

单词 才疏学浅

See also:


talent and learning

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 叶具3小叶; 小叶宽卵形的或圆形, 8-12 * 8-10 毫米,3浅裂,边缘疏生具圆齿。
Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets broadly ovate or rotund,
[...] 8–12 × 8–10 mm, 3-lobed, margin sparsely crenate.
直到很久以后环境保护和土地可持续 发才成为科学研究项目。
Environmental protection and sustainable land development did not
[...] become subjects of scientific research until much later.
奇数羽状复叶,通常聚生在茎顶部;轴被微柔毛; 叶柄1.5-4厘米,被微柔毛; 小叶(3或)5-9(或更多),8-12厘米; 小叶叶片长圆形,卵形,椭圆形,倒卵形,或者近圆形, 0.5-7.5 * 0.3-3
[...] [...] 厘米,基部小叶最小,小叶尺寸沿叶轴到先端增大,顶端小叶显著大,膜质到厚纸质,背面疏生微柔毛,但脉上密生微柔毛,正面无毛或在腺间具非常稀疏糙硬毛,沿腺具微柔毛,次腺在中脉两边各约5,纤细,基部偏斜,楔形到圆形,边缘全缘或具 疏 钝 牙齿 或 浅 羽 状 裂;侧小叶近无柄,比顶生小叶小,先端圆形,钝,或渐尖;顶生小叶具小叶柄,通常基部和顶部小叶较侧小叶狭窄。
Leaves odd-pinnate, usually aggregated apically on stem; rachis puberulent; petiole 1.5-4 cm, puberulent; leaflets (3 or)5-9(or more), 8-12 cm; leaflet blades oblong, ovate, elliptic, obovate, or suborbicular, 0.5-7.5 × 0.3-3 cm, basal ones smallest and increasing in size along rachis to apex with apical leaflet distinctly larger, membranous to thickly papery, abaxially sparsely puberulent but more densely so along veins, adaxially glabrous or very sparsely hispid between veins and puberulent along veins, secondary veins ca. 5 on each side of midvein and slender, base oblique
and cuneate to rounded,
[...] margin entire or with sparse obtuse teeth or shallowly pinnately lobed; [...]
lateral leaflets subsessile,
smaller than terminal leaflet, apex rounded, obtuse, or acuminate; terminal leaflet petiolulate, usually basally and apically more attenuate than lateral leaflets.
总状花序20-30厘米在花期,浓密多花的; 披针形的苞片,1-2厘米,中脉暗褐色 浅 的 边 缘,膜质 疏 生 具 长缘毛,先端长渐尖。
Raceme 20--30 cm at anthesis, densely many flowered;
bracts lanceolate, 1--2 cm, midvein dark brown,
[...] margin pale, membranous, sparsely long ciliate, apex long [...]
filiform acuminate.
奋进奖学金(Endeavour Awards) ——奋进奖学金是澳洲政府推出的一项基于学术成就水平的国际奖学金项目,旨在为亚太、中东和欧美地区的优秀 才 提 供来 澳 学 习 、从事研究和发展专业能力的机会。
Endeavour Awards is the Australian Government’s internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship program providing opportunities for citizens of the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Europe and the America’s to undertake study, research or professional development in Australia.
该中心以 青年为对象,总体培养目标是:a) 促进艺术教育、提高创新能力,让不同民族、文化、风俗 习惯和传统的青年才学会和 睦相处,学会宽容和理解,增进相互了解,从而推动优质全民 教育重要目标的实现,b) 促进文化多样性和艺术发展,c) 采取具体的实际行动,为不同文 明、文化和民族间的对话做出贡献,以及 d) 促进和平,倡导通过和平的方式解决共同的问 题,在不同国家、分地区和地区的青年人当中培养一种和平文化。
Aimed at young people, the overall objectives are: (a) to further the objectives of artistic education and creativity, to learn to live together and to promote tolerance and understanding among as well as knowledge about different peoples, cultures, customs and traditions, thus pursuing important dimensions of quality Education for All; (b) to promote cultural diversity and artistic development; (c) to undertake concrete and practical action contributing to the dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples; and (d) to promote peace and peaceful solutions to common problems, thus fostering the emergence of a culture of peace among young people from different countries, subregions and regions.
在综合学科,无论报考一所(第一志愿)还是两所(第一志愿+第二志愿),只有在报考 综学科时,才能将学力测 试时的一个科目用音乐、美术、保健体育、技术家庭四个科目中 [...]
For the comprehensive courses, if a student applies for only one [...]
school or two, and they apply exclusively for a comprehensive
course, they can exchange one subject from: music, art, physical education, and home economics to practical demonstration exams.
项目内容:峡 谷水深图绘制、现代计学、沉积学 和 矿 物 学 研 究 ,大陆 浅 层 地 震扫描和侧向 扫描及其普通流体动力学
Project involves: Bathymetric charting of the canyons,
current metering,
[...] sedimentological and mineralogical studies, shallow seismic and side scan and general [...]
hydrodynamic of shelf.
[...] 筒部1.5-2厘米,膨大的基部稍,瓣片2.5毫米宽高于基部肿起部分给在喉部6-10毫米加宽; 约,裂片线形厘米,基部深浅,具 绵状毛 疏 生 , 顶部锐刻划,深色的(? 绿色),微小的。
Corolla mostly maroon or pink, 3-4 cm, glabrous outside; tube 1.5-2 cm, base slightly dilated, limb 2.5-3 mm wide above basal swelling widening to 6-10
mm at throat; lobes linear, ca. 1.5
[...] cm, basal part pale, sparsely lanate, apical part sharply [...]
delineated, dark (?green), minutely pubesent.
必须更积极地提倡小额信贷、促进创业精神和职业培训这三种补充工具 才 能使 教育学习者 更有效用,而巴林已经成功地运用这种办法。
The three complementary instruments of microcredit, promotion of entrepreneurship and vocational training have to
be more actively promoted to make
[...] education relevant for learners, as has been successfully [...]
used in the case of Bahrain.
支持科学协会,支持科学中心基金会 AHHAA、塔林技术和研究中心基
[...] 金会及其他中心,在普通大众中,在以青年为目标的技术和自然之家、学生科学 协会、塔尔图学英才发展 中心、塔林大学学生会等地方,还在国家和国际奥林 匹克运动会上,宣传研究与科学。
Support is provided for scientific societies and the Science Centre Foundation AHHAA, the Tallinn Technology and Research Centre Foundation and other centres promoting research and science among the general public as well as technology and nature houses targeting the youth,
scientific societies
[...] for students, the Gifted and Talented Development Centre of the University of Tartu, [...]
Tallinn University Student
Academy, etc., as well as national and international Olympiads.
这虽然并不意味着必须拥有高学历 才能在 将来找到工作,但是这也揭示了攻读大学和研究生学位会 [...]
While this does not mean that all
[...] workers must have higher education degrees [...]
in order to find a job in the future, it does
reveal the increased “opportunity impact” of pursuing college and graduate degrees.
56 119. 帕劳表示,与会各国 2008 年发表的评估承认在底栖鱼类种群和脆弱海洋
[...] 生态系统的现状和底层捕捞作业的影响方面存在很大的不确定性,并表示需要更 多的学信息,才能够 依照粮农组织准则对各种影响的意义以及缓解措施的效力 [...]
Palau indicated that the assessments published by participating States in 2008 acknowledged significant uncertainties in the status of benthic fish stocks and VMEs and in the impacts of
bottom fishing operations, and indicated
[...] that additional scientific information was [...]
needed before the significance of impacts,
and the effectiveness of mitigation measures, could be assessed pursuant to the FAO Guidelines.
(d) 承认麻风病患者及其家人的技能、特长和能力及其对社会的贡献,并 在可能的情况下支持举办展示其艺术、文化和 学才 能 的 展览
(d) To recognize the skills, merits and abilities of persons affected by leprosy and
their contribution to society and, where possible, to support exhibitions of their
[...] artistic, cultural and scientific talents
才疏學淺 , 上網找遍資料,也找不到有一個地區的政府是同時這樣做的。
Please forgive me for my ignorance, I have searched all over on the Internet and cannot find such a government.
我們須評估該區是否有足夠的道疏 導 交 通, 才是 ㆒個最主要的因素。
It is a misconception that the land price in Kowloon City will increase after the relocation of the
airport. We have to evaluate whether
[...] there are adequate roads in the district to ease the [...]
traffic and this is a principal factor.
政府與企業將這個過程命名為創意再生,因為解決倫敦市中心的衰退問題,但在都市研究者眼中,一切卻愈來愈明顯,由於利用創意,導致創意 才 感 到 疏 離 , 結果倫敦市中心只能由政策帶頭邁向仕紳化。
However it is becoming more and more evident to urban researchers that in harnessing creativity you essentially alienate the creative individuals and force a policy lead gentrification of inner city London.
叶柄8-10毫米,稍具柔毛; 叶片披针形到卵状披针形, 15-24 * 3-5.5
[...] 厘米,纸质,两面无毛或背面和轻微软鳞片状,次脉在中脉两边各1或2,基部圆形到钝,边缘 疏浅 细 锯 齿到近全缘,先端尾状渐尖。
Petiole 8-10 mm, slightly pilose; leaf blade lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 15-24 × 3-5.5 cm, papery, both surfaces glabrous or abaxially puberulous and slight furfuraceous, secondary veins 1 or 2
on each side of midvein, base rounded
[...] to obtuse, margin sparsely shallow serrulate to subentire, [...]
apex caudate-acuminate.
根状茎匍匐; 节间的0.3-1.1 厘米叶全部基生; 托叶卵形或者宽卵形, 10-12 * 7-10 毫米; 叶柄3-16毫米,最初带白色长硬毛状柔毛,老时脱落;叶片斜宽卵形或近圆形, 3.5-18 *
4-14 厘米,草质,具细纤维,具长柔毛在脉上,
[...] 最初带白色的毛,锈色的的晚些时候,绿色,深绿色,或装饰具带白色 浅 马 蹄 形污点疏生贴 伏锈色的具细纤维在幼时,后无毛,基部5-8脉,基部心形,边缘不规则齿或细齿,长缘毛,先端短渐尖,钝或圆形。
Leaves all basal; stipules ovate or broadly ovate, 10-12 × 7-10 mm; petiole 3-16 mm, initially whitish hirsute-villous, glabrescent when old; blade obliquely broadly ovate or suborbicular, 3.5-18 × 4-14 cm, herbaceous, abaxially fibrillose, villous on veins, hairs initially whitish, later rusty, adaxially green, dark green, or
adorned with a whitish or pale
[...] horseshoe-shaped maculation, sparsely appressed rusty fibrillose [...]
when young, glabrescent, basally
5-8-veined, base cordate, margin irregularly dentate or denticulate, long ciliate, apex shortly acuminate, obtuse, or rounded.
其實,他在任職公務員 時的表現,已顯示他自以為是、志 才疏。
While he was serving in the Civil Service, he was arrogant, having great
[...] ambition but little talent.
第四届骨质疏松症会议将于2013年12月12-15日在香港举行,由国际骨质疏松症基金会 (IOF) 和香港骨质疏松基金会 (HKOF)、香港骨疏松学会 (OSHK) 联合组织。
The 4th Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, organized by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) in cooperation with the Hong Kong Osteoporosis Foundation and the Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong, will take place on December 12-15, 2013 in Hong Kong.
它鼓励以浅的和表层学习为主的 学 方 式 ,而不是深层次的,对本质概 念的理解。
It encourages
[...] methods of teaching that promote shallow and superficial learning rather [...]
than deep conceptual understanding.
我认为许多企业家将从元创学习中 受益 浅。
I suspect many entrepreneurs could benefit from a good
[...] dose of meta-entrepreneurial-learning.
会员国应鼓 励采用法律、经济和技术手段来保护这种遗产,必将受益 浅。
Member States will benefit by encouraging legal, economic and technical measures to safeguard the heritage.
我們法定機 構的諮詢委員會內大有人才在,老實說,以這樣的薪酬,如果能禮賢下士, 公開、公正地招聘、吸納才,不 奉行 疏 有 別 ,我相信能找到的 才 ,是 遠勝現時的質素的。
Our advisory committees and statutory bodies have a lot of talents. To be honest, given such salaries, the talents to be recruited will, I believe, far surpass the current ones in calibre, provided that those persons are treated with
deference, the recruitment is conducted in
[...] an open and fair manner to take in talent, and affinity differentiation is given no room.
這 6 年 來,他 是 嘗 試 過 進行很 多改革 , 但 卻 是志才 疏 , “ 掂 邊 瓣 就 衰 邊 瓣 " , 弄 至 民 怨沸騰, “八萬五"不要 談 了 , 進行公務員改 革 , 又弄至 公務員上 街;教育改 革 令 教 師 面 對 工 作 壓 力的 問 題 , 亦不斷 看 到 很 多 教 師出現情緒 的 問 題 , 甚 至 因 精神問 題 以 致 最 終 自 殺 。
Let us not talk about his policy of building "85 000 flats". The implementation of civil service reforms has driven civil servants to take to the streets; the education reforms have put pressure on teachers, and we have consistently seen many teachers suffering from emotional problems and even resorting to killing themselves due to mental disorders.
箇 中 成 因無法 一 概 而 論 , 但 最 重 要 的,始終是人潮 太 集 中於某 一 段 時 間 過 境,導 致 邊 境 未 能 及疏 導 , 才 會 出現短暫的 嚴重擠 塞 。
While the reasons are manifold, the most important reason is that too many travellers cross the border at certain times; the control points, therefore, cannot clear the crowds in a timely manner, resulting in temporary serious congestion.
雖 說 加 費 只 影響私 家 車 和 電 單 車 , 但 我們覺 得沒有道 理,最 重要的 原因, 正如我才 所 說 , 疏 導 交通的 首 要 工 作 是處理西隧的收費 。
That sounds very unreasonable to us, though it is proposed that the increase applies only to private cars and motorcycles.
经社会注意到,地方当局在整合城市发展所涉及的经济、社会和环境 层面开展能力建设对于实现可持续的城市发展及为重要,并说亚太经社会在 这些领域内开展的活动可使成员国获益 浅。
The Commission noted that capacity development for local authorities to integrate economic, social and environmental aspects of urban development was of crucial importance for sustainable urban development and that the activities of ESCAP in those areas could be greatly beneficial for member States.




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