6,同时重点关注了建立三个中心的建议--即关于设立地区水下考古中心 (克罗地扎达尔 )的建议;关于在中国建立亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心的建议;以及关于在阿贝奥库 [...]
At its fourth meeting, the Commission examined item 5.6 focusing simultaneously on the proposal to create the three centres: Proposal for the
establishment of a regional centre for underwater
[...] archaeology (Zadar, Croatia); Proposal [...]
for the establishment in China of a world
heritage training and research institute for the Asia and the Pacific region; Proposal for the establishment of an institute for African culture and international understanding at the Olusegun Obasanjo presidential library in Abeokuta (Ogun State, Nigeria).
为提高当地社区领袖、建筑和工程专业大学生以及专业人员对传统建筑和技术的认识并进行相 关培训,一本关于土结构建筑的修建或维修的传统技术的俄语培训手册被翻译成当地语言,并且印 发给教育机构和图书馆;对来自中亚国家和阿富汗的维护专业人员进行了关于维护土结构建筑的培
训;完成了遗址的维护(Fayaz Tepa 佛教遗址),还完成和/或修复了试点示范建筑物(博逊工艺培
[...] 训中心,包括一个博物馆;塔什干纺丝/天然染色车间建筑;修复后的制砖中心以及在阿富汗 扎里 沙里夫的 Khiva 纺丝/天然染色车间的扩建)。
To sensitize and train local community leaders, architecture and engineering students and professionals on the value of traditional architecture and technology, a Russian language training manual on traditional techniques for the construction and repair of earth architecture was translated into local languages, published and distributed to educational institutions and libraries; training was conducted on the conservation of earthen structures for conservation professionals from Central Asian countries and Afghanistan; conservation was completed on historic sites (Fayaz Tepa Buddhist Ruins, Termez, Uzbekistan); and pilot demonstration buildings were completed and/or restored (Boysun Crafts Training Centre, which includes a museum; the Tashkent silk weaving/natural dye workshop building; the
restored brick-making centre and the extension of the Khiva silk weaving/natural dye
[...] workshop in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan).
清涼飲料是啤酒、 麥芽飲料、酒或酒精 飲料、果汁(一種或以上)及蘇打水(若已碳酸化)製成。
Cooler-type beverages
[...] are composed of beer, malt beverage, [...]
wine or spirituous beverage, fruit juice(s), and soda water (if carbonated).
其他 的主要蔬菜啤酒花和油菜,菜园和果园中 的蔬菜与水果正在实行产业化种植,包括西 红柿、黄瓜、白菜、生菜、苹果、草莓和李 子。
Other important vegetables are hops and rapeseed, with garden vegetables and fruits also raised in industrial quantities, including tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbages, lettuces, apples, strawberries and plums.
现在啤酒生产商可以从以 前的酿酒信息里获益,知道某啤酒 是 昨天还是去年 酿造的。
Now brewers benefit from the information available from the previous brew, whether a variety was brewed yesterday or last year.
一天活动结束之后, 选一家舒适的露啤酒馆 ,可用一杯新鲜啤给忙 碌的一天画上一个完美的句号。
After so much activity the best way to end the day is to
[...] enjoy a fresh wheat beer in one of the many lovely beer gardens.
(11) 作為酒店、汽車旅館、旅館、宿舍、公寓、餐廳、茶點和茶室、咖啡、牛 奶及小吃店、夜總會及所有類別之俱樂部擁有人及/或管理人、酒館啤酒屋 及宿舍管理人、持牌食品供應商、葡萄酒 啤 酒 及 烈酒商人 啤酒 製 造商、釀酒師、蒸餾酒商、充氣、礦泉和人造水及其他飲料的進口商及 製造商,及在其各自分公司作為承辦人及承包商,以及作為劇院、電影院 [...] [...]
、歌舞廳、音樂廳、體育館、桌球室、保齡球中心及所有娛樂場所、電台 及電視台及播音室的擁有人及/或管理人經營業務。
(11) To carry on business as proprietors and/or managers of hotels, motels, inns, lodging houses, apartment houses, restaurants, refreshment and tea rooms, cafes and milk and snack
bars, night-clubs and
[...] clubs of all kinds, tavern, beer-house and lodging-house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, [...]
malsters, distillers,
importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral and artificial waters and other drinks, and as caterers and contractors in all their respective branches and as managers and/or proprietors of theatres, cinemas, dance-halls, concert halls, stadiums, billiard rooms, bowling centres and all places of entertainment and radio and television stations and studios.
而屆時Högl Fun Band 亦將由德國抵澳,為大家送上節奏澎湃的德國音樂, 啤 酒 節 的氣氛推至最高點! 門票為澳門幣100元連飲品一客。
And when the time comes, the Högl Fun Band will be specially flown in from Germany to bring us some pulsating German music and push the mood of the festival to its climax!
研 究开啤酒麦 汁一段冷却、酒精差压蒸馏装置等。
Research and develop beer wheat juice cooling, [...]
and alcohol differential pressure distillation devices.
在 2011 年 5 月 20 日的达格罗贝寺
[...] “友谊日”那天,双方士兵喝着泰 啤 酒 和 柬埔寨威 士忌,在有争议的古寺废墟上玩着法国保龄球,但 [...]
At a Ta Krabei “friendship day” on 20 May 2011, troops from both
[...] sides drank Thai beer, Khmer whisky [...]
and played French bowls in the disputed temple’s
ruins, but some commanders were not talking.
(14) 經營酒店、餐廳、咖啡室、酒館啤 酒 館 、小食店、公寓、持牌食品供應商、 葡萄酒啤酒及 烈酒商、釀酒商、麥芽製造商、蒸餾酒商、汽水、礦泉水、 蒸餾水及人造水及其他飲品之進口商及製造商、伙食承辦商、筵席承辦商等 業務。
(14) To carry on the business of
hotel, restaurant,
[...] cafe, tavern, beer-house, refreshment-room, and lodginghouse keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer, and spirit [...]
merchants, brewers,
maltsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral, distilled and artificial waters and other drinks, purveyors, caterers for public amusements generally.
[...] II)、中国农业银行、永晖焦煤以及中信证券,并就如下并购交易提供财务咨询服务:英博集团收购中 啤 酒 企 业雪 啤 酒 厂 和浙江石 啤 酒 厂 (红石)、ArcelorMittal 收购中国东方集团以及澳门航空注资项目,另外还担任中国电信、中国通信服务股份有限公司、中国东方航空、中石化等企业多个项目的独立财务顾问。
She provided financial advisory services for the IPOs of Sinopec, China Unicom and China Aviation Industry Corp II (AVIC II), Agricultural Bank of China, Winsway and CITIC Securities as well as
M&A transactions such
[...] as InBev’s acquisition of Chinese beer companies, Xuejin Brewery and Zhejiang [...]
Shiliang Brewery (Red
Rock), ArcelorMittal’s acquisition of China Oriental Group and Macau Airline’s capital injection etc, and acted on an independent financial advisor to China Telecom, China Communications Services, China Eastern Airlines and Sinopec, etc for multiple projects.
Edgar Davids曾征战74场国际比赛,曾为阿贾克斯、AC米兰、尤文图斯、巴塞罗那俱乐部、国际米兰、托特纳姆热刺等球队效力,他表示:“最近四个月的经历与众不同,我在虎 啤 酒 街 头球王争霸赛中亲眼目睹了最为精彩的‘现场’街头足球比赛,也与如此多才华横溢的球员进行了交流。
Edgar Davids, who has 74 international caps to his name and has played for renowned teams including AFC Ajax, AC Milan, Juventus, FC Barcelona, Inter Milan and Tottenham Hotspur, said, "The last four months have been an exceptional experience as I have seen first-hand some of the most exciting 'live' street football action at Tiger Street Football competitions and interacted with so many talented players.
欧盟代表团对以下农药/商品组合的最高残留限量表达了保留意见:戊唑醇(莴苣 头);乙酰甲胺磷/甲胺磷(稻米);噻螨酮( 啤 酒 花 ,绿茶,红茶(红茶,发酵茶和干 茶));戊唑醇(鲜食葡萄,干葡萄,桃(包括欧盟层面的油桃),苹果,梨,青椒,樱桃 和杏);吡唑醚菌酯(柑橘,油籽(除花生外));螺虫乙酯(可食用内脏(哺乳动物)); 啶虫脒(青葱和梅子)以及吡唑萘菌胺。
The Delegation of the European Union expressed its reservation on a number of MRLs proposed for the following pesticide / commodity combinations: tebuconazole (lettuce, head); acephate / methamidophos (rice); hexythiazox (hops, dry and tea, green, black (black, fermented and dried)); tebuconazole (table grapes, dried grapes, peaches (includes nectarines at EU level), apples, pears, peppers, cherries and apricots); pyraclostrobin (papaya, citrus, oilseeds (except peanuts)); spirotetramat (edible offal (mammalian)); acetamiprid (spring onions and plums) and isopyrazam.




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