

单词 手球

手球 ()

team handball


高尔夫球球手 n

golfer n

接球手 n

backstop n

External sources (not reviewed)

主Zedd灵感的“游侠青少年”扫帚球石峡谷的竞争,从 手球 队 的 海报,创造了鹿角甲虫怪物。
Inspired by the Ranger
[...] Teens' Broom-ball competition with Stone Canyon, Lord Zedd creates the Stag Beetle monster from the rival team's poster.
优秀手球选手所具备的技能,比如移动速度和准 确性,在足球中也同样重要,但是二者在击球时所采用的速度、精度和旋转显然是不同的。
Some of the skills
[...] that make a fine handball player, such as [...]
foot-speed and accuracy, are also valued in football; but the
ability to kick a ball with great velocity, accuracy and spin is not one of them.
由1973年起,法国巴黎银行一直热心赞助网球运动及大力支 球手 与 广 大球迷,包括新晋球星、职 球手 、 球 证 、 拾球员,甚至观众席上的家庭和爱于周末在球场大展身手的健儿,由与网球结缘开始,集团一直希望让更多人投入这项运动。
Since 1973, BNP Paribas has shown unrivalled enthusiasm in its partnership with tennis and its support for both players and fans, from the rising young star to the seasoned professional, from the umpires to the ball-boys and -girls, from the family sitting in the stands to the veteran who goes out on the courts at weekends.
官方盖尔比赛(Gaelic Games)还包括曲棍球——欧洲最古老的场地竞技项目;跑注式棒球(rounders)——类似 球 ; 手球 ; 女 子曲棍球(Ladies Football and Camogie)。
The official Gaelic Games also include hurling – Europe’s oldest field game; rounders – like baseball; handball; Ladies Football and Camogie (women’s hurling).
正如独立测试的结果所证实的,使用SST PUREd球杆,所有水平球手都可将球打得更远、更直。
As confirmed by independent test
[...] results, golfers of all skill levels will hit the ball longer and [...]
straighter by playing SST PUREd clubs.
採用有系統的方式及引入各種最新的科技,AGA會是各級 球手 學 習 及操練球技的好地方。
By using systematic approach with latest technologies, AGA is the pace for all levels of golf learners to improve and enhance their golf skills.
该品牌独具慧眼,它能准确把握时尚手表业的发展脉搏,并且紧随当下 球手 表 的 流行趋势。
They seem to have their finger
on the pulse of the fashion watch industry like no other, and cater to all
[...] the current watch trends all over the world.
最近,在某些击球面上采用深矩形凹槽的做法遭到抵制,因为这些凹槽能让 熟练球手在大 片草地(深草障碍区域)上击球时产生下旋球。
Recently, it rejected deep rectangular grooves in certain hitting surfaces because these grooves allowed skilled golfers to generate backspin when hitting out of long grass (the “rough”).
由於人手缺乏,工作量大增,不少員工出現職業病,例如腰酸背 痛、“球手”病等。
Many workers have developed occupational illnesses, such
[...] as back pains, "tennis arms" and so on.
这一期中,这位乡村歌手谈论了她的巡回演唱会,以及和曲 球手 M i ke Fisher的婚姻。
In the issue, the country singer talks about her tour and
[...] marriage to hockey player Mike Fisher.
公司在成立短短兩年間曾多次服務於各國際大型賽事,如為2011年香港國際網球精英賽提供大會指定穿線服務,為李娜,雲露斯威廉斯、當時世界冠 球手 禾 斯尼雅其、署名網球壇名宿約翰麥根萊等頂尖球員提供穿線服務。
In 2010, GLP Sports is the official stringer at Hong Kong Tennis Classic, where their stringers had worked for world class players, such as Li Na, Venus Williams, WTA No. 1 player at that time, Caroline Wozniacki, and tennis legend John McEnroe.
这些 SwissKubik
[...] 手表上发条器经过最严密的测试,以确保质量控制、可靠性和耐久性,深受 球手 表 纯粹主义者的信赖。
These SwissKubik watch winders go through
rigorous testing to ensure quality control, reliability and of course longevity
[...] inspiring trust in watch purist worldwide.
隨 香港特 區、澳門特 區和廣 東 三 地的政府 簽 署 了體育交流 協
[...] 議書,我 們期望 本 地的高 爾球手 有 更 多 機 會 享 用香港鄰 近 地 [...]
區 的 高 爾夫球場設施 , 以 達 致 資 源 共享的 目標。
Following the signing of the Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macao Sports Exchange and Cooperation
Agreement by the governments of the
[...] three places, local golfers are expected to [...]
have more opportunities to take advantage
of golf course facilities in our neighbouring region, with a view to achieving the resources-sharing objective.
按照卫生组织《实验室生物安全手册》最新版本和/或国际兽疫局《 球手 册 》 或国际上接受 的其他同等准则。
In accordance with the latest edition of the WHO Laboratory
[...] Biosafety Manual and/or the OIE Terrestrial Manual or other [...]
equivalent internationally accepted guidelines.
乌兹别克斯坦的优秀天才运动员早已留名乌兹别克与世界体育史册,包括: 60 公斤级柔道绝对世界冠军 Rishod Sobirov;国际赛艇协会所称的世界最佳赛 艇手 Vadim Menkov;两度奥林匹克自由式摔跤冠军 Artur Taymazov;乌兹别克 斯坦顶级球手 Akgu l Amanmuradova;2004 年世界国际象棋联合会锦标赛获胜 者 Rustam Kasimdzhanov;游泳健将 Sergey Pankov;获得亚运会银牌和艺术体 操世界杯铜牌的体操选手 Ulyana Trofimova;乌兹别克中场队员 Odil Ahmedov; 世界青年拳击冠军 Elshod Rasulov;以及裁决 2010 年国际足球联合会(国际足联) 世界杯半决赛并被评为最佳裁判的国际足球裁判 Ravshan Irmatov。
These include Rishod Sobirov, the absolute world judo champion in the 60 kg weight class; Vadim Menkov, declared the world’s best canoeist by the International Canoe Federation; Artur Taymazov, twotime Olympic free-style wrestling champion; Akgul Amanmuradova, Uzbekistan’s top tennis player; Rustam Kasimdzhanov, winner of the 2004 World Chess Federation Championship; the swimmer Sergey Pankov; the gymnast Ulyana Trofimova, who won silver at the Asia Games and bronze at the 2011 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Kyiv; Odil Ahmedov, the Uzbek midfielder; Elshod Rasulov, the world youth boxing champion; and, of course, the international football referee Ravshan Irmatov, who refereed the semi-final game of the 2010 World Cup of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and was named its best referee.
序曲号”是我们舰队中第一艘配备先进高尔夫模拟机的游轮, 球手 尤 其是初学者们能在海面上潇洒挥杆。
And for the very first time onboard one of our MSC Cruises liners the MSC Sinfonia ship boasts a
state-of-the art Virtual Golf Simulator that
[...] allows players, especially beginners, to practice their swing while sailing.
田纳西州,孟菲斯 -- 2013年2月24日,日本球选手锦织圭(Kei Nishikori)赢得他职业生涯中的第三个冠军头衔,同时也是自去年10月以来的第二次夺冠,他在美国全国室内锦标赛上以6-2和6-3直落两局,击败了西班 球手 菲 ·洛 佩兹(Feliciano Lopez)。
MEMPHIS, Tennessee -- Kei Nishikori of Japan won his third career title and second since October, beating Feliciano Lopez of Spain 6-2, 6-3 in the U.S. National Indoor Championships on Sunday, February 24, 2013.
腰部:腰椎的应力性骨折在板球运动员、快速 球手 和 跳 高运动员中很常见。
Common injuries: Lower back: Stress fractures in the lumbar vertebrae
[...] are common in cricket, fast bowlers [...]
and high jumpers.
除了争夺首三名个人与团体组的奖项,一杆进洞的幸 球手 也 能 开走一辆由慕娘摩哆新加坡私人有限公司(Borneo [...]
Motors (S) Pte Ltd) 所赞助的 Lexus GS300 轿车。
Besides competing for the top three teams and
[...] individual awards, lucky golfers who strike the [...]
"Hole-in-One" grand prize will drive away
a Lexus GS300 luxury car sponsored by Borneo Motors (S) Pte Ltd.
就在这片球场,世界官方排名前50位的顶尖高尔 球手 将 与 PGA巡回赛国际联盟全球六大巡回赛(PGA巡回赛、欧洲巡回赛、澳大利亚巡回赛、日本高尔夫巡回赛、亚洲巡回赛和阳光职业巡回赛)的“奖金王”们一较高下。
Greater Miami & the Beaches is home to one of four World Golf Championship events, the CA Championship, which features the top 50 players from the Official World Golf Ranking along with top finishers on the money lists of the six Tours comprising the International Federation of PGA Tours (PGA TOUR, European Tour, Australasian Tour, Japan Golf Tour, Asian Tour and Sunshine Tour).
故事发生在战争年代的一个日本拘留营,跟随主人公Kenichi “Zeni” Zenimura追寻他职业球手的梦想。
The story takes place in a wartime Japanese internment camp and follows Kenichi “Zeni” Zenimura as he pursues his dreams of playing professional baseball.
[...] 识和良好做法;例如,与国家民主研究所共同制定了“推动妇女参与政治的政党 最佳做法指南”,这是第一本关于政党如何能够在选举周期中推动妇女参与政治 的球手册。
UNDP has continued to develop knowledge and good practices in the field of women’s political participation and elections; for example, in partnership with the National Democratic Institute, a “Best Practices Guidebook for Political Parties to Promote Women’s
Political Participation” was
[...] developed, the first global handbook on how political parties [...]
can promote women’s political
participation throughout the electoral cycle.
例如,2011 至 2012
[...] 年开发署与国家民主研究所共同制定了“推动妇女参与政治 的政党最佳做法指南”,现在被认为是关于政党如何能够在选举周期中推动妇女 参与政治的球手册。
For example, in 2011-2012 in partnership with the National Democratic Institute, UNDP developed a “Best Practices Guidebook for Political Parties to Promote
Women’s Political Participation” – now
[...] considered the global handbook on how political parties [...]
can promote women’s political participation
throughout the electoral cycle.
在這個六週的培訓計劃裡,青少年學員們不單單能學到很多高爾夫的戰術來提高自己的高球技巧,他們還會了解到高爾夫的歷史,如何科學地練習,健身與飲食的重要性,最重要的是,他們能了解到要成為一名專業運動員/高爾 球手 他 們 需要如何做好準備。
During this six weeks program juniors will not only learn a lot about how to play the game of golf and improve his or her own game, they will learn about the history of golf, how to
practice, the importance of fitness and diet and most of all what it takes to become
[...] a professional athlete and golfer.
3D aboutGolf 平衡 本惠 董事会的创新 董事会成员的创新
CEDIA 锦标赛 课程 自定义 定制设计 自定义安装 设计师
[...] 设计收藏 游戏改善 高尔夫 高尔夫业务 高尔夫模拟器 室内高尔夫球场 创新 讲师 教训 LPGA巡回赛 LPGA巡回赛 新闻 合作伙伴 圆石滩 PGA巡回赛 PGA巡回赛模拟器 PGA巡回赛模拟器 职业高尔球手 R&D 转介 存款准备金率 桑德拉 - 帕尔默 SimSurround 模拟器 模拟器 St.
3D aboutGolf balance Ben Witter board of innovation Board of Innovation member cedia Championship courses Custom custom design Custom Installation Designer Designer Favorite game improvement golf golf business golf simulators indoor golf innovation instructor lessons LPGA LPGA Tour news partners Pebble Beach PGA TOUR PGA TOUR Simulator
PGA TOUR Simulators
[...] professional golfer R&D referral RRR Sandra Palmer SimSurround simulator simulators St. Andrews the london club Tour tour fit for golf TPC Sawgrass training [...]
web site
辛迪瑞高爾夫是一個以高爾夫運動為媒介開展業務的多元化國際性企業,無論是經營亞洲最大的高爾夫學院---培訓不同水準的成人和青少年高爾 球手 以 及灌輸人們高爾夫與全面健身之間的重要關係,還是向商界展示如何將高爾夫當作一種業務拓展工具使用,辛迪瑞高爾夫均是亞洲能承擔此重任的卓越高爾夫企業。
Whether by operating the largest golf academy in Asia which focuses on training adults and juniors at all levels, by educating the world on the important connection between golf and overall fitness, or by showing those in the business world how golf can be used to build professional relationships, Cindy Reid Golf is the premier golf company in Asia.




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