

单词 手法






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当局应重点打击 经常出现「高压」、「饵诱」及「预缴式」销 手法 业,以 及以游客为销售对象的店舖。
The government should particularly crack down on those industries
which are often found using
[...] “high-pressure tactics”,bait-and-switch” and “pre-payment”practices as wellas shops targeting [...]
at tourists.
有 人 关 注 到 某 些
[...] 中 介 人 争 取 生 意手 法怀 疑 售 予 当 事 [...]
人 的 事 後 保 险 计 划 和 借 贷 产 品 是 否 合 适 。
There are
[...] concernsat the way in which some intermediaries [...]
obtained their business, and the suitability of ATE insurance
and loan products sold to claimants.
正如秘书长所述: “侵害妇女的暴力不受惩罚,加剧了这类暴力作为控 手法效。
As noted by the Secretary General: ―Impunity for violence against women compounds the effects of such violence as a mechanism of control.
[...] 及偷运移民使用的路线、承运人和运输工具;从事此类活动的组织或有组织犯 罪集团的身份手法 约国签发的旅行证件的真实性和应有形式,以及关于 [...]
及旅行证件或身份证件的非法变更、复制、获取或其他形式的滥用及其侦查办 法;预防和打击偷运移民活动的立法经验和做法及措施;有助于执法工作的科 学和技术信息,以提高各自预防、侦查和调查偷运移民及相关活动的能力。
Such information is to include embarkation and destination points as well as routes, carriers and means of
transportation used to smuggle migrants; the
[...] identityand methodsof organizations [...]
or organized criminal groups involved;
the authenticity and proper form of travel documents issued by a State party and the theft or related misuse of blank travel or identity documents; means and methods of concealment and transportation of persons and the unlawful alternation, reproduction or acquisition or other misuse of travel or identity documents and ways of detecting them; legislative experiences and practices and measures to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants; and scientific and technological information useful to law enforcement so as to enhance each other’s ability to prevent, detect and investigate the smuggling of migrants and related conduct.
The work “Sabbath 2008” documents the closing down of the ultra-orthodox neighborhoods in and around Jerusalem on the eve of the Sabbath.
(c) 为了更有效地查出用于装运非法药物和前体的集装箱,该区域的各国 政府应当采取措施,确保相关当局之间交流关于非法药物贩运方面的风险指 标、走手法趋势的信息。
(c) In order to better identify containers used for the carriage of illicit drugs and precursors, Governments of the region should take steps to ensure the exchange of
information between authorities on risk indicators,
[...] smuggling modi operandi and emerging trends in illicit drug trafficking.
来源地的腐败使武器贩子可以采用所谓 “偷梁换柱”手法使伪造的最终用户证书进行合 法出口。
Corruption at the source — known as “point of departure diversion” — enables traffickers to use fake end
[...] user certificates for legal exports.
这是因为我们采取了更积 极进取的树木风险管手法们的树木管理部门力求透过有系统地进行树木风 [...]
险评估,以及透过市民提出的投诉而进行社区监察,找出危及公众安全的问题树 木,并迅速处理这些风险。
This reflects our
[...] more proactiveapproach to tree risk [...]
management, whereby our tree management departments seek to identify
problematic trees posing risks to public safety through systematic tree risk assessment and community surveillance by way of tree-related complaints received from the public, and promptly address these risks.
Therefore, we attempt to
[...] create a modern version ofsuch an integrated [...]
space in this project.
在上海演绎“城市之声”为人们了解底特律独特而有创意的表 手法了很好的切入点,这种表 手法 1967年的那场种族起义后逐渐发展成熟,并且继续影响着当今的美学观。
This production is an entry point into understanding the diverse creative expression that grew from Detroit’s race rebellion of 1967 and still shapes the aesthetic of today.
新刑事诉讼法规 定,采取被禁止手法如酷刑或虐待提取的供述不得作为任何判决的依据。
The new Criminal Procedure Code
stipulates that statements extracted
[...] through prohibited methods such as torture [...]
or ill-treatment shall not be taken as a basis for any judgment.
利用由包括禁毒办、儿童基金、人权高专办以及非政府组织等在内组 成的机构间少年司法小组及其成员推出的技术援 手法视需要,寻求少年司 法小组成员提供少年司法领域的技术咨询和援助。
(f) Make use of the technical assistance tools developed by the Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice and its members, which include UNODC, UNICEF, OHCHR as well as
NGOs, and seek technical advice and
[...] assistance, as needed, in the area of juvenilejustice from the [...]
members of the Panel.
委员会还建议缔约国加紧努力并利用一切可能 手法 击和遏制公共言论方面 的种族主义和仇外心理的逆流,尤其要强烈谴责公共官员和政治及宗教领袖的种 [...]
族主义和仇外心理的言论,并采取适当措施,尤其打击缔约国实际控制领土上侵 害非犹太少数民族的种族主义行为和表现的泛滥现象。
The Committee also recommends that
the State party step up its efforts and
[...] use all possible means tocounter and [...]
stem the tide of racism and xenophobia in
public discourse, in particular by strongly condemning all racist and xenophobic statements by public officials and political and religious leaders, and by implementing appropriate measures to combat the proliferation of acts and manifestations of racism that particularly target non-Jewish minorities in the territories under the State party’s effective control.
在最新调查中,比较有趣的发现,是香港巿民对澳门政府的好感程度,比6个月前骤跌30个百分比,明显是不满澳门政府处理境内示威 手法 境内贪污的情况。
In our latest survey, it is interesting to note that Hong Kong people's positive feeling towards the Macau SAR government has dropped 30 percentage points compared to 6 months ago.
名政客,他们不断为不稳定推波助澜,企图通过法 手取他们无法通过选票赢得的政治权力,并从非 [...]
The responsibility forthose actsbelongs to certain [...]
elements of the armed forces and a few politicians who keep fuelling
instability to achieve, by illegal means, the political power they could not win at the polls, as well as the economic profits that arise from illegal trafficking, in particular of drugs.
[...] 里亚应停止使用敲诈勒索、暴力威胁、欺诈和其他 法手 厄立特里亚境外对 其国民或其他厄立特里亚裔人征税。
The Council also decided that Eritrea should cease
using extortion, threats of violence, fraud
[...] and other illicit means to collect [...]
taxes outside of Eritrea from its nationals
or other individuals of Eritrean descent.
(a) 支持制定和实施适当的法律、条例和行政程序,从各方面防止小武器和 轻武器及其零部件、组件和弹药的非法制造和非法贸易,包括防止这类武器的非 法中介活动和法手造活动,与此同时,铭记迫切需要同时从供需两个方面 入手,打击非法贸易活动
(a) To support the development and implementation of adequate laws, regulations and administrative procedures to prevent the illegal manufacture of and illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects and in their respective parts, components and ammunition, including illicit brokering and illicit craft production, taking into account the urgency of combating this trade simultaneously from both a supply and a demand perspective
该项目旨在 提供概念支持、信息并向项目小组提供必要的 法手利用基于人权的消除贫困概念为落实千年 发展目标拟定一个概念框架;确保培训项目小组掌握消除贫困战略中使用的各种方法和概念:千年 [...]
The project aims to provide conceptual support,
[...] information andappropriate methodologicaltools for project teams; [...]
to develop a conceptual framework
to operationalize the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) based on the concept of poverty as a human rights issue; and to train project teams in the various approaches and concepts used in the poverty reduction strategies: MDGs, PRSPs, human rights-based approach, and so on.
为改进和平和非暴力教育,编写并传播了教学材料,包括完成了利用艺术公 报《艺术》的和平教育教法手已有电子版,不久将可在教科文组织网站中查询,并由 合作伙伴国意大利、希腊和法国翻译和印刷出版)。
Teaching materials developed and disseminated to improve education for peace and nonviolence included
the production of an
[...] instructive booklet oneducation for peace through art entitledCommuniquer : Art (available [...]
to be posted shortly on the UNESCO website; and translated and printed by partner countries: Italy, Greece and France).
欲 知 最低工 资 标准的详 情,请 阅读由社会事务、劳 工和退 伍 军 人 部 于 1988 年颁布的《劳法手、2000 年《社会事务和青年改造以 及社会事务、职业培训和青年改造部(目前已更名为劳动和职业培训部)2000 年 7 月 18 日第 017 号通知。
For more information about the minimum
salary, please read the
[...] book on LabourLaw published by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Labour and Veterans 1988, the book onJudiciary Procedures of Social Affairs and Youth Rehabilitation 2000 and Notice No. 017 of the [...]
Ministry of Social
Affairs, Vocational Training and Youth Rehabilitation (presently called Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training) dated 18 July 2000.
会议热烈欢迎在注重结果的计划编制所取得的进展,不过,它应得当进一步 加强和深化,使数量和质量指标之间的比例更加合理,与《中期战略》的预期结果相辅相 成,使预期结果、预期成果及监汇报标准之间的协调一致。
The meeting strongly welcomed the advances in results-based programming which should, nonetheless, be further strengthened and refined with a view to achieving a better balance between qualitative and quantitative indicators, complementarity with the expected outcomes of the Medium-Term Strategy and coherence between expected outcomes, expected results, as well as monitoring instruments and reporting standards.
介绍性报告处理了一些问题,其中包括:术语问题;嗣后协定和惯例在条 约解释中的一般意义;演变解释与嗣后协定和惯例之间的相互关系;时;嗣后协定和惯例的各种要素;包括:可能发生这一现象的有关期间的起点和 终点、确定各当事方的共同谅解或协议,包括沉默的可能作用、将行为归于国家 的问题;以及嗣后协定和惯例作为条约修改的可
The introductory report addressed a number of questions including: terminological issues; the general significance of subsequent agreements and practice in treaty interpretation; the question of inter-temporal law; the relationship between evolutionary
interpretation and subsequent
[...] agreements and practice; the various elements of subsequent agreements andpractice,including: the beginning and the end of the relevant period within which this phenomenon may take place, the identification of a common understanding or agreement by the parties, including the potential role of silence, questions of attribution of conduct to the State; as well as subsequent [...]
agreements and
practice as a possible means of treaty modification.
各位部长强调,必须让以色列按照有关的国际决议,特别是第1701号决 议,撤出所有的黎巴嫩领土,包括沙巴阿农场、Kfarshouba丘陵和铝盖杰尔村属
[...] 抗力量有权解放或收回沙巴阿农场、Kfarshouba丘陵和铝盖杰尔村属于黎巴嫩部 分,以及通过所有可用的法手 卫黎巴嫩抵御外来侵略,并进一步强调黎 巴嫩对安全理事会第1701号决议的承诺。
The Ministers emphasized the necessity to have Israel withdraw from all Lebanese territories including Shebaa Farms, Kfarshouba Hills and the Lebanese part of Al Ghajar village up until behind the Blue line, in accordance with relevant international resolutions and in particular resolution 1701; and expressed their support for Lebanon’s right, including its people, army and resistance, to liberate or return the Shebaa Farms and Kfarshouba Hills and the Lebanese village of Al Ghajar, and
to defend Lebanon against any
[...] aggression by all legitimate meansavailable, and further [...]
emphasized Lebanon’s commitment
to Security Council Resolution 1701.
其实,除了非法没收土地和建造定居点外,以色列还继续采用其他各种 法手其目的是驱赶巴勒斯坦原住民,包括拆除房屋(从今年初以来,占领国至少拆毁 [...]
了31座巴勒斯坦住宅楼,造成 106 名巴勒斯坦平民无家可归,包括 61 名儿童在 内)、取消居住权、继续关闭城内的巴勒斯坦机构、最近还决定禁止社会活动家
Indeed, in addition to illegally confiscating land and constructing
settlements, Israel continues to apply a
[...] host of otherillegal measures aimed at [...]
driving out the indigenous Palestinian population,
including the demolition of homes (the occupying Power has demolished at least 31 Palestinian residential buildings, leaving 106 Palestinian civilians, including 61 children, homeless since the start of this year), the revocation of residency rights, the continued closure of Palestinian institutions in the city and the recent decision to ban social activists from travelling to other parts of the West Bank, effectively severing them from their work and familial relations with their natural surroundings.
[...] 其决定,即厄立特里亚应停止使用敲诈勒索、暴力威胁、欺诈和其他 法手 厄立特里亚境外对其国民或其他厄立特里亚裔人征税,并提醒会员国根据第 [...]
2023(2011)号决议第 11 段承担的义务。
The Monitoring Group recommends that in light of new information provided by the Monitoring Group in the present report, the Security Council consider renewing its decision that Eritrea should cease
using extortion, threats of violence, fraud
[...] and otherillicit means tocollect [...]
taxes outside of Eritrea from its nationals
or other individuals of Eritrean descent, and remind Member States of their obligation under paragraph 11 of resolution 2023 (2011).
单方面和多方面的制裁是落实外交政策、 安全以及其他合法的国家和国际目标的 法手并 非仅美利坚合众国一国持这种观点并将其付诸实践。
Unilateral and multilateral sanctions were a legitimatemeans toachieve foreign policy, security and other legitimate national and international objectives, a view that his country was not alone in holding or putting into practice.




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