

单词 手上

上手 verb ()

obtain v

上手 ()

overhand (serve etc)
seat of honor



raise and lower one's hand (idiom); to signal as conspiratorial hint
fig. conspiring defraud


be unable to intervene

External sources (not reviewed)

当轮椅使用者从 轮椅上出来时,他们需要在手上找 到 一种支持他们的方法。
Wheelchair users need a way to support
[...] themselves on the handrail when getting [...]
up from the wheelchair.
上手套 — 处理照片时上棉质手套可避免手上 的 油 脂粘在照片上, 同时将扫描仪内积聚的灰尘和污垢数量减到最少。
Wear gloves — wearing cotton gloves while handling photographs may reduce the oils from your hands getting on the [...]
photos and minimize the
amount of dirt and dust that collects in the scanner.
秘密監察行動的負責人員及被有關部 門指定為監察器材的回收的器材存放處或檔案處的負責人員應留 意秘密監察的預計終止時間或個別授權的屆滿日期,以確保借出 的器材在合理地切實可行的範圍內盡快交回器材存放處或檔案 處,以及在秘密監察行動結束後人 手上 沒 有 保存未交回的器材。
The officer-in-charge of the covert surveillance operation and the officer-in-charge of the device store(s) or registry designated by the department concerned for controlling the return of surveillance devices should pay attention to the expected time of discontinuance of the covert surveillance or the expiry date of individual authorization so as to ensure that loaned items will be returned to the device store(s) or registry as soon as reasonably practicable and officers will not keep any outstanding items after the conclusion of the covert surveillance operation.
一乘客 说手上的绳 结系得太紧,他要求松一松,但士兵反而将绳结系得更紧。
One passenger said that the hand ties were too tight [...]
and when he asked for them to be loosened they were instead tightened further.
如果特區政府仍 緊 抱 有 “重西 輕 中”的 舊 包 袱 , 仍然以為以社區為 主 導 的發展 方 向 ,可促 進 中 醫 藥 發 展 的 話 ,最後 , 本來擁 有發展中醫 藥 國 際中心 的 條件及 優勢, 亦 會 斷 送 在 政府決 策 官手 上 。
If the SAR Government still clings to the anachronism of "emphasizing Western medicine and neglecting Chinese medicine", and if it still relies on the private sector as the mainstay of development, thinking that this can already foster the development of Chinese medicine, then our advantages in developing into an international centre of Chinese medicine will only be wasted by the policy-making government officials.
松开上齿轮盒的止推垫圈(6 个 M8 螺栓, 13 号手),上齿轮盒便可 自由转动 ( 48)。
After loosening the pressure ring (6
[...] bolts M8, w.s.13) the upper gear unit can be [...]
freely rotated (Figure 48).
他请 对这些决议草案投反对票的代表团站在巴勒斯坦被 占领土和被占领叙利亚戈兰上的阿拉伯平民的立场
[...] 上仅一天,去体会他们在野蛮的定居 手上 遭 受的恐 怖苦难,因为这些定居者的行动将使公正和全面和平 [...]
He invited delegations that had voted against any of the draft resolutions to put themselves in the position of the Arab civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the occupied Syrian Golan for just one
day in order to understand their terrible
[...] suffering at the hands of barbaric settlers [...]
whose actions would eliminate any hope
of a just and comprehensive peace.
这两个控制带有一个弹性磁性附着物和额外的幻彩表带,用于安全 安装和快速变换位置,或者在手上( 向 上 或 下 )或者在垂直压缩支柱上,或者甚 至在附近拱门形状的减重系统框架的管上。
Both controls come with a flexible magnetic attachment and additional velcro strap for secure
mounting and fast changing of positions
[...] either on the handrails (facing up or down) or [...]
on the vertical telescope pillars or
even on the nearby tubes of the arch shaped unweighting system frame.
的张伯伦面对他们再次试图说服他们和平,但是,基拉被捕获和仁罢工的张伯伦在他 手上 使 用 的水晶碎片。
The Chamberlain confronts them again and tries to
convince them to make peace; however, Kira is captured and Jen strikes the
[...] Chamberlain on his hand using the crystal shard.
(2) 倘 監 管 人 員 確 定手 上 沒 有 此 類 證 據,須 把 [...]
被 逮 捕 的 人 交 保 釋 放 或 無 保 釋 放,除 非 監 管 人 員 有 合 理 的 理 由 相 信 , 未 予 起 訴 而 拘 留 該 人 是 必
需 的 , 以 求 獲 取 或 保 存 關 於 被 捕 者 所 犯 罪 行 的 證 據,或 向 該 人 盤 問 以 取 得 此 類 證 據 。
(2) If the custody officer
[...] determines that he does not have such evidence [...]
before him, the person arrested shall be released
either on bail or without bail, unless the custody officer has reasonable grounds for believing that his detention without being charged is necessary to secure preserve evidence relating to an offence for which he is under arrest or to obtain such evidence by questioning him.
鉴于执行局在此问题上没有采取进一步的行动,总干事认为修订 34 C/4 的可能性掌握 在大会手上,大 会可根据两次全会部长论坛的结果以及第三十五届会议期间计划召开的另 [...]
外两次部长级会议的结果对 34 C/4 进行修订。
Considering that the Board did not take any further action on this issue, the Director-General believes that the
possibility of amending the 34 C/4 document
[...] would remain in the hands of the General [...]
Conference and that it could possibly do so
in the light of the results of the two Plenary Ministerial Fora and the two other Ministerial Meetings scheduled to be held during the 35th session.
我們選用了最優質的designo黑色真皮,並以在裝飾 手上 綴 以黑色真皮,令您的座駕煥然一新。
We use premium-quality designo leather in black and
[...] embossed black leather for the armrest.
工发组织还声称,贸易商和终端用 手上 有一些储备,但是,鉴于利益相关者数量庞大,且所述贮存量可能根据市场情况发生变 [...]
UNIDO also stated that there are
[...] stockpiles in the hands of merchants and end [...]
users, but given the large number of stakeholders
and the fact that said stocks can change based on the situation in the market, their size cannot be determined or even estimated.
接电话和听音乐时无需将手机拿 手上。
Take calls and listen to music without
[...] having your phone in your hand
比如,在戰鬥模式下,他可以自由行走,同時跟蹤並利 手上 的 LED燈轟炸目標。
In Battle Mode, for example, he will
wander freely while tracking and blasting
[...] objects with his hand LEDs; you can even [...]
challenge him to a "duel" using any TV (IR) remote controller.
倘 貴公司識別合適之投資機會, 手上 並 無 足夠財務資源,或無 法以可接受之條款取得貸款融資,或無法尋求其他方式以就收購該投資機會及時 取得資金, 貴公司則可能會失去其他有利投資及擴展其業務組合之有利機會。
In the event that the Company identifies a suitable investment opportunity but does not have sufficient financial resources on hand, or is unable to [...]
obtain loan financing
on acceptable terms, or cannot find other alternatives to finance the acquisition of such investment opportunity in a timely manner, the Company may lose its opportunities in an otherwise favourable investment and a favourable opportunity to expand its business portfolio.
而 該 人 被 捕 後 拘 留 在 警 署,該 警 署 的 監 管 人 員 須 確手 上 是 否 有 足 夠 證 據 , 對 該 人 控 以 被 捕 時 所 犯 罪 行 , 並 可 按 需 要 將 該 人 拘 留 在 警 署 一 段 時 間 , 使 其 能 作 出 決 定 。
the custody officer at each police station where he is detained after his arrest shall determine whether he has before him sufficient evidence to charge that person with the offence for which he was arrested and may detain him at the police station for such period as is necessary to enable him to do so.
雖然 澳洲可再生能源證書的現價不利新風場項目的商業投資,但當市況較為有 利,集團的合營公司 Roaring 40s 將可憑藉雄厚實力,把手上多項風場 項目的投資良機。
Whilst the current REC prices in Australia do not support commercial investment in new wind farm developments right now, our Roaring 40s joint venture has strong capabilities and an attractive pipeline of wind farm opportunities for investment once market conditions are more favourable.
比正常訊息短很多的對稱密碼匙,會和 收件者的公開密碼匙同步加密 到訊息中, 而整個由已加密訊息、RSA 及已加密 的對稱密碼匙數據包,會直接送到收件 手上。
The symmetric key, which is usually much shorter than the message, is then encrypted with the recipient’s public key, and the entire package—encrypted message and RSA-encrypted symmetric key—is sent to the recipient.
1966年,侯謝的遺孀委託巴黎的德福奧拍賣會(Hôtel Drouot)拍賣一批常玉畫作,一直到1990年前後,大多數的常玉油畫作品仍在歐洲畫商或收藏家 手上。
In 1966, Roché’s widow commissioned the Paris auction house Hôtel Drouot to sell a set of Sanyu’s painting, and most of the artist’s work remained in the hands of European dealers and collectors until about 1990, when Taiwan art dealers and Asian collectors began to acquire and collect his work.
38 这样,当事人未得离开法国到自己选择的国家,也未得通知他 的妻子或律师,而是被上手铐上乘 车 驱逐到瑞士,在阿讷马斯附近边界移交给 [...]
38 Accordingly, without being allowed to leave France for a country of his choice or to inform
his wife or his lawyer, he was placed
[...] inside a vehicle in handcuffs and expelled to [...]
Switzerland via the frontier near Annemasse,
where he was handed over to the Swiss police.
金和OA的上手度如 何,我提供的是金和提供的申请,既然是免费在线体验产品,那么为什么设立这么多的限制,如果只是简单信息填写也就算了,居然还要客户填写广告调查问卷(汗^)在线免费试用 上手 度 ,应该本着简化方便客户、实用客户的角度,需要填写这么多的信息还需要等待对方验证,再说对方如何保障客户信息不会被外泄,所以说,在试 上手 度 上 第 一 关就通不过,金和的网站设计的还不错 上手 度 送 他2星。
The degree of OA and how to get started, I offer to provide the application and, since the product is free online experience, why do so many restrictions on the establishment, if only to fill it just a simple message,but still have to fill out the advertising client questionnaire (Khan ^) started the free trial online degrees, should be simplified in a user-friendly, practical client's point of view, the need to fill in the informationдÕâô¶àneed to wait for the other party to verify, say other ways to protect customer information will not be compromised, so that degrees in the trial started on the first pass clearance, site design and well, send him to fly degrees 2 stars.
在一名美国军官 在场的情况下,他被上手铐,套上 头 罩 ,带到一家警察局,不久后 被送到拉合尔郊外的一个古堡,在那里与来自巴勒斯坦、突尼斯、阿 拉伯叙利比亚民众国和埃及的其他人员关押在一起,遭到拳打脚踢, [...]
In the presence of an American officer, he was then taken, handcuffed and hooded, [...]
to a police station and, shortly afterwards,
to an old fortress outside Lahore, where he was held with other men from Palestine, Tunisia, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Egypt, and beaten and kicked, and heard electroshocks and people screaming.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提
[...] 别是如果上诉人作自我辩护,所需的时间非常之长;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别是在判决书翻译之后(主要是有律师 上 诉 人 );(e) 工作人员手不够和/或 缺上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the
trial judgement (mainly
[...] for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals [...]
作为持续向和平行动提上手支助 的一部分,新闻部派遣了一名高级工作人 员到联合国驻阿富汗喀布尔援助团工作三个月;另一名工作人员对驻苏丹的联 [...]
合国苏丹特派团和非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动进行了一次评估视察, 以审查拟于 2011 年 1 月举行以决定苏丹南方和阿卜耶伊地位的全民投票的传 播规划。
As part of its continuing hands-on support to peace [...]
operations, the Department deployed a senior staff member for three
months to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Kabul, Afghanistan; another staff member conducted an assessment visit to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan and the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur in the Sudan, to review communications planning for the referendums that will determine the status of Southern Sudan and Abyei, scheduled for January 2011.
FCS框架是从Java的Struts结构移植过来的中文PHP开发框架,是为了简化企业级应用开发而诞生的,使用面向对象的开发结构和MVC模式,并且模拟实现了Struts的标签库,借鉴了国外一些不错的思想,尤其是Java框架方面,因此熟悉Java的开发人员相对比较容 上手。
FCS from Java, Struts framework is the structure of the Chinese transplant PHP development framework is to simplify enterprise application development and birth , developed using object-oriented structure and MVC model , and simulation to achieve the Struts tag library ,
drawing foreign some good ideas , especially the Java framework , so developers familiar with Java
[...] is relatively easy to use.
上,手动调 整涉及到大笔款项,产生了切实的财务影响,因为牵扯到多方面 [...]
的转账:资产负债账目之间,收入账目与日常费用账目之间,资产负债账目与盈亏差额账目 之间。
Their accounting impact is real
[...] since they result in transfers [...]
between balance sheet accounts, between revenue and current
expense accounts, and between balance sheet accounts and profit and loss accounts.




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