单词 | 手提 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 手提 —portable手提 noun —handheld n • tote n 提手 —a handleExamples:小提琴手—violinist 手提包—(hand)bag • hold-all 手提包 n—tote n • grip n
這方面增長來 自政府部門、海事服務及智能電話和其 他 手提 裝 置日益普及所帶動。 asiasat.com | This is being driven by government agencies, maritime services and the brisk take-up of [...] smartphones and other handheld devices. asiasat.com |
清除所有火源,如引火火焰、烟头、 手提 电 灯 及塑胶遮蔽布 (可产生静电火花)。 graco.com | Eliminate all ignition sources; such as pilot lights, cigarettes, portable electric lamps, and plastic drop cloths (potential static arc). graco.com |
(e) 通信和信息技术,办法是:采用每人一台计算机的做法;进一步合并数 [...] [...] 据中心;落实虚拟台式电脑基础设施;在各区域落实思科公司智能网合同和威瑞 信公司许可证;再使用购置用于选举进程 的 手提 计 算 机、超高频电台和卫星电话 (1 498 100 美元);延长现有通信设备的使用(2 929 000 [...]美元);延长现有信息 技术设备的使用(2 306 [...]000 美元)以及减少备件和用品(723 000 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Communications and information technology, through the introduction of the practice of one computing device per person, the further consolidation of data centres, the implementation of the virtual desktop infrastructure, the regional implementation of the Cisco SMARTnet contract and [...] Verisign licences, and [...] the reuse of laptops, ultra high-frequency radios and satellite phones that were purchased [...]and utilized for [...]the electoral process ($1,498,100), as well as the extension of utilization of existing communications equipment ($2,929,000), the extension of utilization of existing information technology equipment ($2,306,000) and reduction in spare parts and supplies ($723,000). daccess-ods.un.org |
区域取得的主要进展包括:论坛关于区域运输服务的原则(2004 年)、建立太 平洋航空安全事务处(2005 年)、通过《太平洋群岛空中服务协议》、正在为在加 勒比地区开设区域航空公司而进行的努力、太平洋区域数字战略、农村因特网联 接计划网站、让每个孩子拥有一台 手提 电 脑 倡议以及南太平洋信息网络。 daccess-ods.un.org | The notable regional progress made includes the Forum Principles on Regional Transport Services (2004) and the establishment of the Pacific Aviation Safety Office in 2005, the adoption of the Pacific Islands Air Services Agreement, ongoing effects to create a regional airline in the Caribbean, the Pacific Regional Digital Strategy, the Rural Internet Connectivity Scheme sites, the One Laptop per Child initiative, and the South Pacific Information Network. daccess-ods.un.org |
斐济感谢所有代表团的发言,表示其见证了各代表团都伸出援助 之 手 ,提 供了有益的意见和建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fiji thanked all delegations that had made interventions [...] and noted that it had witnessed the [...] extending of helping hands to assist and provide [...]helpful advice and recommendations. daccess-ods.un.org |
正在开发从鱼皮(特别是 大鱼的)获得白明胶,以及用于衣服、鞋 、 手提 包 、 皮夹、皮带和其他目的。 fao.org | Fish skin, in particular of larger fish, is [...] exploited to obtain gelatin as well as leather to be used in [...] clothing, shoes, handbags, wallets, belts [...]and other items. fao.org |
由 於 這 項 大 規 模 行 動 屬 於 屋 宇 署 相 關 部 別 推 行 署 方 有 關 樓 宇 安 全 及 維 修 執 法 計 劃 的 整 體 工 作 的 一 部 分 , 我 們 不 [...] 能 單 就 處 理 這 項 行 動 的 人 手 提 供 分 項 數 字 。 bd.gov.hk | As the LSO is part of the overall duties of the concerned Divisions of the BD to implement its building safety and [...] maintenance enforcement programme, we are not able to provide a [...] breakdown of the manpower solely for handling [...]this operation. bd.gov.hk |
毒品和犯罪问题办公室目前正在以讲习班的成果为 基础,探讨在打击网络犯罪全球方案框架内并与相关伙伴 携 手提 供 技术援助的 各种备选办法,这些伙伴包括国际电联,以及就东部和南部非洲国家而言,包 括东非和南部非洲共同市场秘书处。 daccess-ods.un.org | Using as a basis the outcome of the workshops, UNODC is presently exploring options for the delivery of technical assistance within the framework of the global programme against cybercrime and in conjunction with relevant partners, including ITU and, for countries in East and Southern Africa, the secretariat to the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
本报告通过研究和支持 与这些论断有关的数据,提出了一些旨在与产业界和政府 携 手提 高 美 国研究生教育的建议。 fgereport.org | This report examines the data behind these assertions, and proposes a set of recommendations to strengthen U.S. graduate education in partnership with industry and government. fgereport.org |
因此,新闻部已着手提请 注 意这个问题,以便在启动一个项目时考虑到残疾人访问的因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, the Department has been working to raise awareness of this issue, so that the accessibility factor is taken into account at the initiation of a project. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于对现有网页的访问障碍进行诊断和修正比创建符合无 障碍访问标准的网页更加费时,新闻部已 着 手提 请 注 意这个问题,并鼓励在网络 开发项目的开始阶段就考虑无障碍访问的要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since the diagnosis and correction of accessibility barriers in existing pages is more timeconsuming than the creation of accessibility compliant pages, the Department has been working to raise awareness of this issue and encourage the integration of accessibility requirements at the initiation of Web development projects. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们会根据竞争对手提供的 福利待遇和当地市场的具体情况向员工提供相应福利,具体包括病假补贴、就餐补助以及使用公司的公务用车等。 reports.wacker.com | Based on what competitors offer and on local [...] market conditions, these benefits include supplementary sick pay, subsidized [...]company restaurants, and attractive company cars. reports.wacker.com |
编列了经费用于大量更换已达到有效使用期限的 电脑、显示器、手提电脑 和不间断供电系统,更换主要在运输中受损的设备以及 作为特派团灾后恢复和业务连续性计划一部分扩大数据存储能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Provision is made for the significant replacement of computers, monitors, laptops, and uninterruptible power supplies that have reached the end of their useful lifespan, for replacement of equipment damaged mainly during transit, and for the expansion of data-storage capacity as part of mission disaster recovery and business continuity plan. daccess-ods.un.org |
隨著公司的業務擴展,金之彩面臨不斷上升的生產成本和工資的壓力,因此企業決定引入一套先進及綜合性的ERP解決方案以更有效地善用資源、妥善分配 人 手 , 提 升 業 務透明度及提高訂單週期。 ipress.com.hk | With plans to expand the business amid rising costs in resources and wages, Jin Cai required an integrated ERP solution that [...] could effectively control production [...] costs and utilize manpower to enhance business [...]transparency and improve the ordering cycle. ipress.com.hk |
由於香港是一個極為複雜的市場,更有不少使用高速寬頻網絡 的 手提 及 平 板電腦使用者,為引進HBO GO 提供一個完美的環境。 ipress.com.hk | Available free to now TV’s HBO MAX PAK Premium subscribers, Spink added, “We are very pleased that now TV will be the first broadcaster in Asia to offer HBO GO, as Hong Kong is a highly sophisticated market with a prevalence of high speed broadband network and mobile and tablet users, providing the perfect environment for the introduction of HBO GO. ipress.com.hk |
还有人呼吁加大力度,在这一过程各个阶段更广泛地提高国家各国当局的能 力,而不仅仅提高法院的能力,如协助各国通过必要的立法来提起诉讼,对 着手 提出起诉而言也是如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | There was also a call for more efforts to empower national authorities more broadly, and not just courts, and at all stages of the process, for example by helping States to adopt the necessary legislation to bring proceedings and in terms also of commencing prosecutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
由 於 糾 正 與 分 間 單 位 相 關 建 築 工 程 的 違 規 之 處 的 大 規 模 行 [...] 動,屬 於 屋 宇 署 相 關 部 別 推 行 署 方 有 關 樓 宇 安 全 及 維 修 執 法 計 劃 的 整 體 工 作 的 一 部 分,我 們 不 能 單 [...] 就 處 理 這 項 行 動 的 資 源 和 人 手 提 供 分 項 數 字 。 bd.gov.hk | As the LSO for rectification of irregularities of building works associated with sub-divided flats is part of the overall duties of the concerned Divisions of the BD to implement its building safety and maintenance [...] enforcement programme, we are not able to provide a breakdown of [...] the resources and manpower solely for handling [...]this operation. bd.gov.hk |
Globe7 网络电话是一款世界级的网络电话,也是最早运作网络电话的少数几个公司之一,Globe7 免费软件电话助你致电全世界任何地面电话 及 手提 电 话。 imfirewall.com | Globe7 is a tiny application integrated with Soft Phone, IM, Videos, Games, News and many more opt-in widgets for your complete entertainment, information and communication. imfirewall.us |
半堅固型手提電腦 均經過76cm下墮等廠方的防撞、防跌、防震測試,證明強效防護能力能適用於工場的環境。 panasonic.oa.hk | Semi-rugged series was subjected to repeated physical verification tests e.g. 76-cm Free Fall Test conducted by Panasonic. panasonic.oa.hk |
作为这方面的第二个步骤 只有在所涉专家同意遵守合理的保密条款的情况下 秘书 处才会向其披露指明的技术信息 [...] 这些保密条款必须平衡兼顾 既照顾指明的技术信息来 源企业的保密需要 [...] 也照顾专家能够继续向他人 包括向有关信息来源企业的竞争对手 提供技术咨询的需要 因此 保密条款应该仅限于指明的技术信息 [...] 并可以规定 专家有 权使用在其他情况下属于公共领域的信息或其自己独立获得的信息 [...]即使这种信息与指明 的技术信息类似 本 准则 的附录 A 载有这些条款的范本 multilateralfund.org | These provisions must balance the needs of the originator of the Identified Technical Information to confidentiality against the expert’s need to be able to [...] continue to provide technical advice to [...] other including to competitors of the originator. [...]Thus, the confidentiality provisions [...]should limit themselves to the Identified Technical Information and may provide the expert with the right to use information that is otherwise in the public domain or that is independently created by the expert even if this information is similar to the Identified Technical Information. multilateralfund.org |
平版印刷名片、廣告宣傳看版貼合用紙、登山旅遊路線圖、教學掛圖、兒童遊戲圖、印刷用背膠標籤、片裝貼瓶用環罐標籤、彩色商業平版印刷海報、年曆、月曆、廣告宣傳旗幟、彩色平版印刷╴產品說明書、畫刊、雜誌、文字印刷╴產品操作說明書、雜誌內頁用紙、航空用行李吊牌、貨運包裹用吊牌、服飾吊牌、百貨標示吊牌、貼合面材用紙(貼合紙板用)、中、小 型 手提 袋 、大 型 手提 袋。 npc.com.tw | Promotion pasted paper, Mountain-climbing and travel maps, Teaching hanging chart, Children's game pictures, Printing pressure adhesive label, Sheet wrap around stick label, Lithographic printing posters, Calendars, commercial and promotion flags, Lithographic press -Catalogue, pictorial magazine, magazine, Character printing paper- Catalogue, Magazine inside paper,aviation baggage tag, Shipment of commodities package tag, Clothing tag, General merchandise name [...] board tag, Laminated surface paper(laminated cardboard), Middle-size and [...] small-size shopping bag, Large-size shopping bag. npc.com.tw |
(a) 將任何物件當如私人行李帶上公司的船隻,除非該物件為小 型 手提 籃 、 袋或包 裹,而重量全都不超過 12 公斤或體積全都不超過 0.028 立方米,則不在此限, 但乘客可在任何繁忙時間以外時間乘坐公司的船隻時,攜帶合理數量 的 手提行 李。 starferry.com.hk | (a) take on to any of the Company's vessels as personal luggage anything other than [...] small [...] handbaskets, bags or parcels all of which shall not exceed either 12 kilograms in weight or 0.028 cubic metre in measurement, except that passengers may take with them on to the Company's vessels a reasonable quantity of hand baggage at any time except during [...]rush hours. starferry.com.hk |
由于希腊 2009 年的赤字约占国内生产总值 的 13.6%,公共债务占国内生产总值的 115%,该国政府陷入偿付能力危机,在对 其他国家造成蔓延影响之后,需要国际货币基金组织(基金组织)和欧洲联盟 联手 提供外部协助。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Greece, with an estimated deficit of 13.6 per cent of GDP in 2009 and a public debt of 115 per cent of GDP, the government became caught in a solvency crisis requiring external assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in concert with the European Union, but not before causing contagion effects in other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使送到那家医院再呼叫直升机飞最后一程,这些停留 对重创病人来说都是致命的。43, 44 未来,手提电话 技术改进和车辆碰撞自动通知技术 (ACN)可以将发现和报告伤情的时间缩短几乎为零。 medevacfoundation.org | Such stops have been shown to be detrimental to trauma patients, even where HEMS is called from that hospital for the final leg of the trip.43, 44 In the future, improvements in cell phone technology and automatic crash notification (ACN) technology in cars may cut the time required to discover and report a crash injury to almost zero. medevacfoundation.org |
由2007年6月1日起,以 IDD0030 致電澳洲「 611 」字首或英國「 4455 [...] 」字首之所有電話號碼,將根據客戶已登記之收費計劃所致電當 地 手提 電 話號碼之價目收費。 hkbn.net | Please be informed that all calls made with IDD0030 to all Australia telephone numbers with prefix "611" or UK telephone numbers [...] with prefix "4455" will be charged at the [...] calling rates to mobile phone numbers [...]under customer's registered rate plan with effect from June 1, 2007. hkbn.net |