单词 | 扇形 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 扇形adjective—fan-shapedadj扇形noun—sectorn扇形—circular sectorSee also:扇n—fann 扇—sliding, hinged or detachable flat part of sth. slap sb.on the face 扇—classifier for doors and windows
用流体控制阀 (8) 收窄扇形尺寸以纠正喷型。 graco.com | Correct pattern bynarrowingfan size with the fluid [...] control valve (8). graco.com |
武装人员成扇形包围了 Rastan、Qusayr、Husn 和周围乡村,并完全控制了 [...] 这些地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Armed men fannedoutaround Rastan, [...] Qusayr, Husn and the surrounding countryside and gained complete control of those areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
它有短分支扇形叶及不宜食水果产生强烈的气味。 goodlifenutritionhouse.com | It has short branches with fan-shaped leavesand inedible [...] fruits that produce a strong odor. goodlifenutritionhouse.com |
这些引人入胜的地标高出海平面578米,庇护着峡谷、水晶般清澈的水潭、扇形棕榈、丰富的野生动植物以及仍在延续的原住民历史。 danpacplus.hk | These fascinating geological landmarks rise up to 578 [...] metres above sea level, sheltering gorges, [...] crystal-clearpools, fanpalms, rich wildlife [...]and living Aboriginal history. danpacplus.hk |
雾状喷嘴会使扇形喷嘴和回流漏斗保持潮湿以防止纤维堆积。 voith.com | The fan-type nozzles and return funnel [...] are kept moist by spray nozzles to prevent fiber build-up. voith.com |
EdgeCleaner 利用可调节的扇形喷嘴清洁长网或顶网的边缘,从而能减少网边的污染程度并延长纸网的使用寿命。 voith.com | EdgeCleaner cleans the edges [...] ofFourdrinier ortop wires with adjustable fan-type nozzles, [...]thereby reducing wire edge contamination [...]and increasing wire running time. voith.com |
绿松石绿的半透明玻璃;平唇、平底,器腹作扁八角式,腹两面皆雕由四扇形组成之椭圆形开光,中央尖如锥。 e-yaji.com | Translucent turquoise-green glass; with a flat lip and a flat foot; the two main sides with raised, faceted oval panels surrounded by further faceting e-yaji.com |
标准电机:全封闭防沫外包装的表面法 兰盘冷却自力型(全封闭 外表扇形)。 nachi-fujikoshi.co.jp | Standard motor: totally-enclosed [...] splashproof housingsurface flange cooled self-actuating type (totally enclosed fan-cooledtype) nachi-fujikoshi.co.jp |
其它高性能特色包括玻璃强化 ABS [...] 聚合物障板以及高音扬声器下面可改善高频衰减的扇形饰边,从而带来更准确的声音重现。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Other high-performance features include a glass-reinforced ABS [...] baffle, anda scallopunder thetweeter [...]for better roll-off at high frequencies, [...]resulting in more accurate sound reproduction. bowers-wilkins.eu |
Emerson 开始推出帕克扇形风叶设计,使风扇的工作更加安静,并更具效率。 emerson.com | Emerson introduces the Parker scallopedbladedesign, [...] moving air more quietly and efficiently. emerson.com |
这个章节说明如何设定以下物件的刻度:滑动类比开关、柱状图、扇形图和仪表。 maxthermo.com.tw | Range Check this item if you want the numbers of the scale ticks and the range of the scale marks to be dynamic, i.e. to be controlled by the specified variable. maxthermo.com.tw |
双面扇形指针和18K 5N玫瑰金制成的小时刻度和罗马数字使其章显无遗。 vacheron-constantin.com | This is indicated by two facettedfan-shapedhands and18K 5N [...] pink gold applied hour-markers and Roman numerals. vacheron-constantin.com |
喷涂系统包括一个电气柜、净化系统,配备模拟量输入输出模块,用于控制喷涂参数如扇形宽度、涂料流量、雾化压力或电压和静电应用的贝尔速度。 staubli.com | It includes an electrical cabinet and purge system, with the [...] analog I/O module ready to connect for paint [...] parameters such as fanwidth, material [...]flow, atomizing pressure or voltage and bell [...]speed for electrostatic applications. staubli.com |
与众不同的水景特点,即水帘、高喷射、扇形喷泉和旋转喷泉等。 oase-livingwater.com | Different water features, i.e. water [...] curtain, high jets, fanfountain,swivel [...]fountain, etc. oase-livingwater.com |
戴上橡胶手套,小心地把胶片成扇形散开。 codonics.com | Wearing rubber [...] gloves, carefully fanthe media. codonics.com |
它拥有此类程序普遍共有的工具,例如,线条、扇形、椭圆、文本、形状、填充、图像,等等。 qcad.cn.uptodown.com | It has the typical utilities of programs of the type, such as lines, semi-circles, [...] ellipse, text, shapes, fills, images, [...]etcetera. qcad.en.uptodown.com |
要强调的是,在实用方面本壶的掏膛是完美无缺的,肩部的扇形膛一定是由於时尚与标准的关系, 不是技能的问题。 e-yaji.com | At one time it might have been unthinkable for a first-class workshop to settle for anything short of perfection in all aspects, the hollowing as well as the definition of the foot and neck. e-yaji.com |
基生叶近全缘; 茎生叶少数,密集,,菱形的叶片; [...] 上面叶片5-10厘米宽,具皱褶,基部楔形,边缘具粗圆齿,先端钝,脉扇形,网状。 flora.ac.cn | Basal leaf blades subentire; stem leaves few, crowded, petiolate, blade rhombic; [...] upper leaf blades 5-10 cm wide, corrugate, base cuneate, margin coarsely crenate, [...] apex obtuse, veins flabellate, netted. flora.ac.cn |
九个万向喷头呈 3x3 方阵排列,配备扇形喷头和指向喷头,效果美轮美奂,宛如盛开的花朵。 oase-livingwater.com | Nine Multi-directional nozzles arranged as 3x3 clusters [...] are equipped with fan nozzleand point [...]so beautiful in itself opened flowers. oase-livingwater.com |
切换开关每个扇形面必须接上两根引出线。 highvolt.de | Use two leads per diverter switch sector. highvolt.de |
MTP 连接器的背面呈扇形分开,正面带有 12 或 24 个单独连接器。 hubersuhner.com | MTP connectors on [...] the rearsidefans out to 12 or 24 [...]single connectors on the front side. hubersuhner.com |
欲改变扇形的位置,需将滑鼠 箭头置於扇形上,直到滑鼠箭头变成十字交叉形 ,再将其移到工作区的任意位置。 maxthermo.com.tw | Login Timeout The password keypad will close automatically when it gets no input from the operator for the specified time. maxthermo.com.tw |
研究人员报告说,与没有镧系元素金属的鱼线相比,测试鱼线在美国夏威夷捕获的濒危扇形双髻鲨(Sphyrna lewini)幼崽的数量不及前者的一半。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Test lines in Hawaii caught less than half as [...] many endangeredscalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna [...]lewini) pups as lines without the metals, the researchers report. chinese.eurekalert.org |
9个扇形闸门必须能够承受巨大的水压。 schaeffler.cn | The nine segment gates must withstand enormous water pressure. schaeffler.com |
在传统音乐厅以外,卡拉达历亦积极推广古典结他作品,於多个另类艺术场地演出,包括:为iTune艺术节於伦敦卡姆登扇形车库剧院、闻名苏豪的100 Club参与Limelight系列音乐会、以及DG唱片於柏林、阿姆斯特丹及伦敦的Yellow Lounge 俱乐部演奏。 hkphil.org | Miloš has also enjoyed great success outside of the traditional concert hall with performances at the Camden Roundhouse for the iTunes Festival, Limelight at the 100 Club, and Deutsche Grammophon’s Yellow Lounge club nights in Berlin, Amsterdam and London. hkphil.org |
首先,X射线的大部分能量集中在一个前进方向的扇形区域内,这非常有利於规划辐照系统的结构。不过如果要控制物质对X射线光子的吸收率,即剂量率,还需要通过调节靶到物体的距离、束流强度和束下传输速度等参数共同实现。 iba-asiapacific.com | X-radiation has a forward peaked emission and the rate at which a material receives X-radiation photons, the dose-rate, can be controlled by a combination of the distance from the target, the beam current and under-beam transport speed. iba-asiapacific.com |
水幕电影是大型水功能项目的重要组成部分,特别是结合静态和动态的速度和彩色激光的表达形式,淹没的声音明亮的插图,新的,独特的,奇异的影响,当观众看一部电影,扇形水幕和自然夜间天空混合字符和图片,仿佛腾起飞后从天上降下来,造成一个模糊的和梦幻般的感觉天空或人物,对观众造成强烈的共鸣 onsmu.com | Water curtain film is an important part of the large water feature project, in particular, is a form of expression of the combination of static and dynamic speed and color laser, submerged sound bright illustrations, [...] new, unique, exotic influence, when [...] viewers seea movies, fan-shapedcurtain of water [...]and natural night sky mixed character [...]and picture, as if from the sky after take-off of the Proton down, resulting in a vague and dreamy feeling of the sky or characters to the audience, resulting in a strong resonance. onsmu.com |
首先,X射线的大部分能量集中在一个前进方向的扇形区域内,这非常有利于规划辐照系统的结构。不过如果要控制物质对X射线光子的吸收率,即剂量率,还需要通过调节靶到物体的距离、束流强度和束下传输速度等参数共同实现。 iba-asiapacific.com | X-radiation has a forward peaked emission and the rate at which a material receives X-radiation photons, the dose-rate, can be controlled by a combination of the distance from the target, the beam current and under-beam transport speed. iba-asiapacific.com |