单词 | 手感 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 手感 noun —feel n
不仅有出色的旋转手感和高可靠性,而且可在器件中空部分的中心放置一个元件(通常为触摸开关或者 [...] LED 指示灯)。 digikey.cn | In addition to the [...] excellent rotation feel and high reliability, [...]the center space allows the design engineer to place a [...]component in the center, typically either a tactile switch or an LED. digikey.be |
与普通涂料相比, 这种涂料的手感更为细腻, 能够让墙壁有一种近乎丝绒的质感。 wacker.com | The coating feels comparably finer than that of conventional paints, which also lends walls an almost silky tactile property. wacker.com |
y 高支扭妥棉紗生產技術-生產無扭矩環錠紗的新型扭 紗技術,以增加布料的手感和其 他優點。 legco.gov.hk | y Finer Nu-Torque Cotton Yarn Production - A novel spinning [...] technology for the production of torque free single ring yarn [...] which enhances the hand feel and other qualities [...]of cotton fabrics. legco.gov.hk |
同时这种卫生纸作为纸巾时具有相同的强度和优良的吸水能力,而作为卫生纸又具有一级的 “ 手感 ” 和 体积。 voith.com | This tissue paper nevertheless still has the same strength properties and very high water [...] absorption capacity necessary [...] for kitchen and hand towels, and it also offers a first-class “hand feel” and bulkiness [...]for toilet tissue. voith.com |
经过研究 有关意见及参考其他国家的做法,香港钞票将首次加入点字 及 手感 线 , 方便视障 人士辨别钞票银码。 daccess-ods.un.org | Taking into account such views and findings of research into the practice of other countries, Braille numeral and tactile lines are introduced for the first time to HKSAR banknotes. daccess-ods.un.org |
氟聚合物的表面平滑,具有 光滑的手感。 zeusinc.com | The fluoropolymers have a smooth [...] surface with a slippery feel. zeusinc.com |
含有硅胶混合物的护肤品的特点是能够赋予皮肤良好 的 手感。 wacker.com | The gum blend provides an good skin feel in skin-care formulations. wacker.com |
FPS及MMORPG玩家可以依據遊戲屬性需求改變滑鼠的最適合的配 重 手感 , 打開滑鼠底座背蓋即可讓玩家迅速調整滑鼠重量。 ttesports.com.tw | Those who enjoy shooting game can adjust the weight heavier, allowing the aiming to be more accurate; whereas FPS or MMORPG gamers can remove some weight to make BLACK Element Cyclone lighter for rapid movement from point A to point B. ttesports.fr |
世界創新設計實驗室二合一臥立式軋車染色機,模擬實際染整條件製造正 確 手感 針 織或梭織面料樣布,數秒間能轉換軋輥臥式或立式。 garmentworld.com | orld pioneer design Laboratory All-in-One Padder Dyeing Machine for resin finishing application of knitted and woven fabrics, easily change Padder direction horizontal or vertical in a second. garmentworld.com |
經過研究有關意見及 參考其他國家的做法,香港鈔票將首次加入點字 及 手感 線,方便視障人士辨別鈔票銀碼。 legco.gov.hk | Taking into account such views and findings of research into the practice of other countries, Braille numeral and tactile lines are introduced for the first time to HKSAR banknotes. legco.gov.hk |
你的应用程序客户端不必在机器上安装Windows XP, 就能体验到相同的自定义外观和手感 的 自 由。 evget.com | Your application clients don't need to have Windows XP installed on their machines to experience the same [...] freedom in look and feel customization. evget.com |
作为WIWOW无纸化会议软件展示的重要组成部分,ANYSONUS安素带有触摸的液晶升降器和翻转器可为用户带来至高的使用体验,先进的拉丝工艺和阳极处理表面,金 属 手感 细 腻 光滑,机械采用静音设计运行稳定,独有的触摸技术和翻转技术也可为用户量身定制适合的功能接口,同时所有屏幕均采用16:9或16:10的屏幕规格从12寸到19寸全系。 yuanyin.com | As an important part of the WIWOW paperless conference software shows, ANYSONUS LCD with touch LCD Lifter and Flip can bring the highest [...] experience to users, [...] advanced drawing techniques and anodized surface, smooth metal feel fine,mechanical [...]design with quiet [...]and stable operation, a unique touch technology and flip technology tailored for the appropriate function of the user interface, while all screens are 16:9 or 16:10 screen sizes from 12 inches to 19 inches the entire department. yuanyin.com |
性出色的滑鼠能讓雙手感到舒服輕鬆。 bigboxx.com | Comfortable hands like comfortable mice. bigboxx.com |
光学电竞鼠标SAPHIRA圣武士及限量版签名鼠标垫是展位上最闪耀的一颗星;同时,白大妈『White-Ra』也很清楚的表逹出SAPHIRA圣武士的出现将会带给玩家们与众不同的电 竞 手感 , 因为SAPHIRA圣武士勘称是他目前最满意的代表作且此举也响应了曜越Tt [...] eSPORTS也会持续秉持着「致力于创造完美的使用者经验」的终极使命提供更多的电竞舞台空间。 ttesports.com.cn | On our booth you can see the brand new [...] “White-Ra” gaming peripherals which include [...] the “Special Tactics” Mouse Pad and [...]the Tt eSPORTS “Saphira” gaming mouse, which [...]have both been expertly developed, based on Aleksey “White-Ra” Krupnyk’s feedback and suggestions to create the perfect end user experience. ttesports.es |
本品的基础成分为Carbopol® Ultrez 20 聚合物,属清澈透明的凝胶类产品,具有易于涂抹 , 手感 独 特 ,柔软光滑等特点。 cn.lubrizol.com | A sparkling clear gel based on Carbopol® Ultrez 20 Polymer, this product is easy to spread and features a distinctive, cushiony smooth feel. lubrizol.com |
首先是刪除品牌獨有的紅色標誌,取而代之是於機頂刻上Leica的經典字體,低調之餘更添歷史感和個性;其次是機身皮革用料,經多番嘗試後,偏向硬橡皮的材質變化,為使用者提供更 佳 手感 ; 最 後是顯示屏換上極為堅硬的藍寶石玻璃構造層,大大增強防磨損功能,同時在表面塗有防反光鍍膜,務求在強烈光線下也發揮最佳觀賞效果。 think-silly.com | The red emblem is now replaced by ‘Leica’ embossed on the top, a more discrete and grown up aesthetic; the texture of leather is now coarser, after much trial-and-error; adding scratch-resistant sapphire crystal glass on top of the LCD screen. think-silly.com |
罗地亚是纺织品阻燃领域的领导者,其 PROBAN® 解决方案能为专业工作织物提供安全而舒适 的 手感。 rhodia.com.cn | Rhodia is leader in textile flame retardant with PROBAN® solution that provides security and comfort to professional work fabrics. rhodia.com.cn |
这款不锈钢戒指精致光滑、手感自然 细腻,并以镶嵌的蚀刻骨骼为特色。 hk.ashford.com | Sleek while still having a natural feel, the Stainless Steel ring features etched bone inlay. ashford.com |
小细节有很大的不同:令人惊叹的无限屏幕,粉嫩的 的 手感 柔 软 ,并真正的金属口音该项目一大都会的形象。 technologeeko.com | Small details make a big difference: the stunning infinity screen, a matte finish that’s soft to the touch and real metal accents that project a cosmopolitan image. technologeeko.com |
既實用又簡便的 180° 旋轉刀頭功能,還結合時尚和人體工學設計,為您提供理 想 手感 與 完美控制,連困難的角度和區域,也能輕鬆到達。 philips.com.tw | Practical and easy to use, with features like the 180° Pivoting Head as well as a stylish and ergonomic design, they provide optimal handling and complete control that enables you to reach even the most difficult areas. philips.com.hk |
而在黑色及粉红色的保护套上,我们应用了橡胶涂层表面处理,质感非凡并提供优异 的 手感。 tunewear.com | Matte Black and Matte Pink are both rubber coated for a unique texture and give a [...] good secure feeling when gripped in your hand. tunewear.com |
多次塗佈使成品表面依紋路之紋理產生自然雙色感效果,具真 實 手感 及 逼 真之真皮表面效果。 npc.com.tw | Multiple coating [...] makes texture of the surface reveal natural dual color effect, with real hand feel and genuine leather npc.com.tw |
这种新型聚合物正在申请专利,它具有较高的透明度、光滑 的 手感 和 优 异的悬浮能力,还拥有Carbopol®聚合物为其他应用提供的多项重要特性。 cn.lubrizol.com | This patent-pending new polymer offers high [...] clarity, a smooth feel and excellent [...]suspension capabilities, properties for which [...]Carbopol® polymers have long been the preferred choice in other applications. lubrizol.com |
皮肤编辑应用程序 -- ExpressSkins Library [...] 包含了一个应用程序,它能够使你编辑内置皮肤,以及构造自定义外观 与 手感 选 项。 evget.com | Skin Editor Application - The ExpressSkins [...] Library includes an application that enables you to edit built-in skins, as well as construct [...] custom look and feel options. evget.com |
REVOLUTIONAL系列的面料包含了數之不盡的功能和優點…高度抗紫外線(UPF50+),快乾,抗起球,耐磨,優越的透氣性,防沙以及卓越的控制肌肉活動性能。所有的REVOLUTIONAL系列面料都是由複絲紗線織成,擁有舒適 的 手感 , 可 廣泛應用於各個領域: 從功能性運動服到競賽泳裝,從時尚沙灘裝到塑身服。 interfiliere.com | Revolutional® by Carvico is a top performing fabric, offering countless qualities: full coverage against UV rays (UPF 50+), quick dry, outstanding muscle control...which make them suitable for sportswear, swimwear and shapewear. interfiliere.com |
而在红色、蓝色及黑色保护套上,我们应用了橡胶油涂层表面处理,质感非凡并提供优异 的 手感。 tunewear.com | These is made with a UV coating for extra protection. Matte Red, [...] Matte Blue and Matte Black are rubber coated for a unique texture and give a [...] good secure feeling when gripped in your hand. tunewear.com |
表面觸感細緻有彈性,手感柔軟有厚實感極似真羊皮。 npc.com.tw | Delicate touch the surface with elasticity, soft feel with a thick [...] Mimicking real sense of real sheepskin. npc.com.tw |