

单词 手用


用户手册 n

user manual n


dominant hand

用手指... v

point v

(用手支撑)跳跃 v

vault v


killer app
killer application

External sources (not reviewed)

拨打电话如果 Jabra CLIPPER 已连接到您的手机,则使用手机拨 打的全部电话将会自动转移到您的耳机(视手机设置而定)。
MAKE A CALL When your Jabra CLIPPER is connected to your phone, all calls made from your phone will automatically be transferred to your headset (subject to phone settings).
能把半固体的食用手往嘴 里送,以及能 接受用小汤勺喂吃食品。
Likes semi-solid foods which he brings to
[...] the mouth with his hands and accepts food [...]
given by spoon.
不过,可以使用手持式 FLIR 照相机,这类照相机可以提供不受专用飞 [...]
However, handheld FLIR cameras are [...]
available which can provide a portable remote sensing system that is not limited to dedicated aircraft.
3.制约使用手机上 网的因素 对非手机网民的调查发现,37.5%的网民不 使 用手 机 上 网最重要的原因是“不会使用”, 网民对手机上网不甚了解成为制约手机上网的首要因素;“不需要”位列网民不 使 用手 机上 网第二位的原因;除了没有手机和手机不支持等硬件设备阻碍外,不了解手机上网和费用太 高也是制约网民使用手机上网的因素。
According to the survey to non-mobile Internet users, the main reason of 37.5% for not accessing the Internet by mobile phone is “no idea of how to use”, Internet users’ little understanding of mobile access becomes the primary restraining factor for mobile access; “no need” is the second reason for not accessing the Internet by mobile phone; besides hardware barriers like “no mobile phone” and “mobile nonsupport”, “no idea of mobile access” and “high fee” are also restraining factors for mobile access.
例如,您不應透過此 RMA 程序寄送贗品、先前遭竊或因故遺失的產品、超過或沒有保固期限的產品 (通常是由撕掉、損壞或竄改得知)、瑕疵不在保固範圍內的產品 (例如,我們保固聲明大多不保證因意外、濫用、疏忽、震動、靜電放電、熱氣或溼氣,由其他設備安裝、操作、維護或修改不當、或遺失密碼,或與 使 用手 冊 中 的指示相反的任何誤用所導致的問題)。
For example, you shall not send us through this RMA process any counterfeit products, products that we previously lost through theft or otherwise, products for which warranty coverage has expired or never existed (this is usually evidenced by removed, damaged or tampered labels), products that have only defects that are not covered by warranty (for example, most of our warranty statements do not cover problems caused by accident, abuse, neglect, shock, electrostatic discharge, heat or humidity, improper installation, operation, maintenance or modification, by other equipment or lost passwords, or by any other misuse contrary to the instructions in the user manual).
附註: 開始 > 程式集 > 柯達 550 專業版智慧型網路掃瞄站管理 > 柯達 550 專 業版智慧型網路掃瞄站管理使用手冊 實 際上連結至 Kodak Capture Pro Software 使用手冊, 並作為安裝的一部分,在使用管理工具時可供參閱。
NOTE: The Start>Programs>Kodak Scan Station Pro 550 Administration>KODAK Scan Station Pro 550 Administration User’s Guide is actually a link to the Kodak Capture Pro Software User’s Guide, and is included as part of the installation for reference when using the Administration tool.
与此同时,宏源公司于2009年4月还组织了专家团队编撰了有史以来第一本系统介绍无极灯专业技术的著作《LVD无极灯》并由复旦大学出版社出版,向全世界发行;此外,公司专家团队和技术人员还先后在国内外主要杂志和大型学术交流会上发表了数十篇有关无极灯方面的技术论文,尤其是在法国、俄罗斯、英国、韩国以及第五届环太平洋照明会议、海峡两岸第十一届照明科技研讨会、2004世界工程师大会、第十届国际电光源技术研讨会、2005中国绿色照明国际会议、电光源 用手 册 等 等所发表的论文都引起很大反响,为新一代节能照明产品无极灯在世界范围的推广和应用在技术层面得到了广泛共识。
Furthermore, a team of experts and technicians from Hongyuan successively published dozens of technical papers related to the induction lamp, in magazines and large academic exchange home and abroad, especially in France, Russia, Britain and South Korea as well as at meetings like LUXPACIFICA5th, the Eleventh Mainland and Taiwan Lighting Technology Seminar, the World Engineers’ Convention 2004, the 10th International Symposium on Science and Technology of Light-sources, the 2005
International Conference of China Green
[...] lights, and Practical Manual on Electricity [...]
and Light Resource etc., causing great
sensation and bringing broad technical consensus on the promotion and usage of new generation energy-efficient lighting products, i.e. induction lamp, at a world level.
用手册草 稿详细介绍的核对和控制时,审计委员会注意到,对数个测 试的说明不够充分,第三方无法正确完成测试。
When trying to apply the checks and controls detailed in the draft manual, the Board noted [...]
that several tests were insufficiently
described to enable them to be properly completed by third parties.
耳机具有蓝牙功能,您可以将其与任何支持蓝牙的设备互连 使 用: 手机、电脑、笔记本电脑和平板电脑等,不管使用什么设备,您都可以将其随身携带。
With Bluetooth
[...] connectivity, you can use these headsets with any Bluetooth-enabled device: mobile phone, PC, laptop, [...]
tablet, whatever
the device, you can enjoy mobility.
审计委员会注意到,在 2008-2009 两年期还未在整个组织推行 Atlas
[...] 系统 资产单元,但是在项目厅所有办事处以及总部都一直 用手 工 资 产登记册的做 法。
The Board noted that the asset module in Atlas was still not used by
the entire organization for the
[...] biennium 2008-2009, but manual asset registers [...]
were maintained for all UNOPS offices as well as for Headquarters.
[...] 不错,但未成年人住的楼的一名看守和妇女住的楼的一名女看守除外,前者在进 行惩罚时偶尔用手或者 棍子打未成年人,后者则屡次侮辱女囚犯,并用棍子威 [...]
Only those detainees housed in the sections for women and minors at Pedro Juan Caballero Regional Prison said that they were generally well treated by the prison staff, with the exception of one guard in the
minor’s section, who occasionally struck
[...] the minors with his hand or truncheon by way [...]
of punishment, and a female guard in the
women’s section, who repeatedly insulted the female inmates and threatened them with her truncheon in order to intimidate them, but had so far not carried out her threats.
如泵使用手册所述,通过在供料管路与真正的 大地接地点之间连接一根接地线和线夹来实现 泵的接地。
Ground the pump by connecting a ground wire and clamp between the fluid supply and a true earth ground as instructed in your separate pump instruction manual.
geniSYS 帮助全球客户消除了昂贵的拆卸成本,它提供下列操作功能: 稳定的、可重复的切割,发热量最少,无 用手 , 确 保最大安全性,不需要复杂的 CNC 编程,预装的螺纹铣削和钻孔程序可以方便地更改镗孔直径、深度和应用场合;geniSYS [...] [...]
提供创新的快速切割技术,维护成本低,而且 geniSYS 还能够快速、轻松地切割大多数具有锈蚀和杂质的金属。
Helping customers around the globe eliminate expensive dis-assembly costs, the geniSYS offers these operational
features: a stable and repeatable cut with
[...] minimum heat generation, hands free guarded cutting [...]
for maximum safety, no complex CNC
programming required with preloaded thread milling and boring programs that can easily change bore diameters, depths and applications, the geniSYS offers innovative quick cut technology and low maintenance costs, plus the geniSYS has the power to cut most metals, corrosion and impurities with speed and ease.
我们决用手中的 工具协助这一 进程,相信伴随我们至今的来自相关国家和机构的支持只会增加。
We are setting about the task of assisting that process through the
[...] instruments in our hands, confident that the [...]
backing of the States
and institutions that have accompanied us thus far will only increase.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续
时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200
[...] 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手 段 传 播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 [...]
781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services,
primarily owing to increased
[...] utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for [...]
the replacement of
furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.
有三所学校用英语作为教学语言,二所学校用芬兰语,一所学 用手势 语
Three schools use English as the language of instruction,
[...] two schools use Finnish and one school uses sign language.
[...] 约解释中的一般意义;演变解释与嗣后协定和惯例之间的相互关系;时际法问 题;嗣后协定和惯例的各种要素;包括:可能发生这一现象的有关期间的起点和 终点、确定各当事方的共同谅解或协议,包括沉默的可能 用 、 将 行为归于国家 的问题;以及嗣后协定和惯例作为条约修改的可 手 段。
The introductory report addressed a number of questions including: terminological issues; the general significance of subsequent agreements and practice in treaty interpretation; the question of inter-temporal law; the relationship between evolutionary interpretation and subsequent agreements and practice; the various elements of subsequent agreements and practice, including: the beginning and the end of the relevant period within which this phenomenon may take place, the identification of a common understanding or agreement by
the parties,
[...] including the potential role of silence, questions of attribution of conduct to the State; as well as subsequent agreements [...]
practice as a possible means of treaty modification.
乳房的乳液在一天中证实有减少的现象,可以进行挤榨 用手 工 或吸 奶器)避免乳液突然积聚并造成堵塞。
Where there is a proven reduction in the daily
assumption of milk, it can be squeezed
[...] out of the breast (manually or with a pump), [...]
to avoid the sudden accumulation of milk and engorgements.
[...] 施这项政策提供了技术咨询和支助,特别是在保护和修复自然和文化遗产、促进文化产业和 文化旅游、用手工艺 和文化产业促进减贫、发展博物馆和图书馆以及促进不同文化间和宗 [...]
UNESCO assisted the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in the reformulation of the National Cultural Policy of Ethiopia and provided technical advice and support for its implementation, notably with respect to the preservation and restoration of natural and cultural heritage, the
promotion of cultural industries and
[...] cultural tourism, the use of handicrafts and cultural industries [...]
for poverty alleviation, the
development of museums and libraries, as well as the promotion of intercultural and interfaith dialogue.
[...] ATA 介面連接器或序列 ATA 主機介面卡(請參閱電腦的使用手冊 以 確定連接器的位置)。
Attach one end of the drive interface cable to the Serial ATA interface
connector on your computer's motherboard or Serial ATA host adapter
[...] (see your computer manual for connector locations).
b) 在教科文组织特别项目“青年参与世界遗产的保护和宣传”框架内,制订世界遗
产教育计划,其目标群体为 12--16 岁学生,在耶路撒冷中学举办讲习班,宣传现
[...] 有的材料:倡导青年参与遗产遗址的管理和保护 用手 册 ( 教科文组织和国际文 化财产保护与修复研究中心(ICCROM)于 [...]
2002 年在皮特拉开始根据耶路撒冷情 况调整活动)和世界遗产掌握在青年手中教育包。
(b) Development of a World Heritage Education programme, the target group of which are 12-16 years old students, within the framework of the UNESCO Special Project “Young People’s Participation in World Heritage Preservation and Promotion”, through
workshops diffusing already available
[...] materials: the practical manual Introducing Young [...]
People to Heritage Site Management and
Protection (adapting an activity initiated in 2002 in Petra by UNESCO and ICCROM to the case of Jerusalem) and the World Heritage in Young Hands Kit in Jerusalem secondary schools.
(b) 當建議的新指數系統證實可予接受時,開發一個可 隨即使用的系統,並擬訂內容詳盡的 使 用手 冊 及 提 供所需軟件和全面的人員培訓課程;以及建議詳細 [...]
(b) when the proposed new index system is found to be acceptable, to
develop a turn-key system to come
[...] with detailed instruction manuals, necessary software [...]
and thorough staff training courses,
and to recommend a detailed plan for smooth transition from the existing to the new reporting system.
将孔口连接插入端 接用手指拧紧螺 母。
Insert the port connector into the end connection and finger-tighten the nut.
他提出,有鉴于此,向委员会这一处理此事件的唯一机构提出对他被 引渡至墨西哥的决定的合理性的质疑是正当的,并辩称,在被引渡到墨西哥之后 遭受酷刑提出的损害诉讼显然不能构成避免他被引渡的有效补救措施,因此也不 能被看做国内补救办法的一种用手 段。
He submits that it is thus valid to challenge the legality of the decision to extradite him to Mexico before the Committee, the sole body dealing with the matter, and argues that clearly, a suit for damages filed subsequent to the torture he endured after extradition to Mexico cannot constitute an effective remedy that would have prevented his extradition and thus cannot be considered as an available means of domestic remedy.
当妇女走上领导岗位,并能使用 手中的 权力推动与她们相关的种种问题时,这些成 [...]
The achievements were significant because when women held responsible positions,
[...] they were able to use their power to [...]
address issues affecting women.
拧紧固定环直至空气帽紧紧固定在 位置上;不用手旋转空气帽的角。
Tighten the retaining ring until the air cap is held firmly in place; you should not be able to
[...] rotate the air cap horns by hand.
所示尺寸为 世伟洛克卡套管接头螺用手指拧紧时 的尺寸。
Dimensions shown with
[...] Swagelok tube fitting nuts finger-tight.
餐桌礼仪——在野餐、烧烤等非正式用餐场合或食用外卖食品时,可 用手 拿 东 西吃。
Table manners – you
[...] can eat with your fingers at informal meals [...]
such as a picnic, barbecue or when eating takeaway food.
在该任务范围内, 联海稳定团应使用一切用手段继 续为海地重建提 供支助。
Within the scope of its mandate,
[...] MINUSTAH should use all available means [...]
to continue supporting Haiti’s reconstruction.
[...] 如,电子学习,课堂上使用助教,社会和宣传支助服务,学习支持,心理咨询, 言语治疗专家的服务,在课堂上使 用手 势 语 等等)。
For effective inclusion of pupils with special educational needs, the necessary support systems and services are implemented (e.g. e-learning, use of assistant teachers in classroom, social and pedagogical support service, learning
support, psychological counselling, service of a speech
[...] therapist, opportunity to use sign language in [...]
classroom, etc).




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