

单词 手舞足蹈

See also:


hands and feet
retinue, henchmen, accomplices
(fig.) brothers

External sources (not reviewed)

事 後 , 我 看 到一些从很近 距离拍 摄 的 照 片,所有参 加 者手舞 足 蹈直 是 嘉 年华式 的。
I saw some pictures taking at a veryclose distance afterwards, all the participants were jumping about joyfully.
2004年11月在科罗拉多州韦尔的一个共和党竞选阵营,一名工作人员在得到最新的选举团票数 统计手舞足蹈
At a Republican election party in Vail, Colorado, a joyful reaction to an Electoral College update during the vote counting in November 2004.
大部份互动媒体艺术都习惯以投影创作,但UVA及Teddy Lo则喜欢利用LED Lighting这个触摸得到的媒体,让观众可以真正置身作品,比仅仅对着影手舞足蹈 拟交流更为真切。
Touchable and interactive, it encourages the audience to take part and subsequently become part of the art piece.
此外,家长热心於义务工作,例如在图 书馆、学生商店当席,或舞蹈或校外参观时看管学生。
They volunteer in the library, classrooms and student
[...] store, supervise dances and field trips.
因应表演艺术委员会的建 议,当局在
2006 年 11 月成立了表演艺术资助委员会,就 10 个
[...] 主要演艺团体(包括康文署资助的 4 个艺团,即香港中乐团、香 港舞蹈团、香港话剧团及香港管弦协会,以及香港艺术发展局资 助的 6 个三年资助团体,即香港芭蕾舞团、中英剧团、城市当舞蹈香港小交响乐团、剧场组合及进念二十面体)日後的资 助安排,向政府提供意见,并制订一套新资助评核准则 及资助模式,在 2009 年 4 月推行。
Following up the recommendation of the Committee on Performing Arts, a Funding Committee for the Performing Arts to advise the Government on the future funding arrangements for the 10 major performing arts groups (including the four groups subvented by the LCSD, namely, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the Hong Kong Dance Company, the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society; and the six three-year grantees of the
Hong Kong Arts Development
[...] Council, namely, the Hong Kong Ballet, Chung YingTheatre Company, the City Contemporary DanceCompany, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Theatre Ensemble and Zuni Icosahedron) [...]
was set
up in November 2006 to develop a new set of funding assessment criteria and a new model of funding to be put in place for implementation in April 2009.
30.11 现时为精神病康復者提供的住宿照顾服务及社区支
[...] 及活动中心内的交谊中心均提供一系列的社交/康樂/体 育/文化活动予精神病康復者,包括音樂会、健艺班及中国书法等,藉此发展和表彰他们的创 意、艺术、运动和智能方面的濳能。
30.11 The existing residential care services and community support service units for ex-mentally ill persons such as social clubs of the Community Mental Health Link and TACs provide a range of social / recreational / sports /
cultural programmes including
[...] concerts,aerobicdance,handicraftclasses, football teams,Chinese [...]
calligraphy, etc. so as to
develop and demonstrate their creative, artistic, sportive and intellectual potentials.
巡回演出”照搬了出生于底特律的麦当娜(她是挪用亚文化的身体性并将之重新改编便于大众消费的大师) 舞蹈, 并再现了克、嘻哈、手舞室音乐以及滑板文化等这些美国/底特律亚文化的历史时刻。
The Circuit” lifts choreography from Detroit-born Madonna, a master of appropriating subcultural physicality and reimagining it for popular consumption, and reenacts historical moments from American and Detroit subcultures includingrave,punk, hip-hop, juggalo, vogue, house, and skate cultures.
社区艺术节 歌唱舞蹈五重 奏、默剧、非洲鼓、小丑秀及各 地传统婚嫁仪式等演出。
Singing and dance, accordion quintet, mime, African [...]
drum, clown show and performance of traditional wedding ceremonies of different regions, and so on.
他曾参与多地联展,包括雅加达、日惹、孟加拉、吉隆坡、万隆等。另外,他亦曾举办个展,如1999年於库万隆举办的「民族声音」、2001年於日惹举办的「Muka-kamu-amuk-muak –
[...] 1999至2004年500位印尼国会议员的版画」、2002年於雅加达举办的「Bolart舞蹈2002年750位世界盃参与者的版画」、2006年於雅加达举办的「镜子–大师再访」等。
His works has been exhibited in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bangladesh, Kuala Lumpur, Bandung etc. He has held numerous solo exhibitions including "Voice of Nation", Intaran gallery Bandung, 1999; "Muka-kamu-amuk-muak (Serigraph of 500 face of Indonesia Parliament Member
1999-2004)", Nasional Museum Jakarta,
[...] 2001; "Bolart :Choreography of Soccer (Serigraph [...]
of 750 face – World Cup Player 2002)",
Sport Museum, TMII Jakarta, 2002; "Mirror : Masters Revisited", Vanessa Art Link, Jakarta, 2006.
[...] 区精神健康連网及精神病康复者训练及活动中心内的交谊中心均提供一系列的社 交/康乐/体育/文化活动予精神病康复者,包括音乐会、健 艺班 及中国书法等,藉此发展和表彰他们的创意、艺术、运动和智能方面的濳 能。
30.11 The existing residential care services and community support service units for exmentally ill persons such as social clubs of the Community Mental Health Link and TACs provide a range of
social/recreational/sports/cultural programmes including
[...] concerts, aerobic dance, handicraftclasses, football teams,Chinese [...]
calligraphy, etc. so as to
develop and demonstrate their creative, artistic, sportive and intellectual potentials.
因此,国际年活动能够通过创造力和艺术(音乐、展览会、美食、戏剧、节日舞 蹈电影品等)来促进文化间对话以及对密切文化间关系的相互理解。
The International Year can thus foster intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding for the rapprochement of
cultures through creativity and arts (music, expositions, gastronomy,
[...] theatre, festivals,dance,cinema,handicrafts,etc.).
当局认为 电影服务统筹科的现有手足付服务需求。
The existingmanpower ofthe
[...] FSO is consideredsufficient to meet service needs.
1.热卖宝贝一 88.00 ㊣梨花头假发 中长卷 蓬松 bobo 斜... 128.00 韩国帅哥㊣斜刘海男式短发男士假发男式假发... 98.00 买一送二真发发套短发女真人发丝... 79.00 买一送二送长辈妈妈礼物中老年假发女... 80.00 100%真发偏分斜刘海男式短发男士假发男... 138.00
[...] [...] ㊣真人发偏分斜刘海男式短发男士假发男式假... 99.00 中老年假发中年妈妈女士假发短发新款女... 69.00 专柜㊣子马舞蹈疆舞演... 精品中老年假发妈妈哑光短卷发短发仿真假发大波浪卷反价格:¥89.00元wanghongxia2098质量很好,颜色也很正,卖家很有耐心,物流比说的要快,下次还会再来 。
1.Hot Baby a 88.00 ㊣ pear head wig scroll fluffy bobo oblique ... 128.00 Korean guy ㊣ oblique bangs men's short hair men's wigs men's wigs ... 98.00 Buy one get two real hair wig short hair Jurchen hair ... 79.00 Buy one get a wig female elders mom gift two get older ... 80.00 100% real hair parted on the side oblique bangs for men with short hair men wig male ... 138.00 ㊣ human hair parted on the side oblique bangs for men with short hair men wig for men fake ... 99.00 New female middle-aged wig middle-aged
mother, Ms. wig short hair
[...] ... 69.00 Counter hand-braidshorsetaildance groupin Xinjiang dancer ...Boutique [...]
in elderly wig short
hair simulation Matte short curly hair wig mother big waves roll Anti-Price: ¥ of 89.00 yuan for wanghongxia2098 good quality, color is also very positive, very patient seller, logistics is faster than say, next will come .
今年舞蹈节已经来到第十二届,云集来自加拿大、土耳其、澳洲、中国、新加坡、菲律宾、捷克、厄瓜多尔、罗马尼亚、马来西亚、香港、澳门、韩国、台湾以及泰国十五个地方的青 舞蹈综艺馆、塔石广场和氹仔花城公园侧表演,为观众献上芭蕾舞、现代舞、民族舞等不同种类的舞蹈表演。
Professional juvenile dancers from 15 countries including Canada, Turkey, Australia, China, Singapore, the Philippines, the Czech Republic, Ecuador, Romania, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, Korea and Thailand will bring ballet, modern dance and folk dance brilliantly to life.
[...] 过於密集及就业机会短缺,当局不应在新界东北新发 展区,须提配套设施支援经济活动 (例如研究及发展工作),以刺激本港的经济发展。
Miss CHAN Yuen-han highlighted that the problems arising from the over-concentration of housing and shortage of job opportunities in Tin
Shui Wai and Tung Chung should not
[...] repeatin NENT NDAs, whereadequate ancillary facilities [...]
must be put in place to support
economic activities, such as research and development work to stimulate Hong Kong's economic development.
根据条例草案,西九管理局将拥有多项权力,包括赞助 或提供财政支援,以协助筹办各类艺术及文化相关的活动,以
[...] 及委托制作、举办或推出任何视觉艺术作品、展览或戏剧、音 乐舞蹈他艺术制作。
Under the Bill, WKCDA would have the powers to, inter alia, sponsor or provide financial support to facilitate the organization of activities relating to arts and culture and
to commission, mount or present any work of visual art, exhibition or
[...] theatrical,music, danceorother arts production.
改进对当代的各种暴力形式与人类安全和发展水平之间联系的认识:2003 年 11 月 3 日,教科文组织和国防高等研究学院(IHEDN)(巴黎)合作举办了题为“暴力及其根源: 我手足吗?
Enhanced understanding of the links between contemporary forms of violence and the level of human security and development: following the international seminar entitled “Violence and its causes: a stocktaking”, jointly organized by UNESCO and the Institute of Higher Studies in National Defence (IHEDN, Paris) on 3 November 2003, the publication of all the papers delivered during the seminar is being prepared and will be available in several languages.
然而,政府当局强调,尽管实施轻微错漏特定安排,如廉 署收到投诉或情报,显示候选人可能作出明知或理应知道属虚假 达关键程度或具误导性达关键程度的陈述(根据《选举(舞弊及非 法行为)条例》第20条有关行 为),廉署会对有 关个案作出调查。
The Administration, however, stressed that if ICAC had received complaints or intelligence indicating that a candidate might have made a statement that he knew or ought to know was materially false or misleading which amounted to corrupt conduct under section 20 of ECICO, ICAC would conduct investigation into this case despite the de minimis arrangement.
值得注意的是, 由於本港及澳门两地对舞台制作人员需求激增,为解决问题制作艺术学院将由二零零八/零九学年起开办短期精研及技 能增值课程,两个课程均为期 12 周,旨在培训学员入行所需基础技能,并 为已在电子、音响及其他范畴具备若干基础技能的学员,提供入行所需训 练。
It is to be noted that starting from the 2008-09 academic year, to address the chronic shortageof theatre production personnel with the increased demand both locally and from Macao, the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts will be introducing an intensive enabling programme at both the fundamental level and the re-skill level for 12 weeks each to train students in fundamental skills for entry into the industry as well as to train students who already possess some fundamental skills in other disciplines such as electronics, audio, etc to join the profession.
分裂分子的行动由来悠久,最近的经验证实,这 是帝国主义列强使用的策略之一,煽动基于族裔、宗 教或任何理由的分裂、造成国家支离破碎,这种情况 一般都会导手足的战争,这样的战争往往被用 作外国入侵的正当理由。
Secessionist manoeuvres have a long history, and very recent experiences confirm that it is one of the tactics used by the imperialist Powers, inciting divisions on ethnic, religious or any grounds and the fragmentation of nations, which, in general, leads to fratricidal wars that tend to be used in order to justify foreign invasion.
在这方 面,多哥愿邀请他们走对话和妥协的道路,弥合党派 分歧,手足、团结和分担责任的气氛中坚定地 走重建和发展道路。
In that regard, Togo wishes to invite them to follow the road of dialogue and compromise, overcome partisan differences and keep firmly on course for reconstruction and development in a climate of brotherhood, solidarity and shared responsibility.
容纳1240人的“卡洛菲利斯剧场”、未来感 S32迪斯超过600平方米的“皇家娱乐场”、虚拟游艺机、电玩室,我们对乘客的高度关注尽显于“诗歌号”上各项精彩的娱乐活动和设施。
MSC Cruises’ uncompromising dedication to its passengers is nowhere more evident than the unrivalled entertainment programmes and facilities offered onboard MSC Poesia, with its state-of-the-art 1240 seat Teatro Carlo Felice, futuristic S32 Disco and Casino Royal with over 600 square metres of casino gaming and Virtual Games, video games room.
[...] 习有趣,促进学生的多元智能,透过改善他们的发声、聆听技巧和身体控制,使他们全人得着教 育,并透过绘画、摺纸舞蹈乐和园艺,加强他们对涉及平面和立体问题的解决能力。
The arts are an essential, rigorous and joyful part of the core curriculum enabling students to access their multiple intelligences, educating the whole child through improving their voice, listening skills, body
control, two and three dimensional problem solving abilities through drawing and
[...] painting,origami, dance, music and gardening.
[...] 教育阶段――幼儿园、小学、中学――的核心课程,包括语文、音乐 舞蹈核 心课程之外可依次进行体育、美术及设计课程。
In pursuance of the Organization of Education Act, royal decrees have been issued laying down minimum educational content in the three stages of schooling - pre-primary, primary and secondary, thus establishing the basic elements of
the syllabi for the teaching of
[...] languages, musicand thedance andas astep in [...]
the general organization of teaching of
sports, plastic arts and design.
它们包括文化习俗的表征,包括经济驱 动的活动、传统知识、文化表现形式、判例、宇宙观、精神信仰、思想体系、归
[...] 属法规、解决纠纷的技巧、社会价值观、艺术、服饰、歌谣 舞蹈
They include manifestations of cultural practices, including economically driven activity, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, jurisprudence, cosmovisions,
spirituality, philosophies, membership codes, dispute resolution techniques, social values,
[...] arts, dress, songanddance.




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