

单词 才然

See also:

only then
a moment ago
(preceded by a clause of condition or reason) not until
sb. of a certain type
a capable individual
(followed by a numerical clause) only

External sources (not reviewed)

有機會參政,自然可吸引各方面的 才 , 然 而 ,現時參政機會如 此短缺,的確是難以吸引多方面人才的。
Talents from
[...] various fields can naturally be attracted if people have the chance to participate in politics. However, since there [...]
are now so few opportunities
for people to participate in politics, it is certainly difficult to attract talents from various fields.
局長在 主 體答覆的第(一 )部 分 提 及 , 行 政長官在 今 年的施 政 報 告 中宣布, 特區政 府將審慎而積極地進行檢 討 , 我 想 請問這是 否一項長 遠 的政策 , 即 10 年 、 20 年 輸入有用的 專才, 還是只屬 短 期 措 施 , 即 檢 討一下 這一、兩年 間應輸入一些甚麼才 , 然後可 能又再檢 討和改變政 策 呢 ?
In part (a) of the Secretary's main reply, it was mentioned that the Chief Executive announced in the policy address this year that the immigration policy on the entry of professionals would be reviewed in a proactive but prudent manner.
为了建立这种和平,就需要适当地确定发展工作 目标领域的优先次序,同时应先利用和挖掘当地的文 职才,然后再 利用地区或国际一级的专家人才。
Building such peace would require the right prioritization of the targeted areas of development, while tapping and harnessing the civilian capacities available locally before resorting to regional or international expertise.
在保留方 与简单反对方的条约关系中,只有因保留而切实更改或排除的部 才 仍 然 不适用:在这一适用涉及法人的范围内,公约全部适用。
Only that which is effectively modified or excluded as a result of the reservation remains inapplicable in the treaty relations between the author of the reservation and the author of the simple objection: the application of the Convention as a whole to the extent that such application concerns legal persons.
各国政府只有了解了这些模式,其干预 措施才能更有针对性,然才能取 得更好成效。
Only when Governments understand those patterns can they target interventions more closely and, of course, get better results.
4.10 关于2003
[...] 年选举前后的事件和变革力量联盟2005年4月16 日组织的会 议,缔约国指出,申诉人在诉讼后 才 提 出他 显 然 认 为 十分关键的这几点情况。
4.10 As to the events surrounding the 2003 elections and the meeting organized by UFC on 16 April 2005, the
State party notes that these points,
[...] which the complainant apparently considers to be crucial, [...]
were not made until late in the proceedings.
然后,才能在 各项重大计划之间分配剩余的资 金。
The remaining balance of funds could then be distributed among individual major programmes.
又认识到 又认识到 又认识到 又认识到当前全球金融和经济危机的不利影响,特别是对发展的不利影响继 续降低许多国家,尤其是发展中国家应对和处理人力资源发展挑战以及拟订和执 行有效的消除贫穷和可持续发展战略的能力, 承认 承认 承认 承认国际移徙与发展之间有着重要的关联,必须应对移徙给原籍国、过境国 和目的地国带来的挑战和机遇,认识到移徙给国际社会带来惠益,也带来挑战, 并强调指出,才流失仍然是许 多发展中国家和转型期国家的一个严重问题,有 损于人力资源开发领域的努力
that the ongoing adverse impacts, particularly on development, of the global financial and economic crisis continue to diminish the ability of many countries, especially developing countries, to cope with and address human resources development challenges and to formulate and implement effective strategies for poverty eradication and sustainable development, the important nexus between international migration and development and the need to deal with the challenges and opportunities that migration presents to countries of origin, transit and destination, recognizing that migration brings benefits as well as challenges to the global community, and stressing that the brain drain continues to be a severe problem in many developing and transitioning countries, undermining efforts in the area of human resources development
当您的 LINK 350 适配器已完成固件更新,从电脑上拔下它 然 后 使 用您 才 用 于 更新 LINK 350 适配器的同一个固件文件继续耳机固件的更新。
When your LINK 350 adapter has been firmware updated unplug it from your PC and continue with an update of the headset firmware using the same firmware file as you just used for the LINK 350 adapter.
一般而言,有必要 对这些鱼种进行更为系统的处理然 后 才 能 说捕捞这些鱼种的渔业得到了适当管 理。
Generally speaking, a more systematic treatment of these species is necessary before it can be said that the fisheries exploiting them are properly managed.
我们在不恰当的地方搞建设,不是以可持续的方式开发资源,仅仅是 然才 利 用 我们的 最新知识来减轻自然灾害造成破坏的影响,如地震、海啸、火山爆发、山体滑坡或洪灾。
We build in the wrong places, we exploit our resources in an unsustainable manner and only occasionally do we apply recent knowledge to mitigate the disastrous impact of natural hazards, like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides or floods.
我们可以先提出两点意见然后才考 虑在外国的豁免权显然妨碍直接执行缔约国 司法当局的裁决时,缔约国仍然可以如何地履行第十四条和第二条规定的义务向 受害者提供补救。
Two observations may be made before considering how, in cases where a foreign State’s immunity poses an apparent obstacle to [...]
the direct enforcement
of the judgment of the judicial authorities of a State party, the State party may nevertheless provide a remedy to victims in the discharge of its own obligations under articles 14 and 2 of the Covenant.
如果 没有,请更正共享文件夹上的许可 然 后 才 尝 试 从扫描站访问该文件夹。
If not, correct the Permissions on the shared folder before trying to access the folder from the Scan Station.
(b) 在 2003-04 年度需要特別留意的事項中,局方未有再提及廣告招牌 登記制度的立法事宜,反而提及從事廣告招牌建造工程的承建商的 註冊制度,此是否意味當局會先行處理工程承建商註冊的立法工 作然後才進行 廣告招牌登記制度的立法工作?
(b) Under “Matters Requiring Special Attention in 2003-04”, the Bureau made no mention of the legislative work for the advertisement signboard registration scheme and instead referred to the registration system for contractors engaged in advertisement signboards.
到目前为止,流动政策的执行 已引起管理当局和工作人员的担心;因此,流动政策 必须得到工作人员和管理当局的认真审查和深入讨 论,以便找到真正的解决之道然后 才 能 成 功启用任 何新政策。
To date, the implementation of the mobility policy had raised concerns among managers as well as staff; it must therefore be carefully reviewed and discussed in depth by both staff and management in order to find real solutions before any new policy could be successfully launched.
在一些情况下,秘书长依赖有关业务部门进行初步的物色、面试和 确定最后人选然后才进行最后任命。
(b) In some cases the Secretary-General relies on the substantive department concerned for the initial search, interview and identification of finalists before proceeding with the final appointment.
会议普遍认为需要进一步获取信息,以了解很少使用国家方案数据报告网络门户的 原因然后委员会才能决定是否强制使用网络门户。
It was widely considered that more information was required about the reasons for which there had been so little use of the web-based portal for the Country Programme (CP) data reporting before the Committee would be able to decide whether to make its use mandatory.
根据联利特派团和联科行动内的人士 以及小组约谈的前科特迪瓦战斗人员提供的信息,大部分战斗人员仍在等待科特
[...] 迪瓦西部安全局势的改善,等待全面开始解除武装、复员和重返社会(复员方案) 进程然后才会考 虑放下武器,换取钱款和接受再培训。
According to sources both within UNMIL and UNOCI, as well as former Ivorian combatants interviewed by the Panel, most combatants are still waiting for improvements in the security situation in western Côte d’Ivoire, as well as the beginning of a
comprehensive disarmament, demobilization and
[...] reintegration process, before they will consider [...]
parting with their weapons in exchange
for payment and retraining options.
任何与 所选按键发生冲突的现有组合必须从 其命令中删除然后才能将其指定给 新命令。
Any existing combination that conflicts with your choice must be removed from its command before it can be assigned to a new command.
待當 局制訂未來路向後,便會徵詢業界的意見 然 後 才 推 行 有關工作。
After the way forward was formulated, the trade would be consulted before implementation.
( 与外界不通音信,也没有后续司法程序)。2004 年初,联邦安全局当地分局的副局长遇害,他被短期拘留,带到森林里,被要求 自掘坟墓,并受到威胁和殴打然后 才 被 释 放。
In early 2004, after the deputy head of the local branch of the Federal Security Bureau (FSB) was
killed, he was briefly
[...] detained, taken to a forest, made to dig his own grave and threatened and beaten, then released.
Students are advised to clean the bottles thoroughly and to remove their lids and labels before discarding them.
后者先安置于国家观察和指导中心 然 后 才 安 置 于其他 适当的接待中心。
The latter are first placed in one of the country’s two Supervision and Guidance Centres and are then transferred to another suitable facility.
专家组建议,在受豁免武器和相关物资及车辆运抵科特迪瓦时,联科行动 综合禁运监察股和(或)专家组须对物品及有关文件进行实物验证然 后 才能由收 件人提货。
The Group recommends that, at the time of arrival of exempted arms and related materiel, as well as vehicles, in Côte d’Ivoire, the Integrated Embargo Monitoring Unit and/or the Group of Experts must proceed with the physical verification of items and related documentation before the recipient takes possession of the materials.
据预计,将先翻译 2008 年国民账户体系的词汇表,以确 保统一然后才对整个案文进行翻译。
It is foreseen that a glossary of terms used the 2008 SNA would be translated first in order to ensure consistency before the entire text is translated.
我们创造作品,都希望达到迄今唯有大 然才 实 现 的耐久性和反响力。
Our creations in this world strive for an endurance and resonance so far achieved only by nature Herself.
财务主任确认, 1,176,270 美元被从世界银行转帐资金中减除了两次,但尚不能确认 1,510,471 美元被减除 了两次,需要进一步核查然后才能 将 这笔数额退还世界银行。
The Treasurer confirmed that the amount of US $1,176,270 had been deducted twice from the World Bank’s transfer, but was not yet in a position to confirm the double deduction of US $1,510,471, and further verification was required before refunding the amount to the World Bank.
亚洲开发银行和联合国贸发会在数个阿富汗边境口岸对司机开展了调查,调查的数据不包 括司机可能会花 1
[...] 到 3 天看望自己的亲戚并且休息然后才 进 入 边境口岸,在海关注册, 并且开始入境手续办理。
ADB and UNCTAD carried out driver surveys at several Afghan border-crossing points but the
figures do not include drivers perhaps
[...] spending one to three days visiting relatives [...]
and resting before entering a border crossing
point and registering with Customs and starting entry procedures.




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