单词 | 手足 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 手足—hands and feetless common: retinue, henchmen, accomplices (fig.) brothers Examples:手足之情—brotherly affection 手足口病—hand foot and mouth disease, HFMD, caused by a number of intestinal viruses, usually affecting young children 手足口症—human hand foot and mouth disease, a viral infection
慢性汞暴露的神经系统症状包括: [...] 兴奋性增加、精神不稳定、易哭、手足轻微震颤及人格变化(Ingham County 2005)。 zeromercury.org | Symptoms of chronic mercury exposure on the nervous system include: Increased excitability, [...] mental instability, tendency to weep, [...] fine tremors ofthe hands and feet,and personality [...]changes (Ingham County 2005). zeromercury.org |
为了促进我们的国际手足情谊,消极安全保证问 题是裁军和不扩散辩论中的组成部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | For the sake of our international brotherhood, the issue of negative security assurances is an integral component of the debate on disarmament and non-proliferation. daccess-ods.un.org |
最常见的病原体是柯萨奇病毒A16型,此外肠道病毒EV71型或其他肠道病毒也可引起手足口病。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The most common cause of the disease is coxsackievirus A16, but sometimes HFMDis caused by EV71 or other enteroviruses. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
今天,我们正加倍努力,以开创多民族与多宗教之间 伙伴关系和手足情谊的精神。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today we are increasingly working to create a spirit of partnership and fraternity among our many nationalities and religions. daccess-ods.un.org |
肢端痛显示为四肢疼痛、手、足及鼻子刺痛 并脱皮、兴奋性、发汗、快速心跳及缺乏灵活性(Ingham [...] County 2005)。 zeromercury.org | Acrodynia is evidenced by pain in the extremities, pinkness and [...] peeling of the hands, feet and nose, [...]irritability, sweating, rapid heartbeat and [...]loss of mobility (Ingham County 2005). zeromercury.org |
1997年马来西亚和1998年台湾在暴发手足口病期间就出现了致命的脑炎。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Cases of fatal encephalitis occurred [...] during outbreaksof HFMD in Malaysia in [...]1997 and in Taiwan in 1998. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
分裂分子的行动由来悠久,最近的经验证实,这 是帝国主义列强使用的策略之一,煽动基于族裔、宗 教或任何理由的分裂、造成国家支离破碎,这种情况 一般都会导致手足相残的战争,这样的战争往往被用 作外国入侵的正当理由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Secessionist manoeuvres have a long history, and very recent experiences confirm that it is one of the tactics used by the imperialist Powers, inciting divisions on ethnic, religious or any grounds and the fragmentation of nations, which, in general, leads to fratricidal wars that tend to be used in order to justify foreign invasion. daccess-ods.un.org |
专为身体和手足而设的松弛按摩油,利用奢华的植物油调配而成,除可用作按摩之外,更可用作沐浴後的润肤油。 nestbeauty.com | A relaxing masage oil [...] for the body, hands andfeet made [...]from a luxurious blend of botanical oils. nestbeauty.com |
作为一个响应我们利比亚手足呼声的穆斯林兄 弟国家,马尔代夫赞扬本组织各会员国通过第 [...] 65/265 号决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Maldives, a fellow Muslim [...] country responding to the calls of our brothers [...]and sisters in Libya, commends all Member [...]States of this body for the adoption of resolution 65/265. daccess-ods.un.org |
改进对当代的各种暴力形式与人类安全和发展水平之间联系的认识:2003 年 11 月 3 日,教科文组织和国防高等研究学院(IHEDN)(巴黎)合作举办了题为“暴力及其根源: 我们手足无措吗? unesdoc.unesco.org | Enhanced understanding of the links between contemporary forms of violence and the level of human security and development: following the international seminar entitled “Violence and its causes: a stocktaking”, jointly organized by UNESCO and the Institute of Higher Studies in National Defence (IHEDN, Paris) on 3 November 2003, the publication of all the papers delivered during the seminar is being prepared and will be available in several languages. unesdoc.unesco.org |
全面的手足护理,让您获得 全身的放松,拥有无与伦比的畅快感觉。 chuanspa.com.cn | Next, we [...] rejuvenate your hands andfeet with [...]nourishing oils and lotions to leave you with a renewed sense of well-being. chuanspa.com |
自一九七八年成立以来,经营益智类游戏迄今的仙友企业(创聚科技),在众人甫过完新年之际,立即推出了四合一智力测验游戏机-「MoMo IQ [...] Station」、卡片学习游戏-「Game 2 Learn ABC」,以及手足球机-「IRONMAN STRIKER」,积极投入二○一一年的游戏业界。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Established in 1978, Power Creation (Shain You), the manufacturer of edutainment games and machines recently released its 4 in 1 IQ assessment machine “MoMo IQ station”, an [...] educational card game machine “Game 2 Learn [...] ABC”, andatable football “Iron Man Striker” [...]to demonstrate its ambition in 2011. taiwanslot.com.tw |
此外,学生可以享用升学就业 辅导中心、人手足够(包括一名护士)的健康中心,以及朋辈资源计划。 sfusd.edu | Students have access to our College & Career Center, and a fully staffed Wellness Center (with a nurse) as well as a Peer Resources Program. sfusd.edu |
此外,本院的家庭医学专科医生李俊杰医生及彭少良医生亦亲临会场,主讲有关手足口病及脑中风的讲座,加深大众对疾病的了解。 hksh.com | Besides, Dr. Lee Chun Kit and Dr. Pang Siu Leung, [...] Specialists in Family Medicine, were invited to conduct [...] seminars on strokeandhand,foot and mouth [...]disease respectively. hksh.com |
在这方 面,多哥愿邀请他们走对话和妥协的道路,弥合党派 分歧,在手足情谊、团结和分担责任的气氛中坚定地 走重建和发展道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, Togo wishes to invite them to follow the road of dialogue and compromise, overcome partisan differences and keep firmly on course for reconstruction and development in a climate of brotherhood, solidarity and shared responsibility. daccess-ods.un.org |
Dacco 坐垫能透过安定幼儿的姿势,减低幼儿身体的负担,令幼儿更为放松, 又不会妨碍幼儿手足活动。 combi.com.hk | The dacco seating system replicates a parent's cuddle which is the most comfortable and natural position. It helps minimizing [...] the body stress effectively, secures the baby in the unique position and yet allows baby to [...] move the arms and legs freely. combi.com.hk |
为保持10一贯高质素和卫生的服务承诺,所有美甲师都需要接受一连串的训练,以达到世界认可的水平,并确保员工能为顾客提供最专业的手足护理服务和分析。 sogo.com.hk | Demonstrating the highest standards of hygiene and quality, 10’s staff is continually trained according to world class standards and is committed to delivering the ultimate experience client care and services. sogo.com.hk |
MKVToolnix是一款较为适合高级用户的万能视频编辑与转换,因为,程序所提供的海量功能选项可能会让初学者们有些手足无措。 mkvtoolnix.cn.uptodown.com | MKVToolnix is a ful-featured vdeo applcation, specialy [...] thought to eb used by advanced users because the large quantity f options [...] can surprise novice ones that can [...]get in a mess. mkvtoolnix.en.uptodown.com |
豪(狄龙饰)与Mark(周润发饰)情如手足,一次伪钞交易中,豪在台湾遭手下成出卖被捕,父亲被杀;Mark为豪报仇时中枪变成子,从此在帮会地位一落千丈。 buyoyo.com | As the sidekick to his former gang brother Tse-ho (Ti Lung, Blood Brothers), Mark finds himself out of favour when his boss is sent to the slammer. buyoyo.com |
Dacco 座垫能有效地减低身体上的压力,给予幼童最舒适的坐姿,又不会防碍幼儿手足的活动。 combi.com.hk | The positioning concept originated from infant medial system, inspired us to develop this dacco seat to secure the baby in the best position all the time. combi.com.hk |
乙)伤残人仕:例如失聪、手/足部有残缺或不良於行者,须通过医生推荐及经运输署体格测试满意後,方可申请驾驶考试。 hkcarworld.com | (B) Handicapped candidates: such as those with impaired hearing, missing or defective limbs, or with walking difficulties, have to be referred by medical officers and to successfully pass a physical test conducted by the Transport Department, before they are allowed to apply for a driving test. hkcarworld.com |
根据美国农业部的规定,受手足口病影响的国家所产的大部分乳制品严禁入境;然而,按照相关指示,植物保护与检疫处对于一些特殊情况将酌情予以处理,其中包括“供婴幼儿食用数天的合理剂量或小剂量牛奶或乳制品,准许进入美国境内”。 zs.orlandoairports.net | According to the US Department of Agriculture, the [...] majority of milk products originating from [...] countries affected with Foot andMouth [...]Diseases are prohibited; however, Plant Protection [...]and Quarantine has been instructed to provide some exceptions including "Milk and milk products intended for use by infants or very young children are enterable (into the U.S.) if in a reasonable or small quantity for several days' use". orlandoairports.net |
10 perfect [...] nails是香港第一流的连锁式美甲专门店,除了拥有在行内首屈一指的光疗树脂殖甲技术外,亦提供全面呵护手足的疗程让顾客选择。 sogo.com.hk | 10 perfect nails, Hong Kong’s leading nail spa chain, known as one of the [...] pioneers in gel nail technology. 10 offers a treatment menu representing the height of [...] pampering and care for hands and feet. sogo.com.hk |
若长出鸡眼(脚趾上的厚或硬皮)、足茧(脚底的 厚皮)、脚甲倒生、疣、或皮肤破裂时,应找医生 或足部护理专家(如足科医生、手足病医生或有经 验的足部护理护士)治疗,切勿尝试自行医治。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | If you have any corns (thick or hard skin on [...] toes), calluses (thick [...] skin on bottom of feet), in-grown toenails, warts or slivers, have them treated by your doctor or a foot care specialist (such as a podiatrist, chiropodist [...]or experienced foot care nurse). centraleastlhin.on.ca |
跟腱痛,动脉炎(下肢),动脉炎(上肢),风湿性关节炎,急性关节病,慢性关节病,关节水肿,间歇性跛行,扭伤,挫伤,术后疼痛,水肿减少,上髁炎(侧面),上髁炎(尺骨),急性血肿,肩周炎(冰冻肩),肌张力亢进,白肌纤维肌肉张力减退,白肌纤维肌肉张力减退,术后肌张力减退,下背痛,淋巴水肿,伯格病(间歇性失运动综合征),手足发绀,神经痛,雷诺综合征,短肌,弛缓性便秘,痉挛性便秘,脊柱侧凸,痉挛,强直性脊柱炎,慢性腱鞘炎,亚急性肌腱炎,肌肉刺激“白肌纤维”,肌肉刺激“红肌纤维”,激痛点—深层,激痛点—浅层,牙关紧闭症。 btlnet.cn | achillodynia, arteritis (lower limb), arteritis (upper limb), arthritis rheumatoid, arthrosis acute, arthrosis chronic, arthrosis oedematous, intermittent claudication, distortion, contusion, pain postoperative, oedema reduction, epicondylitis (lateral), epicondylitis radial (ulnar), haematoma - peracute, periarthritis of the shoulder (frozen shoulder), hypertonia muscular, hypotonia muscular "phasic", hypotonia muscular "tonic", hypotonia muscular - postoperative, lumbalgia (low back pain), lymphoedema, Buerger, acrocyanosis, neuralgia, Raynaud's, short muscles, obstipation atonic, obstipation spastic, scoliosis, spasticity, ankylosing spondylitis, tendovaginitis chronic, tendinitis subacute, muscle tonization "phasic", muscle tonization 'tonic', trigger points – deep, trigger points – superficial, trismus btlnet.com |
滋润手足磨砂特选杏桃粒籽、天然植物精华油及维他命E,软化肌肤,去除手足死皮,同时充分滋养手部及足部乾燥肌肤,有效改善及避免乾燥裂纹现象,配合乳木果手部足部润肤霜使用,更能令手足回复光泽,平滑细嫩。 glamabox.com | Hand & Foot Scrub isenriched with Aloe Vera, plant extracts & vitamins E. The ground apricot seeds will gently exfoliate dry & rough skin while the natural plant extracts & oils will moisturize & nourish your feetandhand,leavingthem revitalized & renewed. glamabox.com |
在摘录自「简单孩子」(Simple Kids)的文章中,她解释了手足关系对成长的作用、影响手足关系质素的因素,以及家长实际可以做甚麽来培养相亲相爱的手足之情。 parenting.ycef.com | In this article from Simple Kids, she explains the role of sibling relationship on development, the factors that influence the qualityof relationship between siblings, and what practical things parents can do to foster a lovingsibling relationship. parenting.ycef.com |