

单词 才华出众

See also:

才华 n

genius n


literary or artistic talent

External sources (not reviewed)

An extremely talented driver, Baird’s passion [...]
and uncompromising drive to be the very best resonates with the SC Global brand.
我们拥才华出众并敬 业的员工、卓越的创新能力、强大并值得信赖的品牌、遍布全球100多个国家的经营足迹以及稳健的财务表现,所有这一切令我们在市场中独树一帜, [...]
We have talented and engaged people, exceptional innovation capabilities, [...]
a strong and trusted brand, presence in over 100
countries, and a solid balance sheet, all of which differentiate us in the market and significantly strengthen our businesses.
挪威的流行音乐界拥有一才华出众 、 个 性鲜明的歌曲作家和表演家,其中包括波蒂娜•泽特里兹(Bertine Zetlitz)、桑德雷•勒撤(Sondre Lerche)、玛丽亚•梅娜(Maria Mena)和“蜉蝣小组”(Ephemera)。
Norwegian pop music boasts a number of gifted and distinctive songwriters and performers, including Bertine Zetlitz, Sondre Lerche, Maria Mena and Ephemera.
这款运用极富现代感的设计来体现经典时计艺术的作品,名副其实为爱彼制表工艺结晶,展现爱 出众 的 制 表 才华 和 精 湛技艺。
This classical work of art, interpreted in a resolutely modern way by Audemars Piguet, establishes itself as a compendium of the art of watchmaking.
斯派才能出众且富 有创新精神的团队所提供的解决方案能够真正提升与我们合作的领先医疗、科学和工业组织的关键技术。
Spellman’s talented and innovative team [...]
provides solutions that truly enhance the critical technologies of the leading Medical,
Scientific and Industrial organizations with whom we do business.
这位灵魂乐巨星的现场表演充分证明他不仅是一 出 色 的歌手,更是一 才华 横 溢的表演艺术家。
The soul musician proved that he
[...] is not only a fantastic singer, but also a talented entertainer.
由于各 种设施的现代化,西班出现了 一些大型音乐周和音乐节,并造就了几 才华横 溢 的作曲家和演奏家,这些人见证了各种形式的音乐是如何成为西班牙人日常生 活的一部分。
Encouraged by this modernization, major cycles and festivals have appeared, and several generations of composers and musicians of great intellectual standing have been trained – a reflection of how music in its various forms of expression has become a part of people’s daily lives.
Edgar Davids曾征战74场国际比赛,曾为阿贾克斯、AC米兰、尤文图斯、巴塞罗那俱乐部、国际米兰、托特纳姆热刺等球队效力,他表示:“最近四个月的经历 众 不 同 ,我在虎牌啤酒街头球王争霸赛中亲眼目睹了最为精彩的‘现场’街头足球比赛,也与如此 才华 横 溢 的球员进行了交流。
Edgar Davids, who has 74 international caps to his name and has played for renowned teams including AFC Ajax, AC Milan, Juventus, FC Barcelona, Inter Milan and Tottenham Hotspur, said, "The last four
months have been an exceptional experience
[...] as I have seen first-hand some of the most exciting 'live' street football action at Tiger Street Football competitions and interacted with so many talented players.
[...] Khalid),阿联酋队员:22岁的阿迪力•卡里德是一位幸运 才 能 出众 的 年 轻人,他击败了另外120名阿联酋的候选人,成功加入今年的沃尔沃环球帆船赛。
Adil Khalid, United Arab Emirates Team Member: Adil Khalid
[...] is one lucky and talented 22 year old, having [...]
beaten 120 other Emirati hopefuls to
participate in this year’s VOR.
专家们还讨论了市场、竞争和政府的作用,得出结论指出,过去有一种一 致 的 看 法,认为政府只 应该为纠正市场失才出 面干预,提供积极的 外部条件, 但实际情况是,各国政府历来都大力支持许多倡议 众 多 新 技术。
Experts also discussed about the roles of the market, competition and government, and came to the conclusion that – whereas in the past, there was a sort of consensus that government should only intervene to correct market failures and give positive externalities – the truth is that Governments have throughout history strongly supported many initiatives and many new technologies.
为 此,消除青年人社会状况恶化和及早识别 才华的 青年均被纳入白俄罗斯在 2010 年联合国全球教育伙 伴关系首脑会议上出的倡 议中,它们可以有益地 纳入联合国系统的业务活动。
To that end,
[...] combating social degradation of youth and early identification of talented youth, both of which were included in the initiative put forward [...]
by Belarus at the 2010 United Nations summit
for a global partnership on education, could usefully be incorporated in the operational activities of the United Nations system.
参与此次交易的另外21家银行包括:Rabobank International、苏格兰皇家银行与苏格兰皇家银行(德国)有限公司、海湾第一银行新加坡分行、印度海外银行新加坡分行、卡塔尔国家银行新加坡分行、 华 银 行 有限公司、澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司、三菱东京UFJ银行株式会社新加坡分行、英国阿拉伯商业银行、中国信托商业银行有限公司新加坡分行、瑞弗森国际银行集团有限公司新加坡分行、东亚银行有限公司新加坡分行、天顶银行(英国)有限公司、巴西银行、台湾银行新加坡分行、恒生银行有限公司、泰京银行( 众 ) 有 限公司新加坡分行、兆丰国际商业银行股份有限公司新加坡分行、印尼国家银行新加坡分行以及阿拉伯法国联合银行。
The 21 participating banks joining the Bookrunning Mandated Lead Arrangers in the transaction include: Rabobank International, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and RBS (Deutschland) AG, First Gulf Bank PJSC, Singapore Branch, Indian Overseas Bank, Singapore Branch, Qatar National Bank SAQ, Singapore Branch, United Overseas Bank Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Limited, Singapore Branch, British Arab Commercial Bank plc, Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co.
我相信萨孚凯文化也拥有同出众的 价 值,其 华 就 是 在萨孚凯人与其他公司员工的区别——在一个拥有强大的同僚关系,或者更 应该定义为朋友关系的组织里,不断寻求挑战,勇于面对和超越。
I also believe Softtek’s culture is another remarkable value, because it is the essence that distinguishes the people that work in Softtek—always looking for challenges, to stand out and transcend within an organization where strong relationships exist between co-workers…or better put, friends, which generates an ideal and friendly working environment.
来到本会馆,您不只在湖中亲手选择鲜活的海鲜,而且还可以品赏到 才华 的 厨 师师傅烹 出 来 的美味,还有尽享西贡啤酒香味以及 Sabeco 牌其他饮料的凉爽感觉。
Coming here, you can not only self select fresh seafood
dishes in the lake, but enjoy the
[...] dishes processed under the talented hands of the chefs, and [...]
even more than that, it would be
a good enjoyment of comfortable feeling through flavors of Saigon beer and other drinks of Sa Be Co.
调研项目不仅能帮助澳大利亚企业深入了解中国市场,还能充分展示MBS学生的 出才华 , ” 副教授Auger说。
Depending on the direction of the project, primary research conducted in China can include meeting with business contacts in Shanghai, talking to suppliers and conducting industry analysis.
不过直到2009年卓越的DualTow表款出 , 大 众才 真 正 发现这一杰出制表师的天赋。
However, it was not until 2009 and the launch of the extraordinary
[...] DualTow that the public at large finally discovered the talent of this exceptional [...]
E. 尽管工作满意无疑是年轻专业人员保持积极性的一个最确凿的因素,但在 “工作—— 生活”或“工作—— 家庭”问题方面取得的进展,包括工作时间安排和
[...] 工作地点方面增加灵活性,可有助于为负有家庭责任 才 干 出众 的 雇 员创造一个 支持性工作环境。
E. While job satisfaction is undoubtedly the most compelling factor in keeping young staff members motivated, progress on “work-life” or “work-family” issues, including enhanced flexibility in the organization of working time and in the
workplace, can contribute to creating a supportive work
[...] environment for high-calibre employees with family [...]
最终,众的支持才 是改 革进程是否可持续以及是否成功的决定因素。
Ultimately, it is public support for the reform [...]
process that will determine its sustainability and success.
鉴于非法移民是个国际性现象并不只是 阿拉伯利比亚众国才有,该国出 该 国 已成为数以百万计的移民的过境国和目 的地国。
Given that illegal immigration was an international phenomenon and not applicable only to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the country noted that it had become a country of transit and destination for millions of immigrants.
无论采用何种表现形式,珠宝师和镶嵌师的 出才华 为 每 一件作品赋予了流畅的质感和闪耀的光辉。
Each Piaget design plays on the fluidity of materials and the radiance of light, thanks
[...] to the exceptional talent of our jewellers [...]
and gem-setters.
从 1978 年以来,Prep for Prep 一直发掘来自普通家庭背景、才能 出众 的 纽约市学生,帮助他们适应在纽约市及东北部地区私立学校的生活。
Since 1978, Prep for Prep has identified promising New York City students from modest economic backgrounds and prepared them for placement at independent schools in the city and throughout the Northeast.
总部设在慕尼黑的瓦克集团将在INDEX 2011展览会上出众多水 基聚合物粘结剂, 用于给高级纺织品和无纺布进行涂层和改性。
At INDEX 2011, the Munich-based WACKER Group will showcase a wide range of water-based polymer binders for coating and modifying high-quality textiles and nonwovens.
现代影院要求影厅内的声场能均匀分布到每个座位,声音具备更广泛的动态范围和频率响应范围,并达到人耳几乎无法察觉的失真度标准。数字原声带需要 华 影 厅具 备 出众 的 音 响系统,以精准地再现录制的原声。
The convenient all-in-one enclosure requires no field assembly, simplifies set-up to construct a neat sound reproduction system.
[...] 件以及子孙后代的福祉和生计,强调需要进一步努力促进青年人的利益,除其 他外,支持青年人发展其潜力才华 , 并 解决青年人面临的社会挑战的负面影 响。
Bearing in mind that the ways in which the challenges and potential of young people are addressed will influence current social and economic conditions and the well-being and livelihood of future generations, Ministers stressed the need for further efforts to promote interests of the youth, inter alia,
by supporting young people to develop
[...] their potential and talents and tackling the negative [...]
impact of social challenges facing the youth.
同样,在美利坚众国,《2009 年爱华·肯尼 迪美国服务法》鼓励老年人为在日常生活中需要协助的其他老年 人提供服务,做有特殊需要的儿童的养祖父母。
Similarly, in the United States of America, the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act of 2009 encourages older persons to serve other older people who need assistance with daily tasks and to become foster grandparents to children with special needs.
主任报告说,第五十四次会议以来,她和各种专业工作人员参加了一些会议,其中 包括:技术和经济评估小组在奥地利维也纳举行的会议,以介绍执委会与编写多边基金 2009—2011
[...] 埃及开罗举行的联合会议;全球环境基金理事会在美利坚 众 国 华 盛 顿 哥伦比亚特区举行 的会议;在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的一次关于计量吸入器的专题会议;在前南斯拉夫 [...]
泰国曼谷举行的第 28 次会议。
The Chief Officer reported that she and various professional staff had attended a number of meetings since the 54th Meeting, including that of TEAP in Vienna, Austria, to provide information on Committee decisions and funding policies relevant to preparation of the report on the 2009-2011 replenishment of the Multilateral Fund; a joint meeting of the English-speaking African and West Asia networks in Cairo, Egypt; the
meeting of the Global Environment Facility
[...] (GEF) Council in Washington D.C., United [...]
States of America; a thematic meeting on
metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a meeting on HCFC phase-out management plans in Ohrid, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; and the 28th Meeting of the OEWG in Bangkok, Thailand.
这种教育是基本权利,也是公共福利,应 当满足所有青年的需要,确保他们充分施展个 才华 , 真 正融入劳动世界,以及提高 他们参与劳动生活与公民义务的能力。
As both a basic right and a public good, this education must respond to the needs and interests of all young people with a view to ensuring the realization of their full potential, their successful integration in the world of work, as well as their capacity to participate in active life and as responsible citizens.
2010 年 2 月 22 日和 23 日,特别报告员派代出席了反恐执行工作队在美利坚众国华盛顿 里奇蒙/贝勒尤举办的关于打击恐怖分子使用因特网问题的研讨会。
On 22 and 23 February 2010, the
Special Rapporteur was
[...] represented at a Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force workshop on countering terrorist use of the Internet, held in Richmond/Bellevue, Washington, United States [...]
of America.
赞比亚:国家工作队讨论是否等国家规划文 出 台 后 才 编 制新的联发援框架,以确保 联发援框架与第六个国家发展计划(SNDP)保持一致,但考虑到尽管努力使联合国文件符 合国家计划,但两者周期很难保持一致,而且赞比亚的情势不可能在短期内有所变化,因此 决定开始编制工作。
Zambia: After discussing whether to wait for the national planning document to be ready in order to ensure the UNDAF’s alignment to the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP), the UNCT decided to go ahead with the preparation of the new UNDAF, considering that despite efforts to align United Nations documents to national plans, the cycles are hardly the same and that the situation in Zambia is unlikely to change in the short term.
在上一次(1983 年)人口普查中,尽管分类标准模糊,但 约有几十万人登记,当华裔缅甸人 众 多 , 虽然人数不明, 但影响力不可小视(证人,如,奈温将军,Brigadier Aung Gyi)。
In the last census of 1983, there were several hundred thousand listed, although the criteria for such a categorisation was obscure, and there is an extensive Sino-Burman population of unknown size but considerable influence (witness, for example, General Ne Win, Brigadier Aung Gyi).




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