

单词 手无缚鸡之力

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立法应保护劳动者,反 映社会公正和人权理念,但立法也应力求平衡,因为一旦法规的 缚力 过 度 ,可 能导致本来能够发展的业务变无利 可 图。
Legislation should protect labour and reflect
concepts of social
[...] justice and human rights, but it needs to strike a balance as overly cumbersome regulations can make an otherwise viable business unprofitable.
已经有一些改善的切实迹象,之于 土 著人民、 力 受 害 者和以往的侵 权行为,以及从体制手增进 该国的权利等方面。
Real signs of improvement had been seen
[...] in the conditions of indigenous peoples, victims of violence and past abuses, and the institutional promotion of [...]
human rights in the country.
高收入国家的声援、 受益国政府的妥善管理以及其公民的共同 力 , 是摆 脱疾病、饥饿无知的束缚所必 不可少的。
The solidarity of high-income countries, good management on the part of the Governments
of beneficiary
[...] countries, and the efforts of their citizens are indispensable to breaking the bonds of disease, hunger and ignorance.
2005, p.34)。2000 年莫桑比克洪水过后,灾民分手的鸡 在一年之内都 死于新城疫病,这表明接受者没有饲养这种鸡的资源(Wiles et al.
In the 2000 Mozambique
[...] flood response, the chickens distributed died within [...]
a year from Newcastle’s disease, suggesting
that the recipients did not have the resources to care for the types of chickens distributed (Wiles et al., 2005, p. 52).
津巴布韦想 取得经济进展,绝不能以进程框之 外 的 问题来缚 其手脚。
Zimbabwe wants economic progress and must not be held
[...] back by issues outside the framework of the Process.
我们欢迎目前正在作出力,以 便最终打破缚 裁军机制手脚的僵局。
We welcome the
[...] fact that efforts are being made to finally put an end to the deadlock that is hampering disarmament [...]
选购OA系统时应该考虑一下自己的实际需求和支付 力 , 如果以适用为出发点,那么就坚决砍掉那些可有 无 、 利 用率低 的 " 鸡 肋 "功 能。
OA system to buy should consider what their
[...] actual needs and capacity to pay, if applicable as the starting point, then cut those dispensable firm a low utilization rate of "chicken" feature.
埃蔻登市场卖家禽的小贩虞瑟夫说:“在‘禽流感来了,别 鸡 ’ 的 谣言传 之 前 , 我每星期通常都能卖40 至 60只鸡。
Before the rumour of bird flu came out saying that
[...] people shouldn’t eat chicken, I would normally sell 40 to 60 birds within a week,” said Ms. Yusuf, [...]
a poultry seller at the Ikotun market.
同时已开始提出一些问题:最近的经济危机是否预示着新兴经济体快速经济 增长期的终结;资源制约是否会迅速 缚 发 展 ,以 无 法 完 成发展转型;尽管有 经济危机或资源危机的力,对 发展目标的国际承诺是否可以维持;快速增长的 惠益是否在各国内部可以更公平地分享。
In the meantime, questions have begun to emerge as to whether the recent economic crisis heralds an end to the period of rapid growth in emerging economies, whether
resource constraints will
[...] become binding too fast to be able to complete the development transition, whether the international commitment to development goals will be sustained despite the pressures of the economic [...]
crisis or the resource
crisis, and whether the benefits of faster growth can be distributed more equitably within countries.
在首都, 国家警察在多个犯罪高发区的充分反应 力 , 仍然因缺乏流动性和巡逻基本装备 而受到缚。
In the capital, the ability of the Liberian National Police to respond adequately in many high crime areas of the capital also remained hampered by the lack of mobility and basic patrol gear.
伊拉克政府认为安理会对裁军和不扩散的关切,特别是于 2009 年 9 月 召开安理会首脑会议并承诺力建 立一 个 无 核 武 器世界,是加强国际安 排的有效手段,目的是对大规模杀伤性武器扩散带来的挑战尽早采取统 一立场并防止此类武器落入政府以外的团 之手。
The Government of Iraq views the Security Council’s concern with disarmament and non-proliferation and, in particular, the convening of the Security Council summit that was held in September 2009 and
the consequent
[...] undertaking to work towards a nuclear-weapon-free world, as an effective means of enhancing international arrangements aimed at making an early and united stand against the challenge posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and preventing such weapons from falling into the hands of non-Government parties.
同时,西方国家的援助政策缚了 自己 的 手 脚 , 使得他 无 法 对 缅甸所发生的变化施加影响。
Their aid policies have weakened the West’s ability to influence the changes underway in the country.
他们和我的品无 关,他们只是在等待值得信赖的“援 之手。
They don’t relate to my brand, they are just waiting for a trustworthy “helping hand”.
虽然许多人对中东和平前景持怀疑态度,但以色 列和巴勒斯坦领导人应当把眼光放在眼前障 之 外, 不应被国内力所束缚,同时,应该让人民对未来抱 有乐观的态度。
Skepticism about the prospects for peace in the Middle East is not in short supply, but it is incumbent upon both Israeli and Palestinian leaders to
look beyond immediate
[...] obstacles, to rise above domestic pressures and to give their people a sense [...]
of optimism for the future.
特别是因为它是一个机会,享受醉人 鸡 尾 酒的 杀 手 山 气 海,不同年龄段的景点和自然景观。
Especially because it's a chance to enjoy the
[...] intoxicating cocktail of killer mountain-sea air, [...]
sights of different ages and natural landscapes.
无论是谈论确保核材料安全并使 其远离恐怖分之手,还 是逐步削减全球核武器数量,抑或建立集体愿景,力 于实现无核武 器世界并以认真、明确的方式为此目标而努力,在所有这些方面, 我们都有许多值得感激的进展,但仍有很多事情要做。
Whether we are speaking of securing nuclear materials and
[...] keeping them out of the hands of terrorists, or steadily reducing the number of nuclear weapons globally, or having the collective [...]
vision to embrace
the idea of a world without nuclear weapons, and committing to work in a serious and precise way towards that goal – we have much to be thankful for, but much left to do.
如果联合国通过其秘书长和他的代表做出的提 议不能得到适当考虑,本组织及其机构——特别是安 全理事会将手无寸铁 的平民的眼中丧失所有的公力,因为他们呼吁我们承担起责任在武装冲突中保 护他们。
If the proposals presented by the United Nations through its Secretary-General and his representatives are not given due consideration, the Organization and its main bodies, the
Security Council in
[...] particular, will lose all credibility in the eyes of unarmed civilians, who call on us [...]
to assume our responsibility
for protecting them in armed conflict.
当转群鸡时,可通手动或 马达将灯提起。
Upon moving the birds in,
[...] the lamps can be winched up manually or by motor.
他们可以在笼子里找到活的鸡、公 鸡 、 鸭 子和鸽子。
Here they can
[...] find live hens, roosters, ducks and pigeons [...]
crammed into the cages.
我们必须让占领国以色列对通过这一和平非 力手 段 抗 议其极端滥权行为 的所有巴勒斯坦囚犯的生命和福祉承担全部责任,我们吁请国际社会采取紧急行 动,依照包括人道主义法在内的国际法,特别是明确规定受保护者被占领国关押 时的权利的《关于战时保护平之日 内 瓦公约》第 76 条,处理这个问题。
We hold Israel, the occupying Power, fully responsible for the lives and wellbeing of all the Palestinian prisoners
who have resorted to this peaceful, non-violent measure of protest against Israel’s extreme abuses, and call on the international community to act urgently to address this issue in accordance with international law, including humanitarian law, specifically article 76 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, which clearly defines the rights of protected persons faced with detention by an occupying Power.
这次双重否决使安全理事会面对叙利亚政权的力束手无策, 但是,法国不会听任叙利亚人民面 对这些罪行,他们是这些罪行的唯一受害者。
This double veto leaves the
[...] Security Council helpless against the violence of the Syrian [...]
regime, but France will not leave
the Syrian people to face the crimes to which they are victim alone.
它还将有赖于特殊和差别待遇原 则的切实适用,因为这才能确保发展中国家和最不发达国家得到必要的技术援 助,而不会在不具备相应执行力的 情况下受承诺的 缚。
It would also depend on effective application of the principle of Special and Differential Treatment to ensure that developing countries and LDCs received the necessary
technical assistance and would not
[...] be bound by commitments if they did not have the corresponding implementation capacity.
西班牙最重要鸡蛋生产商之一 G rupo Avicola la Cresta,最近以非常壮观的方式增加蛋鸡的数量:15 万只鸡分养在 7 列和带两层媒介天花板的惊人的 12 层鸡笼里,这差不多是世界上最高的鸡笼了。
Grupo Avicola la Cresta, one of the most important Spanish egg producers, has increased its bird number in a spectacular way: 150,000 laying hens distributed on seven rows and impressive twelve tiers with two intermediate ceilings.
这一困难导致缚性的供应限制,并最终导致出口和经 济力疲软 ,限制了生产性就业的创造和社会发展前景。
This handicap translates into binding supply constraints and ultimately into weak export [...]
and economic potentials and limited
productive employment generation and social development prospects.
食典委注意到,这一决定将影响新工作的拟议工作计划,并可能需要较长的时间 完成这些准则,因为这些准则将尽量采用一种新的以定量风险分析为基础的从农场到餐 桌的方法;鸡有大 量科学数据和粮农组织/世卫组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议所作 的风险评估,但非鸡却不具备这些数据和评估,它们的风险情况、生产和加工条件不 同;在由粮农组织/世卫组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议进行风险评估以前可能有必要 对后一鸡肉的 科学数据提出新的全球要求。
The Commission noted that this decision would impact on the proposed work plan for the new work and might require a longer time-frame for the completion of the guidelines since the guidelines would follow a novel farm-to-fork approach based
on quantitative risk assessment to the widest
[...] extent practicable; that there existed considerable scientific data and a risk assessment by JEMRA for broiler chickens but not for non-broiler chickens with different risk profiles, production and processing conditions; that a new worldwide call for scientific data for the latter category of chicken meat might be necessary before a risk assessment be conducted by JEMRA.
尽管做出了迅速的国际力,以 恢复和平进程,但以色列政府非但没有做出 相应,反而继续其非人道的做法, 手无 寸 铁 的巴 勒斯坦人民、他们的家园和基础设施开动其军事机 器,关闭边界过境点,限制迁徙和运输自由,并实 施封锁和集体惩罚。
Despite all the fast-paced
[...] international efforts to revive the peace process, the Israeli Government, rather than responding, continued its inhuman practices, pitting its military machine against the unarmed Palestinian [...]
people, their homes and
their infrastructure, closing border crossing-points, limiting freedom of movement and transportation, and engaging in blockades and collective punishment.
在伊朗伊斯兰共和国看来,该审查会议成果中明 确提及《联合国宪章》无疑表 明,除《联合国宪章》 所述的两种情况——即一国在遭到武装袭击的情况 下出于自卫使用武力和在得到安全理事会根据《宪 章》第七章授权时使用力——之外 , 一国的任何使 用武力行为,均为非法而且应被定为第 3314(XXIX) 号决议所规定的侵略罪。
In the view of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the inclusion of a clear reference to the Charter of the United Nations
left no doubt that
[...] any use of armed force by a State in cases other than those stated in the Charter of the United Nations, namely, the use of armed force in self-defence if a State is the victim of an armed attack and the use of armed force when authorized by the Security [...]
Council under
Chapter VII of the Charter, is unlawful and should be qualified as a crime of aggression under resolution 3314 (XXIX).




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