

单词 才艺技能

See also:

才能 n

talents pl
capacity n
talent n
facility n

技能 n

skills pl
skill n
technique n
accomplishment n

技艺 n

art n
technique n

External sources (not reviewed)

提交给执行局第一六六届会议的可行性研究所(文件 166 EX/15)尤其强调指出,国际 歌剧和诗歌研究所(IIOP)的目标和 能 与 教科文组织的目标是一致的,这一点尤其体现在 以下几方面:促进保护和更好地宣传世界歌剧遗产方面的知识;促进从事歌剧和诗歌领域工 作的艺术家的教育和培训,特别是年 艺 术 人 才 的 教 育和培训;在国际、国家和地方推动繁 荣歌剧和诗歌的行动;促进当代歌剧和诗歌的新的创作,尤其是反映新型跨文化交流的歌剧 和诗歌的创作。
The feasibility study submitted to the Executive Board at its 166th session (166 EX/15), stressed, among other
things, that the purposes
[...] and functions of the International Institute for Opera and Poetry (IIOP) are in keeping with UNESCO’s objectives, in particular regarding the promotion and dissemination of knowledge in the field of the world lyrical heritage; the promotion of education and training for artists working in the fields of opera and poetry, and in particular for young people of talent; the promotion of [...]
initiatives internationally,
nationally and locally in these two key areas; and the promotion of new contemporary creative works, particularly those serving as media for new types of multicultural exchange.
这些问题,除其他外,还包括市场驱动力(例如,要求适当结合技 术和商技能才能全面进入的非常具体明确的市场窗口);消费者问题(例如,进口市 [...]
场要求取得影响生产惯例的特殊证书);基础设施和设备能力(例如充分的空运、冷藏 室设施);特定材料或产品消费量极大,足以为之发展起市场并确保供应,等等。
These include, inter alia, market drivers (for example, very specific market windows that
require the appropriate
[...] combination of technical and business skills to access fully); consumer [...]
issues (for example, importing
markets requiring specific certifications impacting production practices); infrastructure and installed capacity (for example, sufficient airfreight, cold room facilities); and large enough consumption of a given material or product to develop a market for it and ensure availability, and others.
下文所述六项政策说明所依据的指导原则是:教科文组织需要一支工 能 力 强 、有专 业知识、反应迅速、才多艺、人才 多 样、机动灵活、兢兢业业的队伍,以应对会员国在 C/4 和 C/5 中提出的挑战。
The principle underlying the six policy statements presented below is that UNESCO needs a workforce that is competent, professional, responsive, versatile, diverse, mobile and committed so that it can respond to the challenges set by Member States in the C/4 and C/5 documents.
他请特别报告员解释人权方面技术 合 作如 才能 被纳入反恐的各项努力中。
He asked for
[...] an explanation of how technical cooperation in the field [...]
of human rights could be included in all counterterrorism efforts.
该综合性计划的重点是 分享无铅釉和燃料替代物的新 艺技能 和 生 产技术, 促进以传统生产线为依据的新设计,并根据全球卫生 要求和国际标准经销这些产品。
The comprehensive programme focused upon the
[...] sharing of new technological skills and production techniques for leadfree [...]
glazes and fuel substitution,
the promotion of new designs inspired by tradition and product line elements and the marketing of these products in the light of global health concerns and international norms.
我们的活动:(a) 开发监测、信息管理和通信的工具和技术;(b) 将这些工
具和技术提供给人权组织和国家人权机构;(c) 通过培训和其他活动培养人权组
[...] 织掌握和应用这些工具和技术以满足其特定需求的能力;(d) 支持人权组织建立 并加强其信息系统;(e) 改进人权宣传和报告技术;(f) 扩大人权宣传和联能 力;以及(g) 提供关于人权方法技术的英才中心
Our activities: (a) developing tools and techniques for monitoring, information management and communication; (b) providing these to human rights organizations and national human rights institutions; (c) building the capacity of the human rights community to master and adapt these tools and techniques to their specific needs through training and other activities; (d) supporting human rights organizations to set up and strengthen their information systems; (e) improving human rights advocacy and reporting techniques; (f) expanding
human rights outreach
[...] and network capacity; and (g) providing a centre of excellence on methods and techniques for human rights.
一如其它工艺范畴,爱彼的制表大师必须驾驭所有传 技艺 , 才能 重 新 诠释制表艺术,以契合当代审美标准。
As with every major art, the watchmakers at the Audemars Piguet
manufacture had to master all the
[...] classic rules of their craft before being able [...]
to reinterpret them in a way that conforms to contemporary tastes.
開 發 階 段 的 支 出,只 有 在 同 時 滿 足 下 列 條 件 時才 能 予 以 資 本 化,即:完 成 該 無 形 資 產 以 使 其 能 夠 使 用 或 出 售技 術 上 具 有 可 行 性;具 有 完 成 該 無 形 資 產 並 使 用 或 出 售 的 意 [...]
圖;無 形 資 產 產 生 經 濟 利 益 的 方 式,包 括 能 夠 證 明
運 用 該 無 形 資 產 生 產 的 產 品 存 在 市 場 或 無 形 資 產 自 身 存 在 市 場,無 形 資 產 將 在 內 部 使 用 的,能 夠 證 明 其 有 用 性;有 足 夠 的 技 術、財 務 資 源 和 其 他 資 源 支 持, 以 完 成 該 無 形 資 產 的 開 發,並 有 能 力 使 用 或 出 售 該 無 形 資 產;歸 屬 於 該 無 形 資 產 開 發 階 段 的 支 出 能 夠 可 靠 地 計 量。
Expenditure incurred on projects to develop
[...] new products is capitalised and deferred only when the Group can demonstrate the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset [...]
so that it will be available
for use or sale, its intention to complete and its ability to use or sell the asset, how the asset will generate future economic benefits (including demonstration that the product derived from the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself will be marketable or, in the case of internal use, the usefulness of the intangible asset as such), the availability of technical and financial resources to complete the project and procure the use or sale of the intangible asset, and the ability to measure reliably the expenditure during the development.
[...] 目中商定的其他类似成本相比,储藏罐、注入机改造以及安全相关设备等若干设备项目的 拟议单位成本较高;不管设备的产出能力或年限如何,也不管基准中的设备项目数量,所 有企业均采用类似的单位成本;减少预混站和多元醇缓冲罐数量的可行性;以及使产品和艺试验、工艺和安全培训、安全审计/认证以及外 技 术 专 长相关成本合理化的能 性,除其他考虑因素之外,这一因素 能 会 使 若干企业转用相同的技术。
With regard to the incremental costs of the conversion of the foam manufacturing enterprises, the following issues were addressed: the higher unitary costs proposed for several equipment items, such as storage tanks, dispenser retrofit, and safety-related equipment, as compared to other similar costs agreed in previously approved projects; the application of similar unitary costs to all enterprises irrespective of the output capacity or the age of the equipment, or the number of equipment items in the baseline; the feasibility of reducing the number of premixing stations and polyol buffer
tanks; and the
[...] potential for rationalizing costs related to product and process trials, process and safety training, safety audit/certification and external expertise given that among other considerations, several enterprises [...]
will be converted to the same technology.
根据《教育法》的规定,校外教育活动是对各类学校(其中包括培养学生在 科学技术、艺术、 体育、旅游等方面的创 能 力 的 学园)教育程序的有益补 充,也是对空闲时间的有效利用,同时校外教育机构开展活动可得到政府预算的 资助,而且这些机构的服务通常都是免费的,这使得它们可以惠及所有申请人 [...]
According to the Law on Education, these implement
complementary activities to the
[...] educational process at all types of schools, including lyceums with the purpose to develop the creative skills of pupils in the [...]
field of science, technology,
arts, sports, tourism, etc., as well as beneficial and pleasant leisure management, whilst the activity of the extra-school institutions is financed from the state budget, the services of these institutions being usually free of charge, this making them available for all applicants irrespective of their origin, social adherence, religion, etc.
若要阻止這些先進目標性攻擊,組織需要有新一代的威脅防 技 術 ,才 能防禦 多種威脅媒介以及應付每一個階段的攻擊。
To thwart these advanced targeted attacks, organizations need next-generation threat protection that protects across multiple threat vectors and addresses every stage of an attack.
[...] 事处的加勒比群岛所面临的主要挑战包括对高中收入国家的发展合作援助日益减少、 大量技能人才移民出境、易受自然灾害和人为灾害的伤害、艾滋病毒/艾滋病的高发 [...]
率(其发病率继撒哈拉以南非洲区域在世界上排名第二)以及日益增长的犯罪率、暴 力和毒品贩运问题。
The main challenges facing the Caribbean islands in the Kingston Cluster Office include decreasing development cooperation assistance for the upper-
and middle-income countries,
[...] high rate of emigration of their skilled populations, vulnerability [...]
to natural and humanmade
disasters, high prevalence rate of HIV and AIDS (the second highest in the world after subSaharan Africa), and increasing rate of crime, violence and drug trafficking.
他们必须能够工作和贸易,重建他们的经济,利 用他们明显技能、精力和才智, 并且为未来创造希 望,而不是绝望,因为绝望只会滋生更多的暴力和极 [...]
They must be able to work and trade,
to rebuild their economy, to use
[...] their manifest skills, energy and talent and to create hope [...]
for the future, not the despair
that can only breed more violence and extremism.
稅務局也曾審慎研究可否在內部調撥 一名首長級人員承擔總系統 經理的職務,但最後認為這個做法在運作上並不可 行,原因是所有現 職首長級人員都缺乏所需的資訊技才 能,況且他們要全力履行 本身 的 現有職責,實在分身 不 暇 。
IRD has also critically examined the feasibility of identifying a directorate post within the department to absorb the duties of the CSM, but has come to the view that this is not operationally feasible as all the existing directorate posts lack the requisite competence in IT, and they are also fully engaged with their existing responsibilities.
陶瓷电容器 - Taiyo Yuden 采用其先进的材料和艺技术来 生产多层陶瓷电容器 (MLCC),从而令其产品在各种尺寸和额定电压下 能 提 供 业界最高的电容值。
Ceramic Capacitors - Taiyo Yuden combines its advanced materials and processing technologies to produce Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors (MLCCs) that offer [...]
the industry’s highest
capacitance values in a variety of case sizes and voltage ratings.
更好的招聘(更加透明、以新的标准为基础、从干部轮换角度考虑进行的招聘)、少 走过场的评估和对工作人员进行真正的培训,将有助于建立一支更加 才 多 艺 、 能 够 更 经常 地转换工作地点的工作人员队伍。
Improved recruitment – more transparent, based on new criteria geared to staff rotation – a more informal style of evaluation and genuine staff training should contribute to a more versatile staff, ready to change duty stations more often.
在单道焊接过程中,Hybrio™艺能实 现普通焊接熔合 艺 需 要 多道焊 才能 实 现 的焊缝效果。
In a single pass, the Hybrio™ process can often achieve what might require multiple weld passes using a conventional fusion welding process.
美丽 GPS”活动提醒女性朋友关注自身独特的美丽,不同的生长环境、文化教育背景、知识程度、甚至是旅游经历、是否孕产、慈善观念、家庭观念、自我疏 能 力 、 发型服饰、个人妆扮、文 才艺 、 个 性经历都会对一个人产生不同的影响。
Beauty GPS" reminds them that beauty for each woman is unique, the result of her own background, circumstances, education, travel, culture, knowledge, motherhood,
charitable activities, family, personal
[...] grooming, hair, clothes, makeup, talents, experiences, personality and impact on others.
当一个古老神奇的圣杯含有一个强大的邪恶被用来作为战利品在他的学校 才艺 表 演,杰克必须与富狗竞争,他的 技 木 偶 把它找回来。
When an ancient magical chalice containing a
powerful evil is
[...] being used as a trophy at his school's talent show, Jake must compete with Fu Dog as [...]
his ventriloquist puppet to get it back.
此处包含的规范和信息以“按现状”的基础提供,并在适用法律许可的最大范围内被允许,IBM 和 Microsoft 和 BEA 以“按现状并能存在各种错误”的基础提供本文档,特此声明免除所有(无论是明示的、默示的,还是法定的)其它保证和条件,包括(但不限于)对与本文档有关的适销性、适用于某特定用途、响应的准确性或完整性、结果 技艺 精 湛 的成果、无病毒和无疏忽的默示保证、责任或条件(如果有的话)。
This specification and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, BEA, IBM and Microsoft provides the document AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS, and hereby disclaims all other
warranties and conditions, either express,
[...] implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses, and of lack of negligence, all with regard to the document.
11月份的其他活动包括融入加麦兰音乐的快乐生活 ——
[...] 儿童音乐剧场、自闭症儿童的快乐色彩艺术和手工艺展示 、儿童倾诉反暴力虐待心声的电视节目和难民儿 才艺 表 演 秀。
Other initiatives in November include the Bites of Delights children's music theatre with gamelan music, the Happy Colours arts and crafts
showcase by autistic children, a TV programme with children speaking out against bullying and a
[...] refugee children’s talent time.
李总带领公司的科研人员先后研发过太 能技 术 、 纳米技术等,当看到国际照明刊物上刊登的文章中提到“北欧照明协会主席对照明未来的预计:“20年后,照明的发展是集成电路的照明产品”的信息后,立即着手成立公司高新技术研发中心,并广纳从事微电子、电光源方面的钻 技 术 人 才 , 先 后投入了上亿元的资金,用作科研经费,同时还购置了先进的试验设备和检测仪器,为高新技术研发中心的新品研制工作提供了国际先进的技术硬件和软件。
After he saw the information reported on the international lighting journal about “Chairman of Northern Europe
[...] Lighting Association predicted that the lighting development trend is the products with integrated circuit 20 years later”, he immediately set up the high-tech R&D center and hired talents of micro-electronics and electric light source, invested thousands of millions of funds as cost of scientific research, also purchased advanced experiment equipment and testing [...]
instruments, which provided highly developed international technical hardware and software for the high-tech R&D center.
采购项目不同,这方面的情况也不同,如上文第 27 条的
[...] 评注[**超级链接** ]所述,采购实体需拥有适当的专业知识、经验 技能才能选 择最适合特定采购情形的采购方法。
Such circumstances will differ from procurement to procurement and, as noted above in the commentary to article 27 [**hyperlink**], the procuring entity will need to
possess appropriate professional
[...] knowledge, experience and skills to select the procurement [...]
method most suitable for the circumstances of the given procurement.
[...] 最后制定,制冷协会将得到支助,以便执行该制度,制订行业行为守则,并协助环境局实 行管制,确保只有通过认证技术人 员 才能 购 买 制冷剂。
Furthermore, the certification system will be formalised and the refrigeration association will receive support to implement it, develop
the code of practice for the industry, and help NEMA control
[...] that only certified technicians are able to buy refrigerants.
通过这项合同,证明了SMS 梅尔公司能力做好综合项 目,SMS 梅尔公司除了提供设备和艺技术外 ,也为用户 提供服务,它为项目的最终成功起到了重要的作用。
SMS Meer proved capable of managing complex projects
[...] where services, besides the supply of equipment and technology, play a key role for the final success.
例如,早期的3120机芯的摆轮上就可看到如此微妙细致的润色手法;然而,却仅在甫上市数周的崭新Millenary 千禧4101表款上,这技艺才首度一览无遗地展现于表面上,听凭鉴赏家欣赏其无懈可击的典雅华服。
It can be found, for example, as a subtle touch on the balance of the caliber 3120. But it’s on the new Millenary 4101, on the market only a few weeks, that it can be seen in all its splendor because it appears on the face of the watch.
两个报告指出,至少需要把世界生 产总值的 2%投资于绿技术,才能克服 主要的全球生态挑战,包括避免气候变化的灾难性危 [...]
Both reports suggest that at least 2 per cent of
world gross product would need to be
[...] spent towards green technology investments in order [...]
to overcome major global ecological
challenges, including averting the catastrophic risk of climate change, making food production more sustainable, stopping loss of biodiversity, and enhancing resilience against natural hazards.




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