

单词 手足亲情

See also:


hands and feet
retinue, henchmen, accomplices
(fig.) brothers


love, esp. within a married couple or between parents and children
family love


with one's own hands

External sources (not reviewed)

當這部分工作完成以後,我們定亦必盡量探討私㆟機構的 手不 足情況。
When that has been done, we will
[...] certainly try to look at the shortage in the [...]
private sector as well.
对于佛得角人民来说,海洋不仅是养育我们的亲或是难以足的情人,海洋还是我们文明和灵感的 重要来源。
For the people of Cape Verde, the ocean is more
[...] than a nurturing mother or a demanding lover — it is our [...]
vital source of civilization and inspiration.
[...] 面,多哥愿邀请他们走对话和妥协的道路,弥合党派 分歧,手足情谊、团结和分担责任的气氛中坚定地 [...]
In that regard, Togo wishes to invite them to follow the road of dialogue and compromise, overcome partisan differences and
keep firmly on course for reconstruction and development in
[...] a climate of brotherhood, solidarity [...]
and shared responsibility.
在决议第 10 和第 11 段中,大会还敦促各国加紧努力,查明失踪人员的下落, 并采取法手段满足失踪人员亲属的 需求,建议依照法治与司法机制将失踪人员 问题纳入冲突后的重建进程中。
In paragraphs 10 and 11 of the resolution, the General Assembly also urged the States to enhance their
efforts to determine
[...] the fate of the missing persons and adopt legal mechanisms to address the needs of the relatives of the missing and [...]
recommended that the
issue of missing persons be included in the post-conflict reconstruction process, in accordance to the rule of law and justice mechanisms.
分裂分子的行动由来悠久,最近的经验证实,这 是帝国主义列强使用的策略之一,煽动基于族裔、宗 教或任何理由的分裂、造成国家支离破碎,这 情况 一般都会导手足相残的战争,这样的战争往往被用 作外国入侵的正当理由。
Secessionist manoeuvres have a long history, and very recent experiences confirm that it is one of the tactics used by the imperialist Powers, inciting divisions on ethnic, religious or any grounds and the fragmentation of nations, which, in general, leads to fratricidal wars that tend to be used in order to justify foreign invasion.
十年前,在阅读一份有关慕尼黑流浪汉的报告时,Jutta看到一篇文章,描述当时无家可归的孩子及其 亲 的 情 况。
Reading a Munich-based homeless paper
about 10 years ago, Jutta came across an article that
[...] described the situation of homeless children and mothers at the time.
针对就业市场上自动测试人员的水平都很“业余”的现状,我们的集训目标是“经验丰富的专业级”自动测试工程师,从工具使用的广度和应用的复杂度上突破,使学员在短时间内见识到 亲手 实 现 复杂的自动测试Case,开口就能讨论常见的技术难点和曾经走过的弯路,以技术深度和经验丰富取胜;让参加的同学能够在简历和面试中以比较高的自动测试水平出现,在当前的市 情 况 下 ,同学们会在大部分QA职位前比其他申请人有明显的优势,完成本项目班的同学能够在求职中以自动测试作为主要亮点。
We try to get the breakthrough from tools using to complex application to make the students understand complex automatic test Case, get the methods to deal with the issues and discuss common technical difficulties. Based on technology depth and rich experience, we will help the students make good preparation for the resume and interview to show their perfect relatively high automatic test ability that can make them stand out among most QA position applicants.
为了促进我们的国手足情谊, 消极安全保证问 题是裁军和不扩散辩论中的组成部分。
For the sake of our
[...] international brotherhood, the issue of [...]
negative security assurances is an integral component of the
debate on disarmament and non-proliferation.
筑物确定公顷数 最重要的地税是对企业的征税: 已婚夫妻和亲父母如果足了某 些条件, 有权利进行单独或联合缴纳所得税,但要排 除一方按线性所得税纳税情况。
Married couples and sole parents are entitled to tax their income individually or jointly, if certain conditions are met, excluding the case in which one of them [...]
is taxed by the linear rate.
今天,我们正加倍努力,以开创多民族与多宗教之间 伙伴关系手足情谊的精神。
Today we are increasingly working to create a spirit of partnership and fraternity among our many nationalities and religions.
(g) 改善数据收集、手术前和手术情况 , 衡量在 足手 术 治疗需要方面的 进展以及手术、康复和重返社会-经济生活等服务的质量,包括手术后成功怀孕、 活产的前景及出现影响健康的严重并发症的可能性,以期应对改善孕产妇健康方 [...]
面的挑战; (h) 提供健康教育、康复和社会经济重新融入咨询服务,包括医疗咨询,以
此作为向接受瘘管修补治疗的所有妇女,包括向那些患有无法修补瘘管病的妇女 提供的手术后护理的重要内容
(g) To improve data collection, pre-
[...] and post-surgery, to measure progress in addressing the needs for surgical treatment [...]
and the quality of surgery,
rehabilitation and socio-economic reintegration services, including post-surgery prospects for successful subsequent pregnancies, live births and severe health-related complications so as to address the challenges for improving maternal health
传统制陶人甚至让游亲手尝试 这种特殊技艺,而小型博物馆是探索当地文物的理想场所。
Traditional craftsman even offer visitors the
[...] opportunity to try their hand at these special [...]
skills while the mini museum
is ideal for discovering local artefacts.
根据美国农业部的规定,手足口病影响的国家所产的大部分乳制品严禁入境;然而,按照相关指示,植物保护与检疫处对于一些特 情 况 将 酌 情 予 以处理,其中包括“供婴幼儿食用数天的合理剂量或小剂量牛奶或乳制品,准许进入美国境内”。
According to the US Department of Agriculture, the majority of
milk products
[...] originating from countries affected with Foot and Mouth Diseases are prohibited; however, Plant Protection and Quarantine has been instructed to provide some exceptions including "Milk and milk [...]
products intended
for use by infants or very young children are enterable (into the U.S.) if in a reasonable or small quantity for several days' use".
在允许子女在狱中陪伴亲的情况下 ,还应为监狱工作人员提供关于儿 童成长的进一步知识和儿童保健方面的基本培训,以便他们能在需要时和紧急情 [...]
Where children are allowed to
[...] stay with their mothers in prison, awareness-raising [...]
on child development and basic training
on the health care of children shall also be provided to prison staff, in order for them to respond appropriately in times of need and emergencies.
立即并无条件释放因和平行使其言论和集会自由且未受任何刑事指控 的所有被拘留人员;公布一份列有被捕和被控犯有与最近的示威活动 有关的刑事罪行的所有人员姓名的官方清单,包括逮捕日期、拘留地 点和所受指控的详情;采取直接措施,根据国际标准,确保所有因刑 事指控被拘留者从被拘留时起获得所有的公平审判保障,包括获知对 其指控的权利、立即接触律师的权利、将拘 情 况 通 知 亲 属 的 权利、 在合理的时限内出庭的权力。
Immediately and unconditionally release all prisoners detained for peacefully exercising their freedom of expression and assembly, and who have not been charged with any criminal offence; issue an official list containing the names of all those who have been arrested and charged with criminal offences in relation to recent demonstrations, including details about the dates of their arrest, places of detention, and charges against them; take immediate measures to ensure that all persons detained on criminal charges are afforded all fair trial guarantees from the moment of their detention, including the rights to be informed of the charges against them, to have prompt access to a lawyer, to notify a relative regarding their detention and to appear before a judge within a reasonable period of time, in accordance with international standards.
深为感谢圣文森特和格林纳丁斯政府和人民为特别委员会举行讨论会提供 必要的设施,为讨论会的成功做出卓越的贡献,特别是在与会者逗留圣文森特和 格林纳丁斯期间给与慷慨和善意的招待以 亲 切 热 情 的 接 待。
to the Government and the people of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for providing the Special Committee with the necessary facilities for its seminar, for the outstanding contribution they have made to the success of the seminar and, in particular, for the very generous and kind hospitality and the warm and cordial reception accorded to the participants throughout their stay in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
由于辩护方的一再坚持,才让记 者进入法庭,然而却不亲属录下庭 情 况 过 程。
Journalists allowed into the court room at the insistence of the defence and relatives were not permitted to record the hearings.
基 建 創 造出來 的 大量 就 業 機 會,只
[...] 會成為不法商人和“黑 工 ” 的 “ 囊 中物” , 而 本 地工人的失 業 或開工足 情 況 則會依 然 嚴重。
The huge numbers of jobs to be created by infrastructure projects will only become the "preys" of
unscrupulous businessmen and "black market workers", and the
[...] unemployment and underemployment of local workers [...]
will remain serious.
前线指 挥官则认为他只是一个信使,实权掌握在他 亲手 里。
Field commanders perceived him merely as a
[...] messenger, with his father in charge.
1979年,当我从我亲手中接 管下比泽尔的时候,我就有一个梦想:我要让比泽尔发展成为欧洲领先的制冷压缩 [...]
When I took over this
[...] company from my father in 1979, I had [...]
a vision: I wanted to turn BITZER into Europe's leading manufacturer
of refrigeration compressors, to achieve a strong global presence, to be at the forefront of technology, to be independent, and to develop the company through controlled growth.
(f) 董事會可議決,按溢價配發將予配發的股份,惟溢價須入賬列為 悉數足,而在有情況下 ,除將用以撥充資本及根據上文(e) 分段予以運用的金額外,及就其中所載而言,董事會須將其可釐 [...]
入任何儲備或其他特別賬項作為進賬的利潤)撥充資本及予以運 用,該筆款項相等於將予配發股份的溢價總額,並須連同根據上 文(e)分段將予運用的款項一併運用,及按照其中所載基準用於悉 數繳足向選擇股份持有人配發及分派的適當數目的未發行股份。
(f) the Board may resolve that the shares to be allotted shall be allotted at a premium
provided that the premium is credited as
[...] fully paid up and in such case the Board shall in [...]
addition to the amount to be capitalised
and applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above, and for the purpose therein set out, capitalise and apply out of the amount standing to the credit of the share premium account or out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserve or reserves or other special account) as the Board may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate amount of the premium on the shares to be allotted and shall apply the same together with the sum to be applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above and on the basis therein set out in paying up in full the appropriate number of unissued shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the Elected Shares.
通过电子邮件、传真亲手传递方式交送的核证申请将一律按上文第 29 段 所述方式处理。
Accreditation requests received
[...] by e-mail, fax or hand-delivery in Istanbul [...]
will be processed the same way as referred to in paragraph 29 above.
在毒品和犯罪问题办公室全球打击洗钱方案框架内,向超过 85 个法域的执 法官员、检察官、法官和金情报机 关人员提供 亲手 操 作的建议和协助,在 全世界举办了 26 次培训活动,培训了 1,250 名官员。
In the framework of the UNODC Global Programme against
Money-Laundering, hands-on
[...] advice and assistance were provided to law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges and financial intelligence unit personnel [...]
from more than 85 jurisdictions,
26 training events were organized worldwide and 1,250 officers were trained.
豪(狄龍飾)與Mark(周潤發飾情如 手足 , 一 次偽鈔交易中,豪在台灣遭手下成出賣被捕,父親被殺;Mark為豪報仇時中槍變成子,從此在幫會地位一落千丈。
As the sidekick to his former gang brother Tse-ho (Ti Lung, Blood Brothers), Mark finds himself out of favour when his boss is sent to the slammer.
上述19名現任公 司董事、高級管理人員及1名卸任的公司高級管理人員所獲授的股權激勵股票的20% 部分(即上述按《公司法》及《深圳證券交易所上市公司董事、監事和高級管理人員所 持 本 公 司 股 份 及 其 變 動 管 理 業 務 指 引》等 相 關 規 定 需 繼續鎖 定 不予解 除限售 的 709,582股A股)鎖定期已滿,並於2010年2月26日在中國證券登記結算有限責任公司 深圳分公司辦理了解除限手續,詳 情 請 見 本公司於2010年2月26日發佈《關於董 事、高級管理人員獲授的股權激勵股票第一次解除限售的公告》。
The lock-up period for 20% of the shares granted under the Share Incentive Scheme to the said 19 incumbent directors and senior management staff members of the Company and 1 former senior management staff member who had resigned, namely the 709,582 A shares remaining under lock-up and subject to sale restriction under the relevant regulations of the Company Law and the Guidelines for the Administration of Company Shareholdings by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Officers of Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Changes in Shareholdings, has expired.
在 “港人長期”之前加上“政府一直忽略制訂一套完善的精神健康 政策的重要性,在”;及在“相關政策,”之後加上“包括檢討現時
[...] 資源能有效分配,並同時提高服務的質素和效率;全面評估醫護 人手的需求,適度增加醫護人員,確保 手足 以 應付社區精神 復康計劃的需求;同時在社區加強精神健康教育工作並舉辦 [...]
講座,讓市民更理解精神健康的概念,以預防、應對和及早發現 各種精神疾病,”。
To add “the Government has long neglected the importance of formulating a sound mental health policy,” after “That”; and to delete “and build” after “education, etc.,” and substitute with “including reviewing the existing psychiatric services provided by the Hospital Authority and non-profit-making organizations to ensure effective resource allocation between the two, while enhancing service quality and efficiency; comprehensively assessing the demand for healthcare manpower and appropriately increasing the number
of healthcare personnel to ensure
[...] that the manpower is sufficient to cope with the demand [...]
of community mental rehabilitation
programmes; and at the same time stepping up the work of mental health education and organizing talks in the community to enable the public to better understand the concept of mental health, with a view to preventing, addressing and identifying at an early stage various types of mental illness as well as building”.
改进对当代的各种暴力形式与人类安全和发展水平之间联系的认识:2003 年 11 月 3 日,教科文组织和国防高等研究学院(IHEDN)(巴黎)合作举办了题为“暴力及其根源: 我手足无措吗?
Enhanced understanding of the links between contemporary forms of violence and the level of human security and development: following the international seminar entitled “Violence and its causes: a stocktaking”, jointly organized by UNESCO and the Institute of Higher Studies in National Defence (IHEDN, Paris) on 3 November 2003, the publication of all the papers delivered during the seminar is being prepared and will be available in several languages.




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